Alex aka Midnight Walker talks about the Great Bigfoot Divide

What is the great Bigfoot divide? According to many people in the Bigfoot community, there are a few groups in conflict with one another. There are those who believe that Bigfoot could be a relict population of Gigantopithecus (in Greek, gigantas meaning “giant” and pithecus meaning “ape”).

And there are those who believe what Native Americans considered to a "tribe" of people. These tribes often traded and interacted with North American natives. In fact, the term "Sasquatch" is Indian for "hairy man" or "hairy giant."

Another group of people are those who don't care what these creatures are. They're just looking for a specimen to prove once and for all that Bigfoot exists. Some of these people reside in Texas buying up habituation sites (properties with purported Bigfoot activity).

In the video below, Alex defines the abyss between the factions that make up the bigfoot community.


  1. I agree about those rednecks with guns. They don't speak with any intelligence, they just are thrilled to think they can go shoot something that is man-like and there are no laws to protect-yet. I do believe if someone truly does shoot one, they should be up for manslaughter. I also agree that this creature is much more human-like and intuitive. I am pleased to hear someone talk about how these creatures are obviously smarter than the hunters.

  2. Native Americans referred to many species as part of a tribe. You have to separate where they meant "Bigfoot" or Sasquatch and where they meant other intelligent beings.

    Many native legends where many believe the Native Americans were referring to, or talking about Sasquatch, actually only talk about larger beings, who were from a different tribe. Were all larger beings designed to mean Sasquatch?

    Of course not. They had the legend of "Hairy Man" which means they was also a large man who was not hairy. This was clearly a reference to extra terrestrials wearing space suits who also had frequent contact with Native Tribes. The concept of the tee pee, which Sasquatch are often rumored to build, represents the relationship with the sky, meaning the sky people, or large non-hairy man. This was so important in life they built their homes to represent this.

  3. Alex is one crazy Creationist white boy that has done a lot of bad stuff in his life and is trying to walk with the lord now. But boy don't piss him off or he'll come hunting for you !

  4. Alex called people that believe that Bigfoot is an ape equivilent to the KKK that wanted to kill hang Blacks in the 50s and 60s and presumbaly today. How does the proving the existance of this being get down in the weeds with all this crap. It's because people like Alex bring their religious views into the mix and make people take the God test before their opinion is valued.

  5. I read Norsemen recorded seeing large hairy people, who fled or hid from them, in Newfoundland in the 1400's. It seems we lost our knowledge with technology.

  6. Why is he dragging the issue of religion in to the search for Bigfoot? Another example of 'believer' patronising those of us who CHOOSE not to sign up to one the MANY different religions out there to choose from.

  7. He's a kook, offensive to anyone who chooses to think for themselves.

  8. He seems very smug about something, as if he knows something the rest of us don't. I doubt it though!

  9. A specimen is needed. This is a no-brainer.

  10. To the poster mentioning Vikings- there is much more evidence than this. You are right on with your analysis but need to replace the word technology with the more specific "Cold War".

    People forget the fear that really swept through this nation that there would be a nuclear war between the US and Soviets. This war would have no winner- life as we know it would end.

    It is extremely hard to be productive and not go nuts when everyday people have a legitimate belief that the world could end at any time.

    This is not a conspiracy theory- our government had to essentially take action in the form of "telling everyone what was real and what was fake". The government's answers were not designed to mislead or lie. They were designed to prevent American people from fearing war, what is in the sky, and many other things. With Bigfoot it was to keep people from being afraid to go in the woods. If you study the Skokes trial you will see evolution was reintroduced because we felt the Russians were surpassing us in science at the time of Sputnik.

    People have to realize that the United States is really and has always been a country built on the strength of its people. We dont exist if people allow fear to keep them from doing their daily activity. People need to remember that during one time children were involved in nuclear bomb drills and people built shelters in the backyard. If your 5 or 6 years old and go through a bomb drill your being told there is a chance I go to school and never see my parents again.

    The Cold War shaped this world in many ways people don't want to admit. We see clips of Ronald Reagan saying "tear down that wall Mr. Gorbechav". Anyone ever see him or any government officials do that? No it was the people who did it because the Russian people ended the Cold War because they refused to do it anymore. Genrations saw loved ones sent to jail and Siberia. They saw people killed. It got to the point where they all said "do it, shoot me exile me- it would be better than living with this constant fear. The people no longer supported the policies.

    People talk about government secrecy- most if not all of it is done for a reason. If President Kennedy addressed the nation and said "do not worry, the plan is to hold out for another 30 years, at which time the Russian people will engage in a silent revolution ending the Red Scare- then they will become an ally". This description- even if he knew it was true would simply not provide people with enough security.

    For people to have faith in government they want to feel the government has the answers so the people were given the answers they wanted to hear.

    There is no wild man in the woods. That was a UFO not a new weapon we developed because we fear the Soviets and feel we need it. That was a UFO- not Russian and German vehicles who made it here on a test run.

    There was a time when there was a chance the world would end or that we could be invaded. People can't function thinking about these things so the government tried to make them worry about nothing and paint everything as having clear answers.

  11. Shawn,
    Thank you for listening to the video and putting the message out correctly as I stated it. Most people skipped around in that video and then attempted to cloud the message by saying I was calling Steven's group kkk. That wasn't the case at all and it's a classic example of the misinformation and distortion that they practice OR they simply don't listen well. I just give this group enough rope after exposing them and they will hang themselves. Autumn, you are exactly right about the sasquatch. They are people and they do speak and act like People. We have many recordings to that affect.

    A specimen is not needed. Do you not think the government has not had specimens in the past? Yes they certainly have...surely in forest fires and other incidents. They've even taken the sasquatch's blood samples before as well after a military shooting of one (as has been reported). The only ones that demand a specimen are you sickos that represent the evil which were I described in my video. I saw no specimen of the Indonesian Leopard yet it was declared a species.

    Take care Shawn and Happy New Year.

  12. He is RUDE, ABRASIVE, AND DELUSIONAL!!! I'm sorry that I am too smart for the cult of "Believe what I say, or I will attack you!" Of course, He's a Christian alright...Just like the Westboro Baptist Church people are Christian. Alex read your Bible and get yourself some help!!!! Oh and Abe...You might want to read your Bible about Children OUT OF WEDLOCK!!!!

  13. I also posted a clarification about Abe who has gone way out of his way even on Steven's page to clarify that "he is a man created in the form of God." Abe at least backs up his faith unlike the others that waivers on that page due to peer pressure. Good for Abe.

  14. You both may be made in God's image but you certainly DON'T follow examples given by God as to how to live or behave!

  15. I agree with you that the government/agencies have had bodies/evidence, but would you not agree that the protection of a billion dollar logging industry be more realistic.

  16. It's amazing how hostile people get when God is brought into subjects like this....saying that you are made in God's image doesn't mean your perfect in your actions....nobody is perfect. It's your right to believe in something or nothing, but hostility always seems to be aimed at us who believe in something (God). Keep up the good work Alex!

  17. I think your on target Alex. It becomes very obvious after reading the previous comments that attacking the optimist is all the debunkers have. The facts and videos that have interesting questions are not as important than what they see. I guess its unbelievable unless someone other than a college professor with a clear background check is perpetrating a hoax. Thats not science! It is a much further stretch to believe an explosion in space gave birth to an entire world than to believe their instill the possibility of an undiscovered animal. No one should stoop to the level of insulting a persons beliefs to prove a theory. Again they use science conveniently to fit into their own belief system. Some are just critics without answers that still need faith to believe in many theories such as evolution. How do you fill in the blanks with out faith the theory is correct. I question what I hear an evaluate the facts with out attacking the character of someone who disagrees with my position. As soon as the debate shifts to the Jerry Springer show, just move on to the next issue because you can't change the minds of the ignorant. God bless Bigfoot!!

  18. For some reason you,ve decided that to believe in evolution/science you can't believe in religion. There are many significant religions throughout the world and many don't align with each other, so please don't group all believers as one, unless you have been under a rock the last 1000 years you'll have noticed they don't all believe the same thing.
    So lets get back to the important question, is Sasquatch an ape or man? Maybe if you all agree to disagree and work together, you might get some where and prove both science and religion wrong.

  19. to Anon who thinks Alex is on target: YOU apparently do not follow him. Otherwise you would know that all he does is belittle, attack, and insult ANYONE who doesn't drink his koolaid!!!!!

  20. Alex is a tard! I have been in the woods with him on a few BFRO outings and everything in the woods is a bigfoot. He needs to get out of bigfoot research because he gives us true investigators a bad name. I hate hime, he stinks with his cigar smokin self!

  21. In 2005 and relying on BFRO to teach me about sasquatch, I was a tard as it related to this subject. Then I learned on my own and left the people that didn't understand this subject way behind now John H (oops said your name) I knew one guy there at BFRO. His idea of research was telling his wife to do her bigfoot call or storming off when things didn't go his own way. We recorded him doing his owl call at camp alone one time after he stormed off and we realized why he has his wife do the calls...added for some good humor though for myself and another researcher. Talk about a tard.

    As for my cigars, that was cruel. I smoke some darn good cigars...only John would say such a nasty thing (another do nothing) and he doesn't know how to smoke cigars. LOL Some people are jealous of others leaving them way behind and you're just one of those folks. Not saying much really. You never knew much. And as for the quintessential line about everything being a bigfoot, you can't argue with audio buddy and other researchers alongside witnessing Class A's. You can try but then I might just call you a foolish linesman. What do you know anyway LOL cya BTW, grow some testi's next time when addressing me. It's not nice to be anonymous. That means you fear me and I am a nice guy...not menacing at all.

  22. i will say i don't agree with Alex on many things but i don't think he is purposely lying about anything. i would much rather be in the woods with him than a "flat out" liar. Much better to be with someone that has interpretation problems than someone who fakes tracks,passes deer off as BF kills with no proof and flat out calls blobs squatches. Anyone know a Ohio BF Hunter that does this?

  23. Let me tell you about The time we went to Alabama to research with Alex. We went to an area and my wife did do some calls and yes I did strom off and here is why. After my wife tried to call up a BF no one would be quit to see if we would get a response. This went on for multiple times for about 1/2 hour. Every one was cutting up and being loud and playing Alexis dumbass bongos. I had to rock way a good distance just to hear anything. Alex and the rest of the group got louder and louder so I did strom off becuase trying to record any audio was pointless. Also Alex claimed that bigfoot were all around his tent the night before so I decided to look around for foot impressions (seeing that they were camped on a sand bar near a creek). What I found was a bunch of human tracks and guess what else I found? Racoon tracks! That would explain the splashing you heard in the creek! As far as audio goes it dont mean much, because you cant tell a person what made the sound unless you see the animal make the sound. Alex please get a life and get out of bigfoot research, you are doing nothing but making us all look bad. Quit spreading your lies and poison. I hope to see you soon in the woods!
    J. Hall

  24. John bottomline is you have a fraction to nothing of what I have to date in audio and other very impressive evidence. You're just an old school researcher that looks for obvious foot prints and calls that tracking. You believe these are monkeys and you're wrong. I never was impressed with you nor will I ever be. I think Anthony is a quality guy but you are not impressive at all. Go back to hanging power lines. It's what you do. Anytime you'd like to meet with me in person and provide your feedback, I am happy to talk it through with you. lol

  25. All of the criticism and infighting is unhelpful to BF Research and Understanding. Why can't we all get along? Why can't people exercise common courtesy? Why can't people reserve judgment?
    I do agree that religion should be kept out of it, but I am not going to attack someone over it.


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