Has The Answer Been In The Patterson Bigfoot Film All Along?

A shocking discovery has potentially been made in the Patterson bigfoot film. Mountain Beast Mysteries on youtube shares the information.


  1. Certainly less than shocking. Click bait.

  2. There you have it folks- definitive proof from an actual scientist and not a wanna be magician skeptic. Any of you go trick or treating for halloween ? I really hope no one went as PS , that would be shameful


    1. ^ invites small boys into his shit-hole of a home for "sweeties" ...`til the parents find out.

      how many spells in jail for interfering with kids is is now Joe?

    2. Now, now PS. Let’s not get into what the “P” stands for in your name.

    3. the unscientific PS will by nature tr to negate the words of a true scientist Meldrum ! Har ! What a hoot ! Anyways PS , i've got bigger fish to fry than waste my time with a guppy such as you. I'm getting ready to watch England win yet another world championship Saturday morning. Carry on with your inane chatter


    4. Yeah Meldrum. Nice guy. Would not recognize a BF if it bit him. His discernment of images is terribly flawed. Its a disaster really.

    5. Lucky he’s a (cough, cough) anthropologist really then, isn’t it?


    6. haha, Meldrum could crush PS like a grape between his toes ! PS didn't even finish elementary school so he's not one to be any kind of bigfoot expert . Anyways lads, I'm getting ready to watch England win another championship , ta ta


    7. Meldrum is one of the most renowned scientists in his field. It’s just that you have to have a child’s level understanding of science to be able to understand it.

  3. Got monkey suit?got extra large paranthropus face mask?


  4. I believe that sasquatches may exist. That being said, the Patterson film is a hoax, and I can prove it to anyone who is objective at how they look at this film.

    If you look at the famous footage near its end, you can see the "bigfoot" alternately lifting its feet as it walks away, with the light colored bottoms of the feet clearly visible to the camera.

    If you look at this section of the film, you can see that the right foot has toes that are clearly visible. The left foot, however, is squared off with no toes. There is no way that this would/could be like this if this was an actual bigfoot.

    The clear lack of toes on the squared front of the left foot can only lead to the conclusion that the subject of the film is in fact a man in a costume, a costume that has a squared off left foot with no toes.

    This is clearly visible from the footage. As mentioned, I believe that sasquatches may exist, but this film is a hoax, a hoax that happened to turn out better than Patterson could have ever hoped for.

    1. Yup. Absolutely true. I noticed that years back.

      Cue the wrath of Iktomi with his cut and paste jobs.

    2. Oh PS... when you’ve quite finished answering your own comments like a pervert on acid, can I advise that if you’re that terrified of a cut & paste, that you don’t rehash the same embarrassing arguments that failed the first 50 times they were used.


      In the above link from August 27th (it’s acknowledged that it’s not a short memory you suffer from, it’s a perverse need to get off by seeing someone respond to you), you’ll find links that show the PGF subject enjoying clear toe flexing whilst you’ll also be reminded of the trackway it left that has been proven to be consistent with widely studied homo erectus trackways that have been studied for decades. Don’t worry, there’s YouTube videos there so you don’t have to do any reading, so don’t panic;


      I’ll say it again PS, you’re up against impossible data. And you haven’t even began to scratch the surface by providing substance against one single piece of it yet.

      Good luck with the hoax cult!

    3. Meldrum is disqualified as a scientist on this topic because of bias. He believes a mythological creature exists. Bad Science. Bad man.

    4. Let me count the logical fallacies in that one statements alone.

      1. Rhetorical - you claim to want reputable science with the view to rejecting it outright if it doesn’t suit the hoax cult. This way anybody who spends time looking at the subject is dismissed and you can then push the narrative that “science isn’t interested.”

      2. Circular logic - any scientific approach to the subject is bunk, “because the subject is bunk”, without any scrap of substantive data referenced. This is one of the most infantile logical fallacies any adult can stoop to.

      3. Ad hominem - Meldrum’s research that is consistent with decades of work on evolutionary bipedalism isn’t even addressed, instead how character is attacked.

      Stop crying, join the big boy club and get an actual argument. That’s what adults do. If Bigfoot is mythological, then please... proceed to convince at least someone for the obsession you have, with some actual science.

      : )

  5. Does anyone else think that Iktomi needs professional help?

    1. There are genuine people investing their expertise in your mental state PS. It ain’t a pretty picture boyo.

    2. They have a nice padded room just for people like PS . It's a fun place for him where he can safely bang his head against the wall screaming out the names of Iktomi and Meldrum all day long. PS should really look into checking it out, it'll do him a world of good


  6. They have medication that may help Iktomi.

  7. The fact that it's still debatable years later sinks the HMS Bigfoot

    1. Debate it then PS, logical fallacies only serve to make you look silly.

      There is still no SFX method of getting what you see in that footage. And as time goes by and more and more experts come forward to highlight detail in the footage, the physical evidence left behind by the subject in that footage is now peer reviewed.

      The fact that you’ve had to come back three times to post a comment means you haven’t had much satisfaction from your usual therapy exercise. And you’ll be coming back a fourth time, loser.

    2. Poor PS, still swearing by the Pathetic and laughable Morris attempt to recreate the bigfoot using the a piss poor suit Maybe PS could wear that suit and go roving in the woods during hunting season. Beware of elmer Fudd PS !


    3. Well, well. The bigfoot sisters can't prove squat and resort to nothing but insults. Typical low brow thugs

    4. You’ve been given links with Peer reviewed studies and references to YouTube channels proving your drivel is bunk.

      Your turn.

  8. The fact that it's still debatable years later sinks the HMS Bigfoot

  9. The fact that it's still debatable years later sinks the HMS Bigfoot

    1. Go on PS... you know you want to paste it again...

    2. No need, you've acknowledged it everytime so I guess it's true enough.

    3. Dance me puppet, come running to the dance

    4. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! Two comments at once? Who’s doing that dancing?

      Ha ha ha!!

    5. PS doesn't believe in science or the words of a very qualified expert.What a buffoon !


  10. The fact that it's still debatable years later sinks the HMS Bigfoot

    1. Thank goodness you aren't a ship PS or your good ship lollipop would have sank so far down they'd never find it- kinda like your morals mate


    2. Hmmm, two replies. Didn't some retard say something about that?

    3. Sorry PS... but sockpuppeting is your game. I don’t need other accounts to make my opinion look good... I’ve got references.

      Try it some time... you might end up getting some satisfaction for once.

    4. Once again you are proven a liar

    5. “... can't prove squat and resort to nothing but insults.”

      Ha ha ha!!

      Prove it boyo!

    6. Nope, that’s giving your mere opinion in the face of referenced facts. Here are those links again;


    7. It appears only one of us actually is.

  11. Now watch the acknowledgment
    The fact that it's still debatable years later sinks the HMS Bigfoot

    1. Who you talking to PS?

      Ha ha ha ha!!!

      This is see PS, the fact that footage is being debated among some circles might be evidence it’s not fake. Your point is subjective at best. The point I’m making (that you missed) is this; there is no debate. Not only are there innumerable points about its biology that are impossible to fake even to this day (let alone two cowboys in 1967), but the physical evidence it left is consistent with decades of research on hominin trackways. You have subjective drivel riddled with logical fallacies. I can reference science that is in the links referenced.

      Yeah... I acknowledged it so much I can’t even get you to publish one fact to substantiate your little prayer. I’ll pop back in the morning to see if you’ve got something for me. Repeating yourself like a therapy exercise doesn’t cut it in the world of adults.

      Good luck Rum.

    2. Ps is the arse who thinks he knows a subject better than a professional scientist who has studied it most of his life. That is the definition of a true arse !


    3. You guys are looking pretty desperate

    4. Yet you haven’t provided one piece of substance against what’s been provided.

    5. It can't stand on its own so there's no need

    6. You come back when there's a body, until then there's no definitive proof

    7. It’s standing as a source of two definitive sources of evidence. The subject itself that cannot be replicated by any SFX method... And the physical evidence it’s left behind. The latter of those two has such a weight in anthropological method that it’s pretty much impossible to argue against. You will not find any means of debunking that type of evidence, that’s in part how it is now peer reviewed. So whilst a body will be the only means of proving Bigfoot exists to a rhetorical denialist... as long as you can fathom how good the data in that footage is, it’s good enough.


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