Hire Bob Hieoromous. Next get 2 convicted swindlers two buy a suit. Thirdly film "Sasquatch" with shaky ads camera. Then convince widow of one swindler to give you the original film. Lastly sell a third swindler from Canada the rights to said film including one famous frame for $10. Easy Peasy.
Me? Why would I have it? Not only wasnt I alive when they perpetrated their hoax but I m pretty sure their plan wouldn't be to wait for some random dude to be born then present it to me as if I were Jesus and they were the Magi. Thank you for the compliment however.
Description: Appealing to an irrelevant, unqualified, unidentified, biased, or fabricated source in support of an argument (modern usage). Historical use of this fallacy was in the attribution of "religious" or "spiritual" experiences to outside "higher" sources rather than internal, psychological processes (see fantasy projection).
Logical Form: Claim X is made. Source Y, a fake or unverifiable source, is used to verify claim X. Therefore, claim X is true. Example: “But professor, I got all these facts from a program I saw on TV once... I don’t remember the name of it though.” Explanation: Without a credible, verifiable source, the argument or claim being made is very weak.
Tip: Don't falsify facts. If you get caught lying, you will almost certainly lose the argument, even if you are right. If the PGF is a hoax (X), then demonstrate how the “costume” was made. If you can’t, then you’re at “Y” of the above logical fallacy. No proponent of Bigfoot would be taken seriously if they made a leap in logic regarding Bigfoot’s existence... if they were to claim ”X” (Bigfoot) is real because “Y” (no evidence). Stop being intellectually inferior and provide substance for at least one of your pretend hoax-cult pseudo-religious mantras for the ten years you’ve been here harassing people.
Because a cast taken from the PGF site is one of three casts over a three decade period that have produced morphological congruency, before particular replica casts were even in productions to copy, and before things like mid-tarsal breaks were even commonly known in the scientific arena, let alone having attention drawn to them in Bigfoot casts. When these details are then aligned with trackways that show that a genuine biological foot has made contact with the ground... that evidence is literally impossible to hoax. There’s the proof, PS. And let’s not pretend that Bigfoot casts are limited to three casts either... there is so much data extrapolated from the footprint evidence, that average height and weight ratios can be taken.
There’s my proof. Try reading the science behind this subject... instead of watching Finding Bigfoot.
Since there is no proof I will help you out. There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that suggests bigfoot exists. Certainly enough to "prove" its existence legally but not scientifically which is what we are talking about. The best evidence in my opinion is: 1. the 1974 Corp of Engineers pamphlet listing bigfoot as a native species. 2. Ron Moorehead's and Al Berry's tapes of the Sierra Sounds and subsequent authentication of a human like language by cryptolinguist Scott Nelson. 3.The PGF film as manipulated by M.K. Davis which clearly shows Patty's asshole. 4. The dermal ridges discovered by Krantz, authenticated by Jimmy Chilkoot. 5. The anecdoctal sightings of thousands of people. 6. The fact that the Indigenous tribes of the New World describe such a creature to the extent of trading with it. 7.Anecdotal evidence of Leif Ericson who seems to describe these creatures when he landed in Canada circa the 13th century. That my friend is strong circumstantial evidence that such a creature exists but there is no proof, sorry.
Thank you for finally admitting that there is evidence. It’s taken you years but I guess your facade has exhausted you. We all knew you were the biggest fan boy.
However... having looked into the Leif Erickson stuff, there is no solid evidence that such a testimony ever actually existed... and the Chilcutt stuff is at present highly contested as casting artefacts under laboratory conditions (until Chilcutt responds to Matt Crowley’s research, it’s difficult to argue). If you want a more solid example of dermals I would recommend you look at Elk Wallow.
“Proof” regarding this subject has always been as unscientifically subjective as can be... because the bar is already set way higher than most things studied in anthropology or primatology. But in the former, subjects can be studied in their environments (respectively) and for the latter one needs a lengthy and adequately resourced field study (some take years) and until then... we have a body of evidence with data to point to that dwarves that of other primates (some man-sized) at this point of research. You would literally need a time machine to fake the casts that are have been shown to have the same morphological detail over time and across continents.
Evidence is not proof. Evidence can be used to establish proof but it is not proof in its own right. As I stated above their is a plethora of evidence but as it stands their is simply no proof that bigfoot exists.
There is not proof that Bigfoot exists. What there is... is proof that a human, twice the size of normal humans and with archaic foot morphology is leaving its physical sign on the wilderness of the US.
Now... if that isn’t proof Bigfoot exists, you are more than welcome to let me know what other human, twice the size of normal humans with an archaic foot is running around the wilderness of the US.
Oh and by the way I'm not this stuey pedo you are obsessed about. If you care to discuss or argue about bigfoot I'd be happy to hand you your ass on a platter once again.
6:17, I apologize for ikdummy’s deranged behavior. He’s suffered so many vicious beat downs from me that’s he’s become cracker brained. And I agree that his fixation with pedophilia — he finds a way to mention the subject in virtually every comment — is quite disturbing.
Talking to yourself again PS? You won’t be handing anyone’s ass to them with small holes in your argument. And if you don’t like being reminded that you have published horrible threats at the posters of people frequenting this place... take some responsibility (you deranged narcissist)... and stop doing it. After being reported to the authorities, it’s hard to believe only 48 hours ago alluded to it again. But psychos never were concerned about the repercussions I guess.
Using Meldrum as a source is laughable. Do you know he conducted a DNA study looking for the mythical Lamanites and the Nephites who were supposedly the Natives of Central and South America in Mormon mythology?. In Mormonism Yeshua went to the New World after His reincarnation and taught the two aforementioned groups. The Lamanites who rejected His teaching were turned into Blacks. (which is why the LDS Church did not accept blacks into their congregation until the late 70's). He actually thought they were the lost tribe of Israel and as I stated tried to prove this using a genome study with spectacular failure. Meldrum is seen as a joke by Academia.
Yeah, I couldn’t give a feck about his Mormonism. You might need a strawman to dodge around his expertise on evolutionary bipedalism but it don’t cut it when you have his type of credentials, and the type of work he’s put together that should be easy to debunk if he’s the laughing stock you claim. I would take note of the calibre of some of the world renowned scientists that are currently defending his work... Martin Lockley, University of Colorado Denver... And Jeong Yul Kim, Department of Earth Science Education, Korea National University of Education, Cheongwon, Chungbuk, Korea.
In short, it’s not clever to attack a strawman. Debunk his evidence on Bigfoot.
Put your money where your mouth is. And your argument about Meldrum is illogical, given the fact that you have already cited what you believe to be good evidence. One could merely have the same rhetorical argument against what you endorse, purely because it is presented by proponents of the subject and just as easily perceived as “biased”.
stuey, Meldrum is a well regarded expert in the field. What degree do you have by the way ? I'll bet the only paper hanging on your wall are nascar posters . When you get a degree in something you are qualified to make statements that are more credible than that of Meldrum then i'll believe you but til then sod off! cheers
Once again I will reiterate for the last time I'am not this pedo Stu fantasy you have created. I do believe he is your alter ego which is why I suggested Antidepressants. Also just so you're aware I personally believe in bigfoot and even know what it is. I would tell you but as the old saying goes "You can't handle the truth".
Yes Iktomi you are indeed on the right track when you say paranormal. Have you surmised what these creatures are yet? How they can dissapear, use telepathy as communication, are seen in conjunction with orbs?
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Hire Bob Hieoromous. Next get 2 convicted swindlers two buy a suit. Thirdly film "Sasquatch" with shaky ads camera. Then convince widow of one swindler to give you the original film. Lastly sell a third swindler from Canada the rights to said film including one famous frame for $10. Easy Peasy.
ReplyDeleteGot monkey suit?
DeleteMe? Why would I have it? Not only wasnt I alive when they perpetrated their hoax but I m pretty sure their plan wouldn't be to wait for some random dude to be born then present it to me as if I were Jesus and they were the Magi. Thank you for the compliment however.
ReplyDeleteFalse Attribution (logical fallacy):
DeleteDescription: Appealing to an irrelevant, unqualified, unidentified, biased, or fabricated source in support of an argument (modern usage). Historical use of this fallacy was in the attribution of "religious" or "spiritual" experiences to outside "higher" sources rather than internal, psychological processes (see fantasy projection).
Logical Form:
Claim X is made.
Source Y, a fake or unverifiable source, is used to verify claim X.
Therefore, claim X is true.
“But professor, I got all these facts from a program I saw on TV once... I don’t remember the name of it though.”
Explanation: Without a credible, verifiable source, the argument or claim being made is very weak.
Don't falsify facts. If you get caught lying, you will almost certainly lose the argument, even if you are right. If the PGF is a hoax (X), then demonstrate how the “costume” was made. If you can’t, then you’re at “Y” of the above logical fallacy. No proponent of Bigfoot would be taken seriously if they made a leap in logic regarding Bigfoot’s existence... if they were to claim ”X” (Bigfoot) is real because “Y” (no evidence). Stop being intellectually inferior and provide substance for at least one of your pretend hoax-cult pseudo-religious mantras for the ten years you’ve been here harassing people.
Easy peasy.
As Sagan said extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. You are claiming that PGF is real. Where is your extraordinary proof?
ReplyDeleteWhere is my proof?
DeleteBecause a cast taken from the PGF site is one of three casts over a three decade period that have produced morphological congruency, before particular replica casts were even in productions to copy, and before things like mid-tarsal breaks were even commonly known in the scientific arena, let alone having attention drawn to them in Bigfoot casts. When these details are then aligned with trackways that show that a genuine biological foot has made contact with the ground... that evidence is literally impossible to hoax. There’s the proof, PS. And let’s not pretend that Bigfoot casts are limited to three casts either... there is so much data extrapolated from the footprint evidence, that average height and weight ratios can be taken.
There’s my proof. Try reading the science behind this subject... instead of watching Finding Bigfoot.
Since there is no proof I will help you out. There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that suggests bigfoot exists. Certainly enough to "prove" its existence legally but not scientifically which is what we are talking about.
ReplyDeleteThe best evidence in my opinion is:
1. the 1974 Corp of Engineers pamphlet listing bigfoot as a native species.
2. Ron Moorehead's and Al Berry's tapes of the Sierra Sounds and subsequent authentication of a human like language by cryptolinguist Scott Nelson.
3.The PGF film as manipulated by M.K. Davis which clearly shows Patty's asshole.
4. The dermal ridges discovered by Krantz, authenticated by Jimmy Chilkoot.
5. The anecdoctal sightings of thousands of people.
6. The fact that the Indigenous tribes of the New World describe such a creature to the extent of trading with it.
7.Anecdotal evidence of Leif Ericson who seems to describe these creatures when he landed in Canada circa the 13th century.
That my friend is strong circumstantial evidence that such a creature exists but there is no proof, sorry.
Thank you for finally admitting that there is evidence. It’s taken you years but I guess your facade has exhausted you. We all knew you were the biggest fan boy.
DeleteHowever... having looked into the Leif Erickson stuff, there is no solid evidence that such a testimony ever actually existed... and the Chilcutt stuff is at present highly contested as casting artefacts under laboratory conditions (until Chilcutt responds to Matt Crowley’s research, it’s difficult to argue). If you want a more solid example of dermals I would recommend you look at Elk Wallow.
“Proof” regarding this subject has always been as unscientifically subjective as can be... because the bar is already set way higher than most things studied in anthropology or primatology. But in the former, subjects can be studied in their environments (respectively) and for the latter one needs a lengthy and adequately resourced field study (some take years) and until then... we have a body of evidence with data to point to that dwarves that of other primates (some man-sized) at this point of research. You would literally need a time machine to fake the casts that are have been shown to have the same morphological detail over time and across continents.
Evidence is not proof. Evidence can be used to establish proof but it is not proof in its own right. As I stated above their is a plethora of evidence but as it stands their is simply no proof that bigfoot exists.
DeleteThere is not proof that Bigfoot exists. What there is... is proof that a human, twice the size of normal humans and with archaic foot morphology is leaving its physical sign on the wilderness of the US.
DeleteNow... if that isn’t proof Bigfoot exists, you are more than welcome to let me know what other human, twice the size of normal humans with an archaic foot is running around the wilderness of the US.
Oh and by the way I'm not this stuey pedo you are obsessed about. If you care to discuss or argue about bigfoot I'd be happy to hand you your ass on a platter once again.
ReplyDelete6:17, I apologize for ikdummy’s deranged behavior. He’s suffered so many vicious beat downs from me that’s he’s become cracker brained. And I agree that his fixation with pedophilia — he finds a way to mention the subject in virtually every comment — is quite disturbing.
DeleteTalking to yourself again PS? You won’t be handing anyone’s ass to them with small holes in your argument. And if you don’t like being reminded that you have published horrible threats at the posters of people frequenting this place... take some responsibility (you deranged narcissist)... and stop doing it. After being reported to the authorities, it’s hard to believe only 48 hours ago alluded to it again. But psychos never were concerned about the repercussions I guess.
DeleteUsing Meldrum as a source is laughable. Do you know he conducted a DNA study looking for the mythical Lamanites and the Nephites who were supposedly the Natives of Central and South America in Mormon mythology?. In Mormonism Yeshua went to the New World after His reincarnation and taught the two aforementioned groups. The Lamanites who rejected His teaching were turned into Blacks. (which is why the LDS Church did not accept blacks into their congregation until the late 70's). He actually thought they were the lost tribe of Israel and as I stated tried to prove this using a genome study with spectacular failure. Meldrum is seen as a joke by Academia.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I couldn’t give a feck about his Mormonism. You might need a strawman to dodge around his expertise on evolutionary bipedalism but it don’t cut it when you have his type of credentials, and the type of work he’s put together that should be easy to debunk if he’s the laughing stock you claim. I would take note of the calibre of some of the world renowned scientists that are currently defending his work... Martin Lockley, University of Colorado Denver... And Jeong Yul Kim, Department of Earth Science Education, Korea National University of Education, Cheongwon, Chungbuk, Korea.
DeleteIn short, it’s not clever to attack a strawman. Debunk his evidence on Bigfoot.
Your argument in which you use a biased Meldrum as your "proof" is akin to using the bible to convince Atheists God exists. Laughable.
Put your money where your mouth is. And your argument about Meldrum is illogical, given the fact that you have already cited what you believe to be good evidence. One could merely have the same rhetorical argument against what you endorse, purely because it is presented by proponents of the subject and just as easily perceived as “biased”.
stuey, Meldrum is a well regarded expert in the field. What degree do you have by the way ? I'll bet the only paper hanging on your wall are nascar posters . When you get a degree in something you are qualified to make statements that are more credible than that of Meldrum then i'll believe you but til then sod off!
Once again I will reiterate for the last time I'am not this pedo Stu fantasy you have created. I do believe he is your alter ego which is why I suggested Antidepressants. Also just so you're aware I personally believe in bigfoot and even know what it is. I would tell you but as the old saying goes "You can't handle the truth".
ReplyDeleteLet me guess... it’s paranormal? You’ve been claiming it’s that for years. What’s new?
DeleteSee ya tomorrow!!
DeleteYes Iktomi you are indeed on the right track when you say paranormal. Have you surmised what these creatures are yet?
ReplyDeleteHow they can dissapear, use telepathy as communication, are seen in conjunction with orbs?