Campers Get Frightened By Bigfoot

Campers get startled in the early hours of the morning by a bigfoot prowling camp. Here's their story.


  1. Bigfoot doesn't exist, so all this...

    ...mindreading, plaster casts, portals, video, cloaking, photographic memory, super vision, screaming audio, etc... putting the cart ahead of the horse.

    1. Im a bouncer in a tittie bar Bill,

    2. "Bigfoot" does exist, because there is consistent physical evidence for it, that transcends decades and continents.

      And in fact, by the very process of biological research with the view to classify, impressions and subsequent plaster casts are needed to track a primate. For example, the Bili Ape had reports = then plaster casts = it was then tracked = footage emerged, etc.

      Bunching these tried & tested research methods WITH, in an effort to make fun of mind reading, portals, cloaking, photographic memory, super vision, screaming, etc... Not only puts into perspective how little you're able to differentiate between actual science and "woo"... But is utterly pointless when all the while, the creature you're trying to relegate to myth is already by scientific methods being shown to be leaving its sign on the environment.

      So since you're too backward to recognise how basic biological research evolves, it's certainly ironic that you're talking of "carts before horses". It appears you're too fat to even get on your horse.

    3. Iktomi = WRONG!

      Haa haa haa lol!

  2. Doc, you gonna spar Kulls? He said he would go to your MMA and you guys could have a sparring session to settle all the bad blood between you. There is just one minor caveat, he wants to tape it so we can all see what really happened....does that work? He saw that you said you could take him so do we have a deal?

    1. Hey mate, I fancy MMA as well, but in my case the letters stand for "Man on Man Arse-sex" ! Tiddly Doo!


    2. MMA -- Does that stand for Magic Monkey's Anus?

  3. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing... does that mean God also likes to play hide the salami?


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