Scary Stories From the Middle of Nowhere

Swamp Dweller presents 10 scary and true stories originating from the middle of nowhere. Areas where no one is around to help you, or hear you scream.


  1. OMG - TEN scary and TRUE stories from Swamp Dweller. They originate from the middle of NOWHERE which makes them even more believable and TRUE! I don't even dare to watch these less I pee my pants again because they are so SCARY!

    1. Yo dogg! These stories aint no true homie. Bigfoot don't not exist yo. These clowns be playing you B. I just thought you should know dogg. Know what im sayin.


    2. But...but...they are from Swamp Dweller. He only has TRUE stories. I believe him because he says they are TRUE. Swamp Dweller wouldn't make these up........would he?

    3. ^ I'm not completely sure but I think he's mocking me.

    4. People tried the next level up from “stories” with you (actual physical evidence), and it ended up with you driving everyone away as a sadistic coping mechanism. Stick to more stories Stuey... It doesn’t end pretty otherwise.

    5. ^ never ends pretty for Ikkyfool

    6. I’m still waiting on one simple answer for two days’ worth of dodging.

      It sure doesn’t end pretty for someone around here.

  2. If bigfoot was real then wouldn't there be proof by now? It just doesn't make sense that it could exist.

    Smart balanced intelligent guy

    1. Proof? Sense? There's none of that to be found here.

    2. If Bigfoot isn’t real... then 100’s, maybe 1000’s of people running around in Bigfoot costumes are. If Bigfoot hoaxers in gorilla constumes were real then wouldn't there be proof by now? It just doesn't make sense that they could exist... where are the shot & killed hoaxers? They should be easier to kill than a 10 foot tall, 800lbs Bigfoot... Yet none are killed?

      Smart balanced intelligent guys don’t believe in hoaxing conspiracy theories... They follow the science and not cry about it every day of their isolated lives. And Bigfoot has consistent scientific data behind it.


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