Baby Bigfoot Video Breakdown

When someone posts a video of a baby bigfoot, it gets attention. Well, it got Parabreakdown's attention at least, and he takes a closer look at the footage in this breakdown.


  1. For crying our loud! It's so obviously a frickin' bear!

    1. That is 100% a juvenile bigfoot. How much proof do you need. If anybody can prove it isn't a bigfoot i will leave this site for good. Good luck skeptards!

      Toodle doo


    2. I really wish you would leave this site fake Joe aka Pedo stu !
      I'l even pay for your going away party
      Good riddance trash


    3. ^ it's a wank puffin !


    4. Didn't you just say it was 100% a bigfoot? Now it's a wank puffin. Does this mean you are leaving the site for good. Please say yes. I wish it was possible to come on this site and have an intelligent conversation about bigfoot not being real.

    5. Argh yes, of course... now proceed in trying to prove that by spending every waking hour watching every last Bigfoot YouTube channel and obsessing over every single last researcher... and even making your own crypto blog.

      You sure know how to convince people, eh?


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