Shocking Bigfoot Sightings in the UK

Check out these amazing bigfoot encounters from the UK, presented by Paranormal Junkie. More and more sightings of bigfoot type creatures are coming out of the UK.


  1. This has been well blasted apart.

    Scientists have said bigfoot doesn`t exist and there is no evidence for any of these creatures...Stephen Hawking said it didn`t he ?

    1. Yet the evidence is being peer reviewed, and as time goes by, this subject only attracts more interest from some of the best scientists and most experienced primatologists in the world.

      Stop worrying about Bigfoot so much... it’s gonna blow up into something very serious at this point.

    2. ^ Has no idea of what he speaks.

      The stories are hoaxes and been`s that for "blowing up into something very serious" for ya` ?

    3. Oh and low and behold... Stuey thought it a good idea to quickly publish a comment on another comment section, after being asked why they appeared bare of responses for so many alleged anonymous posters.

      I was referring to your increasingly erratic behaviour... Ours going to do something very stupid at some point. However your unqualified and unreferenced opinion doesn’t count against peer reviewed science.


    4. Stephen Hawking also believed in intelligent life that exists beyond our planet - do you believe in aliens ? you don't? awww, so you mean you think Hawking (who was the most brilliant mind of our time) is wrong even though he has never seen a ufo or alien ?
      kinda makes you feel like the stupid bloody wanker you should feel like eh ?
      Cheers chum


    5. ^ You have probably the most stupid mind of our time...kinda males you out to be the true and utter wanker you pretend to be eh ?

      Cheers chump,

    6. It’s never good to wake up the wrong side of the bed, Stuey. Go and have some coffee and calm down... and by coffee, I don’t mean picking up the crack pipe.

    7. It’s “lo and behold” — you should look up phrases before you try to use them and make a total ass of yourself!

    8. You should probably start working on how you’re going to convince someone go your role-playing empire, instead of chasing strangers around the Internet for typing errors.

    9. looks like Stu is about to blow his top @7:57 !
      The truth really hurts don't it Stewie ?
      If Hawking came out and said he believed in bigfoot you'd stick your head in the sand and play with yourself singing"lalalala"
      What is it about bigfoot and the very mention of the subject that sends you into a tizzy ? Were you beaten as a child by daddy ? i am trying to figure out where all your anger stems from ?
      Oh well, i'll just write it all off to you being the wanker in this case


    10. I guess we know now who really thinks that children getting violently beaten is something to joke about.

    11. Trust me Stuey... nobody’s laughing. In fact, one can only shudder to think what trauma you went through.

    12. Yeah, why don’t you go into anon mode and sock puppet some more child rape threats? That would be a real knee slapper.

    13. Nothing to joke about fool. Merely trying to figure out the repressed nature of Stu's (which is probably you)anger that he needs to frequent this blog 24-7 making vile comments and driving away regulars
      You can go bugger off troll !


    14. I understand, by attempting to bully someone and call the person a “stupid bloody wanker” you are actually expressing deep sympathy and concern for childhood trauma the person might have experienced.

      That’s a lot like the twisted bigfoot logic where something can be proven by facts that suggest the exact opposite conclusion.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. Now, now Stuart... let’s not forget I’ve got proof you did that. And in light of what you’ve done around here, it’s pretty impossible to have any sympathy for you. Just like serial killers from bad backgrounds don’t accumulate much sympathy. Now I’m not pretentious enough to compare you to a serial killer, but prisons are full of people with personality disorders. Antisocial degenerates just like you.

      And please don’t pretend you have the capacity to sustain any Bigfoot facts in that pea brain of yours.

    17. Wow, you've been here for this long and you still haven't figured out how to properly submit a comment.

    18. Was that you trying to be clever Stu?

    19. And still no proof of Bigfoot, you're wasting everyone's time

    20. Where is the evidence being peer reviewed? RHI? Or that fringe journal you like to crow about?

    21. Oh no, I often submit the identical comment twice in a row to display my ignorance to the world.

    22. Still no funded expedition... You’ve wasted the last 8 years of your cyber-life.

      Go back on previous comment sections, dMaKeR, seems lokenyojre struggling to retain a bit of info these days too.

    23. It’s been “peer reviewed” at something called the “Journal of Scientific Exploration.” The journal also includes “peer reviewed” articles regarding (I kid you not) the Loch Ness Monster, A*DS denialism, reincarnation, water dowsing, and lots of other fun topics.

    24. Yeah... All addressed here;

      ... most of which the journal merely doesn’t prejudice against, puts them through scientific scrutiny and debunks them. How else would people like you be able to build some self-esteem if things weren’t debunked. Still haven’t seen anything in the way of Meldrum’s work being debunked.

      Maybe in 2019?

    25. By the way, the journal’s main claim to fame is that its one time editor Henry Bauer was at the forefront of a movement to declare that HIV does not cause A*DS. The movement convinced the president of South Africa to cease providing A*DS drugs to hundreds of thousands of people — which directly led to their deaths.

    26. HAAAAA!!!

      At the “forefront”? Was that a little embellishment there Stuey? How can such a “fringe journal” have such an influence on world matters... Are we happy to contradict ourselves a wee bit in the process?

    27. “A*DS denialists are the best known for having joined with former President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki to create the impression that there is a debate among scientists as to whether HIV causes A*DS Tragically, more than 330,000 South Africans needlessly died and 35,000 babies were born with HIV infection as a result of Mbeki’s denialist policies.”

      “Consider her summary of the leading ‘scientists’ who have, for decades, questioned HIV as the cause of A*DS.”

      “And finally, Henry Bauer is a Professor and Dean Emeritus at Virginia Tech. He was also Editor-in-Chief of a major outlet for pseudoscience, Journal of Scientific Exploration and is a leading authority on the existence of the Loch Ness Monster.”

    28. And whenever you wonder again why people like me fight people like you regarding a subject such as bigfoot that we think is ridiculous, then just remember what kind of real harm that fringe pseudoscience can inflict upon the world.

    29. "If you've never been wrong, you've never been creative. The bigger the ideas, the more you're wrong."
      - Todd Disotell

      Science shouldn’t have to worry about offending people, and since you’re so hot for “free speech” (which you twist to justify your antisocial behaviour), I would think your attempt at the moral hightound now is a massive contradiction. If that’s where his research took him, so be it. Thankfully his work was open to scientific scrutiny. I’ll now proceed to find examples where the peer reviews process has been used to lie to the scientific community.


      Oh my god, thank you for that Stuey. Wow... just wow. So you’re a crime fighter for science now, right? Stuey, how’s about you actually try and debunk the one subject you’re dancing around... you know, instead of publishing rape threats and racism towards the children of regular posters here?

      Hurry up and prove Bigfoot is pseudoscience. Last one I checked, providing conspiracy theories never managed I do that.



    32. ^ there we go, “crime fighter Stuey”, there’s some examples of your more “reputable” journals adhering to such high scientific standards, eh? Surely you should be safeguarding against such dangerous processes... the scientific world needs you!

      “And whenever you wonder again why people like me fight people like you regarding a subject such as bigfoot that we think is ridiculous, then just remember what kind of real harm that fringe pseudoscience can inflict upon the world.”


    33. So, no real journals. Didn't think so.

    34. You should have no issue debunking it then.

      A journal’s a journal. And you have no holier than thou standard by other journals to cling to.

    35. "At the “forefront”? Was that a little embellishment there Stuey? How can such a “fringe journal” have such an influence on world matters... Are we happy to contradict ourselves a wee bit in the process?"

      Once again Joe demonstrates his poor language skills. Fringe means "not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme."

    36. AHAHAHA !
      Stuey is being buried so deep they'll need a crane to extract him !


    37. Huh??

      Exactly... how can a journal that’s "not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral”, have no significance on the scientific community one minute when Meldrum’s concerned... but be to the detriment of thousands of Africans lives the next?

      Learn to read before you claim people haven’t got language skills, you klutz.

    38. Easily. Fringe means where on the spectrum of "accepted ideas" your position stands. You can be on the fringe of that spectrum, and still hold sway over someone credulous. Even if that person holds sway over many more.

      It's a pretty simple concept, doofus.

    39. Ha!! What a creative backtrack after a literary blunder that was.

      Fair play to you.

    40. Your comment at 11:55 didn’t actually address your misreading of my alleged contradiction though, did it? You didn’t read my comment properly... and then when highlighted, you just claimed that fringe topics can “sway the credulous”. Not only is that utterly irreverent since the many examples up top I posted paint your preferred journals in the same light...

      But you still haven’t debunked Meldrum’s published paper.


    41. I don't care about fringe journals, Joe.

    42. It’s not what you care about that matters... it’s the burden your claims bring.

    43. How was what dmaker wrote utterly “irreverent”?

    44. Learn to read Stuey, you’ll find the answers come to you without putting those sausage fingers through too much typing.

      Your claim, dMaKeR, has always been that the evidence for “Bigfoot” is bunk.

    45. I got ikdummy to start role-playing bigfoot in Wales. He didn't believe in UK bigfoot or ANY of the 450 UK sightings, claiming that the US had over 12,000, making US bigfoot real. Then I told ikdummy that 450 UK sightings is proportionate to the 12K + US sightings because the US is 30 times larger.

      Bottom line...ikdummy is a now a UK bigfoot role-player due to my influence. You're welcome, ikdumbbell.

    46. Oh... the mind games. How will I ever cope? I know, a quick cut and paste.

      IktomiThursday, March 15, 2018 at 1:08:00 AM PDT
      Me on the UK -
      • There are mythologies, there are however no oral histories of Natives in the UK.
      • I have spoken to some eyewitnesses, they are not misidentifying.
      • When physical evidence turns up, those eyewitnesses are validated.
      • That means some portion of the 450 are genuine sightings, once that occurs.

      Me on the US -
      • There are thousands of years oral histories in the US from Natives.
      • There are more eyewitnesses in the US in two years than have ever been in the UK.
      • There is no needs for physical evidence to turn up, as there is 60 years of it. Some of which is now peer reviewed.
      • This means regardless of the likelihood of some portion of the inummerable US sightings being hoaxed and misidentificaton... It is impossible for them all to be.

      You on both -
      • It’s all role-play.

      IktomiTuesday, March 20, 2018 at 1:18:00 AM PDT
      I’d stated that Bigfoot was likely misidentification prior to taking the time to conversing with eyewitnesses. That’s where research leads you at times, to make you self-evaluate, reassess and evolve. But let’s say I still had that approach, and that was compared to the same frequency of misidentification in the US. Statistically I’d be wrong, since the equivalent sightings per land mass in the US have plenty of physical evidence that no theory of mass misidentification can explain away. Just like me you’d wrong and both comparisons cannot be simply attributed to misidentification. But then again, mass misidentification is only your stance when you chicken out of providing a moment’s worth of logic to your conspiracy theories.

    47. Oh... and that reminds me. How many role-players running around the US? Over a month later from asking one basic question, and we still haven’t got any coherency.

      : (

    48. “And whenever you wonder again why people like me fight people like you regarding a subject such as bigfoot that we think is ridiculous, then just remember what kind of real harm that fringe pseudoscience can inflict upon the world.”

    49. Psst... hey ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▄▄░░░░░░░░░░░

    50. ....................../´¯/)
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´

    51. And to think you’re old enough to be a grandfather... what an embarrassment.

    52. What is your first mission as UK bigfoot role-player?

      Did you take plaster casts or capture UK audio? Let us know!

    53. Did you ever debunk “plaster” and audio? I seem to remember you making a fool of yourself and everyone chiming in to laugh at you last time you tried.

      And time for a recap on your role-playing conspiracy. We started off with 100 role-players that account for entire US and Canada, then it was ”an overwhelming majority” that were misidentifying, then it was all “a joke”, then we went around two more times with the aforementioned, then the role-players amounted to five (four of which were frequenters to this blog), THEN just three... THEN role-play was split into two camps (“producers and consumers”)... then we bounced back and forth from role-players to misidentification again about two more times... to where we are now with you relegating your US role-players to impossible hoaxing numbers after applying a deflection comparison tactic. ALL THE WHILE NEVER ONCE ADDRESSING THE EVIDENCE THAT’S PEER REVIEWED. All because you were asked the first question ever about your conspiracy theory. A month down the line and we’re still no closer to the first bit of coherency about these impossibly low in numbers, super-human evading, bullet dodging role-players that nobody EVER reports.

      What’s the next ad hoc?

    54. Blah, blah, blah....

      What is your first mission as UK bigfoot role-player? What have you done? Do you even own plaster?

    55. You’re a laughing stock.

      : p

      Goodnight sweetheart.

    56. Neither are hand gestures typed out by a supposed adult when his drivel gets kicked back down the basement at him.

  2. Even Ikcomments knows that the idea of a bigfoot in Britain is asinine.

  3. Haha haha

    IkkyJo has been literally wiped all over the floor today...he has also proven himself to be the most severely lacking in humour I have ever come across...what a buffoon and how easily dismissed.

    hahah hahah hahahahaha

  4. There are no bigfoot int the UK. What a joke!


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