Interview With Jim "Bear" King

From the Paranormal Portal comes a question and answer show with Jim "Bear" King.

Tonight, we welcome Jim "Bear" King back to the show! Tonight, Bear will be answering YOUR questions regarding the Bigfoot/Booger (What they call them in the South [or Woodboogers as well]). This is an amazing opportunity for our listeners to ask their questions to a man who is, arguably, one of the most knowledgeable researchers in the field. Tune in and we'll discuss this and so much more! Enter the Paranormal Portal...if you dare!


  1. One of the most knowledgeable researchers in the field and has absolutely no proof and enjoys lying to everybody about his research. F_uck off you clown!

  2. Lardass 400 lbs Bear, one of the most child beating hoaxing pieces of dung that ever walked the planet....



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