The Original New York Baby Bigfoot Footage

Campers accidentally captured this footage of a possible baby bigfoot, swinging through the trees. It has never been debunked.


  1. Although this is obviously some member of the monkey/man group, it is not likely that it is a baby Bigfoot. The reason being is that it takes a certain amount of learning, muscle development and skills to swing from tree limbs. Bigfoot babies have been witnessed sitting on the ground, rolling beach balls back and forth to each other, which requires nowhere near the amount of skill that the tree swinging requires. There exist a wide array of paranormal bipeds in the forest. The subject captured here is most likely an adult little forest person, that will not grow any taller than what you can see here. Whole tribes of little people of this size, have been witnessed in trees along the Washington coast, on a reservation there. That is what this is. It is not a baby Bigfoot.


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