Al Berry, One Of The Two Men Who Recorded The Sierra Sounds Just Passed Away [Bigfoot Language]

Al Berry and Ron Morehead

Loren Coleman is reporting that Sierra Sounds’ Al Berry just passed away last night, January 30, 2011.

During the early 1970s, Al and his long time friend Ron Morehead went into the woods of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in eastern California and collected a series of alleged Bigfoot vocalizations called the "Sierra Sounds."

Contained within the Sierra Sounds collection are interaction vocalizations also known as "Samurai Chatter." Experts like R. Scott Nelson, a crypto-linguist, have declared the "Samurai Chatter" to be sasquatch language.

Listen to the Sasquatch vocalization below:

Here is the bio of Al Berry from the Bigfoot Sounds’ site via Cryptomundo:

Alan Berry
Resident location: Carmichael, CA
Profession: Mining geologist. Holds three degrees, two in science,
one a Master’s
Background: Former Army officer, served in Vietnam
Previously a newspaper reporter and freelance journalist
Wife: Dee. Associate Planner, California Department of Transportation

Al Berry wrote the narrative for the “Bigfoot Recording,” available on CD or Cassette. He is a Partner with Ron Morehead in Sierra Sounds. The following is his account of how he got involved with the Bigfoot phenomenon.

“A number of years ago, I was a newspaper reporter and a freelance journalist, and had the questionably good fortune to encounter Bigfoot, as the phenomenon is called. At a remote deer hunters’ camp in the Sierras, I and several other men were witness to a ‘presence,’ if you like, of several creatures who were crafty enough to avoid observation, but freely vocalized and whistled, several times, without doubt, to us, and left big prints of bare feet around in the snow and pine mat. Things like this happened not once in my presence, but several times, from late September through the first week on November when a heavy snowfall drove us out of the 9,000-foot-high wilderness area.

“I hiked into this camp with pre-knowledge that the hunters claimed strange things had happened there, beginning the previous season. I backpacked with a state-of-the-art Sony portable tape-recorder, some plaster of Paris, and my wits, thoroughly convinced someone was pulling someone’s leg, that it might be mine, and that I would expose the hunters’ ‘mystery.’

“The first time ‘in’ nothing happened, but I saw some inordinately large, but old, toe-ball-and-heel foot impressions at a sandy location. They seemed static, but I didn’t dismiss them. I rather figured this was evidence that the finger pointed back at one or more of the hunters and some jest.

“The second time in, things were different. As dusk became dark night, something approached camp from a ridge above, rapping on wood or rocks as it came, and when it arrived, two voices that I could discern, it vocalized, and the sounds carried through the trees as I have never heard human voices carry every before or since. And it whistled, a clear, beautiful whistle like a bird might make, between its kind, and at one point back and forth with us.

“This encounter went on for nearly an hour and a half, and another followed on the second night, and there were other encounters I can attest to later that season. I was able to get reasonably good tape recordings of the sounds and interaction, and we cast several of the foot impressions, both in pine mat and snow. I looked high and low for evidence of the joke, including searching the others’ belongings while they were away hunting. I wasn’t a novice investigator of facts, but I came home stumped, basically with nothing to write about until the story unraveled by itself or I helped in with further research and investigation.

“I pursued the matter to an end in 1978, when Dr. R. Lynn Kirlin, then at the University of Wyoming, and a Norwegian graduate student of electrical enginineering, Lasse Hertel, presented their findings of the sound recordings at a University of British Columbia symposium entitled ‘Anthropology of the Unknown.’

“By this time I had taken a fair amount of ridicule and scorn from the academic community in an effort to enlist scientific interest. At least one prominent scientist, Dr. Phillip Lieberman, then of the University of Connecticut, who is an expert in primate vocalization, at least of the Rhesus monkey, at first offered help then accused me of being a former student whom he had flunked to was trying to discredit him. Another PhD on the West Coast whom Kirlin referred me to used the recordings in his classroom as an example of how clever people can be when it comes to hoaxing others. His name was Minifie, University of Washington, as I recall. I have no quarrel with these folks, really.

But the mystery remains. The tapes remain open to challenge, and a lot of questions and answers remain.”



  1. Ohhh I'm so sorry to hear this.

  2. I'm sorry to hear this.I have no doubt he will not be forgotten.

  3. Considering the time and the lack of support for people trying to capture evidence, it was very brave of these men to face ridicule and capture something that may go down in history some day when the language of BF is better understood--as having been the first recording of their words. Safe voyage to the other side.

  4. His audio recording always makes me smile. RIP Samurai Bigfoot communicater. This Coors Lt is for you.

  5. Al Berry - you are a true pioneer. You have opened a whole new frontier in Bigfootology, and have thus initiated a new study in the culture of the Sasquatch. Sadly your work will bring far more acclaim after death, then it did while you breathed, as so often happens to visionaries. Peace be with you. See you on the other side.

    My sincere condolences to the Berry Family and friends he touched.

    Chuck Rippee

  6. RIP and God bless. Shame he didn't live to see the Erickson project revealed. Samurai SQUATCH forever!!!!

  7. Thta's very sad news. At least Al did live to hear real Sasquatch chatter, that's more than most people before him can say, as well as having those recordings declared real by a respected vocal/tape expert now. R.I.P.


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