Chasing Down an 11 Foot Bigfoot

Robert Dodson grabbed this image (above) of an estimated 11 foot tall bigfoot. Now he's on the hunt in the same area looking for the big guy.


  1. ikdummy, it has been clear for a while that you are an idiot who relies on copy and paste, thus the long-held designation ikdummy, but when you stray from your copy and paste training wheels and type your own jumbled thoughts, it puts the nail in the coffin of any pretense that there could be anything of substance hiding behind your plagiarized words. You even botched up clarifying a definition with the advantage of copying and pasting from a dictionary.

    1. ^ Iktomi will always be recognized for his quality research

      You on the other hand are a klinger onner.

      Like a wart

    2. Quality research? Ikdummy is copying and pasting other people's research. Ikdummy lives in Wales, U.K., you idiot. Ikdummy regurgitates other people's findings or opinions. Why the hell do you think we call him ik-DUMMY? The operative syllables being "dum-my", as in "dummy", an idiot, like you.

    3. Cream! He needs the cream! ^

  2. It takes a "special" kind of low life to kick a dead man. And that's what you are stu-wart you white trash Brown stain in the undershirts of humanity.

  3. Robert's videos always have a 30 degree list to port. That is why I like watching them when I am drunk. I tend to have a 30 degree list to starboard, so it looks level.

    1. i get motion sickness watching some of them.

    2. Really? Only some of them? Cause they all make me want to blow chunks.

  4. Keep up the great job Iktomi...the Cement heads need schooling! The supers rule...cement heads will always drool!

    1. Haa haa haa lol 7:31 = STONED AGAIN ! :-))


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