The Goose Creek Monster

From PacWest Bigfoot:

I am from Meadows, Idaho. And yes, my parents said it was okay to send you my story about me watching Bigfoot from a tree. I was not just watching it either, I was trying to get away from my dad! And, this was not the first time I’d heard of them out this way either. Let me tell you what happened to me, and my family a few years back. I live in “old meadows,’ not New Meadows, Idaho. My parents have a small farm and ranch that has been in the family for a very long time now. Eventually, I will take over I suppose. And yes, we grow some potatoes, ha! But, for the most part, we raise animals, just so you know. However, the one animal we do not raise is the one I watched as it passed right by me out in the woods nearby, Bigfoot. It is not that I didn’t believe they existed, I did before this encounter, and afterward, of course, I’d always been a believer, and for good reason. I’d learned of their existence from my parents actually, they said it had raided the farm a few times over the years, and once it tried to break into the barn with my mom inside. They allowed me to share this with you as well, so, here is what happened to them, and what I saw that day just east of me in the Payette National Forest.


  1. Oh yes please come and goose me good and proper with your fat todger you hairy bastard.



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