Clearest Photo of Female Sasquatch captured in Oregon Coast Range, if authentic

YouTube user davidjroot1985 said he was camping in the Oregon Coast Range and captured this picture of a female Bigfoot.

One skeptical commenter said "the nose is wrong, its not hooded, eyes are too small as well, fur distribution and density is also wrong and the mouth is wrong too.. better luck next time." In the response, David replied  "Have you been in a car accident and everything goes in slow motion, and every detail is very vivid. In this case i might have blocked the hole encounter out if i had not snapped this picture... Are there any experts out there to help answer my questions? This encounter realy freaked me out!"

At first glance, the background looks a little fake. The woods in the back lacks any dept, and it looks like some sort of painting. We could be wrong since this photo was taken at night and the camera's focus was on the "ceature".

It looks too good to be true in our opinion.

Update: Looks like we were right. Thanks to Anonymous comment from a reader. The photo is from a Wisconsin Museum.


  1. They're still making Planet of the Apes masks? Hee hee. Yeah, you're right to be skeptical.

  2. You maybe right Shawn. From a museum perhaps?

  3. How did he get so close? This looks like an impossible shot.

  4. The eyes would reflect the flash...
    I too wish it was real.

  5. um....,r:11,s:172

  6. The tits, pardon the expression, look too human.

  7. So what are those,......bigboobies, bigfoobies, bigoobies...........what

  8. Replies
    1. Lol!! Boobsquatch strikes again!! There used to be this strip club in west Pompano beach called the Body Shop and I swear that if you were a girl looking for a stripper job this is the look that the owners of that place were looking for!!! Lol

  9. @AutumnForest the new planet of the apes movie starts showing next month. You going to see it?

  10. She's hot .. I think I would have made sweet love to that sas-crotch rather than take pictures .. or perhaps there's some better pics we haven't seen yet!

  11. Geez. This is from the Ripley's Museum on the Oregon Coast. Seriously?

  12. My goodness! How could anybody think that this photo has any legitimacy to it? Could anyone be fooled by this photo?

  13. this is a statue in ripleys believe it or not in newport oregon

  14. I study and research Bigfoot. This actually looks really legit. I knew immediately that it was special.

  15. OK.. supposedly it is from a museum. No wonder it the model looked good.

  16. I don't know about the Wisconsin museum, but this is a photo I took in the Oregon museum some years back:

  17. THATS wow SO cool FAKE (every other word)

  18. Bigfoot speed painting!!!

  19. The trees are fake they look like christmas trees and the background is a painting the bigfoot even looks fake its not real

  20. LMFAO! What a blatant farce. If you believed this was real before the update of the museum pic then you're as clueless as they come. It was obvious the background was staged, like it ended with a wall. The other give-away is the wax figure texture to it. It didn't even convince me for a nano-second. Believers need a serious reality check in this field.

  21. Yag! Queen of the Hill People!

  22. It bothers me that people can say certain things about it were wrong, such as the eyes and nose. When really, no one has ever found a real Bigfoot. What would you be studying? Years of possibly fake pictures and supposed sightings? Uh no.

  23. This is awesome. Don't you think if someone was going to replicate a bigfoot to fool us that they would have created it to look exactly like the image that our narrow minds have created as a result of what we've heard (large wide set eyes, flat teeth except canines, flat wide nose and large nostrils)???? They certainly wouldn't have created such amazing and non-conforming detail such as very yellow crooked teeth & low set hairless breasts with what appears to be chapping of some sort around the left nipple (probably from nursing). Open your minds people.

  24. This is not real, it looks like plastic. Plus, the entire background is painted.

  25. HAHAHA — This is in the Newport Wax Museum on the Oregon Coast. Been there since I was a kid, nearly 30 years.

  26. Not bad. I'm alone in the woods, and she's the only female around..... Yup I'm hitting it, hard too. Cmon those are some nice knockers... Right.

  27. look at the pine needles, their all identical and the ends of the branches look identical to my fake xmas tree, but nice job nice try

  28. This definitely fake its from a museum...

  29. Players Strands NYT are presented with a grid of letters and must form words by linking adjacent letters in any direction.


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