Listen to interview with Todd Standing about his Bigfoot research and TV show appearances

Back in December of 2011, on Manitoba's CJOB68 Radio, Bigfoot researcher Todd Standing was interviewed about his Bigfoot research at a secret Bigfoot valley (which the natives called Sylvanic). Todd also talked about about his featured appearance on the "Callout Search & Rescue" TV episode.

Watch the video below.


  1. I watched this recently.I still have my doubts about Todd Standing.
    I think he might have had one legitimate sighting and the beauty close up shots are fakes.
    I also watched the show on the web.The auburn Bigfoot is shown with "wind" blowing and the head moves side to side like it's on a stick.No blinking,no lip movement and no turning away or retreating from the blowing wind.Very suspicious.
    I always thought Todd lived in Calgary.Seems he is in Edmonton.
    Who in their right mind hikes deep in to Grizzly country alone?Not to mention Cougars,Wolves and packs of Coyotes.
    Todd is supposed to be experienced and should know better.No beacon to find him if he gets lost?No radios? A noise maker even?

    1. Ya I thought he was from Calgary too. Now that I know he's from Edmonton its all starting to make sense............ but I do love my family in Edmonton.....

  2. He's a complete liar, end of story. But they are on to something when discussing the link between BF and native cultures. The natives DO have names, belief in, reverence for BF....every tribe, most individuals, particularry PacificNW. It would be more likely that BF is a lost indian tribe than giant man-ape though.

  3. His video with shot saying "real sasquatch" is real dude. No way to fake those details.

  4. No, "dude"! It isnt real and you are an idiot!

  5. The native peoples believed/believe in a lot of BS. Doesnt make it real.

  6. I really don't know what to say about this guy. The sensationalism......the claims.....the picture of him laying there up against those rocks....goodness gracious this guys a real character.

    He either needs real psychological help or is a true north american hero in the making.

  7. My God how gullible we have become! Please people use your minds! "True North American hero".....I just puked in my mouth!

  8. Read it...... Would never say that about this guy.. Read that line again Anon.

  9. Pish posh on the Sylvanic Valley -- I have just escaped from an ordeal in the Appalachian Mountains and I am here to tell you friends that the Wood Ape is real! I was kidnapped by a troupe of the smelly beasts while preparing an engagement cabin for my beloved Autumnforest, the next thing I know is: it is I who was the betrothed, betrothed to the King Wood Ape himself, designated to be his smooth-skinned, Fig Newton-filled man-bride!

    I will not speak of the horrors I endured between then and now... but I must know what has become of my Autumnforest?

    My darling please come see me at my home base:

    1. Welcome back Naturalist. Glad to see you alive and well. We all were thinking you had lost interest.

  10. Naturalist I told everyone you escaped cabin in Montana to.meditate with Bigfoot and learn the ways of the Samurai of the Forest. Glad you made it back safe.

  11. Thank you, gentlemen!

    Bigfoots_broski: our Montana experience was only the second leg of my three part adventure. You and I shall have a drink to your heroic deeds and the hearty ways of the forest Samurais at a later date!

    I owe you a debt of gratitude, sir!

  12. Oh, dear, poor Naturalist. I will forgive you for breaking my heart. What can I do to make it better?

  13. I am scratched and scraped from Pith helmet to riding boots. And there is Wood Ape hair everywhere, and I mean everywhere...which I'm...which I'm... AH-CHOO! Which, as it turns out, I'm allergic to.

    But enough about me and the Wood Apes - on to the mending of that broken heart!

    1. Naturalist is the pillar of the male species,
      he pisses excellence,
      no one can commadier such bodacious words of
      utter wisdom and candor, then deceive us with a forked tongue. to put it Frankly,
      Youd Bein Da Man !!

  14. Sir no it is I that owe you! Cannot wait to here the tales of your adventures.

    Till next time......

    May your adventures be magnificent.

  15. K,I,SS,ING, First comes LOVE, then marriage. Then here comes Autumn pushing the baby carriage...

  16. This guy is a raging lunatic, a maniacal sociopath. Strange strange strange.


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