Bigfoot Legend Robert Dodson Has Passed - A Sad Day In The Bigfoot World

Bigfoot investigator Robert Dodson has passed away. Dodson was known for his never tiring pursuit of these creatures. Robert would spend nights in the field by himself, while being bombarded with rocks and surrounded by growls from these creatures. He will be greatly missed.


  1. I shall remember him for his magnificent toupee. It was truly legendary!

  2. truly a sad day in the bigfooting world . He added a lot of great evidence to the already growing list from all over.
    shame of the nasty trolls who felt they had to throw their two pence in with disgusting comments . I wish the mods of this site ensure that they get banned from here forever and ever. We don't need colossal bellends like Stuey on here . You know what they say about karma stu? it will come back to you mate, big time !


    1. It’s been confirmed that Robert Dodson died of a brain aneurysm after he tried to read one of your deranged, nonsensical comments.

    2. sod off you sub human piece of trash !


    3. Rip Robert. You were brave as hell, and nobody will forget it.

    4. So true, Chick. He was brave as hell.

      Safe harbors, Robert. You will be missed.

    5. ^ full of shit every one of you

    6. ^ Angry that no one will miss your sorry ass when you are gone, 5:02.

    7. Duuh, remember when I took a picture of that rubber gorilla mask and said it was a bigfoot? Duh that sure was funny, anyways it doesn't matter when you're only missed by suckers and fools,thanks for believing my bullshit I guess, duh it's kinda hot here

    8. 5:42 Really ?

      Try accepting some reality you pathetic piece of ass-smear.

      You`re all so totally full of shit...and you know it.

  3. RIP Mr Dodson you had real balls to be out there at night and do what you did. Now you have the answers.


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