Dr. Melba Ketchum: Bigfoot DNA Paper Will Come Out Soon, It's "Close Enough" To Organize "Protection" Of Species

We haven't heard much from Dr. Melba Ketchum lately about her Bigfoot DNA paper that's currently in peer-review. According to her latest Facebook posts, she mentioned a few interesting things about species protection and the peer-review process.

Ketchum is rapidly gaining support from folks in the Facebook community about pushing for a law that would make it illegal to shoot or kill a sasquatch. There were some questions from people about her new group and why she's introducing species protection when her paper hasn't been published yet. In her reply, she says that the paper "is close enough" that she felt it was time to get protection:

RE the paper: No, I didn't say anything about timing. We have been through some of the steps already. Between each we work and then there is more waiting. It could be quite soon or a little farther out. Not too awfully long though. It is close enough that we felt it was time to get the protection folks organized and our websites ready. If it was way off, we wouldn't be doing that.

The reply above is in regards to some facts she gave about the peer-review process:

Fact: When a paper is submitted for publication, the reviewers can outright reject it with no coming back, they can reject and give you a chance to re-submit it with more data and/or major revisions, or they can pass it with major revision which means it comes back for some major re-write, minor revision which is typos or verbiage changes, or no revision at which time it proceeds to publication. I recently reviewed a paper from a group that required 3 major revisions and 1 minor revision before it was published. It took months to satisfy the peer reviewers, including me, but now it is published. The same goes for this paper. It is very much alive though and we are just going through the process.


  1. Oh gods, not "close" again...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. When I did a direct submission, WITHOUT A PUBLISHED PAPER, this is what they said:
      Dear GenBank Submitter:

      Thank you for your direct submission of sequence data to GenBank. We have provided a GenBank accession number for your nucleotide sequence:

      scharf.sqn scharf JN020360

      We strongly recommend that this GenBank accession number appears in any publication that reports or discusses these data, as it gives the community a unique label with which they may retrieve your data from our on-line servers.

      We are now processing your submission and will mail you a copy for
      your review prior to its release to the public database.

      You have not requested a specific release date for your sequence data.
      Therefore, your record(s) will be released to the public database once they are processed. If this is not what you intended, please contact us as soon as possible with the correct release date.

      Please send any revisions, including bibliographic information (e.g.,
      conversion from unpublished to published), biological data (e.g., new
      features), or sequence data as text in the body of an email to:

      Since the flatfile record is a display format only and is not an editable format of the data, do not make changes directly to a flatfile. For complete information about different methods to update a sequence record,
      see: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/update.html

      You may be interested to know that there are two GenBank submission tools available, BankIt and Sequin. BankIt is available through the
      World Wide Web (WWW), and Sequin, a stand-alone program, can be downloaded from NCBI's anonymous ftp site. You can access these
      submission tools through the NCBI Home Page

      For more information about the submission process or the available submission tools, please contact GenBank User Support at
      info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov or at (301) 496-2475.

      Please reply using the original subject line.
      This will allow for faster processing of your correspondence.
      Susan Schafer PhD
      The GenBank Direct Submission Staff
      Bethesda, Maryland USA
      (301) 496-2475
      (301) 480-2918 fax
      gb-admin@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (for updates/replies to GenBank entries)
      info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (for general questions regarding GenBank)

    3. My sequence was posted within two weeks on June 6th, 2011. IF Melba Ketchum really has sequences and is ACTUALLY going to publish them, she should have posted these sequences with the National Center for Biological Information's GenBank LONG AGO.

      Dear GenBank Submitter:

      Thank you for your direct submission of sequence data to GenBank. We have provided a GenBank accession number for your nucleotide sequence:

      scharf.sqn scharf JN020360

      We strongly recommend that this GenBank accession number appears in any publication that reports or discusses these data, as it gives the community a unique label with which they may retrieve your data from our on-line servers.

      We are now processing your submission and will mail you a copy for your review prior to its release to the public database.

      You have not requested a specific release date for your sequence data. Therefore, your record(s) will be released to the public database once they are processed. If this is not what you intended, please contact us as soon as possible with the correct release date.

      Please send any revisions, including bibliographic information (e.g., conversion from unpublished to published), biological data (e.g., new features), or sequence data as text in the body of an email to:


      Since the flatfile record is a display format only and is not an editable format of the data, do not make changes directly to a flatfile. For complete information about different methods to update a sequence record,
      see: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/update.html

      You may be interested to know that there are two GenBank submission tools available, BankIt and Sequin. BankIt is available through the
      World Wide Web (WWW), and Sequin, a stand-alone program, can be downloaded from NCBI's anonymous ftp site. You can access these submission tools through the NCBI Home Page

      For more information about the submission process or the available submission tools, please contact GenBank User Support at
      info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov or at (301) 496-2475.

      Please reply using the original subject line.
      This will allow for faster processing of your correspondence.

      Susan Schafer PhD
      The GenBank Direct Submission Staff
      Bethesda, Maryland USA
      (301) 496-2475
      (301) 480-2918 fax
      gb-admin@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (for updates/replies to GenBank entries)
      info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (for general questions regarding GenBank)

  2. I recently learned of a new methodology many scientists are taking when their journals are preventing them from being completely forthcoming with details.

    It's called the Scientific Treatment of Falsifiable Uncertainty method.

    I think Dr Ketchum should read up on STFU...

  3. The more I hear about this, the more I think "hoax."

    1. The more I read troll junk like that the more I know it's no hoax, it's clearly sending all the hardasses biting their pillows in agony at the thought it's really true. LOL

    2. @ Anonymous 8:13

      I don't know any skeptic who would be in agony over

    3. When did bigfoot come here??????

  4. LOL. Good calls, Anons 6:23.

    What about the pictures she claims to have, do the journals have exclusive rights to those too?? Or the bigfoot protection? Why not send $20 to the UPF, the Unicorn Protection Foundation. We swear we'll pass laws to protect those precious critters.

    1. The person she has in charge of "bigfoot protection" is Arla Collette Williams, who claims to be from a fictional native american tribe and who believes bigfoot is a "interdimensional" shapeshifter. Seriously, look her up, she even did an interview with MNBRT.

    2. Think about this! Bigfoot(s)receive protection - as pushed by the BF community leaders - ie, Ketchum, NABS, BFRO and the rest. Therefore, nobody can legally 'take' a specimen hence, this hoax can go on and on and on. Who benefits? The hoaxers selling their 'craft supplies' to the believers. Think about it! If Bigfoot is 'taken' and proven, the money flow stops cold! No more books or expeditions or DNA study financing or anything else that these people make their living at. Makes me want to go and shoot the next BF I see except I will recover the damn body and donate it to science before it is illegal to do so!

    3. You're very wrong about that. Proving their existence via DNA is only the beginning of the study, it'll take years and decades to learn anything substantial about this elusive species. First we'll know they're there, proving that to a skeptical world they exist at all is merely the start, then comes the funded expeditions for closer inspection, possible contact, etc.

    4. I would like to address it being said I am in charge of Dr Ketchum's concern that they be protected.I am not in charge of anything.I am one of many who have come to help with possible protection for the Bigfoot.I do carry Cherokee/Choctaw blood I was unaware that these nations were fictional.My beliefs of who the Bigfoot are may not me mainstream for a lot but I can assure you they are physical flesh and blood that do things that make most scratch their head.Because they are being hunted now and killed I will continue to speak out for protection for them. Arla Collett Williams I don't have to be anonymous.I will tell anyone where I stand.

  5. Very excited for Doctor Ketchum, and her research. For you nay-sayer's - If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all. Jusy keep the faith, folks. It's gonna happen.

    1. Anyone can publish something. It's the "mainstream journal", as well as the definitiveness of the proof, that I question. Both of these have been promised, but may not be delivered. Let's not count our chickens before they're hatched.

    2. Honestly, at first I did really think there was a paper in peer review. However this seems to be taking on more and more components of a typical hoax. Making more and more outlandish claims, new websites, etc... All while claiming the big announcement is "coming out soon." Sorry, I'm calling full blown hoax at this point.

    3. Oh for hick's sake you don't even believe the troll drivel you type, that is so obvious. Can't you fools just shut up and wait, everything's going according to plan. The good doctor I'm sure is ecstatic, already knowing all the finer species details we can only guess at here. I'd say she's probably feeling like the luckiest woman in the world today, it seems all too clear she knows Sasquatch is not only real but going to be presented a reality fairly soon. Remember DNA doesn't lie, too many boneheads here would like to forget that.

    4. Just because somone has a different opinion of you doesn't make them a troll.

      Serious question, how would she know the "finer species detials" based on DNA?

      How soon is "fairly soon"? 1 year, 3 years, 50 years?

    5. Doubt it'll be another 3 years now, I'm guessing less than a year that's how fast it's coming even though 3 years really is no time in this field. Time doesn't matter that much anymore, not when you know it's real there's no rush.

      Too many people don't understand that the quality of the work you do is essential, why wouldn't Sasquatch scientists know that too. I think some of the trolls here know that too, they're just throwing pebbles about.

      Same reason people like Meldrum or Ketchum don't care what anybody says, a bigger cause matters solely and the end result that'll leave you all stunned.

      I only know this species exists, and so does she now seem to know and that's all that matters to me and pleases me endlessly because it'll mean vindication eventually for all us witnesses.

      There'll be a hardcore gang of stubborn knicker twisters left yelling for a body otherwise they won't believe it, yada yada, but science will finally have proven a new species whether you like that result or not.

      Too many people think this DNA evidence can't be proof, but it can't be faked so the species whatever they are is there. That's the very first step, and more visual proof will also come.

  6. This paper is going to be challenged left right front to center, if its ever released, ultimately it will be come irrelevant, even after its rejected for multiple times.

    DNA will not prove this species in and of itself, GET IT, please dispense with this fantasy.

    With no Keystone or Type Specimen, the paper holds no weight due to the FACT a male and a female specimen of the species had not been typed nor cataloged for comparison to any known or documented or animal in the world index.

    Until this happens you can test as much as you want, set around waiting on papers that may or may NOT ever appear. The fact reminds, No specimen = No proof that is point blank and period, anyone with half an understanding the scientific method knows this or should.

    This charade of Melba's has gone on long enough WAKE UP and see it for what it is, a travesty.

    1. You have managed to insult every scientific expert who is evaluating her work, and they will be eminent in their field.

      Clueless springs to mind.

    2. The thing is we know if Melba's paper is just on DNA - we don't know if there is a speciman, or what the entire paper consists of - or even on how many "samples" there are/were. We're just guessing. (If the Sierra kills are true, she might have more than just DNA.)I'm hopeful that her paper will prove BF lives. And although it may not be an endangered species - I imagine people will want to see it, kill it, or harass it. It will need to be protected. Kudos that she is taking responsibility beyond her research paper. Brava!

    3. Ed The 'Ead strikes again, oh my Lord. LOL Let's all keep this mind; Ed The 'Ead doesn't know jackshit what's going on here, and he's clearly afraid it's showing up more human than he thought. LOL So no matter how many times he jives his tosh he's still wrong, DNA - is - a body technically, it's what bodies are made of and how severe crimes are solved even.

      This stuff can't be faked, period, no yellow jello from Ed The 'Ead can ever change that fact, nor is further bloodshed called for. If proof comes now, bodies inevitably will follow in time. So no matter what any of this DNA says, say an unknown human primate for example, then that's what it is. How many such critters do you suppose are out there, that wouldn't qualify for the Sasquatch tag? LOL

      I'd say there's probably only very few or one, and that's the one people have seen and the one she's got. Whether or not she has a body too or only tissue, it's essentially the same thing. Proof. And no serious scientist's going to reject it, Ed The 'Ead can dream that they will but reality through DNA has spoken. Get it.

    4. P.S. When I say "one" I refer to the species.

    5. Obviously DNA was sufficient to prove Denisova. You say there is nothing. Apparently they took the DNA from something. Jeesh. You seem intelligent. I too am skeptical but make intelligent arguments. I probably won't be absolute proof even if the DNA study is confirmed but it will be so far beyond what we know now. Then it would only be a matter of time before much bigger efforts were made. Calling the dark is nice to get a call back but isn't so useful to prove a species.

  7. "May not be delivered" is based on what exactly? Sounds like you are the one counting chickens and putting "promised" words into her mouth when you have NO idea of what is in the paper or which Journal. Basically there are just a bunch of people here making up lies before the facts are even on the table. Typical propaganda method used by skeptics.

    1. As opposed to the "I believe everything anyone tells me because I have the brain of a walnut" method used by believers?

    2. Please check back one year from now. I guarantee you there will be no paper, no DNA evidence, no species protection. There might be a dcs/book/website that will probably earn Dr. Ketchum some money, but that it. Seriously, check back in 1, 3, or 10 years. This is a hoax, like all others than came before it.

    3. I think its really funny that some people spend so much time reading and commenting on a blog that's about something they don't even believe in.

    4. What's so funny about it? I enjoy the human capacity for gullabity as much as you enjoy hoping for proof of Bigfoot.

    5. Yah, except in this case, your dumb enough to think you have no stake in the game!

      Soon as it's prooved though, all of us believers will have this wonderful mental picture of all you sad party poopers with YOUR HEAD UP YOUR ASS!

      Why don't you go bother the UFO people, you'll fit in better!

    6. "Soon as its prooved"

      When will that be, Leon?
      Tick tock, tick tock

    7. so you don't believe in bigfoot, but you do believe in psychics.

      well, there you go then!

    8. First off, why are all of you Anon's popping up more when it is Ketchum than you do when it is Hovey? Whats worse is that you not only come up to say "Bullshit" but you spread lies on top of it. Even when I posted a link that documented everything Dr.Ketchum publicly said, you all still spew this crap about "Again close?"

      You run on and on about "Gullible" and "Believing what everyone says" yet at the same time you are saying Robert Lindsays words and putting them in Dr. Ketchums mouth.

      "AnonymousMar 19, 2012 06:27 PM
      LOL. Good calls, Anons 6:23.

      What about the pictures she claims to have, do the journals have exclusive rights to those too?? Or the bigfoot protection? Why not send $20 to the UPF, the Unicorn Protection Foundation. We swear we'll pass laws to protect those precious critters."

      Look at the date on that movie production. You try to make a case about money after the fact? Did it ever occur to you that the damned thing is complete and most likly waiting on the kill-shot? Or by "Picture" are you an even bigger idiot than I thought and are confusing Dr.Ketchum with Melissa Hovey?

      No I do not like making personal attacks, but every time Dr.Ketchum is mentioned all of you Jackasses come crawling out of the woodwork. Want to take an objective approach to this? Fine. But at least use friggen logic and not lies and insults.

      "Ed SmithMar 19, 2012 06:52 PM
      This paper is going to be challenged left right front to center, if its ever released, ultimately it will be come irrelevant, even after its rejected for multiple times.

      DNA will not prove this species in and of itself, GET IT, please dispense with this fantasy.

      With no Keystone or Type Specimen, the paper holds no weight due to the FACT a male and a female specimen of the species had not been typed nor cataloged for comparison to any known or documented or animal in the world index.

      Until this happens you can test as much as you want, set around waiting on papers that may or may NOT ever appear. The fact reminds, No specimen = No proof that is point blank and period, anyone with half an understanding the scientific method knows this or should.

      This charade of Melba's has gone on long enough WAKE UP and see it for what it is, a travesty." <--- Example of a good opposing comment...

      But the rest of you??? Damn if I wasn't a believer and I saw your skeptic points, I sure as hell would believe afterwards.

      say you disagree and leave it like that or say you disagree and make points as to why like Ed Smith...


      "Nick BMar 19, 2012 07:17 PM
      As opposed to the "I believe everything anyone tells me because I have the brain of a walnut" method used by believers?" WTF!!!!!?

      Seriously if i was skeptic or simply open minded about this and I saw comments like that, as opposed to the belief comment I would side with the believers.

      But want to be skeptic, lets dicuss scientific "facts" based on no evidence or truth. "The Earth has a molten core made of iron, and a molten mantle made up of nickel and lighter metals. (How do we know? we never been to the center of the earth nor do we have instruments that can go there.) "The closest star to us is Proxima Centauri" (How do we know? How do we know that the Galaxy isn't a bubble and the stars we see are reflections back at us? How can we say what blackholes are? we and what their gravity is like? WE DON'T KNOW) "Jupiter is a Gas Giant." (Again, how do we know? we can't see past the cloud cover and no probe can reach past the cloud cover.)

      There is more scientific evidence for Sasquatch than crap taught as "facts" that we learned in grade-school. "Brontosaurus was a plant eater." (Fact that was Proven wrong!!! There was no Brontosaurus because these geniuses put the wrong head on the wrong lizard!) But I bet all you skeptics believe this stuff whole heartedly huh?

    9. There are those of us who wait to see what is in the paper and know this is just the start of a long process of discovery about it's DNA, same as it has been for human DNA. I do not prejudge what is in the paper, though some clearly do. What is it about good science that causes so many to lose all reason and attack what is not even released yet.

    10. Tzieth,
      I absolutely agree. All I can say is Dr. Ketchum, every time you speak you should be prepared to duck....quickly.

      It's obvious that when you speak, anonymous shooters and shooters with made up names are going to start flinging lead your way, from all directions.

      I don't know what is in your paper. I don't know if there is a paper and I don't know if there are any Sasquatches out there. I do know that you've got to have the thickest skin in the world, to even let your name be mentioned in the Bigfoot community. I'm surprised that you've not gotten so fed up with it, that you simply quit. My Hat Is Off To You...for your staying power alone.

      Keep up the good fight. Maintain that thick skin. I commend your efforts, whatever they are. May the idiots that pounce your way will end up in the proverbial Sh**t pile, with you standing tall. And you'll be smelling like a rose.

    11. Tzieth is dead on correct. Very logical. Very accurate.

    12. Truly amazing what these knucklehead trolls come up with, all they have is the eternal b.s. about checking back in ten years and still no proof. LOL

      Guess what jerkoffs, you're extinct soon and living in the past, it really doesn't work that way anymore like you think. It's in fact way past no resolution now. The world's spinning too fast and this is already too big a field to be stopped, despite your skepticism more people are involved in the search for this not be resolved long before ten years.

      It's happening right now in fact, and I'm assuming it's this strong determination of Dr. Ketchum which is most admirable by the way, that's making them nervous. LOL Not only is time running out for Sasquatch secrets, it's curtains for skeptics too.

      They should start preparing how to deal with life after Bigfoot, in a little while everybody's laughing at troll inferiority. LOL

    13. ^ So you're claiming we'll have a definitive discovery of bigfoot within 10 years? Care to make a wager on that? ;)

  8. I am glad that she is doing this. Protection is key. Once the DNA proves they are a real species we need to have government legislation in place to ptotect them and their habitat. Great work, Dr. Melba!

    1. I agree and support all the positive comments.

    2. Why does this species need protection? To date there have been zero confirmed kills. Even if DNA proves they exist, it won't prove that they're endangered.

    3. Fair point, except they still need it by law if they're human. We can't have any creep with a weapon, who's got no business out there in the first place, running around unless you have a right to. Hunters, etc. Even an animal you can't hunt all year around, so this being a primate it's a given it's off limits ape or not.

    4. If they're human than they're ALREADY PROTECTED by law. Homicide is illegal.

    5. If they're human than they're ALREADY PROTECTED by law. Homicide is illegal.

    6. Anon 7:48,
      I'd say they will need protection because once word comes out that this species is real, but we don't have a body yet, thousands of yahoos, thrill seekers and fortune seekers are going to be the first out of the gate looking to bag a bigfoot and sell the body to the highest bidder (and amongst the media the bidding will be very high I promise you).
      I don't worry about science wanting to kill these creatures. I think leveler heads will prevail, and that we'll see university funded field work looking to habituate and observe these creatures. Wanting a 'body' of a new species of this magnitude is a very 19th century conceit.

    7. I will be out hunting them, but I am just waiting for the confirmation from Ketchum that they are real.

      Once she has confirmed it then game on.

    8. No dice, troll. Haven't you been paying attention, this is a human species so forget your little games unless you want to be charged with murder. You really have no clue and evidently troll about here trying to stir up shit, we're dealing with a bipedal species with humanlike features all over probably all human actually.

      You'd have to be mad to hunt that and most likely you'd not even survive it yourself, can just see it now, some angry 9ft Sasquatch daddy running your sorry ass down. LOL Even if just ape, you'd do heavy jail time as no civilized human species hunts primates and bipedal to boot. Forget it troll, who are you trying to kid.

    9. ummm Okay I see a problem already. Please forgive me as this is not intended to sound racist in any way but they would most likely be "The new Niggers". I am not using that word as a racist slur. I am using it as it was used in the 1800's and before. Ethnic Africans were human, but thought to be an inferior version and not subject to human rights. If you killed a black person, it was not thought of as murder, just property damage. You would be sued, not charged with murder. Later in the early 20th century it was "Technically murder" but rarely taken serious and often swept under the prosecutors rug.

      So say it comes out.. They are confirmed and they are in the Homo genus... Protection laws ARE in place. Then what? We would go back to the question of "How human is human?"

      If someone was caught killing one, would it be murder or poaching? And how do you prove it? They could claim self defense and it's not like any witnessing sasquatch are going to go on the witness stand. Even if they are capable of speech, it would be a while before any of them learned English.

      And this "Protection"... That alone treats them as animals and not people. Asking them to be a "Protected Species" is stating that they are like endangered owls or tigers and then you invite poachers as "Endangered" means high dollar for hides.

      If Ketchum's findings truly are that they are a Homo genus (I do not know 100% that this actually came from her.) Then she needs to push for them as recognized "People" and not some strange ape. So I am against this as I see that a protection order would be what endangers them.

  9. I think everyone is done with these types of statements:

    "It could be quite soon or a little farther out. Not too awfully long though."

    I mean, c'mon!!! What horrid use of generalized time frames.


  10. Have any of you naysayers had a Scientific paper published. It is scrutinized ten times over by peers who are typically pHD's in their field. There are rewrites which are requested, and upon initial submission, if your data or methodology of collection is seen as faulty, you cannot and do not re-submit for publishing. This is not the National Enquirer or the NY Post we are talking about here. It can take years to have something published. Patience people, patience. For an idea of what scientific journal article reads like, go to one of the pinnacles of science journalism, http://www.sciencemag.org . Cheers to Dr. Melba Ketchum for her work.

    1. Exactly. And lets all remember here, we aren't talking about a new species of insect that has been discovered. We are talking about an entirely new species of ape. Specifically, one thought to be only myth and folklore for hundreds of years.

    2. Except this study apparently isn't showing up results as ape only, the species would appear to be much more manlike than most researchers previously dared to imagine. For the longest time we've heard it's an ape judged so mainly by build and hair, that it's gotten engraved into our consciousness and hard to step aside from. Well, turns out it's not by all account and that is the new challenge facing our traditional views.

    3. Are you one of the peer reviewers? How do you know what the study's results are?

    4. She's said so herself, that's how we know.

  11. Doesn't she believe that bigfoot sneaks in at her place and braids her horses' hair?

    1. Yes. She's also claimed to have directly observed bigfoot at a location that she refuses to divulge. And she claims to know certain things about bigfoot, such as that they're averse to electronic equipment. How she knows all this? No clue.

    2. But I know you're a troll.

    3. Yeah, apparently bringing up documented facts = troll

    4. You're awaiting a peer reviewed DNA study that proves the existence of bigfoot from a woman who claimed that bigooft braids her horses hair. That's not a troll, that's a fact.

    5. Bigfoots are curious people, did you expect them to sleep all day and do nothing?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Documented?

      "AnonymousMar 20, 2012 01:48 PM
      You're awaiting a peer reviewed DNA study that proves the existence of bigfoot from a woman who claimed that bigooft braids her horses hair. That's not a troll, that's a fact."

      Okay Mr. "Fact".. Show a link where she says this. Not where someone said she said this or that.. Show a link where her own words are directly quoted that she said anything about a sasquatch braiding her horses hair... Otherwise, just STFU? I mean it's "Documented" right? Should be an easy thing to do.

  12. *yawn*

    Well, we DID get Duke Nukem Forever...

  13. I'm hopelessly optimistic. I'll wait for it the same way I've been waiting on Obama to "FIX" everything. Next

  14. I have had several scientific papers published . The lengthiest one taking 9 months from initial review to final acceptance, including several revisions, and another 2 months until publication.However, I have never once, , not once ever , in over 15 years in active research been told by a journal referees or the editor that I could not disclose where in the process the paper was or to which journal I had submitted a paper. Chances that this has really occurred with respect to the work in question are minimal at best . There may be other reasons that she does not want to disclose this information , but it is not due to the requirements of the journal . Also this is different from a press embargo, which I have experiences, and which will not allow results to be disclosed.

    1. BAM.... what do you have to say to this Melba and fans.?

    2. Firstly that she doesn't dance to your tune. Secondly, that this is probably one of the most important discoveries of our time. Thirdly, that this is a highly contentious subject and needs to be irrefutable science with all the i's dotted and t's crossed. Why would anyone who has spent the time, money, effort and reputation to do this want to allow even the slightest risk that the paper could be rejected by any premature release at all. I think she is very wise to not allow anything out at all if there is the slightest chance of the publication being compromised, regardless of what others think she should be doing.I support her tactic wholeheartedly. The above "published scientist" should appreciate that also.

    3. She certainly appears to be just about the best thing that could've happened to this field, she's one determined lady. Paulides did right by picking her for the job.

  15. It really doesn't matter. The government won't let this information be released in any way that will prove once and for all that they absolutely exist. They will throw plenty of doubt at it and reasons why its just a theory. To those of you who are reading this and getting pissed off and are thinking of your rebuttal right now it doesn't matter. Because according to the government its in everyones best interest that this information not get out, otherwise they would have shown us all the proof that they've had for years and years. But alas people still need to have hope in something don't worry when this doesn't pan out you'll find something else.

    1. While I'm sure they must be aware of this species and I suspect they've known for decades, I don't think they can keep it a secret very much longer. Worth remembering is that Smithsonian is government funded, and their stake in this is not rocking the boat of evolution.

      On the outside they support Darwin and deny religion, while at the same time going to church and putting religion first. Even if Ketchum's study fails, which I personally don't think it will, then another would come along one day.

      Most here seem to agree the Sasquatch species does indeed exist, many have even had sightings of them, that means a live and thriving species is out there. So logic should also tell you then, new discoveries must and will be made sooner or later whether governments want it or not.

      A new hominid discovery could also be made elsewhere globally, then what would they do? Keep lying would be dumb knowing Sasquatches reside in our own backyard.

    2. Why are Americans so dumb, why do we always submit like sheep and let our own government screw us over like this? We've been brainwashed into letting them treat us like chicken, enough is enough, slavery's over and the truth must be told be is Bigfoot or UFOs. They think we're too dumb and must have leaders or society would collapse, like we can't think and handle things. lol

  16. "It could be quite soon or a little farther out. Not too awfully long though." Seriously? SERIOUSLY!?
    Too late for Hersom and Erickson to get their money back, she's already spent it on plastic surgery, Jenny Craig and glamor shots.

  17. Folks, please ignore the negative comments, don't waste your time by replying close-minded commenters; dna samples should be enough as a proof(as long as we don't face with a second Piltdown Man hoax). Think about Denisovans, researchers have no a full skeleton, they have just body fragments. These fragments (which have DNA)lead to the approval of Denisovans as a hominin. Best regards.

    1. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

    2. I am, while paying no attention to you troll.

  18. A decent rational person does not, and should not, believe in everything another person says, however decent and rational that other person appears to be. Again, a decent rational person does not call another person a liar, however indecent and irrational that other person appears to be, not to mention the scholarly professionals making claims from the fields they make their living of.

    If somebody is persistent in calling another person a liar without a proof, and yet requires proof for what the other person says, than it is an indecent and irrational individual. This attitude is heavily ego-invested, and comes from deep psychological uncertainty deriving from childhood filled with scrutiny, no's and bans.

    Tell us about your mothers.

    (a believer from Serbia)

    1. A decent and rational person does not engage in passive aggressive insults via psychobabble. You might want to look at your own childhood first :)

    2. I never said I was decent OR rational. I believe in Bigfoot, remember? How come you suddenly assume I am? It's hard to be, reading you guys here, vigorously insulting an absent lady apart (though your sense of humor is undisputed, sometimes).

  19. The responses by BF believers about the need for Sasquatch protection seem to fall in two basic categories: 1. BFs don't need it b/c they have done just fine w/o it, or 2. Bfs do need it b/c we humans are destroying their habitat or causing intentional harms.

    So, for the first group, the protection effort has as much appeal as to skeptics.

    But, for those who do feel protection is necessary, there is not consensus on how or what that means. How does one reach a widely supported consensus about what responses or efforts they can agree on?

    Many have tried to garner attention from legislators or agencies for many years and just don't have "enough evidence."

    Now, Dr. Ketchum claims to have that "more," and that she is willing to lead a protection/education effort and provide a hub for those interested. You may sign up via FB via her's or Sally Ramey's pages.

    I do think a well defended peer-review article (and supporting evidence - video, etc) will open doors/eyes that were closed before.

    Organizing those who will carry that message,to frinds, family, peers, and media after publication, even in advance of Official Recognition, is something I am glad to see.

    Yes,the paper will be challeneged, but "who" exactly in science will tell us when it's "proved"? I am not waiting for Ian Tattersall to tell me it is so. I know BFs are out there, I also know modern humans track record. I feel responsible to try to avoid that record with Bfs.

    It may be that the window between recognition and this paper release may exist for years. And, in the currrent Finding Bigfoot craze, will create an even more chaotic and ridiculus BF Enthusiast/hunter phenomenon than we have now.

    Not being organized for protection, while some special interests already are organized for their efforts, could really put protection in the dust, far behind in building public or political support.

    So, not sure what the complaint is here, besides the, "get the evidence out already!" And with that? I agree!

  20. here's what i'm wondering. i keep reading that there are a 100 or so samples studied for this 'paper'. people like larry surface reported that he yanked his video because public stuff can't be used. is this a real fact in the scientific review community? what else have been hidden from us as far as evidence? the first time the paper is/was submitted for review all the data was done. so if the paper is rejected, will we still get the data released to us - dna, video, 'steaks', etc? it seems to me all this data should be put into the mainstream. let us be the judge. there is proof or there isn't. just seems to be a big setup for some of these doctors/scientists to make a lot of money and promote there names with a big documentory in the future. meanwhile, we all have to hear they have proof but can view it and make our own decisions.

    1. I love how those funny skeptics always think the motive for Sasquatch researchers, even this female doctor now, is monetary gain. LOL It's like some are dead set against this discovery, so every trick in the book's tried. Still won't help you none. ;)

  21. I can't say on release of any data prior to publication, policies can differ b/c a Journal, or article, or author dictates such treatment.
    Many claim to have evidence unreleased b/c it just goes no-where, except into the internet chaos.
    If the claimed evidence is not produced, peer-reviewed or not? I think many of us will be shaking our heads wondering what were we thinking?

  22. Dr. Ketchum is not in control of her work any more. The Government has taken over and moved her to an undisclosed location where she is monitored closely. Operatives from the department of interior have taken over her project completely, including her facebook page and any other form of public communication that she had. This is the reason she's been acting so weird and goofy lately. It's not really her. We must save Dr. Ketchum before it's too late.

    1. and bigfoots were genetically built buy our military during ww2 using a man, a gorilla, and a chimp. but they escaped in the fifties and have been multiplying and spreading thru out north america. jfk was going to let the 'cat out of the bag' and that's why the cia killed him!

    2. The goofiness never ends, does it.

    3. That sounds plausible. I except it totally and without reservation.

  23. Everything you need to know that Ketchum's study is a hoax:

    Dr Ketchum recently put Arla Collette Williams in charge of organizing the "Bigfoot Protection Efforts" website. Look at Ketchum's Facebook, she tells people that if they want to be added to the protection effort, to contact Arla Williams.

    Then do a Google search for Arla Collette Williams. She's a nut.

    She believes that bigfoot is an "interdimensional spiritual being."

    This whole thing is a sham. Seriously, I hope all these pro-Ketchum comments are still here once the entire thing is revealed to be a hoax.

    1. Society for the protection of shapeshifters.
      Yep, I know all about Arla. Kookoo-huh-kookoo.

    2. I stopped listening to her after she said the Bigfoot's told her that Patty was filmed intentionally (planned by them) to get awareness out. That's why its the only good video proof because THEY allowed it to happen. OOOOK smoke another one......

    3. The one great thing about all this troll traffic here and Ketchum bashing lately is, it's soooooo much in vain. And they even know it that their hands are tied, how her vengeance shall be sweet and delicious. LOL

    4. Vengeance? Just because we don't believe the same things?

    5. Vengeance? What a bunch of nuts!!

    6. Call it the truth and victorious then.

    7. Is Melba planning a bigfoot super soldier yo destroy all who believe this is a sham? Will this be her... Da da... Vengeance? Some one fell off the short bus to nutsville.

    8. You have my sympathy then.

    9. So she's a veterinarian, owner of a DNA anaylisys company, bigfoot hoaxer, AND mercenary!? Wow, this woman is jack of all trades.

      I think you may have seen too many TV movies, anonymous 10:12 AM

    10. Bigfoot hoaxer, how's that? I think you're one of her jealous peers.

    11. Seems like I need to address this here also. I am not in charge of anything in this Protection for Sasquatch.I am one of many who are working together for the protection of the Bigfoot.My belief in them or anything else about my life takes a back seat to my wanting them to be protected.You can call me anything you like,it doesn't affect my wanting them protected.It seems my beliefs of things ruffle people's feathers.I can't do anything about that.It was stated above that I am from a fictional Native American Nation.My Cherokee/Choctaw family didn't know we were fictional.I am a non-confrontational person,never ask anyone to believe me but I will share what I have to share.It is definitely anyone's choice to not listen or read anything.Some think they need to save the world from me and if that is what they feel they need to do then that is what they have to do.The Bigfoot are flesh and blood and many many have seen things that make you scratch your head.Many love to put words in my mouth and give me power I do not have.I want the Bigfoot protected is the bottom line for me.You can call me nuts a kookoo or whatever you want.I won't stop speaking out about the need for protection of them.Arla Collett Williams. I don't have to be anonymous to speak what I want to speak.

  24. I hope when it comes to protection that this group won't fall prey to that famous saying "divided we fall."
    It's kept BF's well hidden for decades. IMO.
    The group's ability to represent the broadest/deepest support from BF believers would seem the receipe for success.
    Any individual volunteer's opinions are irrelevant to me.
    How the non-profit is organized and what their message will be is relevant and as yet fothcoming. The point I took of this FB release was a gathering of consensus?
    BTW, conventional wisdom says anyone who believes in BFs is insane... just saying....

    1. In fact it's the other way around, disbelievers are stuck in a rut insane oldworlders and a bunch of whining losers. Just saying.

    2. The interesting thing about us skeptics or "disbelievers" is that as soon as we're presented with credible, verifiable evidence, we magically cease to become disbelievers.

      You imagine that if and when bigfoot is discovered, there will be a bunch of skeptics sitting around whining and crying. That's not the case. We'll be happy to learn of a new species, especially since it will put an end to all the hoaxers and fraudsters like Dr Ketchum.

  25. I wonder how many people on here are simply moderate? Does anybody ever say "I don't know"? Or "wait and see? Or "I don't have enough information to make an informed decsision? People in both camps seem intolerant and judgmental. Isn't it enough to just find the phenomenon interesting without having to draw a line in sand?

    1. Sure, tell it to the trolls as the most judgmental crap's coming from them, somehow they just can't behave like adults. When the trolls go marching in...

    2. Did you just pick up on the word "troll" or something? Seroiusly you've used it like 100 times in this thread alone. Give it a rest, bud.

  26. Who's you, anon? Seriously, it's a commonly known word used by everybody. Troll.

  27. You keep misusing the word troll

  28. Protect this species now! If they exist we can learn something about ourselves. Maybe cure horrible deseases. Killing any bi-pedal homonid type of animal is unconstitutional , it is murder

  29. You know I was looking forward to this study reaching the scientific publications because it would stop the many hoax's that contaminate the subject but on reflection I do not think it will, there will be a ready dollar market for bigfoot material and where there is money there is corruption, what this will do is expose the potential to many more opportunists, at least before this scientific acceptance it was a fringe subject with limited returns, I think things are just about to get more complicated.

  30. Thank god most of you guys and gals know so much... I was beginning to believe that protecting the Sasquatch was a good thing. Glad you set me straight! [sarcasm]
    David from the PAC/NW

  31. This is looking more and more like vaporware.

    Typical squatch BS. All kinds of amazing stuff is said (with zero evidence) to whet the appetite and then after waiting and waiting, nothing materializes.

    The Sierra Kills story = BS. Which in turn leads to this study as also being BS.

    I'm still waiting for the Matilda footage.

    1. You're forgetting one thing and looking at this all too onesided, somebody has to make this discovery. Seriously, it has to be somebody, right? So why not this doctor? To the skeptics it'll always be the wrong or suspect person or the wrong doctor and the wrong professor this and that, wrong researcher, wrong bigfooter, etc.

  32. Ya know, there once was a man who got a bunch of ppl to drink coolade on blind faith and empty promises.

    This is no different, scams work because ppl are greedy. Snake oil is sold because ppl want to live forever. How the hell can you ppl buy into protecting a species that there is no proof exists?
    Because you want to have the boogeyman in your life. Just like when you were little and ran across the room jumping in bed because you were convinced the monsters would grab your feet.

    Please ppl make them prove it and then believe or believe because you saw one not when someone tells
    you to. On blind faith.

    1. I agree that we need to see what the paper proves or does not prove. I am not sure that blindly believing that a paper will get published or that it will prove this or that just because someone says it will is the best way to go. Until it actually gets published and does prove this or that I will remain cautious.

      I think a HEALTHY amount Skepticism is not a bad thing but I would not call all of the believers or skeptics alike Trolls.

      Both points of view are valid after all how many of us really know where this will end up.

  33. Your talking about Obamha Right!

  34. Time is running out on results from this DNA find. Each day passes brings more skepticism that this whole project is a scam. They decided to make this public and put their careers and reputation on the line. Dr. Ketchum will either be hailed as a pioneer and leader in Bigfoot research, or a complete fraud. Time is ticking and the answer will come either way.

  35. People are getting tired of hearing about delays, this project is losing credibility each day that goes by. If this is a hoax than everybody involved needs to be incarcerated, especially Ketchum!

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