Breaking Bigfoot

Actor Jesus Payan Jr. joins the Looking For Bigfoot team for an interview about bigfoot. Check it out:


  1. In Russia you don’t break Bigfoot

    Bigfoot break you !

  2. I give you internet points for not going straight towards black people. But the real answer is black people. They’re using bigfoot as an analog to minorities in their communities.

    “There I was, washing my dishes and suddenly I saw bigfoot (black people) walking down the street! I was so scared! I had to call the Sheriff!”

  3. Seems to me the easiest and most direct way to kill a Sasquatch is stop believing in it.

    Look, they’re not real. They’re just not. They do not fit with any comprehensive understanding of ecology, not specifically to many of these territories they’re alleged to roam nor animal ecology in general especially for what all the believers agree must be some kind of hominid.

    It is extremely difficult, even before major poaching and endangerment, to go out and just find a family of silverback gorillas. Yet people have. Many times. And thoroughly documented them. And brought some back to protect and study in captivity, even breed in captivity. They leave track, spoor, they have behavior patterns and impacts on local flora and other fauna. Even before you see one to film it or capture it, the animal is a gigantic placeholder of all its surrounding evidence and impact.

    Bigfoot has literally been a handful of dubious, inconsistent ‘footprints’ and disproven animal hair and spoor ‘samples.’ Even if you take out sightings or hearings as proof, there would still be a pretty big body of consistent, verifiably unique markers that this thing exists. It would have certain dietary niches fulfilled by its feeding and hunting in the wild that would show in its prey or herbivore food sources. You would inevitably encounter at least one credible occasion of someone seeing it kill a deer, fight another predator like a mountain cat over mutually-desired prey, or grazing in an area, foraging. Or you would have found its dead. Even if it somehow practices highly sophisticated collection behaviors of taking its dead or consuming them, there would be limbs, bodies that were unretrievable (falls down a mountain into a difficult ravine, animal attacked and dragged away, drowned, etc.).

    They do. Not. Exist. The only reason I would be worried about a bunch of bull moose morons running around with loaded weapons and waders on looking to shoot anything odd looking on sight is pretty much stated in that remark right there. We don’t need Sasquatch to be worried about these imbeciles or debating their lack of conservatory spirit.

    1. Yes they do pedo Stu

      Your proof fairy’s exist

    2. How...HOW DARE YOU question it's not real! Can't you understand I need a mystery to believe in? Can't you understand I enjoy the camaraderie of those that do? Can't you understand my life is so meaningless and empty that I need something to believe in? Who am I hurting? I just want to believe it exists - is that so wrong?

    3. Oh Pedo Stu, wouldn’t you just love for everyone to stop believing in Bigfoot? 24/7 that dream appears to be on that little mind of yours. Trouble is, most who do believe are simply logical, honest and convinced enough by the evidence and acknowledge it for what it is. Not to mention clever enough to understand it.
      "There is no pervading model of anthropology & zoology, I would suggest, that eliminates the possibly, let alone the likelihood of Bigfoot. Not on an evolutionary ground, not on a biogeographical ground, not on an ecological ground, not on a metabolic ground... The only thing that keeps scientists, I think, from putting their necks out and saying this is something worth our looking into, is their own fear of ridicule."
      - Robert M Pyle, PhD

      If you didn’t know, it is also extremely difficult to go out and just find a Bigfoot. And whilst nobody to mainstream knowledge knows how to track a Bigfoot, too many have still found them & documented them too many times to count. This accounts for footage, audio, thermal, casts, every type of method encompassing modern technology as well as tried and tested methods of field biology. The difference is you’re not about to bring back and study in captivity what not only has been widely reported for hundreds of years, but that which physical evidence proves has immense height & weight. To dismiss this outright with no scientific equivalent, or to try and special plead away 60 years of physical evidence would be falling way short of what is expected of scientific scrutiny and is as good as pseudoscience against consistent scientific data.

      To elaborate, it is simply logical to attribute major stealth and strength capabilities to a primate of the reported size of relict hominids in the US, because there is reliable scientific data that we can draw from;
      "Measurements and estimates on Sasquatch dimensions, collected over the last 40 years in the Western U.S and Canada, were subjected to statistical analysis and extrapolation by scaling laws appropriate to primates and mammals. The study has yielded average population values for foot length and width, scaling factors of foot length to height, values for weight, plantar pressure, walking and running gait, speed, and a tentative growth curve as a function of time for the female of the species. The results suggest a substantial population with traits different from those of other higher primates and humans."
      ... There is no reason to doubt the existence of such a hominin, because there is no scientific means to discount the forensic evidence for them, therefore the height and weight ranges reported and documented in the track finds, suggest a primate that is very powerful. Chimps for example often end up using more muscle than they need, but they can in theory lift about 16 people over their own head. Imagine what a primate three times the size of a chimp could achieve? They would have phenomenal strength and stealth abilities to be clear gone before a tracker/hunter would even know they were there. Add to that the FACT that there are three databases of reports where we can draw behavioural & social traits from, where it can be safely deduced that if you’re a hunter looking to shoot one of these things, you’re not likely to get away. Plenty of missing hunters remember.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Considering the usual rhetorical attempts people like Pedo Stu use to explain away that frequency of evidence, one might not only chuckle at any suggestion of “dubious, inconsistent footprints’, but they also might simply readily the readily accessible examples that any rookie can check out for themselves regarding this subject. One would therefore have to question why someone as obsessed as Stuey would not have come across such immense scientific stumbling blocks in his religion such as the following... Because amongst the plethora of physical evidence are things like this;

      Three decades’ worth of tracks (one of which from the PGF in 1967) that have morphological congruency, before particular replica casts were made, and before things like mid-tarsal breaks were academically pointed out. This is scientific evidence as it’s most repeatable, and no level of circular logic serves as an adequate means of countering it. Typically for Pedo Stu and the like-mind they claim to have the integrity to be able to judge when a report of Bigfoot hunting prey is credible (for which there are too many reports), when they have already shown comprehensively that integrity is lacking in astounding levels, bordering on perverse levels of denial given how much this stuff is rubbed in their faces every day of their internet obsessions. Oh and finally Pedo Stu, throwing something out because it doesn't fit your expectations of something whose existence you don’t even think is credible, isn't very good logic. Because putting an easier argument in the mouths of those you are debating, is simply selecting an easier straw man for you to challenge. Deeply rhetorical. Do you really need that help for something so “obvious”? Two logical fallacies in one effort... That’s impressive as far as doofuses go. For example, a lack Bigfoot turning up dead like a deer as an argument against its existence isn’t valid, because as has been shown in even very early hominids, the likelihood of it maintaining its dead is very likely.

      And don’t even get me start on Bigfoot hairs...

    6. I’ll be back tomorrow to respond to whatever PS vomits next.

    7. As usual, it seems like PS has it squirting out both ends. Imagine that horrible smell!

  4. isn't this the dude from cypress hill with the cartoon voice ?


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