Train Passenger Snaps Pic of Bigfoot

NvTv presented this photo of a possible bigfoot. The photo came from a man who reportedly took the photo with his cellphone while aboard a train in Idaho.


  1. IktomiFriday, March 13, 2015 at 8:19:00 AM PDT
    Yes everyone, the troll who thinks everyone is me is in fact Dmaker.


    1. ikdummy has lost her mind. She's so desperate to counter Meldrum's 10,000 hiding monster theory and bigfoot role-players with something equally absurd on the skeptic side but ends up making her message all the more convoluted for herself.

    2. Be patient, it’s Sloppy Joe day at his local soup kitchen, so ikdummy has to stuff his fat face before he can be bothered to respond with another rambling, disjointed mess of words.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. You’re right... 100 “role-players” who don’t appear to have a single bit of coherency in their alleged methods... who have impossibly low numbers to achieve all the activity and evidence around the US, who are in cahoots with PhD’s, who nobody reports seeing, and who dodge loaded weapons all year round... seems totally logical.

      What was I thinking?

    5. “Right ole-players”! ikdummy finally invented a term that I like! I’ll use it in the future if you don’t mind. Ha ha ha!

    6. Crack on Stuey... Doubt it’ll make your conspiracy theory any less illogical though.

    7. 'ello lads ! All excited about your special day coming up next week ? Firstly it's a day to celebrate fools such as yourselves but it's also when you get your welfare cheques so you can run down to the corner store and buy up all the cheap ale and doritos you can get your grubby little sausage fingers around gripping firmly as if your life depended on it
      have a nice week


    8. IktomiMonday, March 26, 2018 at 1:35:00 PM PDT
      You’ll be back in around half an hour to insult people

    9. And you didn’t even last ten minutes.

    10. Ummm... 100 role play umm.... 10000 hoax role ummm... 1000 conspiracy ummmm..... I know multiples of 10 works somehow works against me so I'll try the same thing.....

    11. OK, OK i got it! 100,000 role hoax ummm wait a second...I got this...10,000 conspiracy umm....awwww crap!

      Ok, hell! I believe in 10,000 10 foot tall 1000 pound giant hairy naked apemen are hiding in the woods of 49 states and I have ZERO defense against this absurd belief!

    12. Well done Stuey... Stick to that, that’s your level see.

    13. Yes I do Stuey... but one of us has the scientific method... the other has conjecture, contradictions and conspiracy theories.

      Ask a simple questions about your conspiracy, and you go on a six week episode. Funny as heck.

    14. Surely your 10,000, 10 foot tall 1000 pound giant hairy naked apemen perpetually hiding in the woods of 49 US states are conspiring to stay hidden. No?


    15. Yeah, that’s what primates tend to do.

      It’s like exchanging with a ten year old.

    16. Come on, ikdummy, multiples of ten, that's the logic. LOL 10, 100, 100, 10,000

      That's the way to counter people that ridicule your absurd premise. It must be so effective because of the 0s, you're logic won't allow it to be anything else. Just like bigfoot is real, all anons the same, we're all from Leeds, England, et cetera, er cetera LOOOOOL!!!!

    17. Wow! 10,000, 10 foot tall 1000 pound giant hairy naked apemen perpetually hiding in the woods of 49 US states....

      ....sure outsmarted 300,000,000 Americans!


    18. You’re angry. And with good reason... you didn’t like being made to look ridiculous about not investing a minute’s worth of reflection on your conspiracy theory. And you know should you estimate a number that’s too low, it can’t account for all the activity, events, sightings, etc. And if you estimate too high it’s a ridiculous amount of people running around the wilderness of the US and not a shred of evidence for it.

      You made yourself look silly, nobody else.

    19. And I wouldn’t say outsmarted totally... since there is 60 years of physical evidence, and three databases of modern reports.

    20. I'm sure Americans thank the knucklehead from Wales for saying his imaginary fictional big man didn't TOTALLY outsmart 300,000,000 Americans.

      You are a total idiot, Joe/ikdummy.

    21. Goodnight Stuey. Try not to miss me.

    22. ^ Stocked up well on cheapo "White Lightin`" 2 litre bottles of cider to drown out the noise of the night.

  2. But they do see them. One was hit by a car.

    1. Great! So we’re down to one deceased role-player as evidence that the entire Bigfoot community is down to a group of like-minded people who don’t appear to have a single bit of coherency in their alleged methods... who have impossibly low numbers to achieve all the activity and evidence around the US, who are in cahoots with PhD’s, who nobody reports seeing, and who dodge loaded weapons all year round.

      (Slow claps)

    2. I think I might have found a “single bit of coherency” in that meandering run on sentence! Ha ha ha!

    3. You would do, it’s your conspiracy theory.

    4. I’ll be back when there’s something worth a response.

    5. You’ll be back in around half an hour to insult people.

    6. ^ Glory-hole competitor (ends up losing at even that,with "muck" all over his gob)

    7. Wow, 1 hr 3min. Is that a record? Could be!!

  3. This post is an example of a hoaxer/role player. This photo made the rounds a few years ago. It's from an amusement ride of some sorts. I forget where.

    Obviously the person who submitted it as a photo take from a train on his cell phone was lying.

    1. IktomiFriday, March 13, 2015 at 8:19:00 AM PDT
      Yes everyone, the troll who thinks everyone is me is in fact Dmaker.

    2. You say its from a particular place then show your proof!
      Just coming out saying its from here or its from there dont cut the cheese put up or shut up!

    3. Here you go:

  4. If it's shown on NvTv it's crap.

  5. This is more hoaxed bigfoot BS.



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