Bigfoot Visits Man's Property In New Hampshire - Video

From the Bigfoot Evidence youtube channel, and

Back in January of this year, AJ found these possible footprints from the woods to his house in Rockingham county, New Hampshire. He said that he showed this to New Hampshire Fish and Game and they said it was a snowshoe hare but AJ wanted to get another opinion. The imprints are consistent with a walking pattern rather than an in-line pattern. Also, the prints are wider towards the front and narrower towards the back, whereas rabbits and hares tend to have a wider rear end.


  1. Shun the skunks, they stink

  2. Fish and game says these prints are in line thus can be anything other than a bipedal stride.

    They don’t have a clue about in line bipedal strides.

    Still not good enough images to conclude anything.



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