Why was the BFRO's "Jacobs Creature" photo taken in 2007 nearly identical to Chimpanzee?

Real Sasquatch?
Was this strange creature accidentally photographed on a game camera a real Sasquatch? In 2007, a media flurry ensued when Pennsylvania hunter Rick Jacobs released a recent photo of what some enthusiasts claim to be a Sasquatch. Jacobs obtained the photo by affixing a camera with an automatic trigger to a tree in the Allegheny National Forest. When he saw the photo, Jacobs contacted the Bigfoot Research Organization, which is dedicated to pursuing information about the legendary Bigfoot or Sasquatch. You can read the full report on BFRO and see the photos by clicking here.

[Update] In August 2013, a similar creature was captured on game cam in Virginia:



  1. This is DEFINITELY a chimp. Looks just like one. It's the same size, shape, and color. Then again, how did a chimpanzee get to PA? Who knows, right?

    1. i know. its somebodies pet. it aint rocket science. many people have a ln exotic pet lisence.

    2. That's 100% NOT a bigfoot. I don't understand why people don't use the video function or get a trail camera that takes video.

    3. You'd only get a few hours with video. Time Exposures allows images to captured for hours and hours - battery life is probably longer to. It's an economical decision.

    4. There's a lot of people In the US who keep Chimps as pets. They are horrible creatures! Cute when young - vile as young adults. I wouldn't be surprised if a few let them go once they get too much to handle. This photo looks like a chimp.

    5. There are not chimps in pa and I'm a firm believer in Bigfoot I have had a siting and it made me so scared I almost cried and I grew up in the woods hunting fishing etc since I was 2 years old nothing scares me in the woods not even bear and this creature made me to where I almost felt as if I was going to pass out

    6. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  2. The upper,lower arm, shoulder and hand bones of a chimp over Jacob's creature show how close it really is to a primate. I'm convinced this is some kind of primate.

    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  3. It's a bear.

  4. It's arms and legs are too long to be a bear and its legs are too long to be a chimp...dunno what to make of it. If I were to guess, I'd say a young Sasquatch.

  5. Scroll down this page to the video bigfoot and bears, oh my. Keep that in the frame and scroll down a little further to this video. Keep both of them in the frame. Now tell me this isn't a scrawny mangy bear.

  6. wow.
    yup. that is a bear.

    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  7. That is not a scrawny mangy bear, but you can tell yourself that if it makes you feel better. You are crazy to think the Jacob's creature is a bear. Bears don't stand on thier heads, and they do not look anything like that, give me a break. Keep thinking its a bear and living in lala land...

  8. Scientists worked out the size of this, according to Scienteriffic magazine: November 2008 on page 17. At the site a reenactment revealed this had 22 inch arms and an 18 3/4 torso. That's impossible for a bear because a bear's torso is longer than their legs.

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhCpKMs2_aM

    Try this one I found. Bigfoot and bears on this video shows bears are not a match like the chimp was. That my friend was no bear.

  10. Size, musculature, and general shape do not match up with a bear.

    I've seen scrawny black bear cubs and this still doesn't fit.

    As to it being in PA, my guess is it was someone who had a chimp as a pet and as it got older and became unmanageable, they let it loose. Happens with more exotic pets than you would think.

  11. The Jacobs photos show a young Sasquatch, for some reason we've only seen those with the head covered, probably because the other pictures actually reveal its face to be Bigfoot.

    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  12. Sorry, but this is a very scrawny, very mangy, little bear. I have photos from my own trail cameras of a young healthy bear of the same age and stature, in roughly the same position. Put the two side by side and there's no doubt.

  13. LOL That isn't a bear. The people that put up the biggest fight saying it is a bear are people from the organizations that are trying to protect the Squatches. That is most assuredly a young careless Squatch.

  14. Sure if there's no such thing as bigfoot this has to be something else. If bigfoot is real there's no doubt this was a young bigfoot.

  15. I did a couple sketches on this on my blog. At first I wasn't sure but I checked it out really good and I now think this one was real.

  16. To me it seems like skeptics have such a closed mind towards anything they can't touch. They jump right in and believe anything they say about evolution even though there is just as little clear evidence for BF as there is for evolution. Makes one wonder.

    1. are you on crack? to say there is little clear evidence for evolution is mind blowingly stupid. it is true, however, that there is little clear evidence for bigfoot. what happened to all this great evidence from the erickson project? didn't it start in 2006? and still we wait. it's going to be such an anti-climax for you idiots and man will i laugh.

    2. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  17. I like how some of you say, it's not a bear because bears don't do this or that. have you ever seen a bear in a circus, Ride a bike, Walk on a ball, Stand on it's Head? So it is possible that a bear is acting differently than you think they would, It might be rare but it's not impossibe.

    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  18. No it's impossible to be a bear because the proportions were not a bears. Show me just one reliable source that investigated at the site and found it was and I will shut up. There is a well respected and published fact from a Duke Univesity scientist that shows it's not a bear. This fact comes from the measurements off of a model filmed at the location standing in the same spot.

  19. A simple solution to this photo is that it easily could have been a chimp in a zoo at night.

    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  20. It is probably some redneck's pet monkey used on a game cam to create a bigfoot hoax. There are a number of people that keep chimps as pets, this is the most logical solution.

  21. i have no clue what that really is, do they not have any more stills from the camera? surely there would be multiple pictures for when the thing came and left the area.

  22. and to add if a bear wouldn't you be able to see the muzzle?

  23. i have hunted bears a lot, i know their is no bear with that long of limbs yet a small body, who ever said this is a bear is a idiot.

  24. i have hunted bears a lot, i know their is no bear with that long of limbs yet a small body, who ever said this is a bear is a idiot.

    1. im an idiot a well as are he peole who prooved it was bears. look at the whole sequence of picture ,you know likein any investigation[only 'idiot' wouldnt]. in the others 2 balck bears[small ones the same colourexactly] are in shot. the this
      yes it ;ooks a weird shape,but as usual its 1 shot,why not 3 or 4 ,whichHAD to be taken],becuse it would have shown a bear in a normal position.
      so you think BF have exactly the same size a nd hair colouring as bears,lol,and you are calling others idiots

    2. Really? Same color? It was black and white, there are no colors. The facts are it was proven not a bear way back in 2008. Scientists went to the site with models standing in the same location the Jacobs creature stood. They filmed them with the same type of camera hanging from the same tree. They displayed the results in a science publication and all the arms were longer than the torso. That is impossible for any bear skinny or not. I don't know what it really was but there's one thing for certain, it WAS NOT A BEAR!

  25. You kiddies need to find something else to do

  26. Am I the only one who gets freaked out by these pictures?

  27. I think this is the best proof Bigfoot is real because they have to have young ones. Why do the skeptics lie about this? They have made themselves look stupid. They act like it was traveling with bears and said there are bears before and after. That was a lie because the facts are the hunter showed they were long gone for half an hour and never returned. Desperate skeptics to me makes this real.

  28. Replies
    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  29. The second photo...clear that it is a bear...look at the chest area...hands down....bear

    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  30. With all of our high speed and high definition film technology, how come all these pics and videos are out of focus? The plain truth is that there is no hard evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. Enough said?

    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  31. Baby big foot is in the hollar

  32. Well after researching at the Jacobs site earlier this year we found hair samples. We sent them out for DNA testing by Dr Meldrum. Hoping to find out soon what they might be. We also heard what sounded like monkey sounds in that area as well.

    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  33. It was no bear, the size was worked out on location and the proportions were impossible for a bears but very close to a chimps. Dr. Meldrum said juvenile Sasquatch may be very comparable to a chimp.

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  50. cleary 2 small bears hence i photo. the other photos which are obviously there too would sho its bears.they show a bear thats exactly the same colout=r as this two. We are constantly told they are auburn or have a bronish/redish tint to their hair,they are not all black according to the 'ex[erts' ie matilda-the said colour of a bf.That said MK davis seems to speclais in white ones. Pure black strikes you as eithe a bear or guy in a suit.

    this is 2 bears caught in odd position. If it was 2 bigfoots surely 1 woud be standing upright. what with them both contordid like this.

    this is part of 4 or 4 5 photos. show us them all?!

    they wont as it will just show a bear


    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

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    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

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  84. The funny thing is, that it doesn't matter if it was a absolutely clear picture of a bigfoot. Those that don't want to look at the evidence subjectively with no preconceived notions are always going to discount any evidence. A body included! I'll go so far as to say that when they do produce a body it will be another ten years before the general public accepts it. Then you wont find any of the skeptics from before. All you'll find is people saying "Oh yeah dude, I always knew there was something to that bigfoot stuff!" Kind of like finding someone that voted for Nixon (Give it ten years and it will be Obama).
    If you don't want to look at the evidence at hand fully, and explain it rationally other than "Oh its a mangy bear or a guy in a suit" then whats the point! The only picture that kinda matches a mangy bear is the one that it is bent over in, the other no way. Cant have one without the other. So that leaves a chimp and a chimps leg length ratio doesn't fit so ruling out a bear and a chimp leaves a kid in a suit. Do the limb ratios match a human of that size? No. So its a unclassified animal that warrants further investigation. So quit telling everyone what you believe it is (A mangy bear) and go find out what it really is (something other than a mangy bear that's for sure)

    1. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

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  86. A recent Bigfoot sighting reported a few days ago in Milan NH, I do not think they saw a Bigfoot but rather the Littlefoot creature due to the fact that it is the type of hominid which primarily inhabits the northern forests. Littlefoot is the timid missing link creature or the true man / ape. Evolved and adapted to the north eastern regions they are able to move in the tree tops as well as on the ground. These creatures can jump from tree to tree distances of two hundred feet making amazing leaps which I have observed on more than one occasion in NH forests. Similar facial features and extremities to the chimpanzee yet more like a man in some ways such as a bridged nose and small manlike ears which are not noticeable due to an abundance of hair which covers their body. You will notice in this video of the Littlefoot creature the hands and feet have bullet shaped claws used when tree climbing, also notice the arms are much larger then a chimpanzee as this creature is bigger in size than a chimpanzee. Note also that the ears of a chimp are not present on the Littlefoot as the ears are more like a mans much smaller than a chimpanzee. And yes often when seen the Littlefoot is mistaken for the Bigfoot man such as this information I have related indicates. I have included in a book the story of my encounters with the Littlefoot creatures and other amazing cryptozoological creatures. The book is called "Puckwudgie Legend of Sunset Hill". Go to my Facebook page with the same book title name to learn more information. Send along a friend request and be part of my science minded effort to further explore and discover these forest dwelling creatures!

  87. I wish the person who runs this blog would moderate the comments. All the repeat posts and ad homs just discredit the site and make it look shambolic and badly run.

  88. Why was the BFRO's "Jacobs Creature" i agree with your information keep it up

  89. I think it was a young Squatch the 18 inch body and 22 inch arm make it a primate. Scientists measured that at the location with a model.

  90. No idea what it was but I would start filming instead of single shots in that area. Lay some fruit down and see if any apes OR bears arrive.

  91. I think it was a young bigfoot mainly because many people seen it running around in that area I seen this in the town hall meeting on this sighting it really was amazing..


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