This latest study came out of Buffalo USA, has nothing whatsoever to do with Sykes, & quite frankly I think they should be required to pay back US tax payers’ money as some of the samples were either embarrassingly obvious, or already tested years prior.
I notice that they weren’t in a rush to test things that are not-so-obvious, like the Pangboche hand.
... Your weekly reality check. No, no... the pleasure’s all mine.
Actually...ikdummy, there are plenty of DNA experts in the world.
The new work is more robust, Barnett said, probably "the most rigorous in terms of samples and sequence lengths." "ALL THE SAMPLES ARE BROWN BEARS YET PEOPLE STILL BELIEVE," Barnett said. "Very little chance of matching that string to something else by chance." "Perhaps the Western hype about the yeti, we can put that to rest."
Not if you understand how rare hominin remains are, and how efficient they have been/are at taking care of their own. You only have to look at the latest homo naledi finds as an example of a very primitive brain with an astoundingly efficient ritual of maintaining its dead. In fact... I would be very suspicious of any such relicts. Not to mention, even by that amount of samples, (much of which were simply retested), it isn’t anywhere near enough to explain the many thousands of years Yeti have been acknowledged by cultures in that region.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d be inclined to be a little miffed... if it weren’t for the fact that the same foot morphology as that of “Bigfoot” in the US was being documented in Asia and published in journals as repeatable scientific evidence for the same biped (Yeti). Forgive me if I sound a little smug, but what’s a DNA study on painfully obvious ancient “relicts” when you have physical evidence in the present?
ikdummy is comparing the rarity of 100,000s of year old extinct Homo naledi bones to alleged current creatures which are alledgedly 10,000 strong and living in the United States. Wow!
Unfortunately for bigfoot role players, "seeing a bigfoot" doesn't matter and faking footprints relegates you to fringe. Good day, ikdummy!
You’re not exactly known for being the sharpest tool in the box, Stuey, but drawing on the intelligence of the most primitive of hominins in concealing remains... Adds perspective to how something as elusive as “Bigfoot” or the “Yeti” would have to be. Since there is reliable evidence for their existence, one can only assume that they have hyper efficient ritualistic processes of achieving the same to ensure their safety.
Maybe one of these days your luck will change and instead of pointless DNA studies that have no bearing on the published evidence... you’ll finally have some substance for all these “fake footprints”?
^ "Stuey" has shown regularly that he is more than a match for you and your childish games..he`s clearly more intelligent than you are and probably at least has a well paid employment to fill his hours...unlike you who obviously have no work whatever and this means you are a miserable welfare "Joe" (`scuse pun)...I doubt you graduated from school and have lived life drifting from one false hope to another...Stuey has you in a pickle every rock,Stuey.
As regards the "Pangboche hand" the last I heard was that a finger said to belong to the hand contained human DNA. I will concede with the shameful theft, trickery and sketchy history involved with the hand who knows what was they were testing.
Now lktomi you must even realize that outside of an actual physical body that these "pointless" DNA studies are your best hope for such a creature to be proven to exist. You can cite all the evidence you like however it has done nothing to change minds outside of the Bigfoot community. Stating that there is "reliable" evidence for their existence is pretty subjective in my opinion.
“There is one more revelation in this book that caused me great astonishment. I have written an entirely separate article about it. Few seem to have read the book closely enough to realize that part of the DNA testing that Sykes did gives a complete revision to the status of the Pangboche finger findings of only four years ago, when it was dismissed as merely “human.” Read here for the big reveal that Sykes shares on that case. Please see, “Pangboche Finger’s ‘Human’ Verdict Clarified By Bryan Sykes DNA Finding.” The fact is, the Pangboche hand may yet be an important artifact to re-study and re-test, regarding a piece of the puzzle to solve the mystery of the Yeti." - Loren Coleman
Allow me to elaborate... I don’t think all DNA studies are totally pointless. Sykes’ study for example, with DNA extracted from an actual skull is pretty important. To go and test “relicts” from museums that could be anything, seems like a boring step backwards. I think even if you had someone who’s more enthusiastic about the Yeti’s existence go look into the chain of custody of those samples, they’d have suggested the people funding the study save their money. Just look at one or two of the hair samples Sykes originally took from alleged cadavers... Did you really need a DNA study to tell you that wasn’t a real Yeti?
And I will continue to cite the same evidence all the same, thanks. Whether people outside the “Bigfoot community” are even aware of it to have their minds changed, matters little. You just need substance to any assertion that the evidence is reliable... and in footprints, that’s what ya got. Published and impossible to hoax. It’s a little less subjective when you have some level of scientific consensus.
ikdummy is incorporating the latest real science on real ancient humans into his bizarre bigfoot fantasy role-play. Imagine the real scientists reaction to this boob ikdummy appropriating their latest real discoveries into his pseudoscience theater. Sickening.
I indeed do have the Sykes book and will go now and brush up on what Coleman is referring to. However as I stated before who knows what is what after all the shenanigans involved with it.
Actually Stuey... Why don't you have a little listen what Meldrum has to say from the 27mins mark in this link? ... And take note of the calibre of world renowned scientists that are defending his work? Martin Lockley, University of Colorado Denver... And Jeong Yul Kim, Department of Earth Science Education, Korea National University of Education, Cheongwon, Chungbuk, Korea.
Maybe if you find it that sickening, you should try and finally address the one thing that’s denying you some satisfaction? I mean, if it’s all so pseudoscientific, why would you need an impossible hoaxing conspiracy theory?
Iktomi just listed some super credible scientists there but what does stuey know? He's too busy watching his nascar drinking his beer . Perhaps if he just opens his mind and looks into things a bit further than just typing nonsense on his keyboard maybe he'll learn a few things. But then again there is no hope for people like stuey, ever
Fake foot ichnotaxonomy in a fringe journal is old news, ikdumms. Why do you think Meldrum is hanging out with Todd Standing? This is fantasy role play. Having an advanced degree does not make you honest or eliminate conformation bias. You're the Welsh idiot eating it up. There is no need to go through this ridiculous route when there are allegedly 10,000 of them in the US in 2017 with no armor, weapons remotely close to modern humans, or with known technology. You silly wimp.
Again Stuey... substance is lacking. Not that it hasn’t been recognised a million times over, but if you just tried demonstrating HOW those tracks are “fake foot ichnotaxonomy”, maybe you’d feel better about yourself and not have to troll. You’re way more hung up on insults and using the pseudosceptical mantras & age old buzz words than actually contributing to actual, meaningful debate. You know... The stuff that makes a dent.
Having an advanced degree does not make you Gandhi. Having a PhD in bipedal evolution, being a world authority on that and then having your work peer reviewed by other PhD’s is what makes the scientific world go around. It eliminates any suggestion that confirmation bias has occurred. You do know how the peer review proves works now, don’t you? It appears there’s far more qualified people than me “eating it up”. And though primitive clubs are sometimes reported, a hominin that’s evolved in mountainous, forested terrain wouldn’t really need weaposn armour, dear Stue.
"substance is lacking." NO KIDDING, ikdummy, thats why bigfoot is comedy in the US.
"You’re way more hung up on insults and using the pseudosceptical mantras & age old buzz words than actually contributing to actual, meaningful debate. You know... The stuff that makes a dent." YES, STUFF THAT MAKES A DENT, like NOTHING in Bigfoot, just fringe nonsense. That's why Meldrum is resorting to plaster and anecdotes instead of real creatures.
"It eliminates any suggestion that confirmation bias has occurred." NO IT DOESN'T, FOOL. PLENTY ARE SUGGESTING BIAS. I AM.
"hominin that’s evolved in mountainous, forested terrain wouldn’t really need weaposn armour" IDIOT. I'M SAYING THEY COULD EASILY BE CAUGHT OR SHOT IF REAL, THEY COULDN'T DODGE BULLETS OR TRAPS ANY MORE THAN MODERN HUMANS WHICH CAN BE SHOT OR TRAPPED.
I found that chapter on the "Pangboche Finger" - it was a whole 4 pages long. The conclusion that apparently Coleman and Sykes had reached was that the DNA recovered from the finger was Peter Byrne's who stole it and therefore was contaminated leaving the real identity of the finger still in doubt.
So if the finger is still available I would have no problem with it being retested . . . as long as it's not on my dime LOL.
Stuart... If nothing associated with “Bigfoot” makes a dent, why are you so resorted to an impossible hoaxing conspiracy theory as means of explaining away what PhD’s have concluded is solid evidence? Plus, you have no credentials... you don’t even appear to understand how the peer review process works, yet you think your assertions about biases are worth anything? Who else is asserting confirmation bias on Meldrum’s work? Do you even know what that means?
Modern humans with guns very regularly look down the scope and report they can’t shoot something that they can’t quite identify, and looks so human. Plenty of missing hunters too, remember. I’ll be back in the morning Stuey. Relax now... You’re going to break another monitor at that rate.
Agreed Curious! That’s if it’s not already included in the nine samples that’s just been tested. I don’t think so, but I haven’t looked into these samples enough just yet to be honest, and I may in the morning.
Yes, ikdummy, nothing "Bigfoot" has made a dent. You need a body. It's that simple.
More anecdotal bigfoot tales. Missing hunters has nothing to do with your role play. There are 1000s of missing Americans. Plopping bigfoot into their narrative is your screwball invention. 10,000 bigfoot, find 1, no excuses, narratives, stories, anectotes...
6:13 Yes, always around in circles. A body would solve everything instead of debating anecdotes and hoaxed videos and footprints. My main thing is I thought that somehow I could persuade one of these bigfooters but it really has to come from them. We might give them something to reflect upon but they really have to wake themselves. Curious had red pilled, others like MMC, Uno, etc post less but they could still be in as much of a daze as ever.
It all boils down to if you have something you present it. If I say that I have the most beautiful woman in the world behind the curtain, I don't pull away the curtain and reveal nothing and then show you plaster casts of her feet and tell you stories about her and show you indiscernible photos and video of her, etc...but that is exactly the disconnect bigfooters are suckers to.
Stuart... Until someone funds that type of study (to look for a cadaver), then tried & tested methods used by field biologists for decades will do just fine. It’s not my problem if any number of denialists are uncomfortable with that. My job is to demonstrate why people are warranted their enthusiasm. And if that level of evidence is repeatable and stands up to all types of scientific scrutiny, then the default position is the demand of mainstream science to act upon that... not that “Bigfoot” doesn’t exist. All such cases of missing hunters that have a remote chance of falling within average circumstances are never bunches in with such a likelihood. There is simply too many experts out there that easily recognise the fights people have with recognised animals before being taken and killed. What's been proven, is that there is forensic evidence for a creature that fits the description for what natives have stated for thousands of years are taking people in these environments.
... And there’s no bigger excuse for repeatedly failing at delivering on “fake footprints” than a hoaxing conspiracy theory.
If what people think on the internet causes you to harass them 24/7... Then you need to simply have better arguments. And most importantly; substance. You would never be able to hold your own on any other forum because you would embarrass even the most die hard of your theory group, as logical fallacies are not adhering to intelligent adult debate. You exist here because banning didn’t work, and because nobody is left other than me to put your emabarasingly persistent attempts at scientific logic into perspective. Remember that Stuey, you’re not here because you have made any significant headway on the topic... but purely because elbowing your way on to a comment section where your only significance is to be the whipping boy. And I’m not a clever person for that... because I simply use the most basic scientific theory.
... and plaster casts are fundamental to wildlife surveys and field biology, Stuart. Time to grow up.
Introducing the brand new Ford Mustang. Whoops! Where is it? Trust us, it exists. We just have to source it based on tire tracks. These look close enough. Listen to people talk about the car, they've seen it, trust me. Here are photos of something people are saying is a Mustang. Believe us, the new Mustang is real. We just have to raise a billion dollars to find it now.
... And your effort an an analogy was almost as poor as your as your fallacy-ridden logic. Actually, stick to insults... it’s just way too cringing when you try and be creative.
You compare field biology, tracking an intelligent biological entity, to the sale of a car and my premise is silly? How long did you spend on that comment?
Projecting. Obviously you give my analogy credit because you think it took extra time to formulate which it would for you, if you could even come up with an original thought. I am brighter and more creative than you. It took no extra time and you now see the crack in your premise. You're coming around, ikdummy. When you wake I will no longer call you ikdummy, ikdummy.
If Joe really did think the analogy was about comparing car sales to field biology then he has outdone his forensic dash "-" analysis. Over and over again, Joe is proving that he is slow and makes horrible connections. Take it from me, "Stu" from "Leeds".
Oh right... Does this sockpuppet feel embarrassed of the analogy attempt? Don’t feel so creative now that your effort at a comparison was flagged as terrible. Don’t blame me, you set yourself up for this little face plants. I’m not telling you anything anybody else wouldn’t.
Sure, here is a blurry photo of one, here is someone that saw one, and here is a plaster cast of one. For a billion dollars I will mount an expedition to source you a real one and, if that doesn't work, infinite future billion dollar expeditions are in order. I cannot guarantee you that I can ever provide you a hamburger, however.
Wait, hamburgers are not Sasq'et! You are not creative and you spent hours formulating creativity. Bigfoot on a bike! Why can't everyone believe in imaginary beings like me?!
Stuey now comparing the sale of culinary products to biological field research. Is it any surprise he doesn’t understand the relevance of plaster to field biology? It’s times like this I kick myself for spending so much time engaging with a village idiot that nobody in their right minds would give two minutes of their time to.
Right on it! Here is a blurry video of a man in a bear costume. Here are faked bear prints as well as stories about bears. For a billion dollars more I will launch an expedition to never find a bear. Fair enough?
Triggered? I've hit a nerve. Creativity irks ikky. Creativity, that thing which I painstakingly formulate for months instead of writing it as I go along. ;)
Yes, substance, that thing that will make your imaginary friends real.....never. Sorry ikdummy.
look, I don't give a toss if all the samples come back as bear or whatever . That doesn't mean yetis don't exist . The only sample i would be disappointed in finding that out about is if a witness actually saw a creature and got some of it's hair or scat . Most of these samples people are just assuming it might be the creature because the hair looks strange or the scat looks bigger than most animals in the area or they find strange bones . Yetis are found in the warmer temperate valleys not climbing mt Everest !
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Suzie M., a sasquatch enthusiast. Crypto-linguists believe that the species known Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti/Yowie ect speak and understand a complex language, which by all accounts seems to stem from Asia. When one listens to it there is definitely a sense of it being Chinese or Japanese. It is a very odd mix of sounds, clicks and what could be actual words. This is the reason some experts are looking into the Asian dialect theory, some have said it could be a lost dialect, which was carried from Asia by the Bigfoot species that colonised America.
News in the guardian today of further studies confirming sykes results that bigfoot does not exist and the yeti is no more than a bear. Check it out.
ReplyDeleteSykes is coming!
DeleteThis latest study came out of Buffalo USA, has nothing whatsoever to do with Sykes, & quite frankly I think they should be required to pay back US tax payers’ money as some of the samples were either embarrassingly obvious, or already tested years prior.
I notice that they weren’t in a rush to test things that are not-so-obvious, like the Pangboche hand.
... Your weekly reality check. No, no... the pleasure’s all mine.
Actually...ikdummy, there are plenty of DNA experts in the world.
DeleteThe new work is more robust, Barnett said, probably "the most rigorous in terms of samples and sequence lengths." "ALL THE SAMPLES ARE BROWN BEARS YET PEOPLE STILL BELIEVE," Barnett said. "Very little chance of matching that string to something else by chance." "Perhaps the Western hype about the yeti, we can put that to rest."
Not if you understand how rare hominin remains are, and how efficient they have been/are at taking care of their own. You only have to look at the latest homo naledi finds as an example of a very primitive brain with an astoundingly efficient ritual of maintaining its dead. In fact... I would be very suspicious of any such relicts. Not to mention, even by that amount of samples, (much of which were simply retested), it isn’t anywhere near enough to explain the many thousands of years Yeti have been acknowledged by cultures in that region.
DeleteDon’t get me wrong, I’d be inclined to be a little miffed... if it weren’t for the fact that the same foot morphology as that of “Bigfoot” in the US was being documented in Asia and published in journals as repeatable scientific evidence for the same biped (Yeti). Forgive me if I sound a little smug, but what’s a DNA study on painfully obvious ancient “relicts” when you have physical evidence in the present?
How bout a little cream for that face Joe?
Deleteikdummy is comparing the rarity of 100,000s of year old extinct Homo naledi bones to alleged current creatures which are alledgedly 10,000 strong and living in the United States. Wow!
DeleteUnfortunately for bigfoot role players, "seeing a bigfoot" doesn't matter and faking footprints relegates you to fringe. Good day, ikdummy!
You’re not exactly known for being the sharpest tool in the box, Stuey, but drawing on the intelligence of the most primitive of hominins in concealing remains... Adds perspective to how something as elusive as “Bigfoot” or the “Yeti” would have to be. Since there is reliable evidence for their existence, one can only assume that they have hyper efficient ritualistic processes of achieving the same to ensure their safety.
DeleteMaybe one of these days your luck will change and instead of pointless DNA studies that have no bearing on the published evidence... you’ll finally have some substance for all these “fake footprints”?
^ "Stuey" has shown regularly that he is more than a match for you and your childish games..he`s clearly more intelligent than you are and probably at least has a well paid employment to fill his hours...unlike you who obviously have no work whatever and this means you are a miserable welfare "Joe" (`scuse pun)...I doubt you graduated from school and have lived life drifting from one false hope to another...Stuey has you in a pickle every rock,Stuey.
Deleteha ha haha hahah hahahahaha
I thought you were off, Stuey?
Deleteikdummy, we are not all “Stuey.”
DeleteAs regards the "Pangboche hand" the last I heard was that a finger said to belong to the hand contained human DNA. I will concede with the shameful theft, trickery and sketchy history involved with the hand who knows what was they were testing.
DeleteNow lktomi you must even realize that outside of an actual physical body that these "pointless" DNA studies are your best hope for such a creature to be proven to exist. You can cite all the evidence you like however it has done nothing to change minds outside of the Bigfoot community. Stating that there is "reliable" evidence for their existence is pretty subjective in my opinion.
But Curious, “one can only assume that they have hyper efficient ritualistic processes of achieving the same to ensure their safety.”
DeleteHa ha ha! He actually wrote that!
I thought you said you’d read Sykes’ last book?
Delete“There is one more revelation in this book that caused me great astonishment. I have written an entirely separate article about it. Few seem to have read the book closely enough to realize that part of the DNA testing that Sykes did gives a complete revision to the status of the Pangboche finger findings of only four years ago, when it was dismissed as merely “human.” Read here for the big reveal that Sykes shares on that case. Please see, “Pangboche Finger’s ‘Human’ Verdict Clarified By Bryan Sykes DNA Finding.” The fact is, the Pangboche hand may yet be an important artifact to re-study and re-test, regarding a piece of the puzzle to solve the mystery of the Yeti."
- Loren Coleman
Allow me to elaborate... I don’t think all DNA studies are totally pointless. Sykes’ study for example, with DNA extracted from an actual skull is pretty important. To go and test “relicts” from museums that could be anything, seems like a boring step backwards. I think even if you had someone who’s more enthusiastic about the Yeti’s existence go look into the chain of custody of those samples, they’d have suggested the people funding the study save their money. Just look at one or two of the hair samples Sykes originally took from alleged cadavers... Did you really need a DNA study to tell you that wasn’t a real Yeti?
And I will continue to cite the same evidence all the same, thanks. Whether people outside the “Bigfoot community” are even aware of it to have their minds changed, matters little. You just need substance to any assertion that the evidence is reliable... and in footprints, that’s what ya got. Published and impossible to hoax. It’s a little less subjective when you have some level of scientific consensus.
ikdummy is incorporating the latest real science on real ancient humans into his bizarre bigfoot fantasy role-play. Imagine the real scientists reaction to this boob ikdummy appropriating their latest real discoveries into his pseudoscience theater. Sickening.
DeleteI indeed do have the Sykes book and will go now and brush up on what Coleman is referring to. However as I stated before who knows what is what after all the shenanigans involved with it.
DeleteActually Stuey... Why don't you have a little listen what Meldrum has to say from the 27mins mark in this link?
... And take note of the calibre of world renowned scientists that are defending his work? Martin Lockley, University of Colorado Denver... And Jeong Yul Kim, Department of Earth Science Education, Korea National University of Education, Cheongwon, Chungbuk, Korea.
Maybe if you find it that sickening, you should try and finally address the one thing that’s denying you some satisfaction? I mean, if it’s all so pseudoscientific, why would you need an impossible hoaxing conspiracy theory?
Iktomi just listed some super credible scientists there but what does stuey know? He's too busy watching his nascar drinking his beer .
DeletePerhaps if he just opens his mind and looks into things a bit further than just typing nonsense on his keyboard maybe he'll learn a few things. But then again there is no hope for people like stuey, ever
Fake foot ichnotaxonomy in a fringe journal is old news, ikdumms. Why do you think Meldrum is hanging out with Todd Standing? This is fantasy role play. Having an advanced degree does not make you honest or eliminate conformation bias. You're the Welsh idiot eating it up. There is no need to go through this ridiculous route when there are allegedly 10,000 of them in the US in 2017 with no armor, weapons remotely close to modern humans, or with known technology. You silly wimp.
DeleteAgain Stuey... substance is lacking. Not that it hasn’t been recognised a million times over, but if you just tried demonstrating HOW those tracks are “fake foot ichnotaxonomy”, maybe you’d feel better about yourself and not have to troll. You’re way more hung up on insults and using the pseudosceptical mantras & age old buzz words than actually contributing to actual, meaningful debate. You know... The stuff that makes a dent.
DeleteHaving an advanced degree does not make you Gandhi. Having a PhD in bipedal evolution, being a world authority on that and then having your work peer reviewed by other PhD’s is what makes the scientific world go around. It eliminates any suggestion that confirmation bias has occurred. You do know how the peer review proves works now, don’t you? It appears there’s far more qualified people than me “eating it up”. And though primitive clubs are sometimes reported, a hominin that’s evolved in mountainous, forested terrain wouldn’t really need weaposn armour, dear Stue.
"substance is lacking." NO KIDDING, ikdummy, thats why bigfoot is comedy in the US.
Delete"You’re way more hung up on insults and using the pseudosceptical mantras & age old buzz words than actually contributing to actual, meaningful debate. You know... The stuff that makes a dent." YES, STUFF THAT MAKES A DENT, like NOTHING in Bigfoot, just fringe nonsense. That's why Meldrum is resorting to plaster and anecdotes instead of real creatures.
"It eliminates any suggestion that confirmation bias has occurred." NO IT DOESN'T, FOOL. PLENTY ARE SUGGESTING BIAS. I AM.
"hominin that’s evolved in mountainous, forested terrain wouldn’t really need weaposn armour" IDIOT. I'M SAYING THEY COULD EASILY BE CAUGHT OR SHOT IF REAL, THEY COULDN'T DODGE BULLETS OR TRAPS ANY MORE THAN MODERN HUMANS WHICH CAN BE SHOT OR TRAPPED.
I found that chapter on the "Pangboche Finger" - it was a whole 4 pages long. The conclusion that apparently Coleman and Sykes had reached was that the DNA recovered from the finger was Peter Byrne's who stole it and therefore was contaminated leaving the real identity of the finger still in doubt.
DeleteSo if the finger is still available I would have no problem with it being retested . . . as long as it's not on my dime LOL.
Stuart... If nothing associated with “Bigfoot” makes a dent, why are you so resorted to an impossible hoaxing conspiracy theory as means of explaining away what PhD’s have concluded is solid evidence? Plus, you have no credentials... you don’t even appear to understand how the peer review process works, yet you think your assertions about biases are worth anything? Who else is asserting confirmation bias on Meldrum’s work? Do you even know what that means?
DeleteModern humans with guns very regularly look down the scope and report they can’t shoot something that they can’t quite identify, and looks so human. Plenty of missing hunters too, remember. I’ll be back in the morning Stuey. Relax now... You’re going to break another monitor at that rate.
Agreed Curious! That’s if it’s not already included in the nine samples that’s just been tested. I don’t think so, but I haven’t looked into these samples enough just yet to be honest, and I may in the morning.
DeleteLaters gators.
Yes, ikdummy, nothing "Bigfoot" has made a dent. You need a body. It's that simple.
DeleteMore anecdotal bigfoot tales. Missing hunters has nothing to do with your role play. There are 1000s of missing Americans. Plopping bigfoot into their narrative is your screwball invention. 10,000 bigfoot, find 1, no excuses, narratives, stories, anectotes...
@5:16 = Nothing more than a excuse Chump,All Bullsh*t!
DeleteIt's fun to check out this blog from time to time, As always same as it ever was!
6:13 Yes, always around in circles. A body would solve everything instead of debating anecdotes and hoaxed videos and footprints. My main thing is I thought that somehow I could persuade one of these bigfooters but it really has to come from them. We might give them something to reflect upon but they really have to wake themselves. Curious had red pilled, others like MMC, Uno, etc post less but they could still be in as much of a daze as ever.
DeleteIt all boils down to if you have something you present it. If I say that I have the most beautiful woman in the world behind the curtain, I don't pull away the curtain and reveal nothing and then show you plaster casts of her feet and tell you stories about her and show you indiscernible photos and video of her, etc...but that is exactly the disconnect bigfooters are suckers to.
Iktomi = wanker
DeleteOne day Everybody will know that Bigfoot are skinwalker ranch tree people! eh AC? your so full of bollocks!
Stuart... Until someone funds that type of study (to look for a cadaver), then tried & tested methods used by field biologists for decades will do just fine. It’s not my problem if any number of denialists are uncomfortable with that. My job is to demonstrate why people are warranted their enthusiasm. And if that level of evidence is repeatable and stands up to all types of scientific scrutiny, then the default position is the demand of mainstream science to act upon that... not that “Bigfoot” doesn’t exist. All such cases of missing hunters that have a remote chance of falling within average circumstances are never bunches in with such a likelihood. There is simply too many experts out there that easily recognise the fights people have with recognised animals before being taken and killed. What's been proven, is that there is forensic evidence for a creature that fits the description for what natives have stated for thousands of years are taking people in these environments.
Delete... And there’s no bigger excuse for repeatedly failing at delivering on “fake footprints” than a hoaxing conspiracy theory.
If what people think on the internet causes you to harass them 24/7... Then you need to simply have better arguments. And most importantly; substance. You would never be able to hold your own on any other forum because you would embarrass even the most die hard of your theory group, as logical fallacies are not adhering to intelligent adult debate. You exist here because banning didn’t work, and because nobody is left other than me to put your emabarasingly persistent attempts at scientific logic into perspective. Remember that Stuey, you’re not here because you have made any significant headway on the topic... but purely because elbowing your way on to a comment section where your only significance is to be the whipping boy. And I’m not a clever person for that... because I simply use the most basic scientific theory.
... and plaster casts are fundamental to wildlife surveys and field biology, Stuart. Time to grow up.
*bunched in
DeleteA body, stupid.
DeleteIntroducing the brand new Ford Mustang. Whoops! Where is it? Trust us, it exists. We just have to source it based on tire tracks. These look close enough. Listen to people talk about the car, they've seen it, trust me. Here are photos of something people are saying is a Mustang. Believe us, the new Mustang is real. We just have to raise a billion dollars to find it now.
DeleteA lack of expedition to find one, Einstein.
Delete... And your effort an an analogy was almost as poor as your as your fallacy-ridden logic. Actually, stick to insults... it’s just way too cringing when you try and be creative.
You are starting to grasp how silly your premise is...and that's a start. I will start a gofundme to source your brain expeditionally, joemo nadali.
DeleteYou compare field biology, tracking an intelligent biological entity, to the sale of a car and my premise is silly? How long did you spend on that comment?
Projecting. Obviously you give my analogy credit because you think it took extra time to formulate which it would for you, if you could even come up with an original thought. I am brighter and more creative than you. It took no extra time and you now see the crack in your premise. You're coming around, ikdummy. When you wake I will no longer call you ikdummy, ikdummy.
DeleteOh dear.
DeleteIf Joe really did think the analogy was about comparing car sales to field biology then he has outdone his forensic dash "-" analysis. Over and over again, Joe is proving that he is slow and makes horrible connections. Take it from me, "Stu" from "Leeds".
DeleteOh right... Does this sockpuppet feel embarrassed of the analogy attempt? Don’t feel so creative now that your effort at a comparison was flagged as terrible. Don’t blame me, you set yourself up for this little face plants. I’m not telling you anything anybody else wouldn’t.
DeleteI'll take a hamburger.
DeleteSure, here is a blurry photo of one, here is someone that saw one, and here is a plaster cast of one. For a billion dollars I will mount an expedition to source you a real one and, if that doesn't work, infinite future billion dollar expeditions are in order. I cannot guarantee you that I can ever provide you a hamburger, however.
Wait, hamburgers are not Sasq'et! You are not creative and you spent hours formulating creativity. Bigfoot on a bike! Why can't everyone believe in imaginary beings like me?!
DeleteWhy don’t you publish these comments on ISF? You’d be an honorary member in no time.
DeleteLaters Stuey.
Stuey now comparing the sale of culinary products to biological field research. Is it any surprise he doesn’t understand the relevance of plaster to field biology? It’s times like this I kick myself for spending so much time engaging with a village idiot that nobody in their right minds would give two minutes of their time to.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI need a bear for my zoo.
DeleteRight on it! Here is a blurry video of a man in a bear costume. Here are faked bear prints as well as stories about bears. For a billion dollars more I will launch an expedition to never find a bear. Fair enough?
And we’re right back to a little word called substance, or lack of... you’re butchering everything you attempt today, Stuey.
DeleteMaybe one day... Maybe.
Triggered? I've hit a nerve. Creativity irks ikky. Creativity, that thing which I painstakingly formulate for months instead of writing it as I go along. ;)
DeleteYes, substance, that thing that will make your imaginary friends real.....never. Sorry ikdummy.
Triggered^ LOL
DeleteI mean 11:15 Iktomi is triggered.
Delete11:34 was clearly correct. You’re coming across erratically unhinged.
DeleteTake a break Stuey.
11:34 was me, ikdummy. I guess your every anon is the same person creed has exceptions.
DeleteYou’re distancing yourself form your own comments one minute, and then claiming ones that aren’t yours the next...
DeleteYou’re a mess mate.
Deletelook, I don't give a toss if all the samples come back as bear or whatever . That doesn't mean yetis don't exist . The only sample i would be disappointed in finding that out about is if a witness actually saw a creature and got some of it's hair or scat . Most of these samples people are just assuming it might be the creature because the hair looks strange or the scat looks bigger than most animals in the area or they find strange bones . Yetis are found in the warmer temperate valleys not climbing mt Everest !
DeleteJoe is openly revealing just how much he has lost his some professional help before it gets too late,Joe.
DeletePlease take this advice.
please take my advice, get out of your basement and have some fun in your life chum. Then after that, kindly sod off !
Please mary poppins chim chimney sod wanker brit Beatles queen bloody cheers mate sod.
Gotta love it when stu gets triggered !
Gotta love it when "joe" forgets to add her Britishisms.