Neanderthal Sighting in Finland

From the British Bigfoot Report - A man chopping firewood has a run in with a bigfoot type creature in Finland. They thought the creature looked like a neanderthal.



  1. "If its not in my beloved north america it doesnt count" - Iktomi

    1. We would trade you for Iktomi any day Stu.

    2. Poor little fella’s having another episode.

    3. ^ cringeworthy unfunny role players awkwardly bonding

    4. IktomiFriday, March 2, 2018 at 6:00:00 AM PST
      How many of the world’s leading primatologists, anthropologists and biologists are counted in this role-playing community?

      AnonymousFriday, March 2, 2018 at 8:00:00 AM PST
      The role players are Joe, Chick, MMC, and others that pretend like there's a real monster in the woods. Finding bigfoot was a bunch of people pretending to look for something that doesn't exist. Joe fancies himself debating a myth into existence. It's all nonsense.

      So let me get this straight. You have finally responded to the question as to how much of a role-playing community there is... with “me, Chick, MMC and others”? Is this what your multi-million dollar role-playing empire is being maintained by?

    5. Biscardi Billionaire , don't like it? Tough

    6. Just like Meldrum is in court. Just like it takes a 100 role players to maintain all hoaxes all over the US... Biscardi is a billionaire.

      Well done.

    7. Role players are iktomi and shart.

      The hoaxers aren't role players. It's like producing vs watching television. Meldrum and hoaxers make the content and Iktomi and shart watch it. Iktomi is trying to frame hoaxers as role players. Rick Dyer is not a role player. Iktomi is a role player.

    8. “It’s all role-play”
      - you

      So “hoaxers are producers” now? Are these the ones that maintain the “mutli-million dollar empire”? I’m struggling for coherency here. The ad hoc is getting be another level. How many of them running around the country of the US in gorilla costumes, planting footprints and holding events?

    9. You have always been role-play, kid. You don't have the brains to be Rick Dyer. You're a spectator. The role-play is in your mind. At least cc is in an area that she believe bigfoot dwell. You're playing remote.

    10. Ok... so the minority of people left (after the overwhelming majority are not being dishonest), are now split into two camps? On a collective level, how many does this two-camp empire amount to?


    11. Arguing with yourself again I see. How do you manage to lose even when there’s no one arguing against you?

    12. Start counting. You, CC, PIB... Start a database. BRDB Bigfoot Role-play Data Base
      Let's see, Fasano goes out into the swamp pretending he's going to find Bigfoot. That's a 4th role-player. Uno is 5th. You get the idea. Make it official and formal, DRDB. Maybe Finding Bigfoot has an email list of fans. You'll have to figure out how many believers there are that actively pretend like you do. They're Bigfoot role-players.

    13. But that’s not my premise... Why would I have to find the amount of people who believe in Bigfoot to appease your premise? This is meant to be adult debate.

      So for a role-playing empire, with two specific camps, you have four people? How many... it’s really not that difficult. You have confidence in your theories, right?

    14. No, Joe, not 4, Uno would be #5 so far, as stated. Try to comprehend. Since you are seeking fellow role-player numbers, it is your chore to count your fellow role-players. No one but you has expressed curiosity about your fellow role-payer numbers. You actively are seeking fellow role-player numbers. Get counting, Bigfoot role-player!

      You are an adult? One presumes you are capable of addition?

    15. Ok... so we’re on five for a role-playing empire.

      Do you think 100 is actually a more plausible estimate at this rate?

    16. “Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, are tough to disprove. Their proponents can make the theories increasingly elaborate to accommodate new observations.”

      It’s almost like these articles are modelled on you.

    17. Do you personally know CC? Do you personally know Uno? Do you personally know Fasano? Are you conspiring with them?

      You're just entertaining yourself role-playing as a Bigfoot researcher. What an ego you have to think articles are modeled on you.

    18. Those questions are coming across increasingly paranoid. You’re not going down the road of the psy-ops airforce base again, are you? So according to you, that’s five. I think this is going to be a long process getting to 100, what ya think?

      Modelled on me?

      Make sense much?

    19. Iktomi, you are getting crazier and nuttier with your Bigfoot role-play. Conspiracy theories, psy-ops, portals, orbs, mindspeak....

      You bigfooters are craaaaazzzzzyyyy. LOL

    20. Sorry... I’m not following you on the “portals, orbs and mindspeak”. Try to stay on topic... We were trying to get our heads around your role-play conspiracy.

      We were on five.


    21. Iktomi/Joe thinks anyone that doesn't believe in bigfoot is engaged in government psy-ops.

      Oh dear!

    22. AnonymousWednesday, April 15, 2015 at 6:03:00 AM PDT
      Joe,John,and the rest of the Super Friends........

      You are the lowest of the low. It is very obvious you are all just 1 or 2 people posting under various names. The Super Friends are all posting from an IP leading back to the USA Air Force. Don't care if you don't believe me....look into it yourselves....I did. Look into Tavistock.;read=103996


    23. It just never gets old publishing that.

    24. It's all a big government psy-ops.

      The government doesn't want us to know that Bigfoot and Space Mermaids are real.

    25. I agree with Iktomi.

      I, too, saw a bigfoot wearing a pink tutu and riding on a unicorn.

    26. You’re in the same territory as a culture hopping, globe-trotting, thousands years’ old conspiracy society, planting tracks & running around in gorilla costumes in the US, with an estimated 100 conspirators, with that one.

    27. Mermaids, goblins, bigfoot, dogmen...

      I believe in all of them. Stories are always true. Cross culture dogmen hoppers.

    28. This is only about the 1000th time... but nobody is no physical evidence for goblins, mermaids and dogmen. There is a peer reviewed equivalent for what is commonly know as Bigfoot.

      Now... let’s not digress. We were on to five role-players with the view to getting to 100.

    29. Leave my bigfoot role-play alone and I'll leave your bigfoot role-play alone.

      Bigfoot is for all of us. We can all have fun believing in bigfoot. I found footprints in my yard this morning. Plaster cast time!!

    30. Give Dogman a chance. Dogman is as fun as bigfoot!

      Maybe more funner!!!!!! Hurray!

    31. The audacity here is rather astounding.

      This blog is catered for the subject of Bigfoot. You are here obsessively, aggressively opposed to the idea that Bigfoot exists, to the point of harassing people 24/7, whilst applying any ad hoc delusion to the antithesis of Bigfoot’s existence... and when asked to apply a moment’s worth of thought to your theories, you want to be “left alone”.

      No... you are required as an adult to be accountable for your assertions. “Bigfoot is all role-play”. You are now required to explain how this works, the same way as you demand of others to explain how Bigfoot’s existence works.

      So... we were on 5.


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