The Mogollon Monster Bigfoot Creature

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization go to search for the Mogollon Monster, and bigfoot creature known to live in the area of the Mogollon Rim.


  1. What's this? Another video of the Mogollon Rim area by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Why don't they just move there if it's such a hot spot? Even if they did....

    Not interested. Done.

  2. wish if a person was going to do a video about a hot spot they would at least learn how to pronounce the places right. This is so pathetic listening to him pronounce it wrong each time he says it. WOW

  3. MuGeeOn! Awesome adventure! you are right in my back yard. My dad saw the bigfoot monster near tonto creek. Thank you for your video. Mogollon rim monster is real

    1. ^ I like to rim hairy men and can be seen down in the local toilet areas...rimming is a tasty interlude away from DNA catching activity...


    2. We saw the Hairy Man. He led us to Wolf Pecker Mountain. After Googlyeyess gave us all a Rim Job we then tracked the skittish on nut freak off the mountain. The trail led to a book store in willow creek. Got mold?

  4. Surely there are quite a few candidates for the title of Moronic Monster Creature ? ...Ikkytomi,Chuck-up chuck-up,Mealy Mouth Critter,Ugho...

  5. Patterson was a liar and a cheat.


    "Official Status: Species of Concern, the Humboldt marten does not have any special status under the Endangered Species Act at this time, but is a candidate for listing as endangered by the State of California.

    Date Listed: Not listed.

    Critical Habitat: Critical habitat has not been designated for the Humboldt marten.

    Recovery Plan: The Humboldt marten does not have a recovery plan."


    Official Status: No concern because it does not exist.

    Date Listed: Not listed (and never will be).

    Critical Habitat: What's left of the minds of Bigfoot believers.

    Recovery Plan: No hope for Bigfoot or the minds of believers. You can't recover what never existed.

  8. More on the fake marten news story right after stewie stamps out more fake bigfoot prints in oregon

  9. Yes the judge is considering a chaBfe. The claim it is endangered has already been made by a liar.

  10. The judge is CONSIDERING a change. To claim it before the fact is twisting facts.


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