Can anyone guess what Stuey’s upset about yet? He thinks that if he takes ownership of the insults, and projects his shortfalls, that people get bored of reading them and cease to use them. It’s always a really good indicator something’s under his skin.
When the troll gets trolled... Nothing more poetic.
What's with ikdummy and all his "ruined life", "seething", blah, blah, blah...? I think most of us are here to make fun of bigfooters and enjoy it because bigfooters spread lies about fake creatures.
Meanwhile ikdummy is an old welsh alcoholic that takes this all very seriously and projects his real-world illnesses and problems on to a few people that are just having fun. ikdummy posts the vile comments as anon and always references his own vile words while the rest of us move forward.
“... bigfooters spread lies about fake creatures.”
And what substance do we have for 8 years of harrasing people about that? Nout. You see, you’d like someone... anyone to believe you’re here to make fun of people, but the truth is a little more sinister I’m afraid. Riddled with depression, you stumbled across the Internet, needing self-esteem, something to make you forget about your cruddy existence, you fine tuned your sadistic trolling & harassment methods but nothing quite filled the void. So you find cryptozoology, and realise by skim reading over the best pseudosceptical mantras you can finally attain a sense of cyber-community, feel intelligent and be elevated to a cyber-social pedestal where you can harass people under the lie that you are doing some good in world because people who believe in Bigfoot are “sub-human”. You come across this blog and with insults & by repeatedly bringing up the PGF even when the immediate articles had nothing to do with it, you finally feel great. You’re of course of the JREF special pleading that the Bigfoot legend began with the PGF, which is a lie, and that there is no other evidence to substantiate this legend, which is another lie. You think that if you use all the most readily accessible misinformation about the PGF, you debunk the subject and can rest being assured that you’ve done something with your existence. Until certain people came along and took away your cyber therapy blanket. Being utterly & hopelessly reliant on the PGF for helping with your depression, you ended up obsessively hating on strangers because they actually had a ten year old’s capacity to learn about the subject, and easily deconstructed all of your best drivel. You responded how people with emotional issues do, by harassing people with racism, child rape threats, cyber-stalking and various other attempts at intimidation... But all the while eight years pass, and you haven’t actually managed to debunk anything to do with “Bigfoot” to belong to any cyber-social pedestal, and are actually in a far worse off state emotionally than you were to start off with. None of your peers have any respect for you, know who you are and you’re still all alone at a desktop trying to medicate his depression with booze and hatred.
And there is no “us”. There is you. There always has been you and there will always be... just you.
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
8 years and no proof of Bigfoot:(
ReplyDeleteCan anyone guess what Stuey’s upset about yet? He thinks that if he takes ownership of the insults, and projects his shortfalls, that people get bored of reading them and cease to use them. It’s always a really good indicator something’s under his skin.
DeleteWhen the troll gets trolled... Nothing more poetic.
Well you sure seem to be going out of your way to stalk him, guess he hit a sore spot with you
DeleteHa,ha,ha,ha, no Im a stable genius
Delete(Cue the sockpuppets)
DeleteYou take care now Stuey... Don’t let it ruin your life.
Duh! I like testicles
DeleteIm in your head,nothing is as sweet as seeing a troll getting trolled, ha, ha
DeleteWhat's with ikdummy and all his "ruined life", "seething", blah, blah, blah...? I think most of us are here to make fun of bigfooters and enjoy it because bigfooters spread lies about fake creatures.
DeleteMeanwhile ikdummy is an old welsh alcoholic that takes this all very seriously and projects his real-world illnesses and problems on to a few people that are just having fun. ikdummy posts the vile comments as anon and always references his own vile words while the rest of us move forward.
“... bigfooters spread lies about fake creatures.”
DeleteAnd what substance do we have for 8 years of harrasing people about that? Nout. You see, you’d like someone... anyone to believe you’re here to make fun of people, but the truth is a little more sinister I’m afraid. Riddled with depression, you stumbled across the Internet, needing self-esteem, something to make you forget about your cruddy existence, you fine tuned your sadistic trolling & harassment methods but nothing quite filled the void. So you find cryptozoology, and realise by skim reading over the best pseudosceptical mantras you can finally attain a sense of cyber-community, feel intelligent and be elevated to a cyber-social pedestal where you can harass people under the lie that you are doing some good in world because people who believe in Bigfoot are “sub-human”. You come across this blog and with insults & by repeatedly bringing up the PGF even when the immediate articles had nothing to do with it, you finally feel great. You’re of course of the JREF special pleading that the Bigfoot legend began with the PGF, which is a lie, and that there is no other evidence to substantiate this legend, which is another lie. You think that if you use all the most readily accessible misinformation about the PGF, you debunk the subject and can rest being assured that you’ve done something with your existence. Until certain people came along and took away your cyber therapy blanket. Being utterly & hopelessly reliant on the PGF for helping with your depression, you ended up obsessively hating on strangers because they actually had a ten year old’s capacity to learn about the subject, and easily deconstructed all of your best drivel. You responded how people with emotional issues do, by harassing people with racism, child rape threats, cyber-stalking and various other attempts at intimidation... But all the while eight years pass, and you haven’t actually managed to debunk anything to do with “Bigfoot” to belong to any cyber-social pedestal, and are actually in a far worse off state emotionally than you were to start off with. None of your peers have any respect for you, know who you are and you’re still all alone at a desktop trying to medicate his depression with booze and hatred.
And there is no “us”. There is you. There always has been you and there will always be... just you.
Us is yourself, Iktomi, Joe, Vegas, PIB, you realy need help, You're a sick pup
DeleteHahaha hahahah Jotomi is sobbing into the upturned end of his cheap cider bottle.
Deletehahah hahah hahahahahah
How many on the magic airforce base, Stuey?