The Challenge of Creating Bigfoot

From Ripley's Believe It Or Not, taxidermy artist Ken Walker took on the huge task of creating a replica life-size bigfoot.


  1. The BEST makers of bigfoot costumes were Patterson and Gimlin of course - they sure could teach these new guys a thing or two about realistic costumes couldn`t they ?

    1. Yeah , it's a bloody shame no one has been able to produce one even close in the 50 years since . r maybe it's because it was an actual bigfoot and not a costume. It's nutters like you who carry one with the same tired line time after time. Got monkey suit chum ? Guess not. dumb arse wanker


    2. Did your father ever say to you..."I told you not to be stupid you moron"?

  2. Those goggles make him look very professional.

  3. Gimlin claims to have bedded 400+ Patty groupies.

  4. Bob Hieronoumius said it took two months to make Patty. The muscle movement everyone talks about was latex applied over his actual muscles. Debunked��������

    1. Roger Patterson filmed a Bigfoot in 1967.

      LaTeX wasn’t created until 1983 by Leslie Lamport.

    2. Debating your own sock puppet strawman (sorry straw-man) is an admission that (1) you can’t win a real argument and (2) you’re an insane psychopath.

      Ha ha ha ha!

    3. @11:00 just dropped a latex duece ! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
      CREASED !!!!
      Bob Hieronumius is a known liar who is just looking for his 15 min of fame. The challenge is still out there for anyone to replicate the so called monkey suit . No one will ever win because it wasn't a suit but good luck trying chumps



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