Bigfoot expert Todd Standing shares his wisdom on the creatures known as sasquatch. Todd does live streams where people can ask him questions, and donate money to him.
Todd's hoaxed images, photographs of "dolls" and apparently his own face done up by his makeup artist wife, were instantly regarded as blatantly fake and nearly universally recognized as grotesque fraud by researchers all over North America. It wasn't even a debate, just common knowledge that Todd had lost the plot and faked this absurd imagery.
Bigfoot Evidence is like Netflix, they don't care if Todd Standing obviously hoaxed a few bigfoot images as long as they can make a few bucks off them. The final injury is seeing Jeff Meldrum ignore the hoax and continue to associate with Todd. Its sort of the worst possible scenario if you are a real bigfoot researcher.
Oh PS believes alright. He’s the biggest Bigfoot fan boy believer in the world. I genuinely believe that he loves the subject of Bigfoot more than anyone else on the planet.
He tried his hand at being a popular researcher where his name would be up in lights, but ended up getting led on by the biggest laughing stocks in the subject. He then tried his hand at a crypto blog - failed. He now just obsesses about Bigfoot personalities and watches literally every single last YouTube channel, making lists on his favourites and who he’s bitter at.
He doesn’t like other people’s evidence being referenced because he never found any, and to him Bigfoot are paranormal and shouldn’t leave physical sign. And then when he’s bored he can troll saner people to have some sense of control over his own life of failure.
Yes fan boy... now tell everyone (who neither know who you’re on about, or give a feck) all about your little fan/hit lists. It’s hard to believe there’s a grown man behind such comments. What a sad little girl.
LOL - once again lktomi flings his delusional theory that EVERYONE posting anything critical of Bigfoot is the same person. This is my first post in a week and of course it too will be attributed to this "PS". Good to see others think he's a nutter as well.
And no, I don’t actually believe that you’re convincing anyone, PS, and I do realise you you think you’re getting a rise out of people by talking to yourself. It’s f’n sad that you have to cling to that child’s play, and really are a sad old nerd with nothing else in your f’n life. Remember when you stalked me for my email address? That’s the definition on online stalking. Boy... the reason you’re still here is because people like me are on your mind 24/7. I’m just glad you were reported to the authorities, online predators like you deserve to have their internet taken away. And something tells me you already have at some point... someone who needs this subject like you do clearly has an unhealthy obsession.
Go back to making your little fan-boy lists, you creep.
Iktomi is spot on when talking about PS being a crazed stalker ! PS is text book narcissist on a totally different level and luvs playing these games on here like a toddler with his toys. Instead of hanging out with the lads he is a sad and lonely clown whose only joy in life it seems is to come on here and get a rise from his comments against me, Iktomi and every other stand up bigfoot enthusiast on here cheers
Thanks for your usual zero cents worth Fake Joe. By the way, here are some more “Britishisms” (that no real Brits ever actually use) that you can work into your future comments.
You must be thinking of the period of time when, during your crazy quest to track me down, you somehow became convinced that I was from Leeds and you actually asked whether I'd "fancy meeting you for a pint"! Apparently, I was British then! Ha ha ha!
You see Pedo... when you tell people you’re from Leeds and then proceed to use British slang for the next few years like “bloke in a suit”, it’s either one of two possibilities. You’re either British, or you’re a Yank obsessed with British culture and certain people around here. That takes about a minute for a sane, mildly educated person to deduce.
Now let’s compare that to how a delusional mind might think. Delusions will usually manifest around certain obsessions. Didn’t you claim not last week that I’m Matt Moneymaker? Your little Bigfoot fan-boy lists are now conflated with your obsession with posters around here. Still, nothing beats the psy-ops experiment everyone here was apparently attacking you with. Talk about awkward.
Thank you for enlightening us all with the link Pedo Stu. I was afraid you would have pasted a link to a kiddie porn site that keeps your twisted mind going.Admit it, iktomi gets under your skin and you're extremely irked about it . it's almost as if someone pinched your meth and you are unable to get a fix. He's right about you being a fan boy, a very sick and twisted one. Now carry on whilst I go and practice my Britishisms cheers
Fraud Standing has shaved. I take it a spate of new muppet videos are on the way. Did you hear Survivor Man Las Stroud after his Fraud Standing shows? Stroud was on Sasquatch Chronicles and he said Bigfoot was communicating with him telepathically - in English. Fraud also did a radio show with Jeff Meldrim, "Bigfoot North". Fraud talked over the professor and made a lot of noise with his 7-11 Slurpees while Meldrum talked.
Meldrum should be ashamed of himself for aligning himself with Fraud but then again he believes in an Angel called Moron that looks exactly like a gray alien or LAM the demon Crowley conjured while living in Boleskin house. He also believes that this "Angel" gave his leader (known conman Joseph Smith) was presented with gold tablets and magic spectacles from which Smith translated The Book of Moron. Go figure Smith "misplaced" them. It also seems odd that this Angel wouldn't simply translate this secret "language" before hand instead of this outlandish story. I am an ex Moron so I can rightly judge this info.
Link to a single piece of bigfoot evidence produced by Todd Standing.
You can't because there isn't any.... not a single legitimate image. He is just a money grubing Canadian con man who has realized how stupid the public is. Shame on you Todd. Get a real job.
In his Netflix bigfoot documentary, there are three supposed shots of bigfoot heads. The three bigfoot heads look NOTHING alike. The first two are so obviously fake that it is beyond question. What does faking these two say about the credibility of the third head and Standing's credibility in general?
I just watched Discovering Bigfoot and it was amazing. He had clear footage of a squatch taking his apples. I never thought that bigfoot was real but i stand corrected. Thanks Todd. Just a quick question though. If bigfoot kept taking the apples, why didn't you set up a camera that would film them?
Even sadder than that people presumably pay Dr. Matthew Johnson to help them to become honest when dealing with their emotions and learn to distinguish between reality and fantasy in their lives.
Even sadder still is that Jerry Cliness Mother didn't have an abortion. Its quite clear to me after much studying that the aforementioned Mr. Cline is in fact the biblical Antichrist as mentioned by John the Revelator.
I've posted and participated here for years and I have to say, the whole Joe/FakeJoe/Iktomi thing is pretty weird and off-putting.
There is apparently a real guy calling himself Iktomi and his singular obsession with someone named PS or "Stewie" seems pretty unhealthy. Many of my posts have been attributed to PS when I've merely expressed something critical about some bit of evidence even when its clear I think BF exists.
Yeah, it helped to pretty much ruin this site. Believe it or not, years back, this blog was a site in which serious discussions about the sasquatch mystery took place. Now it's nothing but a joke.
You’re both right — I barely ever bother to visit this blog anymore because it’s been completely taken over and wrecked by a couple of egonmaniacal psychopaths who are entirely preoccupied with me and do nothing but personally attack me because I happen to have a different opinion.
I showed up today and the screwball was already in the middle of a deranged tirade about me that only became more insane after I posted a comment. Oh well, I’ll leave this place to the lunatic. Have fun!
My SECOND comment on this thread (the first being Saturday at 7:38 PM).
I know for a FACT that there are at least two others here being blamed for being this "Stuey" and the above comments seem to indicate this. This lktomi or Joe F. just can't seem to understand that there are many who come here critical of Bigfoot (and him). I realize it's a blow to his ego and he must be unhinged to care so much.
Wow Mr. Stuey - you must have REALLY infuriated him for carrying this vendetta against you personally all this time. It's almost like you were attacking his religion.
Daniel CampbellThursday, February 13, 2014 at 6:15:00 PM PST New yowie sighting, new Bili Ape footage, Rick Dyer vandalism update, and more at
I am another Stewie. It's hilarious! I wrote the sarcastic post about Standing and that's it. I write a comment and Itkomi loses his mind blaming some guy named stewie. So there is me, everyone is Stewie guy or gal,actually Stewie and I'm pretty sure a couple others.
When you fail at your own crypto blog/FaceBook-Philosopher project... just drive people away with racism, rape threats and misogyny & commandeer someone else’s!
Look at him come a runnin!! Can’t bear the thought of someone new possibly frequenting this blog and realising it’s literally just him talking to himself! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Thank god I’ve never needed to rely on the Internet like this old fatty!
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
The hutzpah is amazing with this guy.
ReplyDeleteTodd's hoaxed images, photographs of "dolls" and apparently his own face done up by his makeup artist wife, were instantly regarded as blatantly fake and nearly universally recognized as grotesque fraud by researchers all over North America. It wasn't even a debate, just common knowledge that Todd had lost the plot and faked this absurd imagery.
Bigfoot Evidence is like Netflix, they don't care if Todd Standing obviously hoaxed a few bigfoot images as long as they can make a few bucks off them. The final injury is seeing Jeff Meldrum ignore the hoax and continue to associate with Todd. Its sort of the worst possible scenario if you are a real bigfoot researcher.
"Badda Book, Badda Boom" ^ This guy gets it.
I can’t believe you’d waste so much time writing about something you don’t believe in.
DeleteWho’s the lonely loser?
Oh PS believes alright. He’s the biggest Bigfoot fan boy believer in the world. I genuinely believe that he loves the subject of Bigfoot more than anyone else on the planet.
DeleteHe tried his hand at being a popular researcher where his name would be up in lights, but ended up getting led on by the biggest laughing stocks in the subject. He then tried his hand at a crypto blog - failed. He now just obsesses about Bigfoot personalities and watches literally every single last YouTube channel, making lists on his favourites and who he’s bitter at.
He doesn’t like other people’s evidence being referenced because he never found any, and to him Bigfoot are paranormal and shouldn’t leave physical sign. And then when he’s bored he can troll saner people to have some sense of control over his own life of failure.
PS is a right pearler, alright.
Nice to see you have a hobby stalking others
DeleteYes fan boy... now tell everyone (who neither know who you’re on about, or give a feck) all about your little fan/hit lists. It’s hard to believe there’s a grown man behind such comments. What a sad little girl.
Delete^ Can anyone make sense out of this buffoon’s babbling?
DeleteLOL - once again lktomi flings his delusional theory that EVERYONE posting anything critical of Bigfoot is the same person. This is my first post in a week and of course it too will be attributed to this "PS". Good to see others think he's a nutter as well.
DeleteYep, thought he supposedly left here but stalkers can't help themselves I suppose, he's literally seething
DeleteAnd no, I don’t actually believe that you’re convincing anyone, PS, and I do realise you you think you’re getting a rise out of people by talking to yourself. It’s f’n sad that you have to cling to that child’s play, and really are a sad old nerd with nothing else in your f’n life. Remember when you stalked me for my email address? That’s the definition on online stalking. Boy... the reason you’re still here is because people like me are on your mind 24/7. I’m just glad you were reported to the authorities, online predators like you deserve to have their internet taken away. And something tells me you already have at some point... someone who needs this subject like you do clearly has an unhealthy obsession.
DeleteGo back to making your little fan-boy lists, you creep.
Are you sure you’re not angry? The way you venomously spit out the f word, one would sure think so!
DeleteHa ha ha!
Iktomi is spot on when talking about PS being a crazed stalker ! PS is text book narcissist on a totally different level and luvs playing these games on here like a toddler with his toys. Instead of hanging out with the lads he is a sad and lonely clown whose only joy in life it seems is to come on here and get a rise from his comments against me, Iktomi and every other stand up bigfoot enthusiast on here
Thanks for your usual zero cents worth Fake Joe. By the way, here are some more “Britishisms” (that no real Brits ever actually use) that you can work into your future comments.
You’re welcome! Ha ha ha!
You’d know all about “Britishisms”, eh PS? Didn’t you start using slang because you were so obsessed with British posters around here?
Delete(Utter cringe)
You must be thinking of the period of time when, during your crazy quest to track me down, you somehow became convinced that I was from Leeds and you actually asked whether I'd "fancy meeting you for a pint"! Apparently, I was British then! Ha ha ha!
DeleteYou see Pedo... when you tell people you’re from Leeds and then proceed to use British slang for the next few years like “bloke in a suit”, it’s either one of two possibilities. You’re either British, or you’re a Yank obsessed with British culture and certain people around here. That takes about a minute for a sane, mildly educated person to deduce.
DeleteNow let’s compare that to how a delusional mind might think. Delusions will usually manifest around certain obsessions. Didn’t you claim not last week that I’m Matt Moneymaker? Your little Bigfoot fan-boy lists are now conflated with your obsession with posters around here. Still, nothing beats the psy-ops experiment everyone here was apparently attacking you with. Talk about awkward.
Thank you for enlightening us all with the link Pedo Stu. I was afraid you would have pasted a link to a kiddie porn site that keeps your twisted mind going.Admit it, iktomi gets under your skin and you're extremely irked about it . it's almost as if someone pinched your meth and you are unable to get a fix. He's right about you being a fan boy, a very sick and twisted one. Now carry on whilst I go and practice my Britishisms
Standing is a con man. A charlatan. A fraud.
ReplyDeleteStanding is in the bigfoot hoaxer Hall of Shame. You can read all about his bigfoot BS here (copy and paste this link):
He’s the best. His name should be in lights. You however should have your mouth stuffed with Bigfoot bits.
Isn`t this guy a conman?
ReplyDeleteFraud Standing has shaved.
ReplyDeleteI take it a spate of new muppet videos are on the way.
Did you hear Survivor Man Las Stroud after his Fraud Standing shows?
Stroud was on Sasquatch Chronicles and he said Bigfoot was communicating with him telepathically - in English.
Fraud also did a radio show with Jeff Meldrim, "Bigfoot North". Fraud talked over the professor and made a lot of noise with his 7-11 Slurpees while Meldrum talked.
Fraud Standing is a CON MAN.
His face should be on a dollar bill.
DeleteMeldrum should be ashamed of himself for aligning himself with Fraud but then again he believes in an Angel called Moron that looks exactly like a gray alien or LAM the demon Crowley conjured while living in Boleskin house. He also believes that this "Angel" gave his leader (known conman Joseph Smith) was presented with gold tablets and magic spectacles from which Smith translated The Book of Moron. Go figure Smith "misplaced" them. It also seems odd that this Angel wouldn't simply translate this secret "language" before hand instead of this outlandish story. I am an ex Moron so I can rightly judge this info.
ReplyDeleteStanding is the only bigfoot researcher putting out evidence and he gets attacked by the believers...incredible
ReplyDeleteLink to a single piece of bigfoot evidence produced by Todd Standing.
DeleteYou can't because there isn't any.... not a single legitimate image. He is just a money grubing Canadian con man who has realized how stupid the public is. Shame on you Todd. Get a real job.
Yeah, what evidence? The guy is a con man who makes money on peoples' interest in bigfooot.
DeleteIn his Netflix bigfoot documentary, there are three supposed shots of bigfoot heads. The three bigfoot heads look NOTHING alike. The first two are so obviously fake that it is beyond question. What does faking these two say about the credibility of the third head and Standing's credibility in general?
ReplyDeleteIn a recent poll the three most hated researchers presently are 1. Todd Standing2. Khat Hansen 3. Jerry Çline
ReplyDeleteI just watched Discovering Bigfoot and it was amazing. He had clear footage of a squatch taking his apples. I never thought that bigfoot was real but i stand corrected. Thanks Todd. Just a quick question though. If bigfoot kept taking the apples, why didn't you set up a camera that would film them?
ReplyDeleteLOL. Good one. I like that dry sarcastic humor.
DeleteIt's sad that many bigfoot enthusiasts think that Standing is legitimate.
Nothing wrong with Jerry Cline. Nor Jeff friend.
DeleteEven sadder than that people presumably pay Dr. Matthew Johnson to help them to become honest when dealing with their emotions and learn to distinguish between reality and fantasy in their lives.
ReplyDeleteEven sadder still is that Jerry Cliness Mother didn't have an abortion. Its quite clear to me after much studying that the aforementioned Mr. Cline is in fact the biblical Antichrist as mentioned by John the Revelator.
ReplyDeleteI've posted and participated here for years and I have to say, the whole Joe/FakeJoe/Iktomi thing is pretty weird and off-putting.
ReplyDeleteThere is apparently a real guy calling himself Iktomi and his singular obsession with someone named PS or "Stewie" seems pretty unhealthy. Many of my posts have been attributed to PS when I've merely expressed something critical about some bit of evidence even when its clear I think BF exists.
OCD much?
Yeah, it helped to pretty much ruin this site. Believe it or not, years back, this blog was a site in which serious discussions about the sasquatch mystery took place. Now it's nothing but a joke.
DeleteYou’re both right — I barely ever bother to visit this blog anymore because it’s been completely taken over and wrecked by a couple of egonmaniacal psychopaths who are entirely preoccupied with me and do nothing but personally attack me because I happen to have a different opinion.
DeleteI showed up today and the screwball was already in the middle of a deranged tirade about me that only became more insane after I posted a comment. Oh well, I’ll leave this place to the lunatic. Have fun!
My SECOND comment on this thread (the first being Saturday at 7:38 PM).
DeleteI know for a FACT that there are at least two others here being blamed for being this "Stuey" and the above comments seem to indicate this. This lktomi or Joe F. just can't seem to understand that there are many who come here critical of Bigfoot (and him). I realize it's a blow to his ego and he must be unhinged to care so much.
Wow Mr. Stuey - you must have REALLY infuriated him for carrying this vendetta against you personally all this time. It's almost like you were attacking his religion.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDaniel CampbellThursday, February 13, 2014 at 6:15:00 PM PST
DeleteNew yowie sighting, new Bili Ape footage, Rick Dyer vandalism update, and more at
I am another Stewie. It's hilarious! I wrote the sarcastic post about Standing and that's it. I write a comment and Itkomi loses his mind blaming some guy named stewie. So there is me, everyone is Stewie guy or gal,actually Stewie and I'm pretty sure a couple others.
DeleteWhen you fail at your own crypto blog/FaceBook-Philosopher project... just drive people away with racism, rape threats and misogyny & commandeer someone else’s!
DeleteLook at him come a runnin!! Can’t bear the thought of someone new possibly frequenting this blog and realising it’s literally just him talking to himself! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Thank god I’ve never needed to rely on the Internet like this old fatty!
DeleteFake Joe and Iktomi and PS are all Jerry Cline. Very sad.