Creepy Creature Encounters

A night time trip to a cabin turns to terror when the truck slams into what they thought was a deer...
Swamp Dweller delivers some more frightening tales of encounters with spooky creatures.


  1. Hey Harriet Tubman,

    He ain't heavy, he's my brother!

    The road is long
    With many winding turns,
    That leads us to
    Who knows where
    Who knows where
    But I'm strong
    Strong enough to care
    Ah, He ain't heavy
    Cause, he's my brother
    So on we go
    His welfare is my concern
    No burden is he,
    To where, we'll get there
    But I know
    He will not uncomfort me
    Ah, He ain't heavy
    Cause, he's my brother
    The road is long
    With many winding turns
    That leads us to,
    Who knows where
    Who knows where
    But I'm strong,
    Strong enough to care
    Ah, he ain't heavy
    Cause, he's my brother
    When the going gets rough,
    I've got a brother
    When the going gets tough,
    I've got a friend
    Ah, you must call me
    Yeah, yeah
    All you must call me
    He, he's my brother
    He's my brother

    1. Say it ain't so Mrs. Harriet Tubman. Ya chump!

    2. ^ is attracted to she-males wearing ass scent perfume

    3. As we have all learned today, ass scented perfume is very important to stuart. He must have shelves and shelves of it next his heavy duty bariatric hospital bed.

  2. Hey Zabo, do you think that we can end structural violence against people of color?

    1. Since zabo is a racist piece of trash the answer is he does not believe structural violence against minority groups is real.

      Zabo is everything that is wrong with America today.

      I am glad to see some users here standing agaist his racist garbage and standing for social justice.

      It is also noteable that zabo is well aware children use this site. It is disgusting how he attempts to recruit them into his racist ideology.

      He should be shamed and shunned.

    2. You have repeatedly used the most awful ethnic slurs, stating you are proud to be racist... And also stated you wanted to rape children. You are easily the most craziest person, I've ever come across in my entire life.

      So I take it Zabo is your latest trolling project? Why does the idea of people publishing comments on this blog threaten you? Are you afraid that all your time invested in trolling this place was for nothing if people frequent here?

    3. It's not surprising that a scumbag like you would stick up for that disgusting racist Zabo.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    5. I never even read what Zabo allegedly had to say about anything you're harping on about... You have however tried calling me a racist, based on nothing but you're own sadistic pleasure in projecting your behaviour so that people tire from calling you out on it.

      You're the classic narcissistic troll on the psychopathy spectrum... A walking contradiction that stoops far lower than the trivial reasons that make you think you're somehow above everyone else, and warranted to abuse people behind anonymity. Highly likely a genuine sexual sadist and a coward.

    6. Wow Iktomi, I'd hope that you could at least leave this blog drama nonsense aside to join forces against the repulsive and horrid racist Zabo! But I see now that you're so obsessed with your hopeless bigfoot belief that you will align yourself with an avowed racist if you think it will help you! What a pity that is Iktomi!

    7. And please spare us a long list of copy and pastes of anonymous racist comments that YOU posted in your pathetic attempt to win a stupid argument.

    8. Iktomi is 10x more Racist than that klansman Zabo' Iktomi is known for posting vile racist comments and then deleting them seconds later.

      Iktomi is Sick!

    9. @10:16 Do you mean like his comment at 9:46?

    10. Google probably has records of Iktomi's hate speech after he deletes it. Iktomi is known for posting under different names and spewing hate.

      Moderators, can Iktomi be banned? I think he used to post as Joe Fi tzgerald. The moderators even white out your post if you properly spell out his last name because they wanted to erase all memory of him.

    11. The fact that This Iktomi person is also Vegasthedog speaks volumes regarding his lack of sanity,It should not suprise anyone that this vicious racist,is also a sick Pervert (of the pizza kind)that is obviously communicating from a insane asylum .

    12. Stuey is all out in full force today.Toysrus must be closed today


    13. The child predator blog troll in a Toys r us... chilling.

    14. ^ wears greasy ass perfume.

    15. Stu, your posts serve a a window to what is on the inside of your sick mind. Consider how your comments only highlight your mental illness for all of us here to stare at with a feeling of utter disgust. Iktomi has covered your issues thoroughly at 9:20 and 9:59, and almost daily here for the last 5 years.

      I really don't have anymore to add except that you intimidate no one. Your insults show your scars- only
      a childish mind would say things like "greasy ass perfume". You see, balanced people don't choose insults that make them look like bigger fools than the person they are attacking.

      I imagine you're most likely a 600 lb bed bound internet troll who was molested by his father and his mother thought it was a nice deal for her to get a break from the old man and his fetishes.

    16. Chick, the next time you decide to go on an idiotic, gibberish filled rant, please try not to preface it with, "I really don't have anymore to add." LOL

    17. Well fuck face, thats why I added the word ***EXCEPT***. No need for me to copy and paste a reminder as you can just raise your eyes up a couple comments and read it for yourself.

    18. For you to fat-shame someone, Chick, for you to humiliate someone you judge to be overweight by making critical and hurtfully mocking comments about their size, well, that says a lot about you.

    19. After all these years you are still too big a coward to create a profile? By all means don't use your actual name. How about create a profile?


    20. I guess in your bewildered state, Chick, a person who doesn't "create a profile" is a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

    21. Too bad you don't expend all of that pissy attitude and bile on an admitted racist like your fellow super friend Zabo. You must agree with that turd's hateful ideas! Shameful Chick!

    22. Biggest racist, homophobic, women hating, child predator on any blog around.^

    23. ^ Don't forget fat-shame, you do that too, Chick.

    24. Make a profile and stand by your comments COWARD.

    25. Sorry ding dong, I have zero interest in creating a fantasy online profile. You losers make up fictional online personalities to compensate for your pathetic empty lives. People like you and Iktomi hide your real identities because you're humiliated by your actual lives and need to create these stupid "profiles" to invent some fictitious meaning for yourselves . Why are your "profiles" just shells with absolutely zero personal information? You're just as anonymous as me only you feel the need to live an imaginary online existence. I'm satisfied with my real life thank you, so I won't be creating any meaningless "profile."

    26. Living 24x7on a bigfoot site when you don't believe in them, stealing others identity and posting as anonymous is a very meaningful and satisfying life for you? Quit pretending you don't know a profile makes you somewhat accountable for what you say. Are you afraid to be accountable for what you do and say here Stewart? Such a coward.

    27. Listen, I know you're mad at me because I hurt your idiot friend Iktomi's feelings and he's off crying in his beer now. But if he didn't act like such a total git, I wouldn't have to smack the poor boy down so often. And everything that I write about the dumb sh*t is accurate. If the truth hurts him, then that's not my problem, okay?

    28. wow, Stuey is really amping up the vitriol lately. Toyrus is closed, his xbox is broken and he's run out of cheetoes to eat so i guess all that is left in his sad lonely existence is being the clown troll on here


  3. I've just read up on Harriet Tubman because i didn't know who she was.What an amazing woman xx

    1. Yes, you're exactly right PIB. For some reason, that racist creep Zabo thinks it's an insult to call me by that name!

    2. Iktomi supports and even initiated using "Harriet Tubman" as a pejorative.

    3. ^ fancy words from a simple simple mind

      Got Google brains ?

    4. Yeah, I'm surprised Iktomi would even know who Harriet Tubman was but you're right, he probably googled it.

    5. Harriet, I hope you can look beyond Iktomi's and Zabo's hate and anger and not let it affect your amazing ability to see light despite all of the darkness.

    6. Biggest racist, homophobic, women hating, child predator on any blog around.^

    7. You can't point to one hateful thing that I've ever posted on this blog. Your own racist and disgusting anonymous sock puppet comments that you try to attribute to me don't count. You're the f*cking total psycho who makes sickening comments on a regular basis!

    8. Nonsense. Make and use a profile and we'll get down to business here.



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