Cliff Barackman Says He Felt A Bit Bad For Debunking Jeff Patterson's (Squatchmaster) Bigfoot Video

In last night's Ohio episode of Finding Bigfoot, one of the investigations was focused on Jeff Patterson's Bigfoot footage. The film shows a dark, upright figure walking through shallow snow to a tree. It then grabs the tree and starts shaking it back and forth until the video clip ends. According to Cliff Barackman, the footage clearly shows either a Bigfoot or a human.

During the investigation, Bobo proved that the creature in the video was much shorter than him, and the tree didn't take much effort to bring down.

There were a number of other "red flags" that suggested that the video was a hoax. Cliff felt that Jeff's son was probably coached on what to tell investigators. Another clear sign was that Jeff Patterson himself had confessed that the video was a hoax.

Here's an excerpt from Cliff Barackman's Ohio Field Notes explaining their investigation of Jeff Patterson:

Another red flag was raised while we were interviewing Jeff and his son. Being a professional educator, and having taught fourth through sixth grades for more than a decade, I was very eager to speak to Chris about the encounter. Most teachers are very good at determining when a student is telling the truth or not, or even if they are leaving out important details. I figured that my experience would give me a pretty good handle on the authenticity of Chris' version of the story.

When I asked Chris what the thing looked like, he said that he saw a large, dark figure shaking a tree. When he was asked if he could see its face, Chris answered that he saw a large, dark figure shaking a tree. When asked about if it was covered in hair, he said that he saw a large, dark figure shaking a tree. It was soon becoming pretty clear that Chris had probably been coached on what to say.

Comparing our recreation video to the original, it was obvious that whatever is in that clip is not very big. It seems to be about six to ten inches shorter than Bobo. Looking very closely at the original video, there seem to be some frames that hint at the figure wearing clothing as well, though this is less than sure.

Before we did our investigation, I received some information that the Squatchmaster video had been proven a hoax, so I did some online investigating into the work done by others on this film. I ran across a very reliable reference to a video where Jeff Patterson himself confessed that the video was a hoax, and that he did not believe that there were any bigfoots in Salt Fork State Park. At one point he said that he believes the footprints found in Salt Fork were the result of other bigfoot investigators trying to hoax him. The videos in which Jeff confessed these things had since been removed from his Youtube channel. Looking again, I found that all of the Squatchmaster videos were only a month or so old. It occurred to me that it had only been a month or so since the producers had contacted him about using his video for the show. I suspect that Jeff did a major house-cleaning on his Youtube page at about this time for obvious reasons.

At the end of every video recreation, each team member has to tell the witness to his/her face what we think of the video. Sometimes this gets a little uncomfortable, especially for Ranae when she tells them they're wrong or lying. Now it was my turn to feel a bit awkward. Jeff and Chris had been nothing but kind to us, and were enjoying their time recreating the film.

Each team member took his or her turn telling Jeff that the film probably doesn't show a sasquatch. My turn came up and I looked Jeff in the eye and told him that I did some digging on the history of this film. “Since you are on record yourself saying that the film doesn't show a sasquatch, why should I think it does?” were the words I used. Jeff agreed with me. Bobo later told me that Jeff looked like he was going to cry. I'm glad he didn't. I felt a bit bad. Jeff and his son showed up to the town hall meeting the next night and waved at us when we walked by, so I guess it didn't hurt his feelings too badly.

Watch SquatchMaster's video below:


  1. If Cliff had asked anyone else in the Bigfoot community about Squatchmaster he could have gotten a earfull. Squatchmaster admitted in his own videos he hoaxed that clip that was played on Finding Bigfoot. Does anyone remember when Tim Stovar actually went down to Salt Fork to check out the area where the clip was filmed and he did a special show on his radio program at the time "January 2011" telling his audience how Squatchmaster hoaxed the video. Tim made a video since deleted showing how the tracks were 9" and the tree was easy to shake. Squatchmaster that same night made a video saying yes he hoaxed the video didn't believe in Bigfoot and had his teenage son shaking the tree. This was all on youtube at the time. I cannot believe when I saw this on Finding Bigfoot two of the biggest publicity hounds in Ohio ...

  2. Yep, I remember that vid when it first hit utube.Squatchmaster is B.S.

  3. Well there you go. I remember seeing that video also. That's why I can't understand why people blindly following someone who has admitted hoaxing videos. If you are a true believer there is no excuse for evidence fabrication. To the people who defend him because and I quote "they don't get involved in all the back biting, fighting amonst one another, and defending their videos" is because they don't have a leg to stand on.

  4. Keep following his videos simpletons. Your gonna go far. Oh and to the two ladies that complain every time someone points out his videos are hoaxes, how would you like your crow prepared? I really am not trying to be an ass but the writing is right here on the wall all you have to do is read it.

  5. Why feel bad??? The guy is a liar! HE hoaxed it said he hoaxed it to take down Don Keating, included his KID in on the lie, and CONTINUES to lie!!! THESE are the people who need to be forced out of this community! INCLUDING TIM STOVER! Yet ANOTHER LIAR AND HOAXER!!!!

  6. i think that you can see a pair of levi's(faded) on that bigfoot. plus as stated i think this dude and his kid are lying bigtime! the people who run that show should be fired for not doing their homework.this is why we don't get respect. liars and nothing more.

  7. What gets me is why didn't Stovar inform them about his involvement in the hoaxed video.

  8. Replies
    1. Because they ALL liked that video dumbass. It's TV asshole...don't you realize once they say they've found Bigfoot the show would be over. By the way,Moneymaker AND Cliff liked what they saw in that video. A BFRO investigator viewed the video AND site months before filming took place. Bet ya didn't know that...Dumbass! lol

  9. I can only guess that bigfoots don't emerge 8 foot+ tall from the womb. So the fact that Bobo appears to be taller than one proves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING except that we're dealing with an adolescent.

    1. ThinkerThunker, at the time the video was originally posted, a well known researcher estimated its size at about 6 foot 5 and that is what I've always said and I believe it to be so after several reenactments of my own. That size estimate was what I told the BFRO investigator that viewed everything before the taping with producers present.He agreed. No one involved with that production crew ever said it was 8 feet tall...except woman named Nancy Snodgrass who had nothing to do with this and has never even met me.

  10. Admittedly, when they asked the man what he saw after they debunked the size and strength of the figure, he really sounded very unconvincing. Watching the way the figure had to sway its body weight to move the tree, that's something without the upper body strength of a squatch. A woman would do something like that if she had to try to take down a tree, she'd sway her weight to move it. A squatch would likely not need to put his weight into it like that.

    1. By that time I was very tired after having worked all day. The taping wasn't completed until well after dark..and I wanted to get home. Besides, it took them six months to get me to do that really was quite boring.

  11. Was wondering why the heck they added that video. Perhaps if they show debunking efforts, it tells the viewers they do not accept all claims. I was gonna bust a vein if someone said "I think it's squatch!"
    Wasn't it Tim who debunked it at the site? I forget.
    Was nice to see Tim get some air time.


    1. Tim never made it to that location until THREE WEEKS later. Who cares any way. lol

  12. If Jeff admitted it was a hoax to Cliff- then that's a wrap. If you watch the complete uncut version of Squatchmaster's video (not the edited 36 second BFRO version) it seemed pretty compelling. He obviously had to have help to pull this off and I guess his Squatch knowledge helped to make the creatures move convincingly enough to believe they may have been Squatches. The fact that he hoaxed this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And what kind of father makes his son lie about it as well? That is the messed up part. He is using his son as part of the whole hoax. Just wrong on so many levels.

  13. If the video was a known hoax, then WHY the planet of hell did the producers even design a show around it?
    Are we at bottom-of-the-barrel time?

    Will the Ivan Marx films be featured next week?

    1. Exactly bud...that WAS the featured video because it was REAL.

  14. it still looked truthful to me. why would a man be shaking a tree like that. doesnt make a bit of sense.

    1. Thank you. The bigger one had broken several trees like that in that location. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Had it not been for hearing the first breaks, we would have turned around and never seen them.

  15. Even with out the Squatchmaster video, they are still scraping the bottom of the barrel using ANYTHING from Stover.

    1. Hey, I'm the one that got Stover on the show. Sorry but we both did a fine job and although it was boring,we still had fun doing it.

  16. I guess they used his hoax video for filler time. And show the extremes people will go to get 15 minutes of fame

  17. Boise, so he could get more hits on his You Tube channel. He previously admitted it was all staged.


  18. I'm just shocked they would air another hoax video. I mean that's 2 weeks in a row, and they are looking more and more like a joke and a lot less like a scientific research team.

  19. They got more hoaxed video coming as well...I guess their running out of good video or something.
    The video of the tree being pulled over...well on my TV you can see it is a person with light blue pants I always thought it was not a bigfoot as it had a hard time pulling the small tree

  20. I would like to hear Jeff Patterson's side of the story....
    Hello???....Are you on here Jeff??

  21. Broski--I am kinda wondering why the heck they are starting to act like Fact or Faked who often chased videos already debunked beforehand.

  22. Can somebody please send me a link to the video where Jeff Patterson admits his video was a hoax? I keep hearing this and I can't find it. Thanks in advance.

  23. cant see it because he deleted it. He and Fasano and Stover all do the same thing. They realize they are caught in a lie then remove the evidence!

  24. I remember watching a video of him showing his son - how small he was, because someone apparently said it was his son with a backpack on, and Jeff was sarcastically saying, yeah, he hoaxed it and it was his son. Is that the one?

  25. Nope! its one where he actually said bigfoot was a myth and that he only made the video to make Don Keating look like a fool.

  26. I'm a bit disappointed,actually,more than a bit.
    I had heard the occasional rumor that Jeff faked this one but I thought it was hearsay since I couldn't find evidence of this.
    Cliff says he found evidence and more than one person has repeated the same story about Jeff hoaxing this video.
    Sadly,I have to take this as fact now.Jeff does seem like a nice guy,but hoaxers don't sit well with me at all.
    I subscribed to him ages ago but after reading all of this,I unsubbed.
    I can't waste my time watching more videos that could be fake.

  27. I'd like to know what evidence Cliff found. I still don't believe that Jeff hoaxed it, and it's unbelievable to me that they granted Stover credibility with nothing but a story to tell, while not even attempting to show Jeff's whole clip of 3 creatures who were also talking but not saying anything we could understand. I think a good guy is being demonized while the rat gets away with the cheese.

  28. One sip of the Kool-aid is all Stover had to get into the team.

  29. karla-Go to this site and read it with your own eyes and in Jeff's own words.

    Scroll down until you see the Squatchmaster post.

  30. Thank you, SasquaiNation. I found the same quote on there that Tim Stover read aloud in an interview I listened to today. Is that the gist of what I'm supposed to see? I didn't see posts directly from Jeff.

    That radio interview was awful-that woman insisting that it was Jeff's son shaking the tree. No way in hell it was a boy of that size and meek nature.

    The thing that gets me about the whole Stover "investigation" of the video site is that nobody questions whether Stover videod the correct area or if he was ethical when he did it. It's all his word on what he recorded.

    I know there was a big showdown between these two after Jeff posted his video and I imagine Jeff said some things out of spite and anger...something tells me that there is missing context in the post Jeff left on Stover's fb.

    Is there something else I should be seeing in this blog that I've missed?

  31. Yes karla,you are missing something.Look at the picture that shows a facebook chat between a few people.
    Jefferey Patterson's comment is the one you want to read.
    I'll quote for you as well:

    "Truth be told,the Bigfoot is is nothing but a legend. It is a mythical creature of old Indian legend. Anyone that believes in such a creature is only lying to themselves. Has Mr. Stover EVER had any proof shown that he has seen one? NO! Why? B...ecause he is aware that they are only legend. Furthermore this video only shows one thing,that I did have a plan in case this creature was real and I crossed paths with it. I just didn't drop to one knee and start filming has he stated he would. Mine was a plan of action. I could really care less what he or anyone else says because of his threats. Just remember this, he is the one that wears the 'noggin condom' and just where are condoms worn? Right on.. he is a dick head."

    I realise people also have issues with Mr. Stover,but I have not seen actual proof of hoaxes,or statements made by Tim that suggest he purposely hoaxed anything.
    If that day comes,then he will be added to my list of people I'll no longer pay attention to.
    I'm not picking on Jeff,believe me.
    However,I believe enough evidence has been shown that indicates he hoaxed at least one video.It's for that reason that I van longer accept any of his videos as being truthful.

  32. Nancy Snodgrass is about as nasty as Nancy Grace. I just did a screen capture super-blowup of the figure wearing "jeans". It is not a clear shot of jeans or any other clothing. There is light coloring around the legs area, which could easily be snow partly covering them. This proves nothing.

  33. As you wish karla.You are certainly entitled to believe what you want.
    Whether the woman is nasty or not is irrelevant and does not negate what Jeff wrote.
    I did my best to show you evidence,there is nothing more I can add at this time.

  34. I appreciate your help and patience with me, SasquaiNation. I did read that quote and I'm asking Jeff to clarify it for me directly.

    Cheers back.

  35. No problem karla.It never hurts to ask questions.

  36. One thing,No I was not about to cry.I was embarrassed about doing that show. Furthermore my son has a sever hearing problem and has trouble forming words because of it which causes him to have a halting speech and trouble forming words.End result is that he doesn't talk much. He has had speech classes most of his life too in order to get him this far.As far as any claim video of my "admission" that was due to continued harassment and threats from your "sources",I know who they are and both have been got hoaxing themselves.Yes,as it turned out doing the show was fun and all cast members and crew were great to us.I must say as I always have that this video capture was NOT planned or set up by any of us,it was purely accidental that we got this on video.Weather this is a Bigfoot or not I can not honestly say...but I did see a face and it did not look human at all.Thanks for allowing this opportunity to say this. Any questions can be emailed to: Jeff Patterson

  37. Hey squatchmaster what ever happened to them voice vocalizations you were studing the ones where u herd your name and sasquatch..or was that all faked to.....are you just a lying prick?

  38. Hey, Ask Doug Waller who it was shaking the tree...the jackass admitted to me recently it was he who was in the area. I'd been investigating who (or what) that could have been for three years until a Tim Stover video tipped me off it might be Waller. Stupid fool never even knew who he was talking to either. I have it all downloaded too. lol


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