Robert Lindsay Finally Vindicated By Latest Purported Photo Of Bigfoot From Olympic Project

An artist's rendering of a the photo of the Bigfoot looking into the camera above.
Drawing by Chris Gunter.

Yes, it has been a busy 24 hours to say the least. Less than 12 hours ago, our blog broke The Ketchum Report that was originally posted on Bigfoot Forums less than an hour before. And then, when you woke up this morning, you saw a plethora of Robert Lindsay-related posts. We have to admit, we held on to the Robert Lindsay posts for 6 hours because we felt that our readers needed a break.

This latest development is also from Robert Lindsay. But before we show you the purported photo of a Bigfoot licking a trail cam, let's talk about Lindsay for a moment.

Many moons ago, Robert's passion in Bigfoot started to spike when he posted an article featuring an interview about two Bigfoots that were shot near Gold Lake, CA. The claim was wild and probably exaggerated, but nevertheless, the core of the story was true: A bear hunter saw two Bigfoots and shot at them. The story was soon dubbed the Sierra Kills.

This news sent shock waves throughout the community, and some people didn't know what or who to believe. Derek Randles, the head of the Olympic Project, didn't help Lindsay either after lashing out at him and calling parts of Lindsay's story untrue. In all of his rage, Derek Randles never said he was lying - just parts of it were untrue.

After the Sierra Kills story, Lindsay started to come out with anonymous sources. Some of them worked with Dr. Melba Ketchum, and others were departures from the Erickson Project. Under the circumstances of remaining anonymous, his sources were not allowed to go into much detail about anything, especially on the subject of DNA. However, tidbits of information began to trickle out, and Robert did his best to compile this data, but he admits he's not an expert on Bigfoot DNA.

Consequently, many people in the Bigfoot community chose to ignore anything that had to do with Robert Lindsay. Initially, they didn't know what to think about his "Bigfoot News" that's released every week or so, but some had already made up their minds about him.

Fast forward to now, and the landscape is a little different. The group Facebook Find Bigfoot is finally holding out their hats trying to catch droplets of Dr. Melba Ketchum's news, originally reported by Lindsay of course. The long-held belief within the old guards of the Bigfoot community is that Bigfoot is an ape. Everything that Lindsay had reported up to this point has been saying that Bigfoot is closer to humans.

There are a few other groups who are still on the fence about Dr. Ketchum's research, but they could be coming around too sooner or later.

This post by Sharon Lee of The Bigfoot Field Reporter indicates a change in attitude towards Lindsay, possibly vindicating him:
What now?

I am starting to think that maybe we should pay more attention to Robert Lindsay. I just don't know anymore. My gut instinct, which is usually never wrong, tells me that the DNA evidence was all just another event that would leave us still wondering if Sasquatch are flesh and blood creatures AND more so, if they truly exist.

I had been leery from the beginning due to Biscardi's involvement, Ketchum's track record for not producing favorable outcomes for her customers, and The Smeja story, the Erickson all just seemed so convenient how they all went hand-in-hand.

I feel like maybe I am out of touch? Then I see this story today from Robert Lindsay and I am thinking to myself, are people really seeing a Bigfoot in this blurry trail cam photo?

A photo of a Bigfoot looking at a camera on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. This is apparently the first photo of a DNA-proven Bigfoot ever released.

Have I become so cynical and jaded that I can't see the Squatch through the trees?

I would love to hear feedback from you all on this because I think maybe I am failing to grasp the inevitable truth that maybe Ketchum is legit. Maybe Smeja did kill a Bigfoot. Maybe the government doesn't really care if we prove Bigfoot exist.

Talk to me.

Maybe this photo IS of a Sasquatch picking up apples in Vermont?

- Sharon Lee


  1. Hey, I definitely see a Patty resemblance there. And I'm not in the least surprised either, as the Patterson film obivously shows the real thing.

  2. I would take everything from RL with a healthy dose of disbelief. He has too many credibility issue he can not keep his facts straight and to the ones he has he misrepresents...

    He is a liar.

    1. umm, are you the same lying Daisy in the box dude?

    2. ^^ Hell yeah, he is, Ed. What's more is that he's a racist and supporter of bullying.

      ^ No, he isn't, you falsely assuming cowardly Anonymous!

  3. It just looks like the same crap that Squatchmaster or Timbergiant would put out and tell you its indisputable proof. Frankly its to blurred to see "squatch" (drink). Lol It could be somebody with their ass to close to moon the camera. But some moron will see a Bigfoot and post it when it could be anything. If its not clear don't post it. At least Todd S. hoaxes were clear.

  4. This purported photo of the BF face on the trail cam has been up on the Olympic Project website for quite some time. I have to ask if Lindsay is so fascinated with BF and all things Sas plus Randles having lashed him that he is finally commenting on this??? I have found alot of what Lindsay says to have some truth (if we can even figure out what the hell that is anymore) and he seemed to be consistent until now. This "revelation" on this not-new photo (and drawing) has got me puzzled.


  5. More lousy photographic evidence.

  6. @ JN

    Just be careful with RL he snake in the grass.

    1. That he is. And a pretty self-righteous one.

  7. @ JN

    I too have seen this image and sketch for a long time as well. I think the reason RL reported this as new is, the information he has recieved has now linked the supposed saliva DNA sample from this bigfoot to the actual photo. Before it was just a photo of a blobsquatch licking the trail cam,, but now there is DNA to back it up that it was a bigfoot ....................... if what Robert is writing about is true.

  8. @ Beer Man

    RL is just trying to draw connections to make it seem like he's in the know. I have dealt with him and he had done the same with our work.

    He just as guilty as a hoaxer and were not the only ones who think that.

    1. you know? i'm glad that you're against Rob Lindsay as i am. from what i learned, he's a racist, liar, and a support of bullying.

    2. i meant "supporter" and not "support."

  9. That looks like your typical mist ghost photo. People can make what they want of it. I even see a seperate face in the left hand corner. Stare hard enough. Go look at clouds and I bet you can make a face out of them. This is just another reason why we get laughed at.

    We can catch an extinct monkey or a pigmy rhino on trail cam, but yet we get this with BF

  10. "It just looks like the same crap that Squatchmaster or Timbergiant would put out and tell you its indisputable proof. Frankly its to blurred to see "squatch" (drink). Lol It could be somebody with their ass to close to moon the camera. But some moron will see a Bigfoot and post it when it could be anything. If its not clear don't post it. At least Todd S. hoaxes were clear."
    He we go another one shooting from the hip,there is more to that picture than the picture itself.
    Go check out the Olympic project
    site and read everything about the photo, If you can possibly get your head out of your ass for a minute,shithead.

  11. @ BB

    I know it always does seem funny to me that these are the best photos they got. Deep down, I really hope that there are some incredibly good ones out there, that people are just not sharing, and will hopefully get released with the study.

    If I had a good trailcam photo, I would question releasing it because of all the slanderous people out there that will rip and ruin your life.

    If it was a genuine photo of a sasquatch that I captured, to a lot of people out there, not naming names, it would be too good to be real and I would be dubbed a hoaxer. They would find out I'm a business owner (so they would assume I have money), they would find out I have friends, via facebook probably, in the special effects area of the film industry (which I do and not uncommon in the PacNorth), and draw their own conclusion that I must be fraud and a hoaxer. They would ruin my life like they have tried and suceeded in so many other instances.

    @ Ed Smith

    I totally agree with you. Like anything on the internet, you have to to take it with a grain of salt. Do I believe Robert......... I dunno, some of it maybe, some of it not. But thats my choice how I interpret it. I do have to say, I do do enjoy reading any information I can get on the subject.......... especially "breaking news". hehe. I will still hold my judgement on everything, until I hear it from reliable sources, not anonymous ones, I will keep my mind open.

    But until then, Shawn keep the stories comin, I really enjoy reading them.

    1. I don't buy that logic. If someone has an awesome photo, and is afraid of the humiliation they will receive if they release it, then release it anonymously . Not hard to do. Very simple. The photo gets out there, it gets seen, and bam. These silly photos showing next to nothing, that have to have sketches defining what is supposedly what (how would the cam owner even know what is what unless they staged the shot in the first place). All the secrecy and announcements that something wonderful is coming soon, is just a bunch of hype intended to get attention. Every single time noting happens. There has not been an equal to the PGF. There has not been anything with DNA. There has been nothing new and even close to reliable in over 44 years. Ask yourselves why. Everything these days is nothing more than hype to keep people excited, with never anything of substance to back it up. Think about it. Then get fooled again with another announcement of something cool just around the corner...

  12. Oh good grief... That pic looks more like a mountain goat than a bigfoot! Why are the lips white? If this is a pic of a dna "proven" bigfoot, then rest assured this whole thing is a big steaming pile of crap. My belief in the superiority of the human race just took a dive off the cliff of reason. I am speechless.

  13. I have a cuddeback ir game camera shot of a full dead on face of a bigfoot, and an arm/shoulder close up. The only problem is this...the camera switches to black and white in darkness and the pictures are whited out. If anyone has the technology to clear them up, It would be a great picture....just don't know if picture technology can bring out the details. This photo was taken at a campground where I personally watched two bigfoot, a large male and a young one....I think the photo's are the young one because of the size of the head. The camera was hidden in a pile of camping gear on a picnic table pointed to a lantern post with a hanging bait, the young one popped his head up at the edge of the table and got caught. The arm was just a great affirmation of something with arms and hairy.
    Email me if you have the photo cleaning capabilities to look at it.
    Randy Harrington

  14. While the typical flat nose is there, I think what Beer-Man said makes sense. It's the reason why we don't see so many cam shots released, there's probably many really good ones out there, but with the REAL hoaxers out there too i.e. the professional skeptics just waiting to tear it apart why bother, hence you'll think twice. You may also have a personal business interest in not coming forward, Bigfoot contrary to public belief really isn't good business for some businesses. And of course, the same people bemoaning the lack of photos wouldn't believe the picture anyway.

  15. This presents a false dichotomy:
    "The long-held belief within the old guards of the Bigfoot community is that Bigfoot is an ape. Everything that Lindsay had reported up to this point has been saying that Bigfoot is closer to humans."

    Humans ARE apes. No one in the BF world that I know of is really saying that Bigfoot is some kind of gorilla, chimp, or orang. Nearly EVERYONE believes they are some kind of related proto-human. Any level of closeness to humans would still be an ape. We are apes, so there it stands. The real controversy is over how CLOSE they are to us. The Ketchum crowd are the ones who regularly assert that BF ARE human, literally, though with some minor mutations causing difference. Some go so far as to say they are Homo sapiens hirsutii, or whatever. That they have speech and language, art and culture, etc. This is the REAL controversy. Those on the so-called "ape side" are really just saying that the BF are genetically distinct to a degree significant enough to make them another species in the Homo line, and that they live like wild creatures, without civilization and no apparent significant cultural or intellectual expression. This gets mixed up in the pro-kill/no-kill debate, and therein lies the real division.

    Bigfoot Books, Willow Creek

  16. Re. Robert Lindsay, well, he seems like a cool guy to me, in the extent that I've heard him, and discussed things with him via email. He is just a curious guy delving deeply into the Bigfooting rumor mill. He has found some amazing things, even if not all of it is actually true in the end. He should be commended for the dogged determination he has shown in digging up these things and developing the network of contacts and sources that he has. I say this in reference to his Bigfoot News, not whatever other views he has expressed (to great controversy) on his blog. He has a right to his own personal opinions, and really, whatever they are, they have very little to do with the quality of information in his Bigfoot articles.

    Bigfoot Books, Willow Creek

    1. you wish that he's cool. if you ask me, he's deluded liar who thinks everyone should accept his values blindly and kiss his ass but gets all pissy whenever he's contradicted.

  17. How did Robert Lindsay know about the events he describes? Jeff Meldrum told him? I don't think so. More likely Robert has seen a copy of the video shot by Smeja. How would he get his hands on that?

    1. Rob must be a greedy opportunist who'll snag any chance at being an ass.

  18. What on Earth is the thing in the second pic.

  19. This is so rediculous, the photo above has been on the OP website for over a year, maybe two. I'm not saying it isn't a sasquatch but there is a high probability it is the armpit of a bear. What you are seeing as the face is the actual pit which is surrounded by longer hair from the arm/shoulder area reaching across the top and to the left in picture. Also longer hair coming down on right side. I get it though, people see Jesus in tortillas too.
    But really Shawn? How can you defend a person like Robert Lindsay? Why do you post everything he reports? Does anyone know Shaw? I mean on a face to face basis? Not attacking you here, just throwing out the theory, but is Shawn really Robert Lindsay? Sorry man, its the only way I can make sense of why you would defend someone liike Robert Lindsay. Shawn, if you aren't one in the same I beg you to please finally go and read the sick hate this guy has spewed out on his nlog over the years. You are defending a sensationalist liar. John

    1. Because of that post, you're my favorite commenter in this blog. Besides, you give me the impression that you're more mature than the others commenters on here.

  20. Steven, that seems a little short of the full controversy. Some prominent names felt rather than proto-human or relict, Sasquatch has evolved via the orangs, or even gorilla line, apart from ancient human proto types, and well in excess of our measly 200,000 years. Wasn't that Meldrum's view until this past few years, if it isn't still.

  21. Believe me when DNA evidence breaks you guys willhave all the photo and video you will ever want to see. Just hold your horses Science is not like watching TV it takes time to get all your facts right. When the time is right and it is soon you will literally be amazed at all the video evidence springing forth upon the world. Close up video that you can see the hair growing out of the skin. !

  22. @ anonymous @ 1:46

    The Vermont trailcam photo.

    Here is a good breakdown of it. Kinda looks like a costume at first, but this link gives some other interesting points.

  23. Beer man great link. That pic is a owl that landed on a branch and as the branch bent down it snapped moved in front of the camera. You can see the tree and how big it is in one of the photos where they take the picture of the guy from a different view. You can make the outline of the wings and the shape of the bird and its deceiving because of how close to the camera it is.

  24. I don't see an owl there at all, I see a longhaired Sasquatch. Sorry, just being honest.

    1. Really? Look at the depth of the picture! Look at Beer Man's link of the pictures of the coyote it took. It puts everything in perspective. If that's a Squatch that close it would cover the cam.

  25. Thanks Ed and Beerman. I just find it funny that all the focus is on this weird photo now cuz Lindsay brought it up. He does get everyone's attention and he has made some good points. (Steve at Bigfoot Books...I've visited twice but you won't answer the door!!)


  26. In my eyes......... (hehe) I want to see a sasquatch holding a baby sasquatch. There could be a hand there clinging on, and possibly a foot hanging down and the youths body in front as well............

    But, it could be just an owl too

    Love Blogsquatches!!

  27. Just amazing you never see a picture and go whoops that may be a deer or shoot its blurry but that may be a coyote hell we can get clear shots of Yankee stadium from space but never a clear Squatch photo from 2 feet away

  28. Wow BB! ur really makin me look at this pic over and over! WTF!

    I'm looking at the depths, and even with the closest picture of the coyote, it still seems to be back about four feet or so from the BS (blobsquatch). And then with the comparison of the human in the picture, and the daytime shots of the area, it seems a "female holding a baby" (haha)could fit in there???? IMO LOL

  29. I'm just saying remember one of the last Monsterquest shows where the thought it was a Bigfoot and they determined it to be a crow dive bombing the fields. It's all about how close it is.
    I believe Bigfoot is real. I mean he is my Broski after all. I just don't believe the majority of pics or videos because everyone wants the 10 minutes of fame.
    I think the Patty film is legit as well as the Georgia Police dash cam film.

    But then you have guys like this who are money driven f tards who deserve to get bitch slapped.

  30. LOL!!! BB!

    There are a lot of different people in this bigfooting world, Crazies and less crazies! Seems pretty easy to push aside the attention seekers though.

    Right now I'm just glad I can close my window on the "owl" and "mana squatch feeding her baby" picture. haha

    And for the record, I can't make F-all out of that picture. Nothing but BS........blobsquatch

  31. Man everyone chasing and trying to capture a Squatch I don't get it. Has anyone simply just Hung out and offered one a beer? Lol. That's it I'm taking the dog out with a case of Coord light this weekend and going camping! Oh and can't forget my Jakks links beef jerkey

  32. Thats sonds like my kinda weekend!
    And the dog, great stuff! If you don't mind me asking, what kinda pooch do you got?

  33. Just adopted a lab/collie 5 month old 45 lb beast named Dakota. Nickname Boon Boon

  34. Sweet! I got a 2 1/2 year Newfoundlander that we've had since a puppy! Daisy is her name, and she's awesome!

    When there's a house full of boys, I guess we should let mom pick the name since its her only girl. lol

  35. Lab/collie. Thats a good cross. Loyal, smart feild dog. I've got 3 labs in my family too, awesome dogs. BTW my dogs tipping the scale at about 135!........ bloody horse!

    1. Jesus man. I had a chocolate lab through college and while I lived in Montana he passed when we moved to Cali. I think he missed clean air. Lol

  36. Great link Beerman, thanks. I not seeing this Owl either could be a dude in a ghillie suit?

  37. Ain't nothing better than a good dog. I have a 4 yr. old golden retriever who goes everywhere with me and only put him on a leash when an ordinance requires it.

    The Vermont trailcam at first look one can see an owl. Then look at it compared to the man in the comparison photo and you could see a squatch with a young one clinging. Remember his guy had apples disappearing at a huge rate. Then when you read Dr. Bruce MacCabee analysis (who is a very respected man in his field and has done some great UFO analysis) and he is confident this critter is not close to the camera, and thus way to big to be an owl. This critter is larger than the comparison man. Thus what is it. It could be a Squatch.

    If you read RL full article he states that he is 100% certain Dr. Melba Ketchum's paper has been accepted and only waiting for a release date. Over the last several months he has broken a lot of news dealing with Ketchum, Smeja, and others and for the most part has been right, so it seems he has sources close to these camps, and not much if anything has been seriously refuted. I will take it with a grain of salt, but for now that is a very large grain. That is my opinions.


  38. Robert Lindsay is a bit late as this picture has been on the Olympic Project site for quite some time. I guess he is grasping at straws to stay relevant.

    1. why believe him? he's a dickheaded loser with shit for brains.

  39. Alpha Dog, You're so right about that photo. People seen to ignore the little hand clinging to the big one.

    I applaud you for your statement many posts above about why the real clear photos aren't shown. That's exactly why a clear photo I might have will never be published anywhere.

    To the first anonymous post above who made the comments about Timbergiant. I think you are so jealous of the true researchers you can't stand it.It sounds exactly like something Mr. TF would say.

    Shawn, Congratulations!! Keep it up. LOL You got your controversy.Wow did you ever.

  40. Thanks Blondie,

    Its a cruel bigfooting world out there! I'm on the outside looking in, and I like it that way, and I think there are a lot of other researchers out there that really try keep there distance from a certain core of people.

  41. Dang it Beer man now I'm thinking its not an owl. I seriously doubt its a Squatch with a baby, but shoot what is it!

  42. Blondie, so wrong in your assumptions. Not jealousy at all. The point being if you cry wolf over and over again then their is a point the wolf should just eat your ass and move on. My problem is all the CRAP him and his counterpart put out is not helping the cause its hurting it. Newcomers to this field see things like that and will automatically think we are all a bunch of dumbass's that think every shadow, noise, and natural accourance in the woods(tree debris) is a sasquatch. When do we say enough is enough. Then there is the fact that he has exploited his viewers and complained so much about the poor quality of his own videos that someone was nice enough to purchase him a top quality video camera. Then even after he gets the "blobsquatch proof" camera he continued to use his old one to keep producing the BS fake videos, because with the HD you would have been able to clearly see through the ruse and know it was a fake. But his excuse was I don't want to break the new one " you didn't spend your money on it so WTF" I honestly cannot be the only personal who is seeing this. Maybe he has the wool pulled over your eyes, but not mine. I hold no grudges toward honest researchers at all, I would rather a no name die-hard researcher blow the lid on this whole subject than someone who is just in it for the money. But as Beer Man said nobody wants to be ripped apart because of all the CRAP that has been put out on the web and have truly legitimate proof be discredited or their name dragged through the mud because of others "so called research".

  43. Sorry anonymous above me. You sound just like Mr Fasano. If you're not I can't help the fact you write like he talks.

    Let me be perfectly clear- I am one of TGBF's viewers and proud of it. Perhaps if someone bought you a fancy camera you'd be a happier person. I don't know.One of the things I admire about him is how he stays out of the fray and sniping.He has NEVER said he had indisputable proof. That's why I think you're Mr. Fasano. He lies about what TGBF says.

    Why do you know so much about him and his video's if he causes you so much disdain. Apparently you are a viewer too, a full time viewer.
    There is one thing dictating your comments and I identified that in my first post. It appears your obsession with him is driven by pure jealousy and nothing you say will change my mind. Your derision of him is chronic and I am sick of it. If you truly cared you'd have made your statement and left out names, but it eats you up inside, you can't leave it alone and it is obvious to everyone except you! You are a very smart man. It's a shame you cannot be honorable. Instead of going around setting up fake accounts everywhere trying to fool people could you just work on yourself a bit? Maybe take a class in how to get along with people?

    You said newcomers will see those videos and think we're a bunch of dumb%##. I don't care what anyone thinks of me, never have and never will. I suspect the newcomers will soon see what spiteful, jealous, backbiting,dishonorable and even evil people are in this barrel of apples along with the good.

    Why do you think people who watch the videos on various researcher's channels cannot think for themselves? Did it ever occur to you that some of us can discern the pictures for ourselves?

    If you're truly concerned about what you stated above then leave the backbiting, jabbing attacks,and maliciousness out of it. It would have been well stated and I might have been able to read it without the attacks.

    Just curious, have you noticed no one responds when you do this? My mistake that I did!

  44. Well sorry B but, that kind of heretical thinking just can't be reasoned with. All will come out in the end. My condolences to your gullibility, maybe in time it will improve.

  45. I read this blog everyday. I am a bigfoot fan believe he is real. I have left a few comments here and there. I hear everyone taking stabs at everyone that has the nerve and takes their own time to go out and study bigfoot. Reading all your comments tells me none of you believe any of the data, pictures and videos out there. Sure there are some that are out their for the money and fame.
    Some are out there because they have seen one and want to prove they have seen it and that it is real.
    The researchers are all the over the United States and Canada. So all of you bloggers are telling me that all them are making hoax videos and pictures. Going out and building nests, tepee structures, all of them taking out bigfoot costumes and shooting video. So you are telling me the researchers are all in this together and making the hoaxes planning each one of them out. Lets see we have one in Canada, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, Florida and two in Ohio that have posted videos and pictures, noises and that every one of them are fake and hoaxed. Most of them using their own money and time to pull off a hoax to get there name in the bigfoot research web. They all have different ways to get there research and go out in the cold wet and dangerous forest by there selves and get the pictures and all just to fake them. Why dont you all stand behind each other help each other out and find the truth in the evidence. Instead of backstabbing each other out there. They all have different evidence in all parts of the world and all is fake in your eyes. Open your eyes and mind and help each other out not for the fame but because you believe in bigfoot.
    I hate to see all the little people out there not getting credit, while you have all the ones with money backing them getting all the notice and fame. The ones with the money backing them get a good post even if its negative the little guy get put out on a chopping block for their work. I just get tired hearing none of you helping each other out. I know this is a long blog but come on and help each other out here.

  46. I think Jan Allen said it best, if we all work together and share our methods of research (even if it doesn't work for you it might work for someone else) we might get a lot further in our evidence than weve gotten thus far. Team work is what we need to get to the bottom of this enigma.


  47. Heretical???? LOL Thanks for the laugh.

  48. Who vaseline'd the camera lens? Are BF shots getting shittier or am I just losing my vision from looking at so many crappy shots?

  49. Bigfoot secretes a substance from it's pores that has a negative charge and is then attracted to the positively charged camera lens. This substance coats the lens rendering all photographs blurry. Oddly, this substance seems not to contain any dna.


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