Something is Taking People in National Parks

From the Swamp Dweller youtube channel:

Missing 411 cases have been reported in the thousands across the North American landscape. In our state parks, people seem to just vanish without a trace. In this video, I and Elize check out 10 of the strangest missing 411 cases on earth!


  1. Millions of incompetent, unprepared, naïve city people blithely hike into national parks every year thinking their cell phones, perrier bottles, and cross trainers will keep them safe. Occasionally, and completely unsurprisingly, some of those idiots don't hike back out.

    And your go-to hypothesis for this is bigfoots?


    1. Of course there are natural reasons for people going missing. But at the end of the day there are hominin in the national parks of the US, and they have temperaments and agendas just like most humans. There is simply too many experts out there that easily recognise the fights people have with recognised animals before being taken and killed. What's been proven, is that there is forensic evidence for a creature that fits the description for what natives have stated for thousands of years have taken people in these environments.

    2. Prove it.

      Where's the specimen?

    3. Where’s the study?

      What enthusiasts can prove, is that there is a human-primate, nearly twice the size of average people, with the exact same widely reported anatomy, leaving its sign all over North America.

    4. Without a specimen, there is nothing to study. And enthusiasts can't prove anything without a specimen. Stories and pareidolia and outlandish speculation and hoaxes and lies are not good enough. Crazy tales of flying orbs and portals and magic magnets are not good enough. Photographs of fuzzy stumps and footage of grainy figures are not good enough. Plaster paperweights are not good enough. Only an actual specimen will do.

      So where is the specimen?

      Also, for what it's worth, patty and the modern conception of bigfoot does not fit the original native accounts. They were merely describing a different tribe, with its own huts and baskets and whatnot that spoke a salish language. Isn't it funny how Moorhead's recordings are nothing like Salish? The native legendary Oma was a woman, not a bipedal ape. So where is bigfoot's basket to carry away naughty children in?

      Sasquatch's description didn't become ape like until after knowledge of gorillas entered into European consciousness and white settlers started including gorilla elements into their tall tales.

      You can't just shoehorn your modern concept of bigfoot into native legends and call it "evidence". Every culture has its own version of the boogie man to make children behave. But that doesn't mean pookas, Baba Yaga, or the krampus are real. If you try to claim candlejack is real, you're going to need to provide a specimen. Bigfoot is no different.

      Again, where is the specimen?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. WOW just WOW. I think Itkomi just bogged his pants. Bravo sir! Bravo!
      I can't wait for the ten page cut n paste bonanza that's coming. Itkomi is about to go F'n crazy.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Not having a body should have been to the detriment of every biological study to classify any number of new species from the beginning of wildlife biology, if that were the case. You have no clue as to how new species are tracked and classified, since you assert that a field research starts at its conclusion. Pretty embarrassing cart before the horse logic. A body would be the fruits of using the readily available physical evidence in a consorted and appropriately funded professional study. And that hasn’t happened yet. And the years that apparently roll by without “proof”, but ten times the evidence the Bili Ape had does, it simply means there’s no body YET. To draw conclusion that Bigfoot does not exist, would be to ignore a plethora of credible data, that’s impossible to be the result of anything other than a real biological entity leaving it.

      Also, if we’re talking about a type of primitive human, and we likely are... Anthropologists never need a body, and innumerable studies have occurred by researching tribes in their natural environments. Harping on about the paranormal doesn’t begin to address what can be measured and tested by current scientific means... 60 years of physical evidence. This is why some of it is now peer reviewed. This is how field biology is conducted, by plaster. Learn the basics of that, learn how previous primates were tracked and studied... the sheer basics, and this stance that you keep rehashing once a month would finally seem utterly irrelevant.

      Where’s the study?

      Also... you didn’t even know that Native Americans were referring to another tribe until people like me here enlightened you to the fact. If you're a tribe of Indians somwhere in the US, way before Europeans settled there, who had been living next to a group of hairy hominin that had language, culture, social and family structure, with human faces, hands, feet, etc... With the exceptions being that they are rather tall, hairy, longer arms, and have animalistic sensory attributes, and you've known nothing else but this other group of people always being around, the you would refer to them as another tribe of humans. This is true of nearly every single tribe in North America. There have even been burial mounds to which have been shared between smaller and giant Indian tribes all over the US. Whilst in the following two links, by two anthropologists who have actually spent time with some tribes, there is nothing BUT consistency of what is reported today. Oh, and Sasquatch is an anglicised version of “Sasq’ets”, meaning it’s a Salish name given my Salish people, not that all Bigfoot are Salish (cringe). Two papers that blow your claims out of the water;

      The Interaction of Large Bipedal Hominids with American Indians
      as reported to Dr. Ed Fusch, Anthropologist, 1992

      Kathy Moskowitz Strain
      U.S. Forest Service, Stanislaus National Forest, 19777 Greenley Road, Sonora, CA 95370

    9. You’ll notice in the above examples, should you actually care to look into the subject, plenty of consistency. I can't just shoehorn modern concepts of Bigfoot into native legends, but I don’t need to. And anthropological data is anthropological data. Using a very real hominin in the woods that takes people... Has always taken people and appears to still be doing it, does by no means invalidate its existence. And by the level of evidence that spans thousands of years, transitioning every culture with sheer consistency, it appears that this “boogeyman” is indeed real. And there’s peer reviewed science in support of that.

      So I’ll answer with another question... where’s the study?

    10. And when you’ve quite finished cheering on your own comments...

    11. Oh yeah there it is. Just like clockwork. Itkomi is the the most predictable person i have ever met. He gets owned and then the rage starts. He loses the plot frantically cutting and pasting. Trying to make the pain go away but it won't go away. The burden is just to much for him and he's snapped. Poor little fella!

    12. poor Stuey, gets schooled by Iktomi today and like a moth to the proverbial flame he shall return to get spanked once more . The poor lad, we've seen this countless times over the years . in the end stu isn't really here to argue the existence of bigfoot but to get a reaction ( and his ego needs a severe one) because in his poor lonely role playing world this is the only fun he really ever has. He should take up another hobby like flying drones over volacanos or high speed wanking, anything that gives him a better sense of purpose than his endless drivel on this site


    13. ^ another delusional and immature mind

    14. And also like clockwork Iktomi runs in as Joe to deflect from his utter failure

    15. I'm not Iktomi ! Never met him but i support him because he knows his stuff regarding bigfoot and constantly buries wank puffins like you on a daily basis . Maybe if you had a different approach other than "where's the body ? there is no body" which in truth is getting old to hear. Take your James Randi inspired diatribe to a different site bro !


    16. ^ I should add that getting "taken" is such a delight and I have many fine memories of taking it hard and fast up the shitter,


    17. I see someone has already gave nuttytomi a good thrashing in logic already this morning and of course he responds with dated papers from fringe journals containing more oral stories handed down. Have you ever noticed the stuff he uses as arguments is old and dated? Where is all the new evidence that should be appearing in light of all the Bigfoot being reported? Oh that's right - it's on YouTube videos, Bigfoot conferences and in fringe journals - good, solid sources.

      The best part for me is how he assigns all these attributes to Bigfoot without having a specimen to draw from as 2:35 pointed out. He can tout all the so called evidence he wants but without a biological entity all that "evidence" is suspect.

    18. When I think of Iktomi I pull my pud

    19. When I think of those burly, hairy, homeless negros foraging for malt liquor cans I pull my pud

    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. Oh you’re back!

      IktomiTuesday, March 20, 2018 at 2:37:00 PM PDT
      I don’t read you using any of the grossly dated pseudoscientific mantas anymore? Anyone would think someone around here ruined all that for you?
      ... Stuey LOVES a little projection now and then, you see. And those are actually oral histories.

      If the evidence I post is significant enough to still be brought up after any serious length of time, however old it is, then that's your problem not mine. If there is physical, audio or footage evidence from 20-30-40 years ago, then it merely shows that there is a steady flow of such evidence over a duration from which amateur research began, that is yet to be studied adequately. There is nothing in scientific theory that states that scientific evidence lessens the more it's not investigated further over time (cringe). **** That evidence might have turned into classification in that time, if it had been used for a significant study ****

      The physical evidence for “Bigfoot” is rolling in every month. Footprint evidence to go along with the eyewitness reports never cease to be documented. Whilst only a few years ago, the best footage since the PGF was documented (even better in my opinion; the Leaping Russian Yeti), whilst the evidence has now started being peer reviewed with the world’s best geneticists conducting DNA studies... this is how far the subject has come and none of that would occur if after all this time important questions weren’t worthy of still being asked. It’s easy to assign certain attributes, because we have human and non-human primates to draw examples from, plus three databases of reports on behaviour to reference.

      “Oh that's right - it's on YouTube videos, Bigfoot conferences and in fringe journals - good, solid sources.”
      Yeah, because that’s how information circulates, how people learn and how research evolves. It's funny... Pseudosceptics don't even have conventions & things where they can get together and exchange ideas after spending significant time in the wilderness. They get their sense of community/identity from behind their desktops in their cosey houses while obsessing more than enthusiasts do, about YouTube channels, blogs & forums like this, so as to express their denial. All in the effort to self-serve up what they feel is an intelligence rich cyber-identity... After spending all their time following something they don't believe in, of course. The root of this is their own lack of self-esteem. The mistake they made was picking a subject that’s only made most of them feeling frustrated and even worse about themselves.

    22. Spot on Iktomi !!!!!!
      This blog is so lucky to have you to defend it against the barbarian skeptics at the gate !
      Even if there was a body they would find some excuse to refute it's existence because in their lonely world they need to have control over others .
      I am quite content in my belief that bigfoot exists despite there not being a body .i am going by the countless evidence out there. i do hope one day a body does turn up but til that day i'll be following the latest in bigfoot evidence 1


    23. When you two are finished French kissing each other, maybe you can explain how it is that I’m so concerned with establishing a “cyber-identity” when I don’t use any identity here at all? In fact, to the degree that I do have an identity here, it’s one that YOU chose for me. In that sense, your statement really only applies to your own nutty behavior! Ha ha ha!

    24. 11:08- you really go out of your way to prove your lack of a social life. in between gulps of mountain dew you could rethink your whole life goals instead of doing bugger all here


    25. Thanks luv , woukd you fancy a nice snog so I can show my appreciation ?


    26. The reason you can’t have a regular avatar and sign in with an account, is because you need anon mode to safeguard against people realising how much you contradict yourself for the sake of giving yourself (what you think is) an advantage during exchanges. Evidence is this are the various names you like to adopt when you’re resorted to trying to aggravate as opposed to proving your points. This takes but moments to give yourself a temporary name like mine, or any number of other people you like to imitate. To elaborate, you can declare Bigfoot is all role-play one minute with one sockpuppet, and then backtrack and claim it’s all misidentification the next with another sockpuppet when pressed to provide substance to such a claim... and by claiming there’s two or three of you, the contradiction for the sake of trying to get the last word flies under the radar of your imaginary audience who don’t know your slimy ways.

      You simply weigh it up. Both having a sense of self-worth and perceived intelligence, equating to a purpose and some level of cyber identity... as well as sockpuppeting to TRY and achieve that, go hand in hand. You’ve been doing it so long, it’s why you’re desperately trying to cling to it now even though everyone knows when you publish a comment.

    27. So to summarize, someone achieves a "cyber identity" by choosing not to have an account or avatar, but by instead posting anonymously.

      Also, comments that contradict each other are evidence that the comments were written by the same person.

      Only from the mind of nuttytomi! Ha ha ha!

    28. I think I was pretty explanatory, Stuey... I’m sorry you’re too dense to interpret it how most others would.

      But look what’s happened... Stuey’s deflected from the pasting he’s had up top. Or tried to at least. This way he still makes himself feel important by turning a comment section about him, even after being made to look an amateur on the subject matter.

      Stuey is only somebody, when someone is pounding him.

    29. JoTomi can`t produce a "specimen" for none exist...they`ll never produce anything because bigfoot is simply bullshit.

    30. You can’t reference a study to find a specimen. But whilst there's actual evidence for the existence of American hominins, you need to confront that head on. You'd have a far more concrete case by proving there's no evidence whatsoever, than by leaning on the fact there is no modern type specimen whilst no study is being funded. Because there always COULD be a body, in line with a simple negative proof fallacy.

      Common sense dear boy.

    31. What a shame you can't role-play one into existence but it just doesn't work that way. I'm laughing with delight how you think all these comments lighting you up are from the same person...the mythical and imaginary "stuey".

    32. Unlike your role-playing empire, there’s actual evidence that you’re the same person. And with that, I think it’s time to snatch significance from you... since YOU are not important, but the subject is.

    33. For someone who’s not important, I sure inspired your warped mind to come up with the disturbingly deranged idea to keep an encyclopedic dossier regarding everything you can possibly learn about me! Are you sure that I’m not important? Ha ha ha!

    34. Sockpuppets who harass people need exposing. I’ve done that... anything else afterwards is just feeding what you want.

    35. 12:33- imagine what my mates would think if i told them I spend hours upon hours on a site arguing with people that unicorns and fairies do not exist ? Why they'd laugh at me and think i've gone totally bonkers ! well that is where you're at , a prized cockwomble if i have ever seen one !
      Oh yes, I know i've never seen you but i'm sure you exist even though I have not seen your body I am going by my sighting of you on here
      belly up silly man


    36. I’ve exposed the lies and frauds of nutty bigfooters and courageously confronted the hateful racism that the bigfoot culture attracts.

      The fact that I did these things drives you absolutely bat sh*t crazy and has caused you to develop an insane fixation with me — including compiling a “dossier”! Ha ha ha!

    37. You’ve never debunked a single thing in 8 years of harassing people... And have aimed vile threats and racism towards the children enthusiasts here to intimidate them. You’re a coward and a loon.

    38. Why don’t you ask your good buddy Zabo about me? You know the guy whose white nationalist “race realism” philosophy you hand-wave away as a harmless “controversial view.” Zabo calls me Harriet Tubman because I fight his ugly racism. You call that piece of sh*t a friend — shame on you!

    39. Debunk??? The status quo is that bigfoot does not exist.

      That like demanding people to debunk that the sky is green polka dots. Prove that it is, stupid ikdummy.

    40. ^ You`ve shown NOTHING in all the time you have been here - the only thing you have given over has been consistently debunked or shown to be a hoax or misidentifications or misinterpretations or outright lies..

      Clearly you are the type to deny a thing when everybody else knows the answer simply because you cannot admit to yourself you have been wrong...and you find it hard to live with the truth.

    41. I’ve never met Zabo. I have no clue who he is, or as to his political affiliations, and I don’t care. What I do know is you’ve been exposed aiming rape threats and racism at the children of people who frequent here in an effort to intimidate them from posting comments.

      If the status quo is Bigfoot doesn’t exist... why do you struggle in debunking something for the 8 years you’ve been harassing people here? If this subject is simply down to hoaxes misidentifications and lies, surely you’d be referencing multiple examples every day just to shut me up... what’s the hold up? What’s proven to be worthy of the scientific standard, is the footprint evidence... there’s your burden.

      When one day you step up to the mark, you’ll change from being the blog weirdo to someone who genuinely has something to say about the subject. Until then, you’re a nobody that only gets attention for antisocial behaviour... and for nothing you’ve ever had to say about Bigfoot.

      If I was obsessed as you, I’d at least try a little harder, you lazy sod.

    42. david paulides does a bang up job with his missing 411 books. He has done a lot of exhaustive research into the thousands of cases of people who have gone missing in national parks under very strange circumstances. Perhaps if the trolls could only put down the nachos and mountain dew and read some of the books they may change their tune
      Educate yourself about this subject otherwise bugger off from this site !


    43. ZaboSaturday, August 5, 2017 at 2:58:00 AM PDT
      It's the rebirth of Michael Jackson!

IktomiSaturday, August 5, 2017 at 4:48:00 AM PDT

    44. Do you want to see more instances of you laughing at Zabo’s cruel, racist jokes?

    45. No clue who he is, huh?

      IktomiSaturday, July 29, 2017 at 7:59:00 AM PDT

      Have a great weekend Zabo and Uno!

    46. As usual, nuttytomi runs away like a cowardly dog when he’s confronted with his brazen lies.

    47. Nice try. Your ass was handed to you yet again Stu.... all day... everyday. For years.

    48. IktomiSaturday, August 5, 2017 at 5:42:00 AM PDT
      It takes a racist to focus on skin colour when nobody else has.
      Go drink yourself back to sleep, Stuey.

      ^ which you were addressed with in the link you provided. Sure, I can say hello to someone on a blog, I don’t know Zabo though. I have no clue as to his political affiliations, and he is ok record telling you that he is not racist. You on the other hand, aim threats and racism at children. If I could be bothered to source it, you’ve pretended to be politically affiliated to the left in order to try and drive away conservative posters, like Leon. You’re crazy boy!

      And I never run away... I simply have to sleep. I’m not a crack addict like you. I always come back to respond in the end (and don’t you know it).

  2. I am often being "taken" from all over the place - but mostly from behind,

    and yummy, it is divine,


  3. Bigfoot documentary ...

  4. Swamp Dweller - stop! Your scaring me to death because I know all these stories are TRUE! Swamp Dweller only has TRUE stories not fake like all the others you see. I know this because he says they are TRUE!

  5. Replies
    1. Nobody is gonna touch you Stu, not even with a shovel.

  6. This anon is a joke and probably just the way it is programmed is to cause an argument and basically is made to disagree with the idea of a North American Ape.

  7. What an argument this is. Well I am a Bigfoot believer and I don't stay in UDA or other lovely places over there. My question is to Anonymous why don't you believe what are you scared of. Just because we haven't seen it doesn't mean its not there, same with the Loch Ness Monster, if all you can do is slag someone of because they are a believer that's there choice and the thousands of like minded people that have don't lie detectors just to prove what they saw us true. So get a life and when you find its true you will bee chicken shit like your vile language get a life.


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