This Is Why We Can't Find Bigfoot Bones

Remember that strange deer kill Ohio Bigfoot researcher Tim Stover found wrapped around a tree two months ago? Well, Tim went back to check on the carcass and it looks like nature took its course and there's nothing left, not even the bones.

Watch this first video below from December, when Tim first found the dead deer:

Watch this second video showing how even during the winter time, a carcass can rapidly disappear:


  1. It's called hungry wild coyote .

    1. It was Bigfoot. I don't see why you can't understand that.

    2. yeah that is something i can agree on lol

    3. Wolves, coyotes, and fox will eat bone to get at the marrow. It is digested and comes out again in their scat. What's left is eaten by rodents (lots of little teeth marks often on any bone or antler you find). Same thing happens to humans who go missing in the woods. Last bones to survive are skulls and vertebrae. You won't find a squatch skeleton, just like you won't find a bear skeleton.

  2. I appreciate him showing that. I watched a show that demonstrated leaving a dead deer for like 2 weeks or something and there was nothing left in the forest after that with time lapse photography showing the process. I've been hiking my whole life and the only bones I ever found were in the desert near a watering hole where a cow died, but with no moisture like the forest to create a microbial attack, bones are left to bleach in the sun.

    1. I thought you were a believer and now you come up with all this nonsense? Bigfoot lives, lady. And it eats deer. What else would put a deer in a tree???!!! Deer are too heavy for people to carry!!!! Nothing else in the forest has thumbs!!!! It's pretty simple math. 1+2=3

      Get on board or get off.

    2. Autumn's comments support the lack of bones as NOT being indicitive of non-existence.

      Go get your GED and learn to read and think critically (that has another, different, meaning than you are thinking right now), or get off.

    3. What a rude post! I guess you need to tell my brother that he's not been carring deer out of the forest the last 5 yrs.

    4. A lot of factors can go into a deer being in a tree.
      #1 predator chases it and it jumps and gets stuck in a tree. It's rack can get caught up. Example the oldest Elk in mammoth hot springs jumped a fence slipped on a rock its antlers got locked in a rock and it broke its neck trying to free itself.
      #2 A mountain lion can easily drag a deer into the tree and leave it.
      #3 Poachers could shoot this animal and get scared and put it in the tree.
      #4 My personal belief in this situation, is the deer was placed in the tree as a hoax to get people saying this is a Squatch kill.

      Also I remember watching what Autumn is talking about! A deer was placed in front of time laps cameras and within 72 hours the gases from its body along with maggots and scavengers left bones. Within 2 weeks it was gone.
      I have only found one bone in my entire life hunting and hiking in and around Yellowstone, and it was a fresh Elk from a Grizzly kill. You don't rind them that often.
      Bigfoots Broski

    5. Anonmous/Blondy the red hair doesn't believe Bigfoot and you tell me off???!!!

      deer are to heavy to lift up a tree i said i doubt your brother carrys them anyway!.

    6. Sorry, I've seen him. He's 6'5" and weighs 300 lbs.

      Somehow he gets them up and carries them on his back like I've seen farmers do newborn calves.

      Hi Broski, Where've you been?

    7. I have been here but my stupid phone won't let me sign in with Google so I have to sign in Anon
      Bigfoots Broski

    8. As a biologist, hunter, and avid outdoorsman I do have a criticism about the first video. If the deer was killed and drug to the area and laid up against the tree, the legs would be folded down. Gravity would pull them down...don't believe me, try it. Instead these legs are locked in place from rigor mortis. Being extended as they are, the deer was killed on its side, left for a bit, then leaned up against the tree(which doesn't make sense).

      Also, to whoever said it is "in the tree", it isn't in a tree, it is against a tree. just like you would lean against the tree.

      Another good point would be to have y'all recognize that Ohio is a state that allows deer farming. So let me propose this: the deer got its neck caught in a fence and died. These "researchers" then get the deer (probably friends with "farm") and see an opportunity to make a video about a BF kill with a broken neck.

      My final and biggest complaint is that we never see a good look of what is behind the man (probably his backyard) AND if he is so sure that it is a BF kill, why not put up a trail cam? Why wait 2 months to go back. If you have a chance at "proof" why just let it slip away. Especially when you are going to video document it anyways.

      Don't flame me people because I am a believer, but some things just don't make sense. Not believing in shifty videos and odd doings doesn't make one close-minded. It means they can think critically.

    9. don't people have lives to live? bigfoot hahahah wow u people drink way to much or i dont know what type of drugs ur on

  3. There are no bigfoot bones to be found for a very good reason and you probably know what that is. Man has found bones and fossils of everything else accept bigfoot and that should seem impossible to everyone.

    1. Haven't you heard? Porcupines find Bigfoot bones impossibly delicious.

      Here's how it works:

      1) Bigfoot evades man, living peacefully as one with nature.
      2) Bigfoot dies
      3) Porcupines eat Bigfoot bones
      4) No Bigfoot evidence left behind for man to discover

      It's pretty simple. I don't know why you come here to get everybody riled up by stating that there's no Bigfoot.

      Also: Bigfoot chases deer into traffic for easy peasy killin' and he also leaves cows alone so man can eat them.

      If you weren't so anonymous I would probably call you a few choice names for saying Bigfoot doesn't exist when he clearly does.

      Additionally: Bigfoot can be over 15 feet tall and, if you read the evidence smart guy, you would know that Bigfoot has a pattern on his back hair that looks like a tree, so when he sees you coming he turns his back and all you see is a tree.

      At night Bigfoot hoots, knocks trees and throws rocks at folks because -- have you ever been in the forest at night? It's extremely boring. You would hoot, knock and throw too, there's virtually nothing to do otherwise.

      I throw rocks at folks too, and sometimes through windows.

      Bigfoot isn't an ape either, it's like a man. Do you remember when everyone thought dinosaurs were big lizards and now everyone knows they were big birds? It's like that.

      When DNA studies come out you'll see. They'll prove he's real AND that he came across a land bridge to get here.

      Go someplace else if you want to troll a site because we're not biting. This site is for believers.

    2. Absolutely hysterical ! A+ on that one.

  4. Meat Bees! I (oddly) filmed a small bird that had fallen to death on my sidewalk from the arrival of the first meat bee to the remaining tiny skeleton left afte just a few hours.

    Amazing..the first bees arrives and take the news back..the hoards of workers show up and the baby is covered...busy bees...when they are down to the head and a few soft internal type tissue spots the hoards leave and leave behind the clean up crew...a half dozen who then do the final wipe and leave behind a completely clean three hours....

    not much remains unused in the ecosystem, does it?

    but I personally believe BFs take care of their dead when they can....just intuition, no evidence!

  5. Saying that man has found bones and fossils of everything else is a bit of a ridiculous statement that is impossible to prove. What humors me about skeptics is, you ask for proof (of which there is plenty--but not empirical and some is problematic), nevertheless, a skeptic that takes the time to come on here and make statements that are impossible to prove (they aren't even problematic) is defying even the most basic rules of logic.

    1. The FIRST Chimp fossils were not discovered until 2005

  6. "My optimism is waning." Says it all.

    1. Me too, and I wanting this study since 2009.

      We all know Press Embargoes are the begin date of press review of the article, and so Dr. Ketchum would KNOW the release date if in Embargo.

      So it's not or she is lying, we think she is not lying so, that means it has been accepted as revised, but no pub date because the Journal is not sure they will publish, even if accepted.

      Why? Well, they might be doing thier own research....reading around, talking around...

      If so, it would explain the recent rush of PR statements and trolls and bizarre posting of slanderous type accusations or rebuttals (recalling the Wally funds BFers legal woes thread) trying to shore up the long, long public BF site trail of conflicting views and speculations.

      Maybe there are some truths out there that some don't want out....for whatever reasons?

      I am fading too...sadly

  7. If Bigfoot turns out to be real , does that mean there's on God ?

    1. I'm going to have to ask you to go ahead and proofread your comments in the future. Mmmkay?

    2. Only if your belief in your God is dependant on you believing you are the only Homo species on the planet?

    3. the only homos are the people on this website lol u guys are all dumb ass hell

  8. All rodents eat animal bones for the calcium so porcupines eating the bones makes sense

    1. Capybaras eat South American Bigfoot bones. Look it up.

  9. i think everyone is barking up the wrong tree.bigoot buries it's dead.caveman did it.we do it

    1. I agree, it's like DUH.

      I find BFers inability to imagine anything as cool/smart as themselves in the world (includes distain for scientists who don't get it).

      BF is laughing all the way to the cave.

    2. I'm with you on this. I was up near Redding CA one time panning for gold (just for fun, not as a business.) I was digging a hole to you-know-what in and I uncovered a gigantic femur bone. It looked just like a person's but it would have to be a basketball player because when standing on end it reached from the ground all the way up to my hip. It looked much like a person's otherwise. My son was really excited about our find so I made a coffee table with a glass lid so we could display it. It's a real conversation started because I've got a matted cut out still of the famous California Bigfoot right next to it, like the have in museums.

      We once thought about taking the whole kit & kaboodle to antique's roadshow but I wouldn't part with it for the world. My son and I rarely get out together and that trip was one we truly treasure.

      Thanks. JD

    3. Nice post..thanks! Send Shawn a shot of the table..we'll start a collection for DNA testng..if you don't want to let go of the memory...?

    4. Burial of the dead would increase the chance of finding bones, not decrease it. Scavengers pick at bones and scatter carcasses. The faster bones make it into the ground, the more likelihood they'll persist to be discovered. If they bury their dead, this would make it more likely one would be found by now, not less.

    5. that femur bone could solve a murder cold case or be worth millions if it truly belongs to Bigfoot. Is the coffee table sealed? Regardless a coffee table is probably the last place it should be. How about a museum or a lab? I understand you treasure it because of the time with your son, which is touching, but it could answer a lot of questions.

    6. Can you just send a pic of the coffee table's contents to Shawn? It's interesting o matter what it is.

      If it's Bigfoot's leg bone I will never stop jumping for joy.

      You know there's probably a bunch of Bigfoot evidence like that in unknowing private collector's hands, or in drawers at the museum that no one opens. Archaeologists had the bones of Nanotyrannus for almost 80 years before they cared to examine it closely.

  10. When Matt said that Bigfoot ignores cows because it knows that cows are man's food it made me think of my dog. Last week I bought a meatball sub from Subway, brought it home and put it on my dining room table. I went to wash my hands but inadvertently left the table chair pulled out. When I returned my sandwich was gone and my dog was covered in marinara sauce.

    What I'm trying to say is, my dog knew that sandwich was for me and he still ate it.

    I punished my dog by not looking at him or speaking to him for several hours. I guess my dog isn't as smart as Bigfoot, or needs to learn something from Bigfoot.

    1. Your dog actually is not as smart as a horse. Horses are looselysaid tobe the equivalentof about a 3 or 4 year old,learning commands and cues and responsive attitude.
      Dogs are considered less intelligent than horses generally.
      Animal intelligence, instinct vs learned and/or handed down knowledge, is really a growing field.
      Another area BFers tend to ignore.
      They just really like their gear, guns, fantasy camping, and youtubes.
      All I want from the study now is an end to these idiot BF voices and it aint' gonna happen.

    2. I have tried many times to tell my cat to leave and she (the cat)is here-by free and void of any further commitment to stay. I heard the PETA types were accusing pet owners of being heartless souls as we kept our cats and dogs inside causing mental stress. Well the darn cat was placed outside (warm weather mind you)and within a couple hours showed back up wanting to come inside. The cat seemed content and refused to eat. It was only later I found the bird feathers out by the bird feeder. My cat commited bird homicide and I have been waiting for the cat to be served papers and or placed in the rear seat of a cop car.

      During the summer months we as many others enjoy the family bar-b-q. We have had our dog for 12 years and she has been a fixture at each and every bar-b-q. By now (with reasoning of bigfoot reaserchers) she should know the steaks are for us and not her. This is not however factual in nature. Once I walked off to get the tongs and when I returned a nice raw t-bone had been removed from the package and she (the dog) was found belly up rolling in the rear yard grass happier than she has been in some time. On closer examination I found green styrofoam wrapper bits all over the grass near-by and her breath smelled like a $12 t-bone steak.

    3. Dogs are smarter than cats and Bigfoot. Dogs have been around for eons.

  11. The green river killer took investigators back to one of his dump site years after he left a body there and they found bones. When ted bundy was active hunters found several sets of remains. I have seen many bones in the woods.

    1. Bigfoots hide the bones so man don't find them.

    2. Believers need to stop using that argument. With as many people as there are and as many bigfoot as there would have to be, someone somewhere would have come across a physical specimen at some point. It's just numbers. I'd be more inclined to believe they're inter-dimensional travelers...

  12. perhaps the real reason is because bigfoots do not exist... just gona throw that curve ball out there for you "open minded" people

    1. And how do u know bro and if u don't believe y u on this blog I mean come on stop being a no life troll

    2. Scientists didn't believe in germs until some non-scientists told them about them. They had to prove it and they were there all along, just like Bigfoot.

    3. Can't hate on the guy because he threw out Bigfoot doesn't exist. It's highly probable that it doesn't. It doesn't make it any less interesting.
      Bigfoots Broski

    4. The real Broski wouldn't write that. You're not signed in as BB, it's "highly improbable" that you're him.

    5. It certainly seems improbable that bigfoot exists given how long people have been searching and how little there is to show for it. The idea that something that large has remained hidden for so long is near ridiculous. Logic does seem to destroy bigfoot.

  13. Well, too bad it would seem they really do exist. Ernest Bass made some good points actually, the dinosaur comparison of old thinking vs. new makes sense. When it comes to Bigfoot, or Sasquatch rather is a better name, we're still in the old ways of thinking. Most still think it's an ape of some kind, for whatever personal reason they won't even consider it a human species. Yet it's the most logical reason for no discovery or bones, psychiques, behavior and cunning. Even a good reason for a cover-up. Just like we only have dinosaur bones due to ground condition, same with Sasquatch bones. That is, if they don't bury their dead which they're likely to do if they're people who know what's best for them. And buried bones you just won't find anyway, soil will see to that as well, plus scavengers don't raid other human made burial places either.

  14. As a biologist, hunter, and avid outdoorsman I do have a criticism about the first video. If the deer was killed and drug to the area and laid up against the tree, the legs would be folded down. Gravity would pull them down...don't believe me, try it. Instead these legs are locked in place from rigor mortis. Being extended as they are, the deer was killed on its side, left for a bit, then leaned up against the tree(which doesn't make sense).

    Also, to whoever said it is "in the tree", it isn't in a tree, it is against a tree. just like you would lean against the tree.

    Another good point would be to have y'all recognize that Ohio is a state that allows deer farming. So let me propose this: the deer got its neck caught in a fence and died. These "researchers" then get the deer (probably friends with "farm") and see an opportunity to make a video about a BF kill with a broken neck.

    My final and biggest complaint is that we never see a good look of what is behind the man (probably his backyard) AND if he is so sure that it is a BF kill, why not put up a trail cam? Why wait 2 months to go back. If you have a chance at "proof" why just let it slip away. Especially when you are going to video document it anyways.

    Don't flame me people because I am a believer, but some things just don't make sense. Not believing in shifty videos and odd doings doesn't make one close-minded. It means they can think critically.

  15. I will writer s-l-o-w-e-r for anonymous. He has some trouble figuring out sentences. I gave an example of how very easy it is for bones to disappear in a forest by the example of a rotting deer's bones vanishing quickly. Moist forests are a great places to decompose and rid evidence of animals. Hence, no one has found BF bones. Now, if BF lived in the desert, I might have his skull on one of my coffee tables here in the southwest. Oh, why do I bother? I have a feeling anonymous still won't get it.

    1. Get off this blog if you don't believe, lady. I won't tell you again.

      You can't talk out both sides of your face and expect anyone to respect your opinion. One day you believe and then the next you post evidence against Bigfoot.

      I for one am tired of you being so wishy-washy.

      Straighten up or get out and go back to your own site and blog about ghosts or love or dating or something. This blog is for Bigfoot enthusiasts only.

    2. Who has made you the sheriff, captain?

      Just because people post things that don't support the theory of bigfoot, doesn't mean they are non-believers.

      AND if she is a non-believer.. She is very welcome to post her opinion in here, so all possible information about bigfoot ("Good or bad")can come out to the public..

      We are all here to seek the truth, right?
      Then let people tell their stories and information, so we can get a debate about the possible-existence of bigfoot.

      Stop being all Matt moneymaker like, where you think everything is a bigfoot, and if someone tell you something negative about bigfoot, they are lying!

      Omg, you sound so naive, sorry to say!


    3. You're naive. I want you gone.

  16. Sure bigfoot will kill this animal, and then just leave it..

    Of course! This is normal primat behavior! Just ask Matt!

    1. You can get lost, too. Go create a non-believers blog and comment on how much you don't believe in stuff. That would be fun for someone like you, I'm sure.

      Bigfoot is real everyone -- I've seen it -- and there's nothing wrong with Matt or anyone else who wants to help get the message out.

    2. Dude... Just because I say, that I don't think a sasquatch did this to the animal, doesn't make me a non-believer.

      In fact, I don't know what to believe. I'm a skeptic, but I am not a non-believer.

      In this case, the only thing I do believe is, that if a bigfoot did this to the animal, it wouldn't just have left the whole animal behind. Why then kill it?

      I don't see why this is "non-beliver-thinking". I'm a just realistic man...

      How many hunters you see kill deer, and then just leave it? How many wolves you see attack a deer, and then just leave it?

      I don't care if you say you have seen a bigfoot.. So does Matt, and so does a lot of other people. This doesn't mean, they all actually have seen a bigfoot, does it?

      I thought it was only Matt, who was thinking that everything you can identify is a bigfoot..

      Once again, I do not say that you haven't seen Bigfoot. I am just having a hard time believing it, but this does'nt mean you aren't telling the truth.


    3. of course, it should say:

      I thought it was only Matt, who was thinking that everything you CAN'T identify is a bigfoot..

    4. I am a non-believer. A skeptic. A real skeptic, albeit a cynical one. Cynical because of the lack of indisputible evidence and the fact that believers keep pushing the same weak evidence - anecdotes and blurry photos. I mean, look at the string of photos along the right side of this very page. This is considered to be the strong evidence, right, or else why promote it on Bigfoot Evidence? If I were to show any one of those to a person on the street and ask if they could identify this or that blob as gorilla or a bear, the answer most often would certainly be no, since most of them don't look like anything in particular. I think it'd be awesome if it were out there, but no clearly-thinking individual can say without a doubt that it exists.

  17. Autumnforest, are you bigfoot?

    Please be honest, thank you.

    1. She's not Bigfoot, she's a lady who plays both sides of the fence for attention.

      I want her gone.

      I'm passionate about Bigfoot and I would prefer if non-believers go someplace else. Why do you come here if you don't believe? I don't get it.

      Don't pretend to like Bigfoot for attention, Autumnforest.

    2. Why can't you play both sides of the fence?

      I am doing it, and so far it's working out great :)

      Why should this place be only for believers?
      By having skeptics in here, you me and everybody, hear different views on the articles. This is a good thing, right?

      Or you maybe only want to hear people saying "that's a bigfoot, 100%!" ?

      I support you Autumnforest (However, I still think you maybe ar bigfoot). Don't let people drag you down, because they only want to hear "the good things" about bigfoot.


    3. I am a non-believer, but I think it'd be awesome if they existed. That makes me a skeptic. I'm interested in the discussion on crytids and the paranormal more on a psychological level. Why do people continue to believe in things in the face of such crushing improbability? Interesting.

  18. most of us regulars know that the sasquatch bury there dead. and that's why we don't see bones. why is this even being brought up again. fact is anything that gives off smell will be eaten by other forest members.

    1. I can't believe that a buried corpse would remain undisturbed by scavengers. How far down to the bury them? And how does anyone know this without having found one and, in turn, the bigfoot remains which would be the smoking gun that believers need?

    2. I can't help but laugh at the "we KNOW *insert bigfoot knowledge here*". I mean really people. Even those of you who claim to have seen one, it doesn't mean that you even saw it doing what it naturally does. It could have been diseased and behaving oddly. Believing in is one thing, but people you don't KNOW anything about these creatures. You have never seen them for prolonged times, therefore you KNOW nothing about it. There is no undeniable proof that the creature exists today, but you KNOW everything about the behavior. That is not science (unless you are MM). It is simply speculation or hypothesis and nothing more. Having a hypothesis is proof of NOTHING!

  19. I like how this guy has God in his name. LOL Surely a thorny troll. And like all good skeptics you're an atheist too are you not? I mean there's no, err doubt, right? You don't seem willing to entertain the thought, if these hairy ones are not apes but people of some sort then burial is definitely a very good possibility. Could be the top reason for no discovery so far. I think that's what they are, there's language which no animal has and that means culture thus either human or humanlike species. Way above apes is what this is, and the closest living thing to us probably unless we find something even more like us in the Caucasus regions. Not impossible at all. This sounds weird to most lazy skeptics and mainstream scientists, but please understand it'll be tomorrow's facts nevertheless. So they are not animals, you can bet on that already, that is outdated Moneymaker lore by now and essentially why species features like behavior and gait is still so baffling to many.

    1. I don't see what my name has to do with anything, Anonymous. Nor my religious affiliation (or lack thereof). I suppose it would speak to my refusal to believe anything without verifiable evidence. Like bigfoot burying their dead. You're telling me that in all the years since bigfoot was really popularized by the Patterson film no one has ever come across one of these bigfoot graves? No ancient grave was ever excavated in the construction process? That's lazy. Apply even a bit of critical thinking to this and it falls apart. I'm not a troll just because I have an opposing viewpoint. And, really, how much can a discussion progress if everyone agrees? Like I've said elsewhere in this thread, I'd love for this to be real. It'd be awesome to take my kids to the zoo to see bigfoot. It's a nice campfire story, but until a physical specimen ends up in the hands of qualified biologists and anthropologists, it'll be nothing more than that.

  20. I think they cannibalize there dead so the body is broken up even before natural decomposition can happen.

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