According to BFRO's Matt Pruitt, the discovery of Bigfoot has already happened

Matt Pruitt
(BFRO Investigator)

BFRO Investigator Matt Pruitt has a good article about the discovery of Bigfoot and how the species was discovered a long time ago by North American natives. Before elaborating, Pruitt provided a definition of the word "discover":

–verb (used with object)
1. to see, get knowledge of, learn of, find, or find out; gain sight or knowledge of (something previously unseen or unknown)
2. to notice or realize
3. Archaic . to make known; reveal; disclose.
Sasquatches, by the above definitions, have been "discovered".

Pruitt gave some examples of when the discovery was made, starting with the North American natives to the current state of Bigfoot related evidence:
  • Indigenous North American People Describe Sasquatches
  • Early Settlers (Pre-1900) Describe Sasquatches
  • Observations and Encounters Continue into Modern Times
  • The Current State of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch Related Data and Evidence

According to Pruitt, the examples above suggests that the only people left who still refuse to recognize the existence of Bigfoot are mainstream scientists:
Sasquatches are a species of mammal that has been described and encountered by people living on this continent, from as far back in time as we can look, right up to modern day. They have been seen, heard, smelled, tracked, pursued, filmed, and photographed. In essence, they have been discovered.

While mainstream science has yet to recognize the sasquatch as an extant species, many amateur scientists, researchers, and enthusiasts continue to stand at the vanguard of science working to collect data and evidence, and experiencing varying degrees of their own personal "discovery".

In my opinion (and in the opinion of many others), discovery has already happened.

You can read the full article at


  1. Its not just science that isn't accepting it. More than half the people I know don't believe they exist. They are curious, and listen to me, but still don't believe.

    I want to be able to tell my young kids they are real, but right now I have to give them both sides of the arguement and let them decide. The last thing I want is them getting ridiculed at school by other kids, and those kids parents opinions that I'm a nut!. Until its in a text book, that isn't going to happen!


  2. Exactly right Matt! It's the arrogance of those who don't know and demand a body..."they" demand a body and not science. I saw no demand of a body for the indonesian leopard. Yet it was declared as a species. The sasquatch have a long history of trading with the indians as "PEOPLE" and not some animal. Great job.

  3. Well said as usual Alex. Just got through making the same point on the Bigfoot story Tumak article.

  4. Anon in Texas,

    Well stated Matt. No need to rant. No need to agrue. Just facts.


  5. I have seen Matts pecker at his cabin in Suches and it is Huge!


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