Three-Toed Bigfoot

The guys on the SasWhat podcast discuss the conundrum of three-toed bgfoot tracks. While five digits are the most commonly reported, there are also reports of three and four-toed tracks in the south.


  1. I think the finding of three toed prints could be attributed to lizard creatures that are sometimes seen in the southern swamps but they aren't bigfoot, just a different cryptid


  2. Three toes could be the result of inbreeding. Maybe Pedo Stu would be able to chime in with his life experience? Where’s Pedo Stu? Last time I heard... he wasn’t in a very healthy frame of mind.

    1. Any word on your visitors chick ?


    2. Yes Chick, we’re all dying to know the latest — has bigfoot started a lemonade stand on your block yet?

      Ha ha ha!

    3. Pedo Stu will now try and make this comment section all about him. Because he’s an isolated, unfulfilled psycho who not only hates women, but believes Bigfoot is paranormal and is bitter because nobody paid attention to him when he was claiming Bigfoot were Tree People and Skinwalker-Squatches.

      It’s why he tries driving away anyone who has anything interesting to say. He’s shot a couple of turkeys in the Muir Woods and thinks the world owes him something.

      What a silly Pedo.

    4. Yeah, having activity still. Red eyeshine one night and some white last night. We moved the back camera to the side of the house to try and catch them and so now they are moving in close at night from directly behind. Im kind of leaving it to them and just staying inside for a bit. Its just getting to be too much. Hope all of you are doing well.

    5. I don’t have to try to make every comment section about myself, you’re already doing that for me by mentioning my name in just about every comment!

      Ha ha ha!

    6. “Please don’t call me Pedo Stu.”

      - Pedo Stu

    7. I’d be much more interested to know which sock puppets Chick’s been using. After all, she once proclaimed:

      “IF I do decide come back here- I'll be back with a BANG- Hell, I may even make a sock puppet or two.”

      Ha ha ha!

    8. And that would be in reference to you projecting and proclaiming everyone else on the planet sockpuppets, except you. Even though you’ve been called out by everyone you claim sockpuppets. Coincidentally.

      Silly little Pedo.

      It’s ok... Fake laugh and it’s all ok.

    9. and there goes Pedo Stu Savile bringing up his indexed comments . He must have them all pinned up on his wall along with the smut he's downloaded online. My god, he is such a sociopath and i would not doubt if he turned out to be a serial killer and not just a pedo


    10. Quote me, don’t joke me. You’ll never find evidence of me sock puppeting no matter how many manufactured anonymous comments you dishonestly create and attribute to me. You know why? Because I don’t need to sock puppet to win an argument with you!

      Ha ha ha!

    11. F-AC Sockpuppet Style Proven -


    12. And if you want direct evidence of Iktomi's sock puppeting that’s not dishonestly manufactured, here is Iktomi adressing himself in his own comment. He forgot which account he was using and referred to Iktomi as another person!

      IktomiFriday, March 3, 2017 at 4:39:00 AM PST
      The problem with scepfootery is you have the likes of Stuey obsessing about Dr Johnson claiming Bigfoot can cloak, mindspeak, travel through portals and cure cancer to name but a few. But as Iktomi simply points out, all of this is irrelevant when the creature allegedly partaking in such is already being shown to leave its physical sign on he environment of North America. Something about "sweeping & rugs"? What's laughable, is that for such an alleged fantasy, Stuey can't source one argument fro all these "decent scientists" to explain away these "fantasy apes". "Fantasy apes" that have left documented physical sign in North America for the past 50 years.

      Ha ha ha!

    13. And if that isn’t enough, we have the word of the blog owner Shawn himself! He would certainly know who is doing all of the trolling and sock puppeting:

      Leon W. ---TKSunday, April 19, 2015 at 12:00:00 PM PDT
      I'll tell you something else ----------------------------------------- If any of you have ever had phone or e-mail conversations with Shawn about conduct or certain trolls on this blog --------- he will lie to your face. The last ime it happened with me, he blaimed Harry, Joe, Mike, MMG and tried to avert ANY BLAME to REAL trolls-------------------------------- So if any of you have had conversations with him ------ believe you me -----he will lie and tell you it's internal in the "friends"----------- It's not ------ he is a liar!

      Thanks Leon, you’re not only the president of the American Flat Earth Society, you’ve confirmed who the real deranged psychopaths are around here!

      Ha ha ha!

    14. Hi Pedo stu Savile !
      Have you ever had a phone convo with Shawn or is the fact he isn't a young lad make you lose your interest ?
      Please go sod off !


    15. Oh dear... Pedo Stu has been working on this a little while I see (LOL). Pedo Stu... if I wasn’t merely referring to myself in the third person, which is quite common in English grammar, why would I not even attempt to use another writing style, or the same exact points I’ve published at your pea brain a million times already? Try it, cut & paste that exact same comment in google search alongside “Bigfoot Evidence”, and you’ll read the same content written by me a million times. I’m stating the obvious of course... But you angry about being exposed and need anything at this point.

      Oh, and as for Leon’s “comments”... you were also caught a million times pretending to be him. Just as you do me, DS, and a hundred other people. What I will tell you is I’ve spoken to Shawn loads over the years since I wrote a couple of articles for him, and can verify that he’s banned you almost weekly up until very lately when he handed things over to lazy Matt. Me and Shawn even had a little chuckle when he came up with the verified tags for people around here, that put a stop to you copying my avatar. That was a funny little meltdown to watch.

      Shall I go next with your sockpuppet accounts?

      : )

    16. You know that guy is a young lad?
      Who's the real pedo here? ^

    17. Remember this Pedo Stu? This is the last time I was aware you were banned...

      AnonymousFriday, September 25, 2015 at 2:53:00 AM PDT
      Zero bigfoots

      AnonymousFriday, September 25, 2015 at 3:34:00 AM PDT
      Now Shawn if you're going to block me do it right,I can still reply

      Didn’t like that very much at the time, did you Pedo Stu? It’s everyone else that’s conspiring against you when you get banned for publishing racism and threats... isn’t it Pedo Stu?

    18. I love testicles

    19. IktomiFriday, March 3, 2017 at 4:39:00 AM PST

      “But as Iktomi simply points out, all of this is irrelevant.”

      You’re right Iktomi, it is all irrelevant. But please Iktomi, tell us what else this other guy Iktomi has pointed out?

      Ha ha ha! Wow!

    20. If you’re going to go away and spend time trying to come up with something that’s gonna make you feel a bit better about being a Pedo, you should probably at least come up with some substance. For example...


      AnonymousSaturday, October 29, 2016 at 11:53:00 AM PDT
      You can't have an opinion without first running it by joe ikobolme. How dare you! Take it back.

      AnonymousSunday, October 30, 2016 at 3:07:00 AM PDT
      Yea like nobody can express an opionion without you butting in with your tired old 5 cut& paste's ,**** OFF CREEP,YOUR HISTORY!!
      AC collins

    21. “PROJECTION”

      AnonymousSunday, October 30, 2016 at 1:40:00 AM PDT
      Wow ! YOU shure project alot!
      now I know why you are here 24/7 ,,
      do you live in wales???
      AC collins

      IKTOMIFriday, January 19, 2018 at 8:59:00 AM PST
      Nice try deflecting avatar self, Gimlin has had his hand in many Bigfoot related projects that obviously enriched him but you go ahead and just narrow it down to the PGF . Duh, his name is on it, how could he profit? Oops I forgot the socialist toilet monarchy we call home but I didn't forget 8 years and no proof of Bigfoot:(

      AnonymousSaturday, January 20, 2018 at 1:01:00 PM PST
      Joe F1tzgerald always has to project the way he feels on to others.... "you're getting angry" is a mantra Joe continually employs.
      The status quo is that bigfoot doesn't exist and that bigfooters are Iktomi and the deranged woman that recently posted that bigfoot had morphed into a 500 lb owl on her property...


    22. “DINGBAT”

      AnonymousWednesday, October 19, 2016 at 8:06:00 PM PDT
      Hey iktomi you dingbat!
      define human?
      AC collins
      AnonymousWednesday, October 19, 2016 at 8:14:00 PM PDT
      a.c ,, you think iktomi will give you a answer to your question ?
      AC collins

      AnonymousMonday, December 26, 2016 at 7:31:00 PM PST
      MMC,why would side with such a dull tool? I mean the dingbat could NOT even get his last RANT correct!!,
      as he,she,whatever.
      Was far to Dumb to even relise he combined two posters as one ,,AC(the one that ALWAYS out debates Joe iktomi,F)collins.

      AnonymousMonday, December 26, 2016 at 11:59:00 PM PST
      It's true that AC Collins' penetrating analysis leaves that dingbat Iktomi completely dumbfounded.

    23. I could go on and on as well... But hey Pedo Stu, can you remember when you made reference to assaulting Mike B’s son as well? You crapped it when he turned on you for that as well, but it seems you got a little bolder over the years. I’ll find that comment from you now (but I think Shawn took it down).

      Dirty little Pedo.

    24. Here’s another child threat...

      AnonymousWednesday, October 14, 2015 at 7:12:00 PM PDT
      Joe, lets visit your son later this evening for some ice cream and candy. It will be amazing!

      ... what type of pervert are you?

    25. So what’s more persuasive:

      Joe’s “argument” that quotes from someone not claiming to be me and who Iktomi admits uses a different writing style than me are somehow from me?!?


      1. A direct quote from Iktomi referring to Iktomi as another person;

      2. A direct quote from Chick admitting that she’ll use sock puppets;

      3. A direct quote from Iktomi’s “brother” Leon who acknowledged that the blog owner Shawn declared that Joe and his friends are doing all the trolling.

      I’ll let you figure that one out for yourselves!

      Ha ha ha! Woo hoo!

    26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    27. Thank you Shawn for removing that comment. See, he knows who the real troll is!

      Ha ha ha! Wow!

    28. Did you know that I posted terrible things about children anonymously just because I was losing an argument about bigfoot, It's true

    29. I said... Sorry Pedo Stu... whilst you were writing that, I exposed you again for sockpuppeting. You might wanna read up top. I’ll post some more now...

    30. This comment has been removed by the author.

    31. “TUTTING”

      AnonymousSunday, December 25, 2016 at 8:19:00 PM PST
      Poor iktomi(VtD) gitten schooled.
      EVEN ON CHRISTMAS??? tisk,tisk,tisk.!
      an a lol !!!
      Yup its uno who,,:-))

      IktomiMonday, December 26, 2016 at 12:27:00 AM PST
      AnonymousSaturday, December 24, 2016 at 12:56:00 PM PST
      Tsk, tsk ... all that and still no proof of Bigfoot. It's always just around the corner...always out of focus...just a DNA test away.
      In a way I feel sorry for you Joe - a Christmas wish that will never be granted no matter how many links you post.


    32. “WOW JUST WOW”

      AnonymousWednesday, September 28, 2016 at 3:10:00 PM PDT
      WOW JUST WOW !!!!
      AC(to easy)collins!! :-)) :-))

      AnonymousTuesday, December 27, 2016 at 5:30:00 PM PST
      Chick Chick gotta big thick ****??
      wow just wow!!

    33. Would you like me to go on and on Pedo? I’ve got so much stuff on you I could go all night...

    34. I haven’t even got started yet, Pedo, I’ve got so much more on you.

    35. Still nothing signed by Stuey! Ha ha ha! Here’s a good idea Joe, if you’re going to try to manufacture sock puppeted quotes to use against me, at least sign my name to them! You can’t even get that right you dipsh*t!

      Ha ha ha!

    36. Actually Pedo, if you look below, you acknowledged to be Stuey right before boasting you wouldn’t get caught.

      Plus, not signing “Stuey” would pretty much go against the whole idea of sockpuppeting.

      Shall we say it’s safe you’re out of ideas? I can publish more if you like?

    37. I know I'm pretty sick for posting terrible things about children anonymously just because I was losing an argument about bigfoot

    38. ^ Stuart is an ADMITTED pedo

      Nobody disputes this and pedo Stu doesn’t deny this accusation. Only on the net does his desires come out. In real life his skull would get a big dent

    39. I’ll defer to your expert opinion regarding sock puppeting — I admit that I don’t know much about it because I’ve never sock puppeted! I didn’t even know what sock puppeting was until I came here. But I have noticed that psychos like you who sock puppet tend to slip up from time to time:

      IktomiFriday, March 3, 2017 at 4:39:00 AM

      “But as Iktomi simply points out, all of this is irrelevant.”

      Ha ha ha! Damn you’re stupid!

    40. ^ doesn’t deny that he is a pedo

      Can’t make this up folks

    41. Ha, well what do you expect from a person who posted anonymous comments about children because he was losing an argument about bigfoot

    42. AnonymousWednesday, February 15, 2017 at 12:47:00 PM PST
      I will SHOW YOU ,,,A COSTUME TRICK,,, or two STUEY! meet... u .... In the usual !!ALLEY!! and i can MAKE YOU smile,,,, and holla. AGAIN! youR.... RED BALDING........ mullet will NEVER BE THE same!!! if u know WHAT I MEAN!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WINK WINK!!

      AC,,,, my bottle is EMPTY collins!!!

      AnonymousWednesday, February 15, 2017 at 1:55:00 PM PST
      ^ AC is a weirdo,,,,!!!!!

      AnonymousWednesday, February 15, 2017 at 3:14:00 PM PST
      Yes,,, I AM A FREAKING WEIRDO!!!,,, i alwayz have BEEN but ,,,THE BOOZE--- THE BOOZE,,, takes it to the MOON BOYZ!!

      AC collins THE ...GREATEST.... AND THE BEST... weirdo that is!!!

    43. That’s odd Pedo Stu, you seemed to be fine about talking in the third person when you were in F-AC mode?


    44. Maybe it was the person who actually admitted to a plan to start sock puppeting?

      “IF I do decide come back here- I'll be back with a BANG- Hell, I may even make a sock puppet or two.”

      Just a thought! Ha ha ha!

    45. Unfortunately, Chick hasn’t had anyone expose even one sentence of her comments as being consistent with anyone else’s.

      You have.


      : p

    46. Consistent? I thought your dumb argument was that I change my writing style? Oh, so it’s somehow both? That makes about as much sense as arguing that bigfoot is both a human and a gorilla at the same time. I guess that way any crap evidence you pull out of your ass supports your “argument”!

      Ha ha ha!

    47. And it must have just been a freak coincidence that shortly after Chick posted her explicit intention to begin sock puppeting, the fake Joe suddenly appeared here, right?

    48. Like any psycho who’s trying to change their writing styles... they get caught with subtle consistencies. Which is what happened to you. Pretty basic logic.

      If you were to stick hair on a Homo Erectus, they’d look like a gorilla from afar. Remember I taught you what “Homo” means?

    49. See how he's spoiling the bigfoot site he and Joe supposedly love, look it supports the argument that he's autistic or retarded, you really can't take anything he says seriously. Why they don't block him is beyond me

    50. Oooooooooooh the conspiracies start!!! So Chick is “Joe” now, right? Ha ha ha ha!! I thought I was Joe? I thought Joe was MMC?

      I thought I was all three?

      Hmmmmmm... ???

    51. Hey Bruce! You’ve got a UK nut job to bring along... Chop, chop!

    52. See. Isn't he sad and pathetic, just hammered everything home

    53. No
      Chick Is MMC who is PiB

      I am he as you are he as you are me and Stuey is a pedo

      See how he runs when the CPS comes see how he lies

    54. You just spent the last three hours copying and pasting dozens of comments with different writing styles from anonymous people across several years and claimed they were all me.

      I posted a comment in which Chick openly admitted that she intended to begin sock puppeting and asked if it was a coincidence that an obvious sock puppet showed up a short time later.

      And I’m the one with a conspiracy mindset?

      Ha ha ha! Good one!

    55. No, I actually punished a long series of comments with two main writing styles, with grammatical, content and phrase consistencies that prove you wrote them. Like I said Pedo, all that’s against you... but you have not even a sentence of the equivalent on Chick. And your chain of custody for everyone else’s alleged sockpuppeting is almost as bad as your 100 Club Hoax Conspiracy. Ha ha ha ha!!

    56. 1:42 was meant for pedo stu

    57. I agree that your comments are certainly “punishing” to have to read, but that’s only because of your ass backwards way of writing!

      Ha ha ha!

    58. You’d like people to think you’re laughing, PS, you don’t come across like you’re laughing.

      Maybe you should go away and think of your next tactic? This kind of backfired.

    59. Let’s recap shall we:

      You have a weird convoluted argument that 20 different writing styles across several years were produced by the same person — an argument that not even you can understand.

      I have an explicit admission from Chick about sock puppeting, a comment from you referring to yourself as another person, and a statement from the blog owner that you and your group are the real trolls.

      Yes, believe it or not, I am really laughing hysterically about this!

      Ha ha ha!

    60. This comment has been removed by the author.

    61. Oh... and by the way Pedo, in the two links you provided as links to Chick and Leon allegedly sockpuppeting, you’re pretending to be Leon in the exact thread of comments, and Chick has no avatar.

      You’re a crazy, stupid little Pedo, aren’t you?

    62. I have a theory about that issue. Given that you often refer to yourself as another person (which you admitted to above), perhaps you suffer from dissociative personality disorder.

      In that case, when you post rape threats and other crazy stuff here, it’s distinctly possible that one side of your insane mind doesn’t even know that you’re actually doing so.

      When you come back later and read your own psychotic comments, you really believe that they were posted by another person. That would certainly explain a comment such as this one:

      IktomiFriday, March 3, 2017 at 4:39:00 AM

      “But as Iktomi simply points out, all of this is irrelevant.”

      If I am right about this issue, you’re correct that it’s no laughing matter. Seek medical help!

    63. This comment has been removed by the author.

    64. No, you messed up right from the start of your comment, Pedo Stu. I do know you struggle to retain information... but it’s two writing styles, not twenty. Two of which have been proven in this very comment section.

      You have a remark allegedly from Chick who wasn’t even using an avatar in the comment section you linked, and who was likely you pretending to be her. You have not one actual comment to point to as evidence with her using her avatar.

      And no... You have no such thing from the blog owner. You have an anonymous comment, allegedly from a person you have repeatedly pretended to be. Anyone can open the link, and see in the very same thread of comments you linked to, that you were pretending to be him. What are the odds, eh?

      In comparison, you have been caught red handed too many times to count.

      So Pedo Stu... How’s about getting down to the nitty gritty. What real man publishes threats at children? Do you think you’re a real tough man?

    65. ... Or could it just be that the 20 (yes, I used that number that time) consistencies attacked to you and the three child rape comments, as well as racism, homophobia and sexism, are simply from you?

      Maybe it’s as simple as that, eh?

    66. The consistencies “attacked” to me? That doesn’t seem at all simple. Maybe you’re drifting into one of your other mental states.

      Keep going and you’ll soon have copied and pasted every comment in the history of this blog and “proved” that they were all from me!

      Cuckoo, cuckoo!

      Ha ha ha!


    67. F-AC - “LOW IQ”

      AnonymousMonday, December 26, 2016 at 7:31:00 PM PST
      MMC,why would side with such a dull tool? I mean the dingbat could NOT even get his last RANT correct!!,
      as he,she,whatever.
      Was far to Dumb to even relise he combined two posters as one ,,AC(the one that ALWAYS out debates Joe iktomi,F)collins.

      AnonymousSunday, November 20, 2016 at 12:57:00 PM PST
      Khwit skull is 50% African so your question is as DUMB AS YOUR IQ IS LOW !!
      HAAAA Haa haaaa lol,,
      schooled once again!!
      AC collins

      AnonymousSunday, November 20, 2016 at 1:42:00 PM PST
      ^ khwit and Brock lesner exhibit almost the same skull morphology ,Khwit & B lesner are both caucasian and thier skulls fit within normal racial perimeters ,,
      khwit is 50% Caucasian that looks 100% ,by portrait and skull !
      once again you fail to answer
      my statment @ 12:57.
      and confirm your low iq,,,,,,
      ,,,,,"CHUMP"!! HAAA HAA HAAA LOL!

    68. ... AND THEN STUEY - “LOW IQ”

      AnonymousSunday, September 3, 2017 at 10:36:00 AM PDT
      Joetomi also botched the definition of Freudian Slip. His meltdown was a doubly whammy.
      I think Joe's low iq'd mind reads science journals and processes them as a smattering of big words confusingly structured and tries to imitate this bizarre perception in his posts.

      AnonymousSunday, September 3, 2017 at 1:51:00 PM PDT
      The only way I can explain Joe is that he has a low Iq but he also way kept away from education until later in life and he is scrambling to make sense of it all. Joe, were you not interested in school or kept away from it and are now working hard to figure things out in your mid 30s? Maybe you're from a culture or neighborhood that doesn't value education and u broke away and are trying to make up for lost time? You're in way over your head intellectually but have the scrappy false bravado of a street punk.

      AnonymousMonday, September 4, 2017 at 5:15:00 AM PDT
      You pasted the definition but you still don't understand the meaning.
      ikdummy = idiocy + hubris
      You know what you do for a living and that's what matters. A high iq'd person wouldn't be doing what you do. You have trouble processing information and delve into minutia without understanding basic concepts and premises. All done with clueless confidence.


    69. “PIZZAGATE”

      AnonymousSaturday, March 4, 2017 at 1:07:00 PM PST
      PIZZA GATE IS FACT! Plain and simple, And iktomi(joe Fitsgerald,VD,ect...) was CAUGHT using SECRET underground PEDOPHILIA TERMINOLOGY JUST Released by the FBI, As it is a absolute FACT THAT EVERYTHING iktomi(Joe Fitsgerald,VD abholee,ect...) accuses others of. is what HE is guilty of,
      Seen it a hundred times!!
      SHAME ON YOU JOE (racist rapist)Fitsgerald!
      AC Collins

      AnonymousSaturday, March 4, 2017 at 1:40:00 PM PST
      Are you so stupid as to not be able to type "pizzagate" into Google. lol. Millions of people at this point know about this "secret pedo language". So please spin us another yarn.



      AnonymousThursday, February 2, 2017 at 3:48:00 AM PST
      Remember to never debate Joerg on the subject matter. Its what he craves. instead hit him with urine, feces, perversion, and racism. Its the only things that he knows

      AnonymousThursday, February 2, 2017 at 8:52:00 AM PST
      ^ fockin iktomi didn't even read Sykes book.but then again you proved your lack of SUBJECT MATTER each and everytime!
      AC collins


      AnonymousTuesday, April 14, 2015 at 5:37:00 PM PDT
      If Joe/Iktomi was here then free speech would be extinguished. Shameful

      IktomiFriday, February 3, 2017 at 6:27:00 AM PST
      AnonymousFriday, December 30, 2016 at 1:49:00 PM PST
      You n*ggas erased my post. Typical libtards trying to suppress free speech! F**k Bigfoot evidence!

      AnonymousFriday, November 17, 2017 at 10:22:00 AM PST
      ikdummy has to resort to lies, bigfoot and otherwise. Then he calls his local Welsh police to try to shut down American free speech. Idiot. You're a miserable liar, ikdummy. You lie, lie, lie, lie lie, lie.......

    72. I’m waiting for the quotes of anonymous comments that all have the words “the” and “is” in them. That will really lock down your “argument”!

      Too bad you don’t have an explicit admission like I have from Chick, otherwise you wouldn’t have had to waste your entire life collecting anonymous comments for no reason! Please continue! What a dipsh*t!

      Ha ha ha! Woo hoo!

    73. Safe to say this game has backfired, Pedo?

      But you don’t have an admission from Chick. You have a history of people like you pretending to be people, and an anonymous poster claiming to be Chick suggesting they might sockpuppet.

      You’re as stupid as you are warped.

    74. Anyway... goodnight PS.

      I expect you to stew on this and be an emotionally charged maniac with all sorts of insults & rants by the time I check back in the morning.

      Psychological projection, projection, projection.

      : p

    75. Except that Chick admitted that she posted the sock puppeting comment (that she signed previously) when confronted with it later:

      CHICK CHICKMonday, January 23, 2017 at 1:16:00 PM PST
      Im enjoying these old posts of mine :) Unfortunately the lengths you have gone to just make you look crazier.


      Ha ha ha!

    76. IktomiThursday, August 16, 2018 at 10:30:00 AM PDT

      NIGHT PEDO!!

    77. Good night #childrapist ^

  3. haha, Pedo stu probably knows far more about that than anyone on this forum. You could be right about inbreeding , never thought of it but it does make sense especially in a population that isn't in the millions


    1. ^ oooh look mommy, 2 cocksucker elites above

      ha haha hahaha hahahaha

      still no evidence yet?

    2. (Psssssssst... show Pedo Stu a peer reviewed study on Bigfoot tracks and watch him whine.)

    3. Pedo Stu prefers a rear reviewed study of young lads and that is a fact
      he's an absolute award winning three toed wanker


    4. ^Pedo Stu Savile luvs projecting something nasty from under his knickers


    5. That twisted 3 toed paw is an exact replica of the one Stu shoves down his pants while he types with the other. Shudder.

    6. Replica, yes. But it needs to be cheeto orange if we are going for accuracy.

    7. I obsess over Stu almost as much as I obsess over children

    8. Pedo Stu doesn’t like being called Pedo Stu.

      He always projects what upsets him.

    9. What's that Mr Child Molester? Need to jump to your Father's defense?

    10. Pedo Stu... What do you have to say about this?

      AnonymousWednesday, October 14, 2015 at 7:12:00 PM PDT
      Joe, lets visit your son later this evening for some ice cream and candy. It will be amazing!

      ... Do yoh think you’re big & tough threatening children of people online? You’d get stomped on where I’m from pal. Lucky for you you’re a little coward.

    11. That was me, I said that because I was losing an argument about bigfoot

    12. Not one quote from anyone claiming to be Stuey, huh? I’d say that’s a bigger failure than your stupid bigfoot arguments.

      By the way, I have direct quotes from you, Chick, and Leon absolutely proving your sock puppeting and trolling!

      Game, set, and match!

      Ha ha ha!

    13. Actually Pedo Stu... I’ve got a direct quote from you admitting you’re the one we refer to as “Stuey” and boasting the police won’t be knocking your door for child rape threats... gimme a minute...

    14. I’ll save you some time Joe, you won’t find any sock puppeting proof linked to me
      (Stuey) because I don’t sock puppet!

      Ha ha ha!


    15. Here we go Stuey. In the quote below, not only do you acknowledge that you are “Stu”, but you use the same “>>” as grammatically wrong quotation marks, continue to use lower case letters for the first letters of names, and harp on about the same nonsense you have done for the past 12 hours about me allegedly publishing racism anonymously to later look like the white knight. PLUS you have boasted again below the the FBI hasn’t come for you after publishing child rape threats;

      AnonymousMonday, July 31, 2017 at 1:16:00 PM PDT
      >>Ignoring Stu is the worst for his mental state
      No not really. I haven't posted here in a few weeks. What I do enjoy is watching you inbred hicks get so mad at me....or others who you claim are me.
      Take MMC for example. Just a few days ago he wrote about golfing and how all he could think about was beating me with a golf club. That is unhealthy.
      Or chick who clearly can not get me out of her empty head. Go on chick and threaten me with your sons again. That is always good for a laugh.
      But joe/iktomi is the lowest of the slime on this blog. He tries to cyber stalk people. He bullies. He posts racist filth anonymously. In fact he will talk about anything at all except the topic of this blog. The reason is simple...Myself and others have destroyed him every time he tries. I find that very,very funny.
      Still waiting on the FBI you idiots.

      Again here...

      AnonymousThursday, August 3, 2017 at 7:23:00 AM PDT
      >>Listen up Stuey
      Your comments towards Chick were way out of bounds
      This I promise you, there will be a price to pay for your words
      This poor widows son means what he says
      COME AT ME BRO!!! What are you gonna do call the feelings police? Call the FBI? Shake your fist harder?
      There is nothing you can do to me. I already won.

    16. And to again quickly focus on the first Stuey quotation above...

      AnonymousMonday, July 31, 2017 at 1:16:00 PM PDT
      >>Ignoring Stu is the worst for his mental state
      No not really. I haven't posted here in a few weeks. What I do enjoy is watching you inbred hicks get so mad at me....or others who you claim are me.
      Take MMC for example. Just a few days ago he wrote about golfing and how all he could think about was beating me with a golf club. That is unhealthy.
      Or chick who clearly can not get me out of her empty head. Go on chick and threaten me with your sons again. That is always good for a laugh.
      But joe/iktomi is the lowest of the slime on this blog. He tries to cyber stalk people. He bullies. He posts racist filth anonymously. In fact he will talk about anything at all except the topic of this blog. The reason is simple...Myself and others have destroyed him every time he tries. I find that very,very funny.
      Still waiting on the FBI you idiots.

      ... you’ll notice in the link provided, in the exact same thread of comments following that comment, that Stuey uses names like “joe f” and “joe f1tzerald” when addressing me. For example...

      AnonymousThursday, August 3, 2017 at 9:43:00 AM PDT
      Suprising iktomi/joe f1tzerald hasn't been jailed under the UK's anti-racism laws.
      Very bad character that iktomi/joe f. Hiding behind a native american name makes him irredeemable.

      AnonymousThursday, August 3, 2017 at 10:01:00 AM PDT
      Russian bigfoot was black much, racist Joe F1tzgerald?
      You are a despicable racist Joe F1tzgerald.
      Every sick hateful thing Joe F1tzgerald says appears to be said by someone named iktomi.
      You are mean and hateful, F1tzgerald.

    17. Stuey did you know that I posted terrible things about children anonymously just because I was losing an argument about bigfoot

    18. You sure know how to distance yourself from sockpuppeting, eh?

    19. Says the sick #childrapist ^

  4. More likely that the hoaxers were just to lazy to fabricate extra toes.

    1. And are these in the hoaxing 100 club that have made every piece of Bigfoot evidence from the beginning of time?

    2. Don't forget when Idummy changed his account from JF, to Iktomi, and and everyone knew! Who's Joe? Who's Joe, he kept saying!

    3. Ikdummy, just had a researcher contact me who claims he's the "Dr. Squatch" of the Uk, Tons of Pics of these creatures, matching my evidence!
      More EPIC FAILURE on your part, LOLOLOL!! So he can
      match my pics, but you can't get ONE??
      I asked him to come here, and exploit your stupidity! Also asked him to see if you're really from the UK! I hope he posts here, your lack of field research just blew up in your face!

    4. Oh great... another pareidolia nut case. This subject’s doomed if your bat **** crazy ways start taking off. Tell me... What Pokemon has he come across in his blurs? Let’s see one of his blurs that matches yours... let’s see one ya crazy patoot.

    5. And tell me... how would a nut case that see’s blurry lionmen be able to prove I’m from the UK or not? What deranged little world do you live in? Oh that’s right... one where two yellow blurs are repeatable scientific evidence for lionmen... I forgot.

    6. Yeah... let’s see this nut case from the UK first, good Christian boy.

    7. You see Pedo Stu? This is why you’re being called that, because in the real world, people are responsible for their actions, and every vile act has a consequence. You may be all tough from behind a desktop where you can’t get stomped... but it’ll all catch up with you boyo. It’s plain to see you live a miserable, sad little existence where drawing people into negativity is just a flag ship for your cruddy feelings.

      Oh... And Bigfoot exists.

    8. Is that why the blog owner Shawn “blaimed Harry, Joe, Mike, MMG” for the trolling? Who has the sad little existence?

      Ha ha ha!

    9. I comment allegedly published by someone who you have had form for imitating, claimed that. Since I’ve just shown you’re a loon who likes to sockpuppet, do you think you have the credibility to believe?

      Tell me, why is it you think you can publish such things about the children of posters here? Do you know the level of cowardice that’s attached to that type of behaviour?

      Did you lose a part of you when these people came along to take your cyber playground away from you?

    10. You are a sick lying pedo ^

    11. Don't know who is a bigger loon, Bruce or Pedo Stu or are they both the same person ?
      Wouldn't surprise me to find out all of this was Bruce an off kilter bloke who just had an epic meltdown and now carries on as a troll/psycho


    12. Yes Joe, everyone is a pedo even though you're the only one here who slept with underage men, time for you to shut your trap

    13. Wakey wakey... nobody has slept with “underage men”. This is a line you’ve adopted because you have repeatedly threatened children on this forum, and been shown with proof to have even boasted of this.

      Wakey, wakey... you dirty scumbag.


    14. No Stuey, you are the only pedo here 8. You are the one who changed his last name to Savile so what does that say about you eh ? posting rape threats is no joke Pedo stu
      cheers tosser


  5. Look everybody, Iktomi is so triggered they deleted his posts, he was probably saying sick things about children, he gets off on that so he keeps reposting his " anonymous " rantings

  6. Really interesting post. It’s really really great information, Thanks.


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