Beastly Cannibal Giants

From the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization

Expedition to service game cameras in Jarbidge. This place originally named by Shoshone Indians Tsawhabitts meaning Cannibal Giants. Later changed to Jarbidge meaning weird beastly creature or Monster that lurks in the canyon.


  1. Has the Finding Bigfoot crew found bigfoot yet? They are all experts. You think they would have found bigfoot by now if it existed.

    1. Well then, maybe you need to look somewhere else


    2. ^ Hmmm - who`s the idiot now ?

  2. What's this? Some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization about legends of cannibal giants and a word meaning weird beastly creature or Monster that lurks in the canyon? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? I would just like to learn the Shoshone word for bullshit otherwise I'm....

    Not interested. Done.

    1. ^ Obsessed rmso stalker, watches every video begin to end then threatens not interested hahahah.. See you here next week same bat time same bat channel basement dweller.

    2. That would be the Willow Creek Bookstore Troll

    3. ^ Right! Steven still butthurt. Most trolls hold grudges a very long time cuz they arent used to being beat at their own game.


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