Hale County Sheriff's Office Searching For Possible "Gorilla"

A local ABC news station in Alabama is reporting that the Newbern Volunteer Fire Department, police department, as well as Sheriff's deputies are searching for "at least" one gorilla on the loose. According to the Hale County Sheriff's Office, a gorilla was last spotted near a store on County Road 61 in Newbern.

Currently, there are no known Bigfoot sightings in Hale County. The closest reported Bigfoot sightings are up north in Tuscaloosa where there are multiple Class A sightings.

Here's the original report from ABC 33/40:

Hale County, AL -

The Hale County Sheriff's Office says they are searching for at least one gorilla. A gorilla was last spotted near a store on County Road 61 in Newbern.

A dispatcher with the Sheriff's Office said a crew consisting of the Newbern Volunteer Fire Department, police department, as well as Sheriff's deputies were searching for the animal.

Currently, it is unknown how many are loose or in what direction they are headed.

ABC 33/40 has a crew in Newbern and will provide more information as it becomes available.

As you can imagine, residents are pretty concerned. Here are a few comments from the area:

I live about 1/4 of a mile away from the only store in Newbern! If this is indeed true .. they need to hurry up and find this thing!

One person (who didn't spell-check) thinks this is probably a hoax:

got to be a hoex, these folks are playing jokes Ime sure, Never known of one since Ive lived in Hale co

This person is ecstatic:

"Currently, it is unknown how many are loose or in what direction they are headed." How many??? Is there a Gorilla Farm in Hale County?? Maybe it isw a real hairy guy in black swim trunks running around....it is spring break! I cannot wait until I see the people you interviewed...oh what fun!


  1. Nothing like a complete, in depth news report about gorillas that no ones knows how many or where they came from or where they COULD have come from or any other description or what the animals did or in what direction they were headed or...

  2. This is about 15 or 20 miles from my house an this part of the state is notorious for the Indian mounds or burial grounds there is a state park in that area an it's close to one of the Talledga national parks in the state. Don't know of anybody that knows anybody with gorillas. Not to say its not possible but this isn't the first time we have heard of Sasquatchi or Sasquatle sittings close to burial grounds. Have been to areas close an made calls an got responses from something its not proof in any way but mighty peculiar to me. So I guess who knows?

    1. The same mounds that they let kids use for halloween a few years back?

  3. Is Sticky Britches Dyer anywhere near there?

  4. Is the circus in town or is that town a circus?

  5. Is the circus in town or is the town a circus ?


  7. Hale County EMS has just confirmed a bigfoot sighting less than 3 miles from Sunshine High School. Video evidence is in the hands of authorities at this point. Breaking news should hit late this afternoon.

    1. False. ABC news blog specifically says there is no video.


      This dosen't seem very promising.

  8. ^^Source?? I'd like to follow this story. ABC News site only has original "gorilla" story.

  9. I didn't say ABC news I said Hale County EMS. News is not in the loop! I personally have seen 3 black helicopters in the past 2 hours. It is rumored that a local catfish farmer shot and killed one beast and injured another. the injured squatch is on the loose and dangerous. Supposedly, the entire clan is spooked and a delta force unit has been called in to protect civilians. This comes directly from a sheriffs deputy. This is probably all you will ever hear on the topic as federal g'ment will shut the story down quickly.

  10. I don't know about the shooting, but I do know this... There definitely was a video tape turned over to Hale Co EMS and then subsequently turned over to an "FBI type" organization at 12:15 this afternoon. This comes straight from a very close source I know at the Hale Co Sherrifs Office. AND, there are TONS of unmarked vehicles all over the place out here.

  11. I can confirm what this guy is saying about the tape and the government presence in Hale Co today.

    1. I live within this area. Looking out my front window I can confirm the squatches are holed up in my neighbor's barn and involved in some sort of fire fight with the delta guys. Whew!! the BF's just launched an RPG!!They have the Delta guys on the run!!

  12. The plot thickens. Biscardi and RickyD are at this very moment on a collision course; both racing toward Hale County. We can only hope...

    1. Fasano is also on his way there to be with his buddies.

    2. Haha! He'll be "deployed" as the Waffle House liason and sent out on stealth missions to procure fried rations for the Project Team.

  13. Dam, I need more info. I hope you guys are right. And I hope this goes public soon.

  14. Just to add a few things....My buddy's family owns Miller's Catfish Farm in Greensboro. I callled him and asked what was up. He said he had heard what the poster said about the shooting as well. Apparently, the thing has been seen several times in the last month around several catfish farms in the area. HOLY COW!

  15. Shawn, what do your sources say? Just a false alarm or the potential of something big?

  16. Isn't there somebody in Bigfootland who could investigate this? With Press Credentials perhaps? From the actual sources involved?

  17. My source (Hale Co EMS crew chief) confirmed the footage and the shooting, though there is no footage OF the shooting. Federal agents on site, not FBI, but Dept of Defense investigative agency. Word is this is a secret weapon that got loose during testing. Hybrid human/gorilla super soldier. Current orders are to shoot on site.

    1. Well that makes sense! Now we know the truth... until the mind control rays erase it, that is.

    2. That sounds plausible. I believe every word of it without any hesitation whatsoever.

  18. I Think this dude just lost his credibility, all info here is from anon sources. There seems to be a large number of posters who have local knowledge of a rural Alabama town (what are the odds). Official news agencies have reported nothing other than original gorilla post, and that news contradicts some of the poster's claims... False alarm, probably.

    1. Yeah, I would agree. I wonder if the story would even have appeared if a Sasquatch had been reported instead of a gorilla...

    2. I believe all the anon's that posted are one n the same. So seems all info from them is false.

  19. Like I said earlier, the feds have covered their tracks on this one boys. I was hoping for some proof but it looks like this has been buried.

    1. Giving up so soon? Well, thanks for the entertainment......

  20. Thanks to those who shared the information they had. I for one appreciate it.

    Things like this make me wonder if the goverment will ever let the truth be known about sasquatch.

    1. Seems like I remember a sighting in NW Alabama where the Feds and helicopters showed up and purportedly shot a Sasquatch. Let's not be so quick to assume some of this is
      Going on down there.

    2. I know, right. The U.S. government is so smart and efficient that they can cover up anything. 9/11, UFO's, Bigfeet.

    3. It's late and I'm not going to look it up now but there are lots of things documented about the goverment and Bigfoot.

      But that would require more effort that making funny comments like anon at 6:22pm.

    4. The thing lacking in everyone's arguments on this whole blog is one thing...FACTS. It is really a shame reading all the crazy conspiracies and other things that people say. No wonder why no one gives credibility to any of these research groups, it is because they are loons.

    5. Ok, take a deep breath! A Bigfoot was seen and shot not by a local catfish farmer but by government bounty hunters. Folks laugh if you want but we are witnessing a huge event and allowing the wool to be pulled over our eyes. The property owner whom I know has been out of pocket all day. In hale co. You know when things are off!

    6. Blondie, you truly are some kind of idiot!

    7. LOL at least when I'm wrong I admit and I also never call people names. Shows lack of vocabulary.

  21. I know that Lowndes Co helicopter report . Guy reports a
    Bigfoot on his property and within a couple of days he wakes up to a helicopter blowing the woods up behind his farm. Called the law and they told him it was a controlled hog hunt by the Alabama Dept of game and fish . At 2 in the morning ! Lol

  22. I know that Lowndes Co helicopter report . Guy reports a
    Bigfoot on his property and within a couple of days he wakes up to a helicopter blowing the woods up behind his farm. Called the law and they told him it was a controlled hog hunt by the Alabama Dept of game and fish . At 2 in the morning ! Lol

    1. I know, it's totally crazy to think that they would do a controlled hunt of an animal that is mostly nocturnal. Totes lol!!!11!1!1

    2. CBS affiliate in Birmingham just called this a possible Bigfoot .

  23. My question is why this commotion over a Bigfoot sighting? or a possible Gorilla?

    1. I've researched the heck out of this today, but there isn't much being said as of right now. I think if it was reported as a bigfoot, it would be much larger news.

  24. If this is just a gorilla, why the show of force by the Feds? Why not just some local cops and the Game Warden? This seems like a massive over reaction to an escaped ape situation- if that is all this is. The show of federal force makes me think it is Squatch related. If there is dead or a wounded Squatch about I can understand this type of response- makes you wonder....

  25. Gorillas... LOL -- amazing how people are in denial

  26. I think it's safe to assume this incident is either a misidentified person in a suit, or a squatch.

  27. The 3rd "ecstatic" resident made me cry from laughing so hard. Gorilla farms!!!

  28. What makes more sense, that there is one or more gorillas running around loose, or that the thousands of sasquatch reports over the years might be describing a genuine animal seen by honest observers, and this is likely one of them?

    The news media... always good for a laugh.


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