Watch Breakdown Of Tim Stover's Ohio Grassman Footage

We've posted a few articles this week about Ohio Bigfoot researcher Tim Stover's appearance on the Finding Bigfoot show airing tonight on Animal Planet.

Did you know that in 2010, Stover and his partner filmed a sasquatch observing them in the Ohio wilderness? In this breakdown video, FB/FB says it's a real squatch and confirms it on "perfect coned head, dark eyes and lighter skin on face and human/hooded nose. Legs hips and torso are seen in shadow."

According to FB/FB:
"Coned head peeks and leaves" "Ohio Grassman" By Tim Stover 2010. aka tcsjrbigfoot Tim and partner are working an active Bigfoot area in Ohio. Film 1.1 second clip of a Sasquatch observing them then leaving quickly. Confirms on perfect Coned head, dark eyes and lighter skin on face and human/hooded nose. Legs hips and torso are seen in shadow. Conclusions state that Researchers should work alone and that safe distance for a Sas increases with greater numbers.


  1. fb/fb are crank smoking idiots if they actually see something here. No wonder the bigfoot community gets no respect in the real world..I see nothing here

  2. When I was an intelligence analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency, I worked with an Army sergeant (also with a TS clearance) who told me that he was hunting once in SE Ohio (where he's from) and was sitting in a blind. He heard something behind him, turned and saw what he described as a large, yellowish blob of a being looking at him. He ran like hell, of course. This guy was deadly serious when telling me this. He also said that he and his cousins saw a UFO parked in a field in the same vicinity. SE Ohio must be interesting.

  3. Them boys up in camelsback seen one better than 10 feet tall. i talked at them at the pop n' stop on main street and they were genuinely ascared on account of the fearful looking eyes which was staring back at them. they say hand on the bible that bigfoots are real in the state of ohio.

  4. @boise, this is an English speaking blog.

  5. "Ohio Grassman" says it all...

    Pareidolia people.

    new anonymous

  6. i speak english well enough where i can leave my own name instead a hiding behind an anonmous name.

  7. @ Anon at 2:37 PM. Ohio's motto is "The Heart of it all" That goes for Bigfoots also.

    Chuck in Ohio

  8. these ass holes are going around falsly debunking all of the best bigfoot evidense we have and yes i probably miss spelled some shit i dont care im pissed thats why that idot rene is the show she's a ringer for the corprit intrtest i was born at night but it wasnt last night

  9. This was not difficult.

  10. First hand knowledge of this video! ITS A FAKE!

  11. Tim Stovar is like a mad dog when he doesn't like you I seem to remember him attacking some other guy because the guy didn't say something nice about his video. You don't want these crazys to know who you are. Just remember these guiys will do anthing for publicity, they are extremely insecure people and they need positive feedback constantly or they get deeply depressed.

  12. ^^^^ Your correct! Those of us who KNOW the truth about Stover from FIRST HAND BURNINGS from him have kept our mouths SHUT so that we dont get a public and private attack! YOU who have never met the man have NO IDEA what he is REALLY LIKE!

  13. Boise_Bigfoot_believer..Looks like you are hiding behind a made up name too.

  14. In new guinea creatures are being discovered all the time. To bad you hard core christians can't except. If nasa ever made a report of new found life on another planet. Your religion would fucking crumble


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