Camping with Bigfoot
From the Phantoms and Monsters website:
“This takes place about two years ago (1999). Three of my friends were out hunting by Cody, Wyoming. Me and my friends, we're more like traditionalists. We try to preserve the style of hunting back to the mountain man style. So we have done a lot of research into clothing and weapon use, all that. Well, we were up in Cody, Wyoming at a friend's ranch up there mule deer hunting in the old traditional style.
Well, we were up there and we had shot a mule deer. We'd been there about two weeks. We had pack horses and we were cutting this mule deer up to put it on the pack horses and then all of sudden there was what I thought at the time was this animal coming near us. It was kind if growling and snarling, kind of baring its teeth. I told my friend, "Let's go with what we got on the horses and leave the rest." So we went back to our base camp. Later that night I heard rustling in the leaves. I told my friends, "Well, the bears are trying to get to the meat, let's reposition it" and we do. We didn't really notice anything.
I got up the next morning and I said, "Did you notice something odd about that animal yesterday?" And they just kinda said that really hadn't seen anything like that but we're really not from this area of the country so they figured it was something native to this area. So we go out again, scouting for more mule deer. I later come back. A friend and I come back early. I heard some rustling again and I said, "Bears are after the meat again so let's sneak up real quiet and see if we can catch it and scare it off." So we sneak up to it and there's this, it looked like a guy in a... have you ever seen the old pictures of the Indians or the mountain men with the big buffalo capes around them? It kind of looked like that. But it was not quite... I mean the hair was long. I was like, what in the world is this? So we sat there and watched it. I now know it was Bigfoot, but at the time it didn't register, you know. We're watching it going through our packs and stuff like that. Our packs are the old basket style packs, you know, the basket frame, wood, metal. Let me tell you, they're killer on the shoulders. Anyway, he's just real intrigued. I don't know if it was a he or a she but it was real intrigued. I finally said, "I don't like this, let's real nonchalantly walk up and see if we can spook it away." So we just start walking like normal and sure enough it runs away and we're a little spooked.
For the rest, click here.
The picture accompanying this story is odd. It looks as if the Sasquai is using his right hand/arm to masterbate. The Bigfoot looks to be aiming his "motherload" at an unsuspecting hottie who is camping in the woods.