Family Runs From Charging Bigfoot

Imagine how scary it would be to have a bigfoot charging towards you, only to realize you left your child behind when you ran!


  1. To stop a charging bigfoot, take away its credit card.

    1. LOL. Good one. I laughed so hard that I nearly peed my pants.

  2. In the last story the asshole goes into a mine and then the sunlight coming in the opening is blocked off. The opening was 7’ by 4’ so it was big. This hunter hides under a piece of burlap and it walks past. Once past the hunter sprints out, but first in a classic dick move squeezes off two rounds, it let out a scream... now tell me, first, why are you squeezing off rounds at something you can not see? And why would you go into a creatures home, shoot it and run away. That’s a hunting scumbag for you. If you were running and it wasn’t following you, and walked right passed you in a cave, so clearly it wasn’t looking to hurt you. The fckn thing can see in pitch dark( so it saw you) and if it didn’t see you by some dumb chance it certainly smelled you through that dopey burlap bag you were in.
    So the thing could have ripped you into bite sized pieces... it didn’t. And you squeeze off 2 rounds. And then you wonder why these things snatch up people from national parks and throws them off cliffs and then folds their clothing neatly right next to them. This guy gets the douche of the month award.

    1. What's even more troubling is the fact that you actually believe this story.


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