Chased Out! on Mojo Encounters!

From Mojo Encounters:

East Texan, Gary Wiggins shares his scary encounters with Bigfoot and possibly Dogman! His first encounter has inspired Lyle Blackburn to put it in his book "Beyond Boggy Creek".


  1. Replies
    1. ^ That's what She said after I let one PLOP in the port o san!

      Haa haa haaa lol!

    2. Game girl Uno is into Uno! and bigfoot role-play.

      I dont have a problem with bigfoot role-play but I detest the scum that deny they are adult role-players and cant admit bigfoot isnt real. They are like the stolen valor filth that never served but claim they were war heroes. Trash!

    3. WAAAAAH- WAAAAAH- WAAAAAH! I just love the BOOO HOOO skeptard. Looks like a fatal case of butt hurt.^

    4. I think I know why Disco Stue is putting in the extra hours... He ripped apart his desktop in a fit of rage and now it's everyone else's fault.

      This poor bugger's f'n crazy.

    5. We should approach bigfoot role players at their conventions and videotape their reactions when we expose their role-play. Bigfooters will be known as the biggest scourge on earth.

      Notice how ikdummy responds when "he" feels guilty of bigfoot role-play...

    6. Go ahead Stue... Expose the "role-play"...

    7. You're a case study in exposed Bigfoot role-play. You collapsed the blog, ikdummy. Congrats.

    8. (Creased)

      Please tell me you have one case for exposing all this "role-play" you harp on about?

    9. Hi guys, im really in need of Joes email address. Im a researcher and need to contact him about some important things.

    10. That's getting old now, psycho-Stue! Utterly powerless (tut, tut, headshake). And not one example of this "Bigfoot role-play". Just like all those "Bigfoot Millionaires", eh?

      What a big fat failure you are.

      : p

    11. Naaaarrrg. Cringe. Deary. Crease. Lovelock. Dermal. Sasq't. Burqa. Islam. Ikdummy.


    12. You spend 24/7 of your life waiting for my attention, and that's the best you've got? It just reads like your meltdown list, boio. Is that meant to troll me?

    13. Ikdummy is ready for her close up.


    15. Nobody clicking on that but you Sally Sanders. Bet you have it on repeat whatever it is.

    16. its the scene from Billy Wilder's Sunset Blvd where ikdummy walks down the stairs, Shart Shart.

    17. It's odd... I struggle to understand why Stue wouldn't create his own blog where you could publish this stuff about me daily. Wouldn't you have the biggest audience in the world with, "all the trolls" that troll this place?

    18. If, by "It's" you mean "iktomi", then yes, I agree, you are odd. LOL


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