Tim Fasano: Melba Ketchum Bigfoot DNA paper rejected by scientific journal [Breaking]

"I'm sorry that many people will be disappointed. But it goes beyond that."
- Tim Fasano

This just in from Tim Fasano via his blog BigfootResearcher.com. According to Fasano, "two unrelated sources in the Bigfoot world" told him that the paper submitted by Dr. Melba Ketchum on the Bigfoot DNA study has been rejected.

After months of speculating whether or not the rumor about Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA paper had been submitted to a peer review or not, Fasano was one of the skeptical voices during the whole ordeal. From the very beginning, there was word that it was originally Tom Biscardi who had his hand in this. "Biscardi was on to this scam months ago (just listen to his radio archives from May onward). They say it takes one to know one. You should have followed his lead. Now lets see who eats crow," Fasano wrote.

Even after breaking this news, Fasano maintains that Biscardi might have been hoodwinked again.

"People in the BF world should have been more skeptical, and not have attached their wagons to this star. Where they hoodwinked? Was Biscardi hoodwinked?"

Read below from BigfootResearcher.com:

Melba Ketchum BIgfoot DNA paper rejected by scientific journal

The paper submitted by Melba Ketchum on Bigfoot DNA study has been rejected out of hand. It has not just been handed back, it has been rejected. I have it from two unrelated sources in the Bigfoot world that the cornerstone of the Erickson project has crashed in flames.

No scientific journal would even begin to entertain a concept that has been worked backwards. That is "ad-hoc_ science". That is when you state the conclusion up front and then fill in the blanks. The project was never even a theory or an hypothesis; it was stated as a fact up front. They went straight too conclusion and only looked for evidence that would support their theory.

That is what is behind all conspiracy theories. UFO's, ghost, JFK, NWO, global warming and so forth. People only want to believe, and only look for evidence to support that. Unfortunately, that has happened in the Bigfoot world.

A good scientist will do everything they can to falsify their own logical process. That way, the integrity of their work is sound.

I'm sorry that many people will be disappointed. But it goes beyond that.

Not every hoax is as crude as a monkey suit frozen in ice. Many of them can be subtle, and have the appearance of respectability. Especially when a wealthy businessman is involved, and a respected veterinarian.

People in the BF world should have been more skeptical, and not have attached their wagons to this star. Where they hoodwinked? Was Biscardi hoodwinked?

Is that how people get out of this? They just claim they were fooled. Its not that simple. You bought it; you promoted it; you blasted skeptics (me); and claimed it was real. You owe more then just an oh well.

Biscardi was on to this scam months ago (just listen to his radio archives from May onward). They say it takes one to know one. You should have followed his lead. Now lets see who eats crow.


  1. This will be such a disappointment if it turns out to be true. So much was put into this by so many persons.

  2. Men in black conspiracy theory people GO.......

  3. Didn't see this coming at all... ;)

  4. Yeah, scientific journals tend to ignore unscientific nonsense.

    Maybe they'll reconsider if someone shows them the video of the baby Bigfoot swinging in a tree.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. There's very little evidence for the Woodman's (Bigfoot's)existence. Almost no data whatsoever. This comes as no surprise whatsoever. However, Several new sightings have been sighted in S/W Oregon, just south of the border, however. In conclusion, The Woodman's (Bigfoot's) existence remains a mystery however and still, to this day, is a mystery that almost no one could possibly solve.

  7. Tim Fasano, I do not know you. But I have a hard time believing anything that you say because you have yet to show us anything credible. You are stating things on hearsay and "sources". Sweetheart, that's called gossip. If you are to be taken seriously you are to state your sources so that they can be checked and verified, kinda like what this DNA study is all about. I wish you were a part of the solution and not the problem.

  8. I'm voting for Bogis. This report will only do undue damage to an already damaged scientific endeavor. I hope the funding for this project remains afloat, however, and will forever remind of us of just how small we all really are where the Woodman (Bigfoot) is concerned.

  9. I'll be honest, I never saw this getting anywhere. It felt too much like the BF in the refrigerator. Biscardi hoodwinked yet again? If this man wants to believe every piece of "supposed" evidence out there no matter how preposterous, he is not hoodwinked--he's a member of a cult of the mind. Asking if he was hoodwinked is kind of like asking if Satan is a misunderstood mischief maker. He knows what he's doing. He's a regular Barnum and Bailey. I will never ever trust a thing that comes from that man, no matter how much he wishes to prove BF, he has corrupted the research pool. Well, looks like Ketchum took a huge risk with her career and Smeja's supposed BF steak is nothing but fantastical. I have completely and totally believed in BF's existence--the only "unknown" thing I have ever believed in my entire life, and yet with all this circus showmanship and men in camo's and guns in the woods, I'm starting to have a niggling doubt....

  10. Tim Fasano

    TIM FASANO....

    That's all you have to say.... consider the source....Don't believe the hype..

    Texas Tracker

  11. Hey Shawn,

    Any verification if that was really David Paulides?

  12. @Beer-Man I'm waiting for an email response from David Paulides right now so I can make a post about it. I'll update this one as soon as I can verify it's really from him.

  13. Nonsense...

    David Paulides, is a friend and colleague his assessment is accurate, the clueless remain...clueless, despite their agenda.

    There is no statute of limitations on homicide.

    live and let live...

    Steve Summar

  14. Fasano the empty can rattling again.

  15. Are there still people out there that are dumb enough to listen to Tim Fasano about anything. And it figures he would try to make Biscardi seem just like another innocent bystander. I say HOG WASH!


  17. Fasano is just giving out some of his sour grapes again... I don't believe he knows what he is talking about right now.
    In the last year he has really hurt his on credibility.

  18. I like how he lumps global warming in with conspiracy theory. What an idiot.

  19. From what I've read recently, it seems like this Tim Fasano guy should join Todd Standing and Tom Biscardi in the Bigfoot B.S Hall of Fame.

  20. The article says, "...the cornerstone of the Erickson project has crashed in flames." What happened to the Matilda footage? From what has been written about Matilda, it would seem to be more of a cornerstone for this group than the DNA stuff.

  21. The article says that Tom Biscardi was involved with this story. Can someone explain how Biscardi was involved with this? If he was actually actively involved in any way shape or form with this project, then the whole thing can firmly be put in the BS category.

  22. biscardi has a sample into Melba.

    Fasano likes to stir the pot, he brings nothing
    to the table but conjecture.

    How could anybody with an education above a
    high school freshman that believes a word from his mouth is beyond me.
    when it comes from the horses mouth,then it will be true. until then i am not going to listen to taxi driver who's word isn't even as credible as a tabloid magazine.

  23. I am certain that that is David Paulides. He has certain quirks in his writing style. I knew it was him within a few sentences before I even saw the name. You can often tell a well-known poster by writing style analysis.

    Fasano is just wrong. He's doing his crazy thing again. I thought he was over it, but this is what he does.

    The paper was not rejected by Nature, it was handed back. It is now at another journal, and it has made it well through most of the peer review hoops. It will be published soon, I believe.

  24. The original people in this project where Melba Ketchum, Richard Stubstad, Java Bob and Tom Biscardi. Biscardi was involved in running some of the early samples around. One of those samples has actually tested positive as a Bigfoot (Larry Jenkins' toenail). Most of Biscardi's other specimens (hand of unknown origin, 9 foot skeleton, hair) did not pan out. Hand was a bear paw, huge skeleton was never tested, hair was from a known animal.

    In the early days, people were needed to run specimens to Ketchum's lab. A call was put out to the BF World, but none of the greats would step up. Only the lowly Tom Biscardi stepped up to the plate. He was the only one who would be there for the BF World in time of need.

    Paulides' sample was already in to Ketchum. I think it was a jawbone. Later, Paulides went on radio with Ketchum and they asked for samples. Erickson called in. Later more samples came on.

    Somehow in recent days, Paulides has tried to claim the DNA project as "his project" or "our project." He has somehow linked NABS to the DNA project. Why he is doing this I have no idea. I guess glory and maybe money. Plus he has a very close, and I mean very close, relationship with Ketchum.

    That's the short version.

    1. Pauldes makes those claims because, he said it was he who made the call for bigfoot evidence to be sent into Ketchum on BTR and C2C. He also claims it was him who put Wally Hersom in touch with Ketchum and he (DP) is the reason the project was funded. That is why he says "we" and "our" when referencing Ketchum's studies. He fancys her a member of his team but she is not on his team. His blog on that makes him look like he's riding Ketchum's skirts. Pauldes like to control the people he thinks are close to him.

  25. Robert Lindsay commenting on Fasano being a fake, that has to be the greatest example of the pot calling the kettle black I have ever heard of. Robert, come on, you are both full of shit and you know it.
    Isn't Fasano supposed to be out of the game? I thought he got butthurt about people calling his BS and he dramatically retired. Guess I missed the comeback. Seriously Shawn, this stuff is entertaining and I get why you publish it. If you only quoted actual scientists this blog would get really boring, and we already have Craptomundo for that. I wish to God there would be some real news to come out of this little side world we have all been keeping up with.
    As for me, I think it's time to go hunting. We all need to put down the night vision cameras and fanny packs and get out there and bag us a Sasquatch. If you really want to do something to protect this species, kill one and present the specimen in a public forum to be examined under the eyes of science and the rest of the world. Oh yeah, Robert Lindsay is a racist, misogynistic pedophile. Just wanted to reiterate. Waiting for real news on this, John

  26. Didn't Josh Gates of Destination Truth start it all? Wasn't it their sample that was interesting, but all used up by Dr. Ketchum? It' such a long convoluted story.

  27. Josh Gates may indeed have started it all. Then Paulides' sample came in. Then the others. Gates' sample tested more or less like the BF's:

    1. Not human.
    2. No known animal.
    3. Unknown primate.

  28. Hate to say it, but anyone (R. Lindsay in this case) who is familiar with the bigfoot scene and writes, "Only the lowly Tom Biscardi stepped up to the plate. He was the only one who would be there for the BF World in time of need" isn't going to gain any credibility. He is either friends with the guy or unfamiliar with the long history of Biscardi bigfoot BS.

  29. Fasano, Standing, Biscardi and Stover should get an internet prohibited apartment together.

  30. He needs to post his sources if he really thinks he has some thing?

  31. At present Fasano won't give proof of his sources and Palides can't give us proof either (not until paper is published) so neither one has a leg to stand on so what's all the complaining about. Both are spouting hear-say with no tangible proof.

  32. This is all very entertaining. Crappy Christmas films or Bigfoot gossip...hmmm. Continue bashing Fasano, Biscardi and The Silver Fox but leave Stover out of it. He's ok.

  33. Finally, a gay-friendly Woodman(Bigfoot)blog. Welcome to the 20th century, friends.

  34. The post is pulled now with a piss poor side step google me i am somebody excuse, a piece of crap researcher with drunks for freinds No Doubt!!

  35. I just deleted that fake David Paulides comment. Just got word that it wasn't him who posted it.

  36. That's it? Did he give you any morsels or scraps to feed your hungry audience Shawn?

  37. I happened upon this site after watching Bigfoot hunters and wondered if there was a DNA analysis effort to identify / classify a Sasquatch. I'm clearly out of the loop and am only curious.

    However, as a published biomedical scientist myself, I completely disagree with the premature accusations of this article that the evidence is a hoax based on the paper's rejection or return without review.

    At least in my field, scientific papers almost never get accepted upon the first submission. Often reviewers want other experiments, explanations, etc which only strengthen the paper. A return without review usually means the data are not the right fit for the specific journal, and picking the right journal for submission is an art in itself. If the data are sound then the authors will eventually be published, maybe in a lower tier journal. Nature is very selective.

    I'll be interested to see whatever

  38. To Anonymous from Thursday midnight - Yes, I am a published scientist, too. I agree with you. Rejection just means re-working and maybe re-submission. Patience, patience!

  39. They should make a comedy movie about Fasano. lol It's just too bad both John Candy and Chris Farley are dead, and George Dzundza considered too old now probably, but get the next best thing Jack Black then. /;-)

  40. As a relative newbie, is there anyone within this field that can be trusted or has any credibility?


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