Man Films Bigfoot In His Backyard

From the NvTv channel on youtube comes a piece of video footage reportedly taken by a man in his own backyard.


  1. Iktomi/Joe/Stuey I will be starting an Gofundme page for you. The goals will be 1. To raise enough me so you can move out your Mothers flat and rent a room of your own. 2. Raise enough money so you can get the much needed psychotherapy you are literally begging for. 3. Buy a female realdoll so you can have "date night" once a week. Many of us are concerned with your tenuous grip on reality and feel this maybe your last hope at maintaining your slippery grip on sanity. JCAF.

    1. Right-o ! Maybe you can save up all the money you've collected from scouring your trailer park for empties and put it into this gofundme page ? Actually I know you need the money much more to support your meth habit and I'd feel bloody guilty as heck to take your last pence on earth .


  2. I don't have alopecia it's that's what your hinting at. My peyronis is giving me a little bit of trouble. I have to have relations sideways but it could be worse: I could smell like Jerry Cline's butt.


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