Pennsylvania Bigfoot Symposium in Fayette County

For bigfooters in the area, the Fayette County Bigfoot Symposium is just around the corner in Pennsylvania.
The Fayette County Bigfoot Symposium has been planned for local residents who may want to learn more about the legend of Sasquatch.

The event is set for 10 a.m.-5 p.m. March 16 at the Morrell Volunteer Fire Company Event Center, Route 119, Dunbar Township.

Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Bigfoot Research Project is presenting the symposium while the fire company is the sponsor. Admission is free.

For more, click here.


  1. Please for the love of God do not have Bob Gimlin. If I hear his BS one more time they will have to call a hazmat team to clean up after my head explodes covering half the participants in blood, bone and brain matter.

    1. ^ Oh, I doubt there is any brain matter.

    2. They would kick me out if this event! I would make Gimlin and Stacy Brown look like the charlatan hoaxers that they are! I should take the local news crew up there to film their embarrassment!


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