Two Hours Of Cryptid Stories

Check out this crazy and spooky cryptid stories, an entire two hours worth! They cover all kinds of strange beast encounters, including our favorite big, hairy guy.


  1. Oh boy,two hours of stories, IKTOMI was right, proof of bigfoot

    1. is the tooth fairy in there too ?

    2. Nothing more convincing than an eyewitness story. Proof positive!

    3. i'm afraid both of you lads are a bit late for the tooth fairy since you really need to have some teeth for it to do it's magic.
      but cheers anyways


    4. ^puts his teeth into that foreskin

    5. Joe (iktomi) all you have left is us to get some small level of satisfaction with your comments. You have no evidence, no body, no proof. Just look at all the sympathetic posters who have disappeared over time. Must be frustrating never to be able to prove your case. Face the facts - if Bigfoot hasn't been proven to exist by now it never will be. Your case for it's existence gets weaker by the day. Time to join the paranormal woo crowd as your last refuge for explanation.

    6. Plenty of outstanding evidence out there but you seem to have had your eyes sewn shut by the ceremony when you joined James Randi's school for the disbelievers back in the day. My advice to you mate is to stop being such a donkey and open your eyes and mind to all the wonderful evidence out there collected over many years . Shakespeare once said doubt is our biggest enemy but in your case your bull headed attitude will serve you no good will in this world


    7. I am quite resolute in my belief in bigfoot and nothing can shake that
      and such i now have the same belief that Harry Kane and the lads will bring the world cup trophy back to the motherland where it belongs !
      it's England in 2018 !
      Send her victorious,
      Happy and glorious,
      Long to reign over us:
      God save The Queen.


    8. Oh and ah...Tiddly Doo !

    9. You really hit the mark Joe

      The troll has no teeth


    10. ^ Joe isn`t interested in teeth - he likes the lips and asshole areas of a man

      he`s queer


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