Todd Standing Tells His Heroic Bigfoot Story

Todd Standing talks about the time he went missing for a week. Luckily he survived to tell the story.


  1. He is not only a fraud but shameless as well. Who on earth is stupid enough to believe his tripe?

    1. Next week tune in to Jerry Cline American Hero; Jerry explains why He's a hero in the BF world. Spoiler Alert: Jerry speaks Coast Salish a long forgotten Native dialect.

    2. I'm more terrified of Mr. 10,000 + lies. I voted for Trump cuz I'm a coal miner and the SOB lied his ass off and said he was opening three new mines. Literary made it up at a speech I was at. Zero campaign promises kept except for the huge tax cut he gave himself and his buddies.

    3. Jerry Cline is a well rounded,Southern Gentleman. Anyone who messes with Senor Cline will be mobbed by three quarters of a million Hispanics, a mini van full of African Americans and an assortment of Oriental folk. You see Jerry is NOT the racist dullard he pretends to be. 8 years of school at Kent State, plus 4 years at Quantico and a 9 month class at the Pentagon with "Pyramider" clearance should tell you rubes something. Watch Mr. Cline but do do at your own risk.

    4. I voted for him as well Anon: 9:57 but like you found out his policies actually hurt my bottom line more than helped. I'll take my chances with the democratic nominee this time.

    5. You bellyaching whiners are going to be crying in your beer when President Trump is re-elected.


    6. Shut up you toothless Brit. You have no part of this. Lets see how you feel if your bottom line is affected negatively by the Brexit withdrawal. Go back to peddling your mythical monsters. You know as much about that as you do American politics.

    7. Maybe you should F off to some politics blog then... nobody cares about your Facebook-Esque ramblings. You’re as narcissistic as you are clueless about substantiating your hoax cult.

    8. Bigfoot exists but a viable Democrat candidate for Novemeber does not.


    9. Maybe not but I bet they can at least spell correctly.

    10. haha, listen lads, that wasn't me commenting but I do feel amused that Ps is using my name in his twisted role playing game. Bigfoot for president doesn't sound so outrageous


  2. Ok who's the clown that keeps promoting Fraud. He's not a laughing stock in the normal world but he's beyond a hoaxer. He makes Trump look honest.

    1. Let's get us a bunch of MAGA hats and hunt Jerry Cline. If we could at least get some video evidence Scientists would have to admit that Neanderthals do exist.

  3. Attention Joe:

    Your mum's cock needs sucking. Better run off and pucker up. Cheerio and toodleoo


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