Bigfoot Fights Bear In Russia

From the Bigfoot Case Files youtube channel comes a story about a possible case of a bigfoot fighting a bear in an area of Russia.


  1. FBI confirms bigfoot sample as deer

  2. Not anything to do with the above topic but I rarely see anything Bigfoot related in national news and thought it might be posted here. To my surprise it was not so here it is for your perusal:

    Although I rarely check in anymore because there seems to be nothing of significance happening, I am surprised at how few comments there are. When I use to check in here regularly there seem to be quite a few however I confess most were just insults and added little to the debate.

    For those who still believe that Bigfoot may exist the article will be disappointing as it was to Byrne. I found the reference to the Army Corps atlas entry rather interesting however. It also points out how a sighting can be mistaken for a Bigfoot even by trained and qualified professionals such as these biologists.

    Byrne who is 93 years old and has never seen one for himself is still searching. Now THAT'S persistence.

    1. Well Curious, I think it's safe to say he's seen a deer in his lifetime

    2. HEEEEEEY!! Another of “Danny’s” personas is back! And you were on the previous comment section, do you suffer with amnesia in your old age? Oh you’re not down with the insults at the moment? I thought you were always entertained them whilst in “Curious” mode? Haven’t managed to keep up that persona too consistently have we?

      I can’t read the article as it says I’ve exceeded my free reading limit. How’s about you paste me extracts from it, and we’ll have a little debate? And as much as you looooooooove to special plead away tens of thousands of eyewitnesses and the thousands of years of indigenous culture that preceded it... a couple of trained & qualified biologists mistaken in the present doesn’t explain away that type of anecdotal evidence, and is quite simply a gross false equivalence.

    3. LOL - point taken. But it proves a point that even though you may have the testimony of multiple Bigfoot witnesses, in the end it proves nothing. I still believe the Sykes study was the best shot for recognition of Bigfoot being proven (or at least additional interest by the scientific community) but in my mind it did just the opposite and effectively closed the door on any additional serious endeavors.

    4. You most certainly COULD argue that thousands of years of culture, which is essentially anthropological data, as well as tens of thousands of eyewitnesses proves nothing... but when you pair all that up with the physical evidence which is proven impossible to hoax, the footage, the audio, then that’s all the proof you need.

      You had your proof years ago, at the point you decided to embark on your obsession with the subject. And when you break out of character and even admit here anonymously that you “believe it probably exists”... it amazes me how you can maintain goading people into a stupid responses, which is less important than sharing info, which you probably have a fair amount of by now. Your priorities are all messed up and say too much about you to hide.

      And “Danny”? The only reason why the Sykes stuff as well as all other testing hasn’t satisfied you, is because you are in the ape camp, when not entertaining the paranormal side of course. “Bigfoot” is human... That’s where the DNA has always pointed to. Sorry you invested too much time on the bipedal gorilla theory.

    5. I can assure you "lktomi" that my only persona is Curious and I have no idea what you are talking about but believe what you want. Back in the day I did think some of the comments were amusing but some did get pretty harsh and as I remember you did your share as well. Since it was on national news just goggle Bigfoot and FBI. I'm sure multiple sources will come up that you can view.

      I have no interest in debating with you as your mind is completely made up as is mine. Been there, done that so it's just a waste of both of our time. If some of significance appears over national headlines that may prove the case for Bigfoot I'm all ears but story after story of sightings have no interest for me.

    6. Ha ha ha ha!!

      I would say see you around, but you’ll be breaking out the other alter egos shortly. Though you’re far politer in this mode... The mind boggles as to why you’d even believe you’re fooling anyone anymore. You forget you tried this very angle years ago, and then burst out with the “Daniel Campbell” account as soon as you realised you’d convinced someone to believe how “reasonable” you could be whilst anonymous. It’s all there, you should go back and read it sometime. It would really help you to give up the silly games.


    7. East End Cott Compton Rd

    8. I have no idea why you would think I am other posters here but perhaps you perceive any anonymous comment critical of Bigfoot to be from the same source. Although I have heard the name "Daniel Campbell" mentioned I don't recall reading any of his posts although that was quite awhile ago when I was posting regularly here. However you are free of course to believe anything you wish including Bigfoot. I will say my argument that Bigfoot does not exist grows stronger ever year while your case diminishes. Thousands of years of culture does not stack up strong compared to the here and now unless you want to make a case that it did once exist and is now extinct although all the modern day sightings would not support that.

      At one time I thought there was a possibility it might exist but now have been a skeptic for many years. The Carter Farm fiasco was just one case how a story falls apart when you did a little deeper and I learned how easily a story can spread with very little to back it up. I still maintain that Bigfoot is a psychological phenomenon not a physical one. I remember when Khat Hansen posted here she had access to some Bigfoot skulls and when I pressed her on more information she got all huffy and defensive. Such is usually the case when you dig deeper into the stories.

      In any case I too have better things to do. I just thought since this was on national news I would post it here if it hadn't been already. But just remember this - every year that passes without Bigfoot being discovered is an argument for me and a weakening of yours. With all the technology available now to say that Bigfoot could escape detection is just denial. But hey - good luck in convincing the scientific community with your arguments!

    9. “I will say my argument that Bigfoot does not exist grows stronger ever year while your case diminishes.”

      So at what point of physical evidence being peer reviewed, and world beating geneticists conducting Bigfoot DNA studies and theorising as to sub-species of homo sapien residing on the planet just 150 years ago... does the case for Bigfoot diminish? You see, Bigfoot sightings nationwide have increased 248 percent since the 2011. And the same physical evidence that was good enough for peer review rolls in every week.

      The only thing that results in this stalemate of “existence” (if you like) is the fact that nobody as of yet is putting together a professional study to look for it. And considering the ridicule this subject still attracts for scientists (who are themselves akin to businessmen these days) and the requirement of extraordinary evidence (without the extraordinary effort to get it, like all primates being tracked in the field need), that doesn’t mean Biggy doesn’t exist. That fact along with a dead blog doesn’t mean the case for Bigfoot diminishes... It just means the current field research is being conducted by amateurs and someone got jealous because their own crypto blog didn’t take off.

      Thousands of years of indigenous culture stacks up perfectly to someone who understands anthropology, and when you understand that the same hominin’s habits and descriptions have transcended into modern cultures that had nothing but contempt for that which preceded it, only a denialist would need to play that down. The arrogance towards such indigenous people’s culture & oral history is also pretty astounding in that mindset.

      The Carter Farm, where hair was recovered and tested to be morphologically congruent, and Khat Hansen not presenting skulls at an anonymous request doesn’t relegate this subject to one of mere psychological phenomena. Pretending to be a Bigfoot sceptic in the face of solid scientific method and mounds of physical data (so much so that average height & weight ratios can be extrapolated)... is a psychological phenomena called pseudoscepticism. It’s akin to a religion.

      You can somehow wheel in the entire scientific community to laugh at me, you, anyone here. The facts are none of them have the answers or the data you need to logically prop up your argument. I do.

    10. I was going to just let this go however I could not resist the urge to check back in and just couldn't let this go:

      "Bigfoot sightings nationwide have increased 248 percent since the 2011."

      How interesting they increased since 2011 since the program Finding Bigfoot premiered May 29, 2011 and wouldn't one think since they increased that much the chance of discovery would be 248 percent better? This proves my point entirely as a psychological phenomena as viewers now planted with the idea Bigfoot exists suddenly seen them around every corner. As for physical evidence, once you can show you have actual BIOLOGICAL evidence of it's existence then we will talk but sorry - footprints, indigenous stories and culture just don't prove anything to me.

      I remember telling Khat that armed with such evidence she could prove to the skeptics of Bigfoot's existence but once confronted she got dismissive and came up with some lame excuse. From what I have read of her she seems to be anxious to let others know they exist so it puzzles me why she would do so when armed with actual skulls which could not be disputed. As for Carter Farm, I've been there and looked into it - there is absolutely nothing to support that story except Janice Carter and a few of her close associates word.

      I'm not sure it would be classified as arrogant however when indigenous people's stories include talking coyotes and shape-shifting then I do have to question it as a whole. I'm sure they made up stories to prove a point as we do today.

      As for speaking of a belief akin to religion - pot meet kettle - LOL.

    11. Or could people in the last ten years, especially with the increase in social media & pop culture, people simply have easier avenues to report their sightings, with less taboo or fear of ridicule? Yeah... I kind of prefer that. D’you know why? Because if people see more of something, it usually means there’s more of a chance something exists. Forgive me for attempting logic, I know it’s a little scarce around here. People have been reporting Bigfoot far longer than Finding Bigfoot, I’m sorry that’s the brunt of your experience of this subject but no shortcomings projected on the rest of us please. And again... we have the added fact that science isn’t getting any closer to debunking these sightings. That’s all that is happening, is more evidence is accumulating, science is actually strengthening the case for these hominin. As tech advances, thermal comes out, we have thermal hits of subjects in the heigh range of 8.5 feet tall. Every time someone see’s one of these hominin, it is discovered. The professionals and pillars of modern society that account for scientists who have seen this hominin over time, have discovered it. So I would say for every comparative increase in chances you expect this ti be discovered... I would as get with times. Bigfoot has been discovered since 1967... don’t like it? Debunk the physical evidence the subject in that footage left.

      And no I’M sorry that I have to point out something so embarrassing, but that’s actually not how field research works. Biological research doesn’t (or rarely does) start with a biological discovery. The Bili Ape had indigenous peoples reporting it for decades, and even had track impressions to show of a human sized primate. That physical evidence was then used to track said primate which took two years. That’s how basic field biologist works... and we have a level of physical evidence that dwarves what the Bili Ape had at this stage of research.

      And as for the Carter Farm, you allegedly visited there and looked into it - we don’t know your credentials as a researcher, don’t know how long you were there, can’t even prove your were there at all... and though you claim to have found absolutely nothing, someone else did. Therefore one might simply question your integrity and experience as a researcher. My understanding was that the Carter family were also looked down upon by her immediate community... poor people being picked on doesn’t mean Bigfoot doesn’t exist pal.

      And to expand your understanding of Native culture and oral history. Native Americans have just as much mythology and legend as we might in our cultures. They also treat animals like humans, and the paranormal is always intertwined with the natural world around them. The difference between their mythology and history is hard to differentiate when such things are not written down like our culture... but when you have wall paintings, carved foot prints, dances, masks and ceremonies surviving to this day... not to mention (cough, cough) every single tribe telling you that these hominin exist (sigh)... then you can keep your talking coyotes and shapeshifters for the camp fire. Because the subject in question has genuine anthropological data that cannot be explained away with simple ignorance towards a perceived “lesser culture”.

    12. Iktomi has a point about the Bili ape, many stories of a bigger than normal ape and science pooh pooed it as just native myth and then one was observed but only after a lengthy expedition in a relatively small area unlike the vast wilderness bigfoot lives in.
      Doesn't surprise me that the tests came back as deer because unless someone sees a bigfoot actually leave hair samples it's impossible to determine what animal left strange looking hair if it isn't identified by sight.
      How many dead bears are found in the wild ? how many dead mountain lions ? yet we know they exist.
      Anyways , i'll close by asking "got monkey suit?"


    13. hahahahaha that's rich. ikdummy accusing curious of being just another persona when he is the king of sockpuppeting. Of couse he's Stuey! EVERYONE is Stuey to ikdummy. What a moron.

    14. Here he is!! Where’s your evidence, psycho! Let’s trade off evidence... see who looks like the biggest nutter in the end?


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