Watch iBelieve in Bigfoot iCarly Season 3 Episode 16

iBelieve in Bigfoot is an upcoming episode of iCarly series you should watch. Previously, let us look further on this topic. iCarly season 3 episode 16 iBelieve in Bigfoot according to the schedule will be broadcast by Nickelodeon on Saturday May 8, 2010 (8:00 PM). Highly recommended for you to turn your television on the release date. Little information about what will happen in this episode, the iCarly crew attempt to prove there is a Bigfootcreature, the legendary apelike figure claimed to have been viewed by thousands out there, aft Carly's instructor gives her an F on a paper because she penned about Bigfoot. Okay, now is the time to view the video preview / promo below.

The iCarly work party and Spencer attempt to prove there is a Bigfootcreature, the legendary apelike figure claimed to have been viewed by thousands out there, aft Carly's instructor gives her an F on a paper because she penned about Bigfoot and also aft fresh footage of the creature is verified by a skilled on iCarly.


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