Robert Lindsay's Source: Bigfoots Use Tools And Fire

Our large brains, our upright posture and two-legged gait, our ability to use tools and fire, these are a few of the features that separate humans from the apes. What does it say about Bigfoot if it possesses these same attributes?

Tim Fasano recently said in an interview that Bigfoot can't possibly be human if it doesn't use tools or fire.  Fasano could be forced to change his position if what Robert Lindsay is saying about Bigfoot comes to light:

A source has informed us that Bigfoots do use tools, and they even steal tools from humans to use. For instance, they will and do steal knives. What they do with them, I have no idea. The source said in one case, they stole an altimeter. What they are going to do with that, if anything, I have no idea.

This person also said that they know fire, but they don’t want to use it because it’s a giveaway. He said that they do use it underground though, and Bigfoots live underground a lot. As I mentioned previously, the Bigfoots in the Josephine Long story ~1880 near Harrison Lake, British Colombia had fire in their cave. This person also said that Bigfoots will not steal guns, even if they are out in the open waiting to be stolen. For some reason, they don’t want anything to do with them.

This person feels that Bigfoots are prehistoric men like Neandertals or Java Man.

“They never went extinct,” they said. “They just switched to the nocturnal niche.”



  1. On of my sources told me that Bigfoot rides dragons and drinks unicorn milk. They also get their hair cut by pixies and manicures from centaurs.

    Can anyone prove different?

    Nope. Just like Lindsays 'sources' can say what they want. I'll believe it when Lindsay provides some solid evidence.

    I believe bigfoot exsists. I've seen one with my own eyes. But, I don't believe they live in caves and use fire. They'd be amuch easier to find if they did.

  2. I'm beginning to think that the BS in Robert Lindsay runs wide and very deep. Methinks he likes the attention also.

  3. his true colors are really starting to show, he is nothing but an attention horror, and he can't find a source, he will make one up.
    he is digging his own grave, people
    are starting to boycott him and even people quoting him.

  4. "This person FEELS that..."

    Well this person feels that Robert Lindsay has some real issues with reality. Probably some self-respect and identity issues hiding in there too. This is just sad that this blog has taken to the likes of a racist, woman-hating pedophile as a realiable source on any subject. The man is a semen stain on the jeans of humanity. John

  5. wow robert lindsey just knows so much about bigfoot...I am tired of reading his rediculous posts..using fire...yeah they steal tools because they are curious..

    Lindsey we are through with you.

  6. Everyone seems to bash Lindsey....but overall he has brought the most (not all) credible information...Thanks Bob!!

    1. Um what information would that be? Not a thing he says has been proven.

  7. As he? He keeps going on about it, but nothing solid has turned up. No publications, no data.

    I could spout on endlessly about Dr Ketchums work, and make claims without proof. Doesn't make it true.

    Shaun, UK

  8. Wonder if this Bigfoot uses fire and tools....New creature feature. Check it out;

  9. Robert Lindsay's a pathological liar and you give him coverage and feed his need.
    Please stop feeding this ill informed idiot.

  10. If Bigfoots stole an altimeter and some knives, I fear they may be working on some sort of evil attack drone. God help us all if high capacity batteries and RC plane and chopper parts start turning up missing.

  11. next thing you know robert lindsay will come out of the closet for the second time in his life. by admitting that he too is a sasquatch from the n-pacific tribe! robert,robert,robert just cause your thinking that your knowledge is more than DR. JEFF MELDRUM'S now that you are all knowing. almost like a SASQUATCH GOD to all us poor people. go home or better yet get a new (as you said) hobby! the bigfoot world would be less of a he/said she/said place. to much drama robbie.

  12. RL has said recently that his sources have gone quiet. In that same post he says who his sources are!..Either somebody is talking again, or it,s sour grapes from the Meldrum fallout!!...I back to patiently waiting, to hear from the good Dr. Herself!!.........Ken

  13. The majority of anonymous(es) above--I owe y'all kisses. I see Robert Lindsay as this dude locked in a wood-paneled basement wearing 1970s clothing and still getting stoned. I'm not sure what to make of his sources, but something tells me he meets them during recess on the playground.

    1. See that's interesting! I always pictured him living in a van down by the river.

  14. Relic hominids that are 8 feet tall?

    Since when did any Neanderthal, Java Man, Homo Habilis etc skeleton turn up 8 feet tall?

  15. I just how that RL's anti Jewish views don't get. Ross attached to the Bigfoot community, I have already contacted a few orgs and alerted them to his nature.

  16. Rl's blog has taken a great turn in my opinion. A frank discussion of the divide in paradigms and their affect on methodology and ensuing results is a critical topic. (Also, we are encouraged Dr. Ketchum's paper is coming!).

    The Ape Gang go out en masse with gear into Bf territory (the same ole trail cam routines, tracking dogs, poking, prodding).

    The Human Collective goes out in one or twos and observes quietly the same Bf's over a long period of time, with a goal to contact, but they aren't pushy, they wait. And, they get rewarded.

    With a plethora of fuzzy vids as well, and tracks, and sound files, just like the Ape Gang, maybe more. But, the anecdotal stories really differ.

    Anecdotal evidence gets heavy ridicule from the BF Ape Gang Power Names, or bullies, such as described, and their minions.

    It doesn't stop with Green, Moneymaker, or Meldrum,....and the battle goes way the 60's and right up to today.

    Robert Morgan also comes to mind as one marginalized by these types. Paulides too.

    Anyone who sticks up their head and says, you guys got it wrong...these aren't apes, gets their head chopped off. Unless, they self publish and then argue till they are blue their witness and credibility.

    But some have gotten traction with great books, and cause all kinds of problems for the Ape Gang.... the 2008 Tribal Bigfoot comes to mind.
    So, for me Rl's blog has been an eye opener, as have the many comments to h is blogs!

    And I'll bet we see more verified than debunked in the end.

    The obsession of a few to bring him down here, I assume are either banned at his site, or too deeply invested in the Ape Gang to think anew.

    We'll see if OP, which seems to be Meldrum's New Great Hope, can change their methods...sounds like trail cams and gear to me so far....and Smeja.

    Anyway, it sounds like we shall have superior video and hard core data soon, and regardless of classification shall have more questions than answers.

    Perhaps the shock value of RL's blog shall create more open minds for the coming paper for all...because of course FINALLY more scientists will step in and end amateur Finding Bigfoots.

    And apply scientific method with modern anthropology and we will have inherently better data. Or so I hope!

  17. I am sorry to hear you have drank the kool aid.

    1. HAVE DRUNK. He has drunk the Koolaid, perhaps; have YOU drunk any?
      He has drunk, and is drunken. Or typically, is drunk.

  18. @Apehuman..Great post! I'd give you a thunps up, or a like, but since I can't, I'll just say kudos to you brother!!.....Ken

  19. Ape Human will you be in charge of the blood flag at the next rally? RL had to promise you something for that endorsement .

  20. Roberta kinda remind me of Pinnochio in his quest to be a real boy, and I expect him to post some kind of pathetic 'I'm a real journalist' crap on his blog today.

    I wish he'd just get swallowed by a whale, or kidnapped by a circus.

    He's already at the ass stage.

    Shaun, UK

  21. @anon.. Homo erectus was big and ubiquitous and may have had spinal differences that could account for our view of a stooped Bigfoot walk. Also lived in association with modern humans, may not have had fire, but did have simple tools. No genome for erectus yet.

  22. @ Apehuman

    In my expeience on this blog, it seems the "More human theory" seems to be a bit more poplular.

    This discussion right now isn't about the people that comment on RL's blog, its about the way RL goes about his business. I will give you the bit that there are some good discussions on his blog, very interesting at that, with some well educated people commenting on there.

    But for me, there is a reason why I won't comment, and that is moral ethics on how a so called "journalist" plays "bully on the playground", trying to ruin peoples credibility and repuations, and also the fact I think his other posts are absolutely absurd and completely the root of many problems in todays society. We as a society are supposed to be moving on together as a race, but people like him drag other people back, and or, give them a platform to express their "hate" opinions.

    If someone like myself was to comment about the way he writes on his blog as a very open minded human, that cares about other members of the race I belong to, I would be banned! I absolutley, entirely cannot give any support to a man like that!

  23. Beer-man, that's totally on target.
    Well said fella.

    Shaun, UK

  24. In some regards I can't disagree.

    But, when I first turned to "Bigfoot" websites, pretty much that is what I saw...a neve-rending stream of unverifiable opinions, tirades, and outrageous claims.

    Flames on some, declarations of Monsters on others, Meldrum's popular exposure thru TV shows, claims of Scientific groups that turn out not to be and so on.

    The depth of "Bigfootness" really can escape the newbie, or did me anyway. I found the stuff repelling, just as you are saying Lindsay's is.

    I turned to all the "classics" and print media and classic anthropology.

    But, I find the history/behavior of the various amateur players from the early years to this round (my first) perhaps playing a bigger role in our lack of scientific involvment than I initially thought.

    I appreciate that his blog has caused me to re-think quite a bit of my own views, and ineffectivenss.

    In the end though, it reinforces my desire to see this end and move to professional scientists and perhaps even address regulating, or prohibiting "finding Bigfoots" type activites by the unlicensed...

    which raise the question

    What will we do? How will we respond? Who are they? After the DNA, then what?

    1. I would suggest you continue your search for info there are very good alternatives if you really look for them

  25. All the power to you Apehuman! This species is going to need all the help it can get to keep humans, that are infatuated with making money, away from them. We as a race, and as individuals, always seem to ruin any good that is left in the world. An effort like the one you speaking of is most admirable, and sounds like the Apehuman I always read on this blog.

    Good luck in your future endeavors!

  26. 'What will we do? How will we respond? Who are they? After the DNA, then what?'

    What's a very good, and big question.

    I suspect some organisations are sitting on lots more evidence than they're willing to admit.

    Who's going to want to go on a BFRO expedition when real scientists are doing the work. Who's going to let them once the US and Canadian Govts give Bigfoot the most protection from humans a species has ever had?

    Once the truth is out, their money pots will start to dry up rapidly.

    Shaun, UK

  27. Apehuman, you mention David Paulides books? Have you, or anyone else read them? I'm thinking I might need to make an amazon purchase today!

  28. It's disppointing that a website titled "Bigfoot EVIDENCE" would publish the opinion of a guy like RL. Think for a second how anyone could KNOW details about Sasquatch behaviour but not be able to generate defintive evidence of its existance.

  29. Try your library too. Paulides also sells them on his website (srry no maybe) ...and you may find he is the only source still in stock for new. Yeah, worth a read.
    Thanks also for the responses!

  30. Can we put the whole 'RL is a journalist' thing to bed please? As an experienced journalist and editor myself, I'd say that he displays NONE of the finer qualities associated with the profession. That's not a personal slight - I've just yet to see any evidence of professionalism in what he writes or in the way he interacts with his audience.

    With regards to what information he's revealing... Well, I'm being kind of Fortean about it. I don't readily accept it, but then I don't dismiss it completely out of hand. Undoubtedly, it makes the Bigfoot gumbo that bit richer, but time will tell if he's credible or just talking bollocks.

    1. Well I agree wigh you. Maybe he is better suited just writing for tabloid magazines such as the enquirer or such.

  31. Ed, does that mean that you would'nt recommend those books?( $50 bucks for both).. Any suggestions on alternative sources of info? Please share!...Ken

  32. Robert you are figured out! Everyone is saying it, after the read each new blog. I find them
    Interesting. Keep them coming.

  33. @ken I would buy them used if I could save a little$$$. Sence I'm on some else's web site all I will say is that if you look you will find other alternatives site for the info your looking for.

  34. Thanks Ape! I'll have to check those out...Hopefully the Ketchum study, and errickson footage comeout before I can finish, Ha!...Ken

  35. My fear is the gun-totin’ Bible to the soul country folk who will not react positively. Once its out, its out and the existence, continued existence of these beings will be decided by our North American culture. How will that end? I’m from and live in the forests of Northern Alberta, Canada. They are definitely out here, but only Indians and some intelligent bush folk know. Others are too ignorant to wake up to it, but its a good thing for them to stay arrogant. Most of the population in the bush in Northern Canada are extreme religious fundamentalists with such far out beliefs they were pushed into the wastes of Northern Canada. You think Texas is bad? The other folk up here is what I call “bush people”, the basic white trash folk like West Virginians in America that like to shoot anything, but they like hockey instead of nascar, quad a lot (ATVing) and they get drunk and do a myriad of other things every day. These folk have NO respect for the environment or what lives in it. They start hundreds of forest fires every summer due to their ignorance. Now that news is out, I promise you a) the fundamentalists (which make a huge percentage of Alberta and happen to hunt and own more firearms than the general population) will go and kill them (Imagine youtube videos of different folk posting ways that they can attract a bigfoot to their house or hunting blind or where a tribe currently is, etc.) as their very existence will go against the literalist interpretation of the Bible and the beliefs that come with it. It will be a holy crusade. Now if they were found in the Amazon or Congo, it would not have much of an effect, as it can be ignored but when they are found in their backyard and stealing tools, as Robert said (and it does happen, I’ve heard of wrenches, arrows and brooms going missing) how would a literalist Christian react? And b) The bush folk will go all “hick” and formulate drunken weekend plans with their buds such as “lets get drunk and bag ourselves a fucking Bigfoot!” The bush nowadays is fragmented and cut up by these people, through quadding, oil exploration, and logging. They can go anywhere with their quads. They will drive around on these things everywhere until they find one, or worse yet a tribe. Remember these are the people that took out millions upon millions of buffalo in less than a century. There is something like 500 left in all of Alberta, which is a huge area. So what happens to the majestic Sasquatch in Alberta and the rest of northern Canada? Tribes could continue to exist in Northern British Columbia and the Coast and Rocky Mountain ranges, but they will be pursued there too. As well they could still live through the southern Northwest Territories and Northern Saskatchewan down through Northern Manitoba, but its a cold harsh land that sees temperatures below -60F and wind chills of -80F. There is not a lot of food here during the 7-8 month winter.

  36. It can and does snow every month of the year except for in July. They can’t go south (millions of people, tons of industry, and they will be hunted even more there) so where will they go? Not a lot live very North right now as the climate is so severe and recently it has been getting even colder up here during the winter (contrary to the Arctic warming scare claims, trust me I’m from here) And worse yet, if they are doomed to slaughter across the extreme peripheries of their northern range and they can’t go south (I do not want to think what you Americans will do to yours) where will they go? Literally the only place is the Northern Coast Mountains in British Columbia and Alaska and the Rocky Mountains in Alberta. And only in protected areas there such as Jasper National Park and Willmore Wilderness Park. Population estimates are already low in the thousands across the continent, how will a fragmented 100 or 200 be able to survive? Especially genetically? Everyone is celebratory about this happening, and I was too until I started to really think about the reaction of all the others that had no idea it was real. There is going to be a slaughter in Alberta. And elsewhere. My heart is already crying for them. This is a tragedy, but their secret must at least come out within the confines of science as it could be even worse. Many people have media capabilities in the bush nowadays. People are noticing there are other things there and are filming them. Don’t get mad at Robert for releasing this, it was going to happen eventually. All what I see from this coming slaughter is another validation that there is something seriously wrong with our society and civilization. For the most part they are not aggressive. One of the last memories of the ancient world is about to be extinguished. Just think of it as releasing mentally retarded adults into the bush and hunting them. This is and will be a travesty. I pray it won’t but my instincts and gut are leading me elsewhere. I am currently enrolled in university studying Biological Anthropology, but I am afraid by the time I am out there they will already be decimated.

    Rainbow Lake, Alberta

  37. @apehuman, hey man
    People here are not argueing that sasquatch is an ape. If he exists he is an ape in as much as humans are apes. We will wait for real science to decide which line of ape that is. Personally I lean towards the line of man.
    The discussion is about Roberts journalistic integrity. If one calls themselves a journalist they must deal in facts. RL does not have anything but conjecture. When these claims he has made are taken into consideration along with his whole body of "work" that has been published over the years on the Internet we are left with no other conclusion than to call his bullshit. The man deals in fantasy and opinion at best. None of his claims have been verified, and when the people he has been writing about, who actually have jobs, say he has his facts wrong I tend to agree. The man is a sensationalist nutjob plain and simple. Don't feed his need for attention. John

  38. i think nothing should be posted from this guy anymore....

  39. You know what's hilarious you gays, or guys, is that Shawn gets more hits off the posts about me than any other type of post.

    Robert Lindsay is good for business!


    1. That was the point I was trying to make a few post's above. Everyone taks shit about you but they all read your blog! Funny stuff. Can you update daily about BF as you are good for business as well as a good read.

    2. Freudian slip? I think Ms. er, uh, I mean Mr. Robert Lindsay is needing to tell us something.

  40. Robert, did you just call us a bunch of gays? That's terrible man! I know some of these GUYS have been bad mouthing you and probably were a bit offsides, but name calling? You put out this story, you should expect positive and negative feedback. If you want to be a journalist, in my opinion, you should strive to be the best you can. Do you picture Walter Cronkite calling a bunch of guys fags because they didn't agree with one of his stories?

  41. Shawn = Robert Lindsay. Same guy, must be.

    1. I am begging to wonder if perhaps this is the case.

    2. Begging - beginning. Sorry

    3. That, or "Shawn" has some sort of bizarre homoerotic infatuation with Robert Lindsay. Really, I think the most parsimonoius explanation is that Shawn is Robert Lindsay. That would explain why he feels the need to pimp that such a non-expert.

  42. Well Shawn what do you have say about RL 's Post?

    Doesn't strengthen your creditiblity if any thing it makes you look bad. Time take a stand Bigfoot Evidence's future could be on the line.

    1. I agree. Shawn I like your site but publishing a racist is beyond the pale and you are about to lose readers. Tell us why you keep publishing this idiot.

  43. Shawn, is definately not Robert!

    Shawn posts exactly what his website is all about.

    "World's only 24/7 Bigfoot News Blog: Encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments."

    The great thing about Shawns blog, we get to express our thoughts and opinions freely.

    Keep up the great work Shawn!

  44. This is so cool! Look at all these haters. Oh yeah, I love it. Bring more haters, more, more, more. I can't get enough it, love it, love it.

    1. From the sound of your past above, I am glad we have provided you with your first orgasm, ever, Robbie.

    2. That, folks, is what a narcissistic attention whore with a deep-seated inferiority complex sounds like!

  45. Again Shawn how about it? Is RL your "cash cow" is he why you won't take a position on his post?

    Why would you put your reputation and credibility on the line?

    Time to pony up Shawn, you have a good site don't let RL pull you into his cesspool.

  46. Shawn presents both sides and it is WE who make the comments. My advice is if you don't like RL don't post a comment. I was just coming here to congratulate Shawn. It's kinda been a slow last few days. LOL

    I don't know about anyone else but I like to read everything I can. I don't always believe it but I suspect since I'm an adult I can be allowed to form my own opinion.

    Apehuman and Beer-Man thank you for you insightful posts.

    Erik in Alberta, I'm what one would consider a fundamentalist christian and proud of it. I don't understand why that would be a problem. I was taught God is omnipotent. I believe there could be Bigfoot,Dogmen( with a little secret experimentation during WWII)Nessie and many other wondrous mysteries here on this planet.Even if some of them are a Neanderthal tribe, that does not cause a problem with me.

    Maybe some people came from Apes through evolution but I didn't. I'm very secure in my faith.

    I worry too about the Bigfoot community being decimated.

    My concern is you've made some serious allegations and lumped ALL fundamentalist christians and West Virginia people in one bucket. Have you been to West Virginia? When I think of West Virginia, I think of coal miners who risk their life daily to put food on their table. I think of very poor yet proud very hard working people.

    I come from the hills of NC! Trust me I know about rednecks. Some of the best people I know are rednecks.

    I don't think you'll have to worry about the rednecks. I suspect it will be professional game hunters and what I call regular folk.

    I want to thank everyone here for not cussing. It takes away from the intelligence of a post.

  47. I agree with Blondie. I'm a redneck and proud of it. Like she said you don't have to worry about the rednecks more of us know about sasquatch than most. Because we spend a great deal more time in the woods and live in the "sticks". When the Ketchum report comes out I'm know we will finally hear a lot more eye witness accounts dating back many many years and more habituation stories. People are afraid of being ridiculed. I know lots of "REDNECKS" that have seen sasquatch on many occasions with guns in hand and never shot one. Sure there are jerks out there that give us a bad name but most of us would give the shirt off our back to help someone, that's how we were raised. But many stories about sasquatch have been shared about them. It just took them a long time listening to me talk about them to come forward with their stories because of fear of being called crazy. But I digress. Just my humbled two cents.

  48. @ Blondie

    Once again this isn't Texas. In northern Canada we have huge groups of Calvinist radicals who were kicked out of the Netherlands and Germany that would put American Evangelical literalism to shame. Canada is NOT the United States and it is ignorant for you to assume that it is. With this group of people arranged marriages and spousal abuse is rampant. Since they are the only "pure" race on the planet they breed with their own so there is much cousin marriage and mental retardation in families. They are hard workers, but not overly intelligent. They also like to hunt stuff. A lot. Their actual beliefs are that their little congregations in northern Canada are the only ones that will survive the Apocalypse when it comes and that everybody will descend to hell, except them as they will go to heaven. It's like Jehovah's Witnesses multiplied by a factor of 10. We also have Jehovah's Witnesses. They are moderates here. So I'm not knocking on Baptists or run of the mill Evangelical Protestants. I myself am religious, its just that there are a lot more of them than me (Lutheran). When I say far out I mean far, far, far out. Your not in Kansas anymore. And this group of people will brand the Sasquatch as demons imitating human form (they are hairy, imperfect people in their minds) and will slaughter them. Especially if one is sneaking tools in the woodshed at 2 in the morning...

    You Americans have soft skin. I come from Northern Canada. We are all "hicks" up here. You have to be if your closest neighbor lives 5 miles from you and the closest city (30,000 people) is 7 hours away. I was trying to contrast a group of Americans (who are stereotyped) to what is up North so you Americans can understand where I was coming from as none of you come up here. Once again, this is Northern Canada, not the US. I misplaced my contrast. This is 3000+ miles to the north. Rednecks are not what is up here. During the winter, the sun is up only for 4 hours. Northern lights dance all night. Its cold as balls, getting below -60F (I've seen -70F) regularly during winter. The wind chill is worse. Blizzards last for days. Winter lasts 8 months. School only gets cancelled if it is -55F. During the summer, the sun doesn't go down. Tough, tough people live here. You have to be that to survive. Its still (somewhat) wild. The other group I was mentioning as akin to West Virginians, these "bush people" are all Atheists. I didn't mention that in my earlier post. They are not like the religious radicals up here, nor are they like Christian rednecks to the south. They are their own breed and are disliked up here. They dont believe in anything except for their truck, quad, snowmobile and gun (And the extra cash for some blow from their rig job). The only thing is they screw a lot and proliferate like rats. The disregard they have for nature is paramount. They rape it to derive wealth. Not too mention burn down half the forest during the summer. I'm sorry I used West Virginians to contrast, its worse than that.

  49. You have no idea what the facts on the ground are up here. I do as I have spent my entire life living up here. I never post anything on these forums but now that I realize you Americans are going to let the cat out of the bag I felt obliged to try to tell you guys what it is like up here and what will happen. Please hear me when I say this. Both major groups in Northern Canada WILL kill them. Mark my word. They shoot anything illegally anyways. Poaching is rampant. They wiped out the reindeer population in Alberta, and decimated the Grizzly/Kodiak populations as well. Not to mention the Elk, Bison, Lynx and Mountain Lion populations too. These people just do not care. Its still the Wild West up here. There is no government, barely any people and no police... but also no environmental protection or land preservation. Its a travesty, and it is all being done to provide raw materials to YOU Americans. Come up here if you don't believe me and see the disaster for yourself. Just bring a lot of warm clothes, it was -63F just last week, and that was without the windchill.

    Its 400 million in the US and Canada vs 2,000 - 10,000 of them. Even if there are 50,000 jackasses out of that 400 million the whole party is ruined. And from what I have seen from where I live, that will happen.


  50. I have a sister that lives two hours north of Spirit River, Alberta,

    He's making Canada out to be this place of mass hysteria (air guitar-to animal) and anarchy. Just isn't so. We have our lunatics, and hillbilies for sure, but so does everyone else. Northern Canada does take a certain kind of nuck to live up there, but their not all crazies.

  51. @ Beer-Man

    Of course there is normal people up here, but it doesn't matter if there are even 10 or 100 idiots. I already know some guys who live here that will be going to try to kill some this summer. Its already beginning. By the way Spirit River is way to the south man. Thats in the parkland areas around the Peace River. Its all farmland there!

    I could say 70% of my county comprises the two groups of people I explained, especially 75%+ of the younger ones (17 - 30) (I myself am 25) who are much more likely to go and actually try to shoot a Sasquatch. Grandma and grandpa sure as well won't! It doesn't matter if even 1% to 10% of that 70% actually go out. Thats still 100 - 1000 people in an area with very good access (logging roads, oil roads, seismic trails, logged out areas, quadding trails, the list goes on) looking for something they know is there. And it is there. Every oil man working in the bush would be scanning the sides for a "squatch". Even when moose hunting people will be looking for one now. Outfitters could secretly sell a week for Sasquatch hunting for wealthy Americans and Europeans. The price would be lucrative. Some religious folks will declare them demons and try to kill them. Some will get shot when they enter someones property. People will go hunting on weekends, and adventurers from Edmonton and Calgary will wander up hoping to strike it rich with a body. Or worse yet from the US. A couple crazies will always be out there, thinking if they bag one they will get rich... Some asshole may even want to mount one! I think it is genocide. Now just compound that over the entire north... And you have a disaster.

    And by the way I love the North. Northern Canada is a beautiful place and I will be here till I die. Oh and on the anarchy. Everybody is libertarian in the bush, you have to be as you have not a lot of neighbours to depend on. Its only you and if you have no individual initiative you will freeze to death. Society is still functional here, there still is responsible people but we are on the very, very edge of civilization and you can tell :D

  52. Thanks Beer-Man, I understand kinda better where Erik is coming from.

    I lived in Canada for a year. Went all over Canada during that time and loved it,snow and all.

    The 2nd night after I arrived and it was -40 below. Quite a wake up call to a young lady from the South back in the 80's. I had a good experience and loved the people even the ones I'd been warned about in Quebec.

    Erik I understand better. Thanks

  53. Erik, its great to hear some insight from the far north. Your right, Spirit River isn't that far........ but it was always a good 14 hour drive for me to get there. Thats far north from where I am! haha

    As for the mass slaughter, I truly hope it doesn't happen as well. I hope the sasquatch gets recognized as close to human as possible, so that the law will have the crime be murder. To me, they are a distant relative, not animal.


  55. If you go on RL website and look at the comments you can see how lame grandmas boy is. Question anything and it's well now your banned. Who the f cares anymore about bf. find one,shoot one and study it until the cows come home and guess what? Still have to pay my bills the next day and go to work and just the same ole same ole. There is not going to be anything earth shattering if this species is proven , little girly man will still blog and argue with everyone, people will still hoax. So that's my point about who the f cares. A side note. If Bf is a hominid then that mofo owes some serious back taxes.

  56. It makes total sense to me that Bf would not have anything to do with guns. It would be totally against their way of life: guns are way too loud and would give them away, just like an open fire would. If I were them I would hope I would take pride in my ability and not think I need guns, anyway. They are getting along fine without them, that much is certain. I am 2nd amendment all the way, but I don't think these creatures really feel they are missing out on anything technology wise in the big scheme of things.


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