Thinker Thunker Disputes Majority on Bigfoot Video

This video popped up on social media recently, and immediately went viral. At first it appeared to show trees being ripped out of the ground, and carried off. Many thought at the hands of gigantic creatures. But before long, several video analysis showed it was in fact a logging machine. But Thinker Thunker doesn't think so.


  1. More evidence that ThinkerThunker is an idiot. Just another stupid attempt for hits and ads to sell stuff.

  2. ThinkerThunker makes the majority look like the idiots they are! lmao Bigfoot Phoney needs to stick to his kool-aid

  3. Stinker Stunker is one of the most credible voices in the Stumpsquatch community.

  4. I think thinker should be renamed drinker/drunker with his nonsense of late.

  5. By Jove, thinker is on to something here ! I didn't see the closeup before and thought it was machinery but it's clearly something big that tore that hue tree out of the ground and walked off with it. These pillocks who commented above have been smoking crack in the trailer park obviously



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