The Bear The Ape And The Man In The Gorilla Suit

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook.

Today I wanted to touch the subject of what many people think is roaming in the continent of North America is a bear, escaped primate or a man in a gorilla suit. We already know plenty of hoaxes have been done, but when it comes to Sasquatches, too many people this is serious business. If we look for a moment, at least from the perspective and thinking if you did see a creature. Can a rational person confuse what they are seeing for a bear, none the less a primate or a man in a gorilla suit running around in the woods.

Let’s take for example the many documented cases of hunters, who have been hunting the typical animals that roam the vast wilderness that still exist in North America. Yes people we still have areas of our continent that have yet to be disturbed by man. Well here we have a guy going on his always exciting hunting trip, amped up to go kill a moose or a bear or what not. He sees a creature he has never seen before, almost poops his pants. Comes back tells his story, and wham, it’s all over the newspaper and the cycle begins all over again.

Ok, show us the proof, tell us how tall it was, what did it look like, and then we hear that always faithful question,” are you sure it was not a bear, maybe some escaped primate or someone in a gorilla suit.” Well I was thinking about having everyone do a little experiment. Print or make copies of a picture of a bear, an ape and a man in a gorilla suit and Sasquatch, take any child under the age of ten until maybe five or six, show them each picture all side by side and ask them what they see in the pictures.

What you will find, that every one of them knows exactly what a bear, an ape and a man in a gorilla suit looks like on average, the Sasquatch some of the children may recognized from the “Harry and the Henderson” movie with John Lithgow. Now, from the moment we begin to watch television as children, we learn what these animals and non-animals are like the funny guy in the ape suit. In my opinion If we take this in account, we are basically taught by television and the world around us how to tell these animals apart, ok I will say it again even the funny guy in the gorilla. So how can a hunter or anyone else that had a sighting, mistake them for something else. So why ask them if they saw those other things, if they already told you they saw a creature like a Sasquatch.

If we want to be objective, I think we need to stop comparing those animals and non-animals we come to know and really start listening to the stories and if they have proof even better. Let’s stop saying, Bears! Apes! Man in a gorilla suit! Oh my! Recently I had a chance to talk with an actual witness of a sighting and seen some amazing photos. It was interesting to hear his story and how in particular he describes features on the Sasquatch face. These are his words, “it was amazing to see when I looked through my binoculars it was looking back at us, I could see the details and wrinkles on its face and it kind of lean over to the right. He explained that the creature, the person with him and himself looked at each other for about 3 minutes. I will talk about this in more detail in another article.

It is important to remember that it’s human nature to want to automatically make sense of what we are hearing or seeing. Our brains just work that way, if a person that has actually seen a Sasquatch, even let’s say if it was a person born and raised in a city, that has never been camping and has only seen a bear, ape or man in a gorilla suit on television or maybe a zoo or circus, they have to and should be able to tell the difference in an encounter of that type. So this is the reason I listen and pay attention closely when I hear someone relate a story of a Sasquatch sighting. I take in the little details and descriptions of what they saw, but at the same time I watch their facial expressions as they speak every word. This way maybe I can capture the emotion of what happened to them.

So many men and women have put their credibility on the line, people that are highly respected are now searching for an answer, for a reason of how what they saw is so hard to find and clearly capture on both photography and video. The skeptics clamor for a body and the news channels look at Sasquatch as a reminder that you can’t jump the gun before you get your facts and report on such an event, even CNN has been fooled by hoaxers. Unfortunately the damage has been done and is up to people like Doctor Meldrum and Doctor Ketchum now to create some true answers from the research they are conducting at this very moment. Hopefully they will be able to bring to light some true evidence from their work, whether it will be disputed is another matter once we get there.

When we look at this ray of hope, the reason riding on the back of proof, from the findings of this research, I look at those that have seen Sasquatch as the underdogs fighting the heavy weight champion of the world and knocking a couple of teeth out for those that believe and when the final round comes and they are toe to toe, I hope we will see the bear, the ape and the man in the gorilla suit leave their seats in disgust and good old Sasquatch will stay in his seat smiling because he put all his money on the underdogs. For those of you looking for the answers, remember to do it objectively, no one that I know of has a PHD in Sasquatch Erectus yet, if they do I would love to talk to them.


  1. What a fantastic post! I will say that when I saw one, my first instinct was the context. I was a hiker with a backpack. I'm thinking in that scenario. I first saw something move from what seemed to be a squatted position to standing upright and walking. I thought it had to be other hikers, but then the obvious lack of discernible clothing, the overall darkness of the entire figure, and the odd proportions, made that impossible. The dowager's hump on the upper back, lack of neck, and thick massive chest region, as well as the loose-limbed gait and the swing of the arms was just not at all human. When you see something that isn't in any reality you know, you try to shoot down the witness, so you fill yourself with self doubt about what you saw. It's easier for a logical person to think they lost their mind than that they saw something that can't exist. I knew it had nothing bear-like about its shape and had a confident stride. It took me a long time to even think the world "Bigfoot" in explaining it, but it was not human. It was not a bear. BF is kind of like UFOs. If we can't explain what we saw in the sky, anything unidentified is a UFO. BF is the UFO of the woods. If we can't explain it as a person or a bear, it's a squatch.

  2. What a fantastic post! Now on to me and my bogus, proof-less, claim to fame :)

  3. I have said this over and over again and Mr. Bravo made such a great point of it. If you have a clear view of of a known animal you know what it is, no questions asked. Now if something is 7,8,9 foot plus and massive with bulging muscles covered in hair, and walking on two feet, don't tell that person they are misidentifying the animal Ranae Holland.


  4. I spend a good portion of my work day debunking scientific misconceptions, (the real kind, like in a laboratory) so before I get blasted with negative comments please hear me out.

    I'm with you, I love the idea of Big Foot. I LOVE IT! But deep down I think all of us know that there's no such thing as Big Foot. I'm not trying to be a downer kids, I really do wish it was real. Mainly because it's so exciting to imagine that there's an enormous man-like creature escaping our detection.

    Unfortunately there's simply no real scientific evidence and, as we say at work, "if there's no smoke there's no fire."

    1. I understand. I think that we all are waiting to see if this DNA project, if released and sound, is the spark that begins to produce the nessecary "smoke"... still waiting.
      David from the PAC/NW

    2. I'd say there's plent of smoke... Prints, countless witnesses.

    3. I'd have to disagree with my brother.

  5. I have to agree with my brother Dr. Ranes. Bigfoot would be a remarkable discovery, but sadly, I don't believe it is real. I do, however, harbor a tiny flicker of hope that the Yeti is real. An argument for the existence of the Yeti is far more convincing than the current Bigfoot theories. let's hope We're wrong.

  6. Wrong about Bigfoot, I meant. Sorry for the confusion.

  7. @Dr Ranes - You say there is no real scientific evidence. I think it is more accurate to say that putative scientific evidence is sullied by the low signal-to-noise ratio. In other words, the blurry pics, possible confusion with bear sightings, easy access to photoshop and intentional hoaxes have made true evidence impossible to identify above this noise. Only DNA will prove otherwise. This is what Todd Standing said. He has terrific pics, but even those are dismissed.

  8. The Ranes' just go to prove what the biggest problem in Bigfootology is. The scientist in the lab or the professor in a university, or the local news reporter that can only read a teleprompter, that has not had a Bigfoot delivered on their lab table, or classroom, or studio.

    Deep down we do not belive it is real----GUESS AGAIN.


  9. A picture of a real bear, a rear gorilla, and the worst gorilla suit. There are costumes that look a whole lot more realistic than the cheap gorilla suit shown in the photo. Harry and the Hendersons, Jack Links Messin' With Sasquatch, Letters from the Big Man, and others, all way better than the gorilla suit in the picture accompanying this article.

  10. Just a word of advice. If you are going to have a guest blogger, make sure he can write. This is unreadable. It is full of grammatical and punctuation errors, inaccuracies and is just horribly written all the way around. North America, Canada, and Alaska? The second two are part of North America. Does the author mean non-animals when he is writing none animals? Mix in some editing bro.

  11. Though anecdotal, the history of sightings is very convincing. I've talked to dozens who have had clear as day and face to face sightings. At that point there is very little likelihood of mis-perception.

    Bigfoot Books, Willow Creek

  12. I think it reads just fine. Excellent points made and I for one am enjoying Damian's contributions to this ongoing conversation. No big deal, some people just need something to complain about. Cant please all of the people all of the time. :)

  13. I really appreciate the time Damian took to write this post. Thanks again and I look forward to reading about the specific sighting and more from you! Please join the forum!


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