Four True Scary Stories From The Swamp

From the Swamp Dweller youtube channel comes four more true scary stories. Check them out:


  1. Early settlers stories blah blah blah

    Got monkey?

    1. Hmmmm, well... Based on the fact that early settlers stories were contemporary to long standing Native American oral histories (which are now substantiated by physical evidence in the present), one might assume you're enduring such depths of pathological denial that the closest thing to compare it to would be a religious fundamentalism. Ironic huh? One would point to such consistency as being plenty of "monkey".

      But you HAVE been up for two nights on the bounce worrying about "non-existent creatures", after all.

    2. How bout a little piss for that face Joergy boy?

    3. Joerg my face and call me daddy!!!

  2. When the president of your religion gets fooled by a wookie suit how do you maintain any self respect while continuing to peddle this ridiculous fantasy?

    1. Well on here you stop posting as your real name and instead create an account with a native american name. You also post under the name DWA on the bff

    2. ^ Barret Sanders must be retarded. He is forever stuck on stupid

    3. Stuey is the proverbial village idiot.

      In the real world he gets slapped around

    4. One factor as to the reasons why trolls behave the way they do, is due a sheer lack of self-esteem. Being slapped around by his peers is very, very likely.

    5. Can't figure out why these trolls waste their bloody time on this site when they really could care less about bigfoot ?
      it is because they have been banned from the Sailor moon/The kardashians/ nascar forever and honey boo boo sites ?
      Look, bigfoot is real, sorry to break your heart mates but you're gonna have to find another site to waste your miserable days on


    6. Nice to see Joergy doing some sock puppeting early in the morning. Joerg just cant stay away from this blog. Even when he wasn't posting here, he was constantly visiting. When i see you im gonna bend you over and make you squeal.

    7. Yes... Nobody else could possibly have the same opinion about a psychopath, eh? Aren't you up all night refreshing comment sections?

      Classic, hypocritical narcissism; another trait on the troll list.

    8. When i see you im gonna spread your legs and gave you the harry houdini. Slather it Joergy. Slather it

    9. ^ retardation is no excuse for stupidity Barret. But I am sure your mama has told you that many times

    10. ikpsycho, keep your bigfoot role-play off this blog. We enjoy bigfoot as a horror genre like godzilla or frankenstein, not to be be taken literally as real.

    11. You've been up all night scared of the boogeyman... It's harrowing knowing a grown man lives his days out this way. Don't worry... Nothing will hurt you. However, I would suggest making it down to the end of your own back yard without the security light on before asserting what isn't in deep wilderness areas of your country.

    12. whats new ikdummy? are you on the brink of some new science discovery involving a big apeman? Make sure to get plaster casts, dermals matter! We're going yo find this creature!

    13. Surely mere role play doesn't inflict so much negative emotions on a grown man? I mean... It's just role play after all?

    14. ikpsycho, You are role playing with native american culture as well with your fake name and misuse of a tribal mask. you're being trendy and cute with someone else's culture and ethnicity to promote your apeman fantasies.

    15. Hmmm... False cultural morality from the blog's openly racist troll, is always a tad bit audacious.

      Native Americans & First Nations peoples have Sasq'ets at their cultural core. If you don't like it, find an anthropologist that contradicts that.

      You've but a little time left before I go leave you waiting for signifance for another 24 hours.

    16. False cultural morality from the openly racist welsh loser with the fake native american name and tribal mask.

      joe f1tzgerald wales uk is the racist loser behind the iktomi account for anyone that wants to investigate this psycho.

    17. (Yawn)

      And I think with that, it's time to snatch significance from you like a haemorrhoid pillow at your desktop wheely chair.

      Ta-ta Stue.

      : p

    18. False cultural morality from the openly racist welsh loser with the fake native american name and tribal mask.

      joe f1tzgerald wales uk is the racist loser behind the iktomi account for anyone that wants to investigate this psycho.

    19. ^^ Looks like the redneck trolls ran out of their favorite moonshine flavored BBQ sauce today.
      Don't worry lads, you can substitute petrol and you wont even notice a difference


    20. lads, petrol

      eat a d1ck, joe

    21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    22. jumbleheaded thick chick ^ weighing in... LOL

    23. Same boring old material. Sad how you've dedicated your whole life to living on this blog and begging scraps of attention from strangers with your mental illness hanging out all over the place. Joe and Iktomi are right, you're extra triggered today. And the more people that stand up against you, the more your grip slips.

    24. Project much, chunk chump?

    25. Stue thinks that if he uses the word "projection" all the time (a concept he didn't know until it was used to describe his bat **** craziness), that it somehow distances himself from the fact that he's clearly seething.

    26. et tu, PIB LOL I like u anyway!

    27. ikdummy is projecting. seething ..oh brother

  3. Is bigfoot the first ever religion to be started by a fictional video rather than a fictional book?

  4. I enjoy the role playing and camp fire stories of an ape man in the woods but for me dr johnson takes it a bit far. Although still role playing he kinda kills the fantasy for me. Lets stick to role playing simple ape men in the woods please.

    1. But in real life your the catcher


    2. Argh yes!! For thousands of years, there has been a culture hopping secret society of gorilla suit wearing role players, all out to gain. These role players, spanning different cultures, and though finding each others customs undesirable, have managed to role-play up the same creature with non-human primate features, when they didn't even know what one looked like, and have in fact managed to cheat experts with fake morphological traits that span decades and continents!

      "Bleevers" live in such a fantasy world, eh?

    3. just 50 years, dimwit. ikdummy dragging native americans into his psychosis. ikdummy using minorities as a shield.

      role play at its most ikpsycho.

    4. typical leftist liberal ikdummy...has his own agenda and uses minorities to implement it. He even hides behind a native american name.

    5. Sorry Disco Stue... It might be easier to special plead away thousands of years cultural acknowledgment of this hominid, so that you can invest all your efforts at circular logic regarding the PGF... But you're with people who actually know what there talking about.

      You won't find any anthropologist who's studied Native oral history stating otherwise... And you won't find that magic monkey suit punishing your nether regions with anxiety through to the early hours of every morning.

    6. Seriously, ikpsycho, if you are ever in the states i wouldn;t role play as a native american like you do with the name, mask, etc... native americans dont appreciate your trendy cuteness. you are not welcome in the US.

    7. Oh Stue... Let's not pretend you've met with anyone from the opposite sex, let alone anyone from a different ethnic background.

    8. because, in ikpsycho's fantasy world, he controls people with ethnic backgrounds, only ikpsycho is in contact with different ethnicities, ikpsycho is the go-between. joe f1tzgerald from wales, uk is in charge of native american culture and has the fake name and mask to prove it.

    9. Hmmmmm... And all the while, Native Americans have Sasq'ets at their cultural core. Anyone can check this out for themselves.

      : )

      You take care now Disco Stue. I'll now leave you hoping you have some significance in your life, by way of me stooping so low as to nail you again tomorrow.


    10. False cultural morality from the openly racist welsh loser with the fake native american name and tribal mask.

      joe f1tzgerald wales uk is the racist loser behind the iktomi account for anyone that wants to investigate this psycho.

    11. Still no scientific confirmation of Bigfoot? Oh well, maybe next year

    12. Surprising Joe/iktomi doesn't get locked up for that kind of crap. He's some welsh loser posting under a Native people's name and tribal mask to spout his own false agenda.

    13. Say, what was the scientific name that was applied to Bigfoot, hairymonstrous nonexistus?

    14. Scientific confirmation? Pretty much... Here we go, Stue;

      The paper published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 356–374, 2016. And no classification just yet, but the Ichnotaxon Anthropoidipes ameriborealis at this stage.

    15. LOL, again with the fringe journal. Now we're calling it pretty much classification?

      Oh brother...

    16. A journal is a journal, and an editorial board by PhD's, is an editorial board by PhD's. Have you seen the Noble winner who has things to say about the likes of Nature journal? Of course, nothing will ever come as a means of showing what's actually IN the journal's bunk. But that's the way pseudosceptics apply their all so advanced "scepticism", of course.

      If you think someone as intellectually backward as you is gonna come along, use the word "fringe" and I'm suddenly gonna refrain from referencing that journal... You're sadly mistaken. You hold not stock around here, and especially with me. Your beloved journal process is honoured in that link.

      Scientific confirmation of the evidence & subsequent Ichnotaxon.

    17. ikstupid, ur nonsense does't even rise to the level of me fact checking. dMaKeR happening to know the "journals" u extract ur crap from is a whole added bonus.

      Busted, welsh racist cultural thief and bogus science journal loser! HAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!

      Put that in your "ichnotaxon" and smoke it, Sasq'et-for-brains!

    18. Calm down dear boy, you're so angry, those sausage fingers are out of control!!

      Maybe one day you'll have a little substance, and a reason to not consider what's in that journal as legitimate. Maybe then you might smokescreen someone away from the embarrassingly bad contradiction you make by questioning the process involved in that paper being published.

      Maybe... A big maybe.

    19. oh deary dear cringe dear boy sigh sausage

      tipsy girly girl ikdummy LOL

      are u bring home bigfoot from the pub tonight u silly silly boy.


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